RetroCube Blog Mon, 30 Oct 2023 07:58:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Securing the Future: Best Practices for Mobile App Safety and Integrity Mon, 09 Oct 2023 15:34:57 +0000 In the digital age, our lives revolve around mobile applications. From banking to shopping, socializing to entertainment, there’s an app for almost everything. With this convenience comes a responsibility: ensuring the safety and integrity of these applications. As cyber threats continue to evolve, so must our strategies to counter them. So, dive into this guide […]

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In the digital age, our lives revolve around mobile applications. From banking to shopping, socializing to entertainment, there’s an app for almost everything. With this convenience comes a responsibility: ensuring the safety and integrity of these applications. As cyber threats continue to evolve, so must our strategies to counter them.

So, dive into this guide to discover the best practices for securing your mobile apps and safeguarding your digital future.

Understanding the Mobile App Threat Landscape


As mobile app development companies innovate and produce new applications, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential threats. These include:

Malware and Spyware

Malicious software designed to infiltrate and damage devices or steal sensitive information.

Phishing Attacks

Deceptive tactics used by hackers to trick users into revealing personal information.

Man-in-the Middle Attacks

When a hacker intercepts communication between two parties to steal or manipulate data.

Unsecured Wi-Fi Networks

Public networks that can be easily exploited by hackers to access connected devices.

What are the Best Practices for Mobile App Safety?

Best Practices for Mobile App Safety

1. Prioritize App Permissions

Limit Permissions: Only grant permissions that are essential for the app’s functionality.

Review Regularly: Periodically check and revoke unnecessary permissions.

2. Regularly Update Apps and OS

Stay Updated: Developers often release updates to patch vulnerabilities. Ensure your apps and operating system are always up-to-date.

Avoid Third-party Stores: Only download apps from trusted sources like Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

3. Implement Strong Authentication

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA): Use a combination of passwords, bio metrics, and OTPs for enhanced security.

Strong Passwords: Encourage users to set complex passwords and change them regularly.

4. Encrypt Sensitive Data

Use Encryption Protocols: Store user data using encryption techniques like AES or RSA.

Secure Transmissions: Use SSL/TLS for data in transit to prevent interception.

Ensuring App Integrity

1. Regular Security Audits

Hire Ethical Hackers: Periodically test your app’s vulnerabilities by employing ethical hackers or using penetration testing tools.

Stay Informed: Keep abreast of the latest security threats and trends.

2. Code Obfuscation

Protect Source Code: Make your app’s code harder to read and reverse-engineer by using obfuscation tools.

Dynamic Runtime Protections: Implement runtime protections to detect and prevent tampering.

3. Secure the Back end

Firewalls and Intrusion Detection: Protect your servers from unauthorized access and potential breaches.

Regular Backups: Ensure data integrity by regularly backing up your databases and servers.

How Can Developers Ensure Data Encryption Within Their Mobile Apps?


Ensuring data encryption within mobile apps is paramount for safeguarding user data and maintaining trust. For developers looking to bolster their app’s security, here’s a crafted guide on implementing data encryption:

1. Understand the Basics

Before diving in, familiarize yourself with encryption concepts. At its core, encryption transforms readable data (plaintext) into an unreadable format (ciphertext) using an algorithm and a key.

2. Choose the Right Encryption Algorithm

There are several encryption algorithms available, each with its strengths

  • AES (Advanced Encryption Standard): Widely recognized for its robustness, AES-256 is often the go-to for mobile app encryption.
  • RSA: A public-key cryptosystem useful for secure data transmission.
  • Blowfish & Twofish: Symmetric ciphers that can be alternatives to AES.

Pick one that aligns with your app’s needs and has a strong reputation in the cybersecurity community.

3. Secure Your Encryption Keys

The strength of your encryption largely depends on the secrecy of your encryption keys.

Key Management: Use dedicated key management solutions or services like AWS Key Management Service or Google Cloud KMS.

Key Storage: Never hard-code keys within the app. Instead, use secure containers like Android’s Keystore or Apple’s Keychain.

4. Encrypt Data at Rest

Ensure that data stored locally on a device is encrypted. This includes:

Databases: Use encrypted databases like SQLCipher.

Files: Encrypt any sensitive files before saving them to the device’s storage.

5. Encrypt Data in Transit

Data being transmitted between the app and servers is vulnerable to interception.

Use SSL/TLS: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and its successor, Transport Layer Security (TLS), encrypt data during transmission. Always ensure your app connects using “https” rather than “http”.

Certificate Pinning: This technique ensures the app communicates only with the designated server, reducing the risk of man-in-the-middle attacks.

