Empower Your Brands with
Superhuman Artificial Intelligence

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Feature-rick Chatbot Platform

At Retrocube LLC, we develop an exceptionally integrated and super intelligent Chatbot platform for businesses. No matter which industry you belong to, you can have this human-like assistance to increase your performance efficiency and expand your growth.

Multilingual Capabilities

You can avail of multilingual capabilities to stir further effectiveness.

Natural Human Language

You can change the language with which you want your bot to interact.

The Chatbot Never Sleeps

Provide assistance with no downtimes.


Every bit of functionality and feature is automated and well-organized.


You can avail of more than one integration to platforms.

Chatbots & Its Exceptional Digital Assistance

We built engaging and progressive Chatbot apps for our users with our highly equipped teams.
Each app is capable of performing multiple functionalities.

Call Centers

Reduce average call time with deduced replies.

  • Gives appropriate responses without any delays
  • Real-time query solver
  • Billing assistant
  • Multilingual communication
  • Context-driven replies


Automate chats to reduce costs and enhance efficiency.

  • Covers every single field to increase customer engagements
  • Post-sales assistant bot
  • Inquiry bot
  • Social CRM


Immediate symptom diagnosis and remedial advice.

  • Instant diagnoses of issues and prescription of appropriate dosages
  • Doctor appointment bookings
  • Symptom diagnosis
  • Child/elderly health


Heighten engagement and reader engagement.

  • Produce posts to increase user engagements
  • Ticket booking
  • Personalized news feeds
  • Media search bot
  • Sport, theater, and event


Reduce manual errors and costs for service delivery.

  • Provide error-free calculation and instant reporting
  • Stock market movement
  • Legal assistance bot
  • Automatic bank balance tellers
  • Personal finance bot

Hospitality & Travel

Simplify travel planning and live info seeking.

  • Real-time booking to simplify travel planning
  • Reservation managers
  • Personal travel assistants
  • Flight data teller
  • City tour guides
  • Taxi booking bots


Quicken conversions and improve customer service.

  • Personal shopping assistant
  • Personalized product suggestions
  • Price alert bots
  • FAQs/returns/deliveries tracking
  • Upselling and cross-selling


Reduce manual effort and maximize productivity.

  • Assists in streamlining the development projects and operations
  • Timely update
  • Scheduling of task
  • Efficient evaluation
  • Personalized product suggestions

Chatbot Platforms – Powered with Unbeatable Technology

Intelligent Design

The two major components that contribute to the efficiency of chatbots are machine learning and AI.

Machine Learning

We integrate a highly advanced machine learning component to power up our platforms.

Personalized Content Feed

Catering businesses manage their customer dealings and facilitate each brand with precisely the technology.

Intelligent Suggestions

It would be best to simply incorporate chatbots in your customer support department to witness its positive impact.

Top-Notch Message Facility

With chatbots, you do not have to worry about the hassle of responding to every query yourself.

Cards & Tiles

Chatbots not only respond through text but can show cards, images, and titles to engage the visitor.

File Sharing/Receiving

Chatbots behave and think much like humans, and they try every technique to clarify the confusion of target customers.

Tap-to Shortcuts

Shortcuts for your ease! You can add buttons to give you easy access to different shortcuts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get To Know The Answers To The Most Searched Questions
Some FAQs that Will Help You Know More

Yes, at Retrocube we provide multiple hiring models. You can hire on a fixed hourly basis or get an entire team to dedicatedly work on your project.

We carry out comprehensive analysis and run A/B testing to detect the loopholes and fix them before the final launch. Moreover, we are equipped with a diverse range of tools like Kotlin/Java, XML, Android Studio, Android SDK, that ensure proficient development.

Yes, we will. As per our 90-days, free support policies we stay connected to our customers and cater to their unique needs with unmatched assistance.

Every member of our company is well-trained and exceptionally qualified. That means whoever will be assigned for your project has the expertise to fulfil your requirements and deliver you unparalleled services.

Yes, you can. We provide custom app development services where our clients can freely share their requirements and we promise to deliver them just the type of app they wanted.

No, there isn't any such restriction. You can add as many features as you can only if it matches with the order package you selected.

Ready to Integrate
the Right Tech Tool
for Your Business

We are leaders in the industry,
and we can help you.

CALL US +1-888-442-4644

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