Real Estate App Development Solutions

Retrocube is one of the industry's leading companies in providing mobile application solutions.

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Turning Real Estate into Real-Time Real Estate

Corporate mobile apps help establish better communication between departments, quickly address issues, and complete tasks with more agility and efficiency.

People are confused and feel unsatisfied when it comes to selling and purchasing a property. However, many smartphone users switch to custom-built real estate apps to search, choose and buy their dream homes at the most affordable prices. In other words, real estate mobile app development is a great option to assist customers in buying or selling properties without any risk or uncertainty.

Features of Real Estate
App Development

As a mobile app development company, Retrocube believes in creating digital solutions for businesses. In every industry, including the real estate industry.

Advance Search
Functionality & Filter

Advanced search functionality and filters narrow the scope of a search query to eliminate irrelevant information to help you find the exact content you're looking for. This can come in handy in real estate when searching for properties.


Interactive maps provide new opportunities for distributing information within an organization or the public via the Internet. In real estate, interactive maps can make browsing properties a breeze and more fun.


App users can easily shortlist properties using this feature. It helps them make decisions related to buying or renting the property. Users can also see their favorite properties anytime and anywhere because of this feature.


Integrated payment systems work by streamlining the payment acceptance process and integrating automatic payment acceptance. For real estate, payment integration can enable buyers/renters ease of use when paying for their desired property.


A virtual tour allows you to show prospective buyers a finished, furnished interior – making it that much easier to picture themselves inside. Virtual tours have attracted more views and generated more leads than text and still images alone.


Estimating the value of a real estate is necessary for various endeavors, including financing, sales listing, investment analysis, property insurance, and taxation. Having an app that can do all of that for you makes life much easier.

Global Buyers

Having access to buyers from all over the world can come in handy for real estate agents looking to sell/rent out a property to the most suitable buyer/renter. The global buyers' access feature enables real estate agents to do just that.


Qualified leads are more likely to convert into paying customers. By qualifying leads, a business makes its sales process more efficient (and practical). Lead qualification is essential for real estate agents to maintain an efficient sales system.

We help build reliable and real-time real estate app solutions on both web and mobile to enable convenience and reliability to our clients.

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Whether You're Dealing with Buyers, Sellers, or Aggregators Our App Solutions Are Here for You!

At Retrocube, we provide our clients with the most effective and efficient mobile app solutions that add convenience and
real-time functionality to the whole real estate experience.

Real Estate Buyers

Our real estate mobile app solutions are perfect for buyers to conveniently search for property listings, get cost estimates, and have virtual tours to decide before buying.

Real Estate Company or Sellers

Our real estate mobile app solutions are great for sellers to quickly access global buyers and put up property listings based on location.

Real Estate Aggregators

A real estate aggregator is a website or software aggregating information relating to real estate and MLS listings from different sources.

Portfolio of Recent Projects

Take a look at some of our most recent projects to have an understanding of
our Our real estate app solutions.

Ready to Integrate
the Right Tech Tool
for Your Business

We are leaders in the industry,
and we can help you.

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