6. Implement End-to-End Encryption

For apps that handle extremely sensitive data, especially messaging apps, consider end-to-end encryption. This ensures that only the sender and receiver can decrypt and read the message, keeping it secure even from service providers.

7. Regularly Update Cryptographic Libraries

Outdated libraries can have vulnerabilities. Regularly update the libraries you use and stay informed about any security patches or updates.

8. Test, Test, Test

Penetration Testing: Periodically employ ethical hackers or use automated tools to test your app’s vulnerabilities.

Code Reviews: Regularly review your codebase for potential security flaws or misimplementations.

What Role Do Third-Party Libraries And SDKs Play In Mobile App Security?

Mobile applications have become an integral part of our daily lives. Ensuring their security is paramount. One of the overlooked aspects of mobile app security is the role of third-party libraries and SDKs.

Let’s delve into their importance and how to maintain a secure environment. Third-party libraries and SDKs are external codes. Developers integrate them into apps to save time and effort. They offer functionalities without the need to code from scratch. However, they come with their own set of challenges.

Potential Risks Involved

While they’re beneficial, these tools can introduce vulnerabilities. Not all third-party providers prioritize security. Some might have weak points that hackers can exploit. It’s crucial for developers to be aware of these risks.

Ensuring a Secure Integration

Vet the Source: Always choose reputable sources. Research the library or SDK before integrating it. Moreover, look for reviews and any reported security issues.

Regular Updates: Providers often release updates to fix vulnerabilities. Ensure you’re using the latest version.

Limit Permissions: Only grant necessary permissions. Over-permission can lead to potential breaches.

Use Encrypted Connections: Always use encrypted connections when communicating with third-party services.

The Role of Developers

Developers play a pivotal role; they’re the first line of defense against potential threats. By being proactive and informed, they can ensure a safer app environment. It’s not just about integrating tools but doing so securely.

Conclusion: The Road Ahead

In the ever-evolving world of mobile apps, security isn’t just a feature; it’s a necessity. By implementing the best practices outlined above, developers can ensure the safety and integrity of their applications, while users can enjoy a seamless and secure digital experience.

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FinTech App Ideas 2023 Tue, 23 May 2023 17:24:22 +0000 Introduction: The fintech industry has seen monumental growth in recent years. The rapid inflection of the total addressable market (TAM), investments, and company scaling worldwide has further brought it to the front and center. Thanks to the emergence of groundbreaking technologies like Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML), the fintech industry is poised […]

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The fintech industry has seen monumental growth in recent years. The rapid inflection of the total addressable market (TAM), investments, and company scaling worldwide has further brought it to the front and center.

Thanks to the emergence of groundbreaking technologies like Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML), the fintech industry is poised to revolutionize the financial services sector as we know it.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the latest FinTech App ideas that are set to transform the way think about financial services.

So, whether you’re a fintech enthusiast, a startup founder, or a seasonal investor, this blog will provide you with valuable insights into the most exciting fintech app ideas of 2023.

Ready? Let’s uncover the future of finance!

What do we mean by FinTech?

FinTech refers to the innovative use of technology to deliver financial services in a more efficient, accessible, and user-friendly manner. It encompasses a wide range of digital solutions, including mobile banking apps, online payment platforms, cryptocurrency systems, robo-advisors, crowdfunding platforms, and more.

What do we mean by FinTech

Fundamentally, Fin-tech is a comprehensive term for financial technology. It is driven by the need for greater convenience, efficiency, accessibility, and transparency in financial transactions and services.

Importance of Fintech Apps in Today’s Digital Economy:

Technology trends in finance have shifted nearly every façade of our financial processes into fintech applications. It is continuously disrupting the traditional financial systems by challenging established players, such as banks and traditional payment processors.

According to the ResearchAndMarkets report, the fintech app market size will reach USD 31,503.54 billion by 2026, growing at 27.5% CAGR.


One of the key drivers behind the rise of fintech is the rapid advancement of digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, blockchain, cloud computing, and big data analytics.

These technologies have enabled the development of innovative solutions that streamline processes, enhance security, and deliver personalized experiences to consumers.

The pandemic has played a significant role in enabling this transition, creating a fertile ground for aspiring app developers to seize unlimited opportunities in the burgeoning fintech startup landscape.

Startups and tech companies have emerged as major players in the fintech space, leveraging their agility, technological expertise, and customer-centric approaches to offer alternative financial services.

The benefits of fintech are far-reaching, it has made financial transactions more convenient, enabling people to manage their money, make payments, and transfer funds with ease through mobile apps and digital wallets.

Additionally, fintech has fostered financial inclusion by providing tools for individuals and small businesses to better manage their finances, access loans, and participate in the global economy.

It has also revolutionized investment and wealth management by offering automated investment platforms, algorithmic trading, and robo-advisory services that provide affordable investment advice.

Now that we understand the importance of fintech apps and the benefits they provide, let’s explore the emerging trends and current most trending app ideas that you can take inspiration from.

Emerging Trends in Fintech Apps:

The fintech industry continues to evolve with emerging trends like open banking, blockchain, and AI-powered apps, pushing the boundaries of innovation. These trends offer greater collaboration, secure transactions, and enhanced risk assessment and customer support.

Emerging Trends in Fintech Apps

  • Digital Payments:

Fintech has transformed the way we make payments. It includes mobile payment apps, contactless payments, peer-to-peer (P2P) transfers, and digital wallets. These solutions have made transactions faster, more secure, and more convenient for consumers and businesses.

  • Online Banking:

Fintech has altered traditional banking by offering digital banking services. Customers can now perform banking activities such as account management, transfers, and bill payments through user-friendly mobile apps or websites. Online banking provides greater convenience, 24/7 access, and often lower fees compared to traditional banks.

  • Lending Platforms:

The introduction of online lending platforms that connect borrowers directly with lenders has heavily disrupted the lending industry.

Peer-to-peer lending platforms, crowdfunding, and online marketplaces offer streamlined loan application processes, faster approvals, and often more accessible loans for individuals and small businesses.

  • Robo-Advisors:

Robo-advisors are relatively new but currently a popular trend in the world of fintech. They are automated investment platforms that provide algorithm-based financial planning and investment advice.

Through leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms, robo-advisors can create personalized investment portfolios, rebalance them, and offer financial advice at a lower cost compared to traditional human financial advisors.

  • Blockchain and Cryptocurrency:

Fintech is also responsible for the rise of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Blockchain, a decentralized and immutable digital ledger, offers secure and transparent transactions. Cryptocurrencies provide alternatives to traditional fiat currencies and enable faster cross-border transactions.

  • Regtech:

Regulatory technology, or regtech, refers to the use of technology to facilitate regulatory compliance in the financial industry.

Fintech solutions help financial institutions automate compliance processes, monitor transactions for fraud, and ensure adherence to anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) regulations.

  • Insurtech:

Insurtech combines insurance services with technology to enhance efficiency, improve underwriting processes, and enhance customer experience.

It includes digital insurance platforms, usage-based insurance, AI-driven claims processing, and data analytics for risk assessment.

Now let’s have a closer look at the current top-grossing app niches in the world of fintech.

Consumer-Focused Fintech Apps:

  1. Mobile Payment Apps

Mobile payment apps have streamlined transactions, making it convenient and secure to send and receive money digitally.

These apps allow users to link their bank accounts or credit cards and make payments with just a few taps on their smartphones. They have become increasingly popular for splitting bills, paying for purchases, and even transferring money to friends and family.

Examples of popular mobile payment apps include:

These apps provide features such as transaction history, instant transfers, and in some cases, even the ability to make purchases at physical stores using digital wallets.

  1. Budgeting and Personal Finance Management Apps

Budgeting and personal finance management apps empower individuals to take control of their finances by providing tools for expense tracking, budget planning, and goal setting.

These apps help users understand their spending habits, categorize expenses, and set financial targets. By syncing with bank accounts and credit cards, these apps automatically track transactions and provide insights into spending patterns.

Popular examples include:

These apps often offer features such as bill reminders, customized budget categories, and real-time notifications to help users stay on top of their financial goals.

  1. Investment and Wealth Management Apps

Investment and wealth management apps have made investing accessible to a wider audience by offering automated investment platforms.

These apps use algorithms and user-defined preferences to provide personalized investment recommendations.

Users can start investing with small amounts of money and benefit from diversification and portfolio rebalancing services.

Examples of popular investment apps include:

These apps typically offer features like goal-based investing, tax optimization, and educational resources to help users make informed investment decisions.

Small Business and Entrepreneurship-Focused Fintech Apps

  1. Small Business Accounting Apps

Small business accounting apps simplify financial management for entrepreneurs and small business owners.

They provide features for invoicing, expense tracking, and financial reporting, allowing businesses to stay organized and monitor their financial health.

These apps often integrate with bank accounts and offer time-saving automation features such as recurring invoicing and expense categorization.

Popular examples include:

These apps help businesses streamline their accounting processes, generate financial reports, and even facilitate tax preparation.

QuickBooks’s Webpage

Image Source: QuickBooks’s Webpage

Xero App Website

Image Source: Xero App Website

  1. Business Lending and Crowdfunding Platforms

Business lending and crowdfunding platforms offer a convenient to way for entrepreneurs and small businesses to access capital.

These fintech apps provide alternative funding options outside traditional banks, allowing businesses to secure loans or raise funds from a pool of investors. They often use technology to assess credit worthiness and offer competitive interest rates.

Examples of popular platforms include:

These apps provide access to working capital, equipment financing, and even support for specific projects, enabling small businesses to grow and thrive.

  1. Point-of-sale (POS) and Payment Processing Apps

Point-of-sale (POS) and payment processing apps have proven to be a game changer in how small businesses accept payments.

These apps offer mobile and digital solutions that enable businesses to accept credit card payments easily. They often come with features like inventory management, sales analytics, and customer relationship management (CRM) integration.

Popular examples include:

PayPal Zettle Website

Image Credits: PayPal Zettle Website

These apps are especially valuable for small businesses, pop-up shops, and service providers who need a flexible and portable payment solution.

The Financial industry has been significantly impacted by fintech innovations. With apps promoting financial inclusion, increasing competition, and driving innovation. However, it also poses challenges in terms of data security, regulatory compliance, and the potential disruption of traditional financial institutions.

Governments and regulatory bodies are actively adapting to the changing landscape to ensure consumer protection and systemic stability while fostering innovation in the fintech sector.


In this ever-expanding fintech landscape, there are abundant opportunities for startups to invest in and contribute to this thriving industry.

The demand for innovative fintech solutions is indeed high, and investors are actively seeking promising ventures. Startups focusing on areas such as mobile payments, blockchain technology, AI-powered financial services, or niche markets within the fintech sector are more likely to find fertile ground for growth and disruption.

The industry is now more than ever receptive to fresh ideas and nimble players who can address evolving consumer needs and pain points. With the right combination of a compelling business model, technological expertise, and a customer-centric approach, startups can make a significant impact in the fintech space.

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Benefits and Risks of AI Chatbots in Sales and Marketing Tue, 09 May 2023 15:28:06 +0000 There’s a common perception that chatbots are only for customer support, whereas using them to answer your client’s concerns is just the tip of the iceberg. With the right setup, an AI chatbot can boost your sales and marketing so much that you never miss a lead. As technology advances, businesses are finding new and […]

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There’s a common perception that chatbots are only for customer support, whereas using them to answer your client’s concerns is just the tip of the iceberg. With the right setup, an AI chatbot can boost your sales and marketing so much that you never miss a lead.

As technology advances, businesses are finding new and innovative ways to improve their sales and marketing strategies. One of the most recent progressions is the use of AI-powered chatbots to improve sales and marketing.

These AI bots are designed to simulate conversations with human users, providing a more interactive and engaging customer experience.

Thanks to the success of ChatGPT, now many businesses are leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to empower their ventures.

AI bots have many benefits in sales and marketing, but there are some risks to be considered too. In this blog, we will talk about the possible advantages and risks of utilizing AI chatbots for marketing and sales purposes.

What is a chatbot?

A chatbot is a computer software that simulates human communication in a textual or spoken format. It is software often embedded in web pages or other digital applications to answer user questions without needing human agents.

There are three types of chatbots:

  1. Rule-based chatbot
  2. Hybrid chatbot
  3. AI chatbot


In this blog, we will be referring to AI Chatbots.

What is an AI chatbot?

An AI chatbot is a conversational bot that uses artificial intelligence techniques, such as natural language processing and machine learning to simulate human-like conversations with users through text or voice-based interfaces.

AI chatbots are designed to understand and interpret user queries and automate responses to them. They are programmed to continuously improve their performance through data analysis and feedback from users. By partnering with a chatbot development company in Dubai, businesses can enhance their customer service, streamline their operations, and deliver a more personalized user experience.

How are AI chatbots different?

AI chatbots are different, in fact even better than normal chatbots as they are powered by artificial intelligence technologies such as Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Deep learning (DL).


Traditional chatbots are rule-based and follow a pre-programmed set of rules and responses to provide answers to user queries. In contrast, AI chatbots are able to understand natural language input from users, analyze it, and generate appropriate responses based on the context and intent of the user’s message.

AI chatbots can also learn from previous interactions with users to improve their responses over time through machine learning algorithms. This makes them more efficient and effective in providing accurate and relevant answers to users’ queries.

In addition, AI bots can take care of many complex tasks such as conducting transactions, scheduling appointments, and providing personalized recommendations, whereas traditional chatbots are only limited to answering basic questions.

How can AI chatbots be utilized in Sales and Marketing?

Chatbots are an excellent tool to engage and retain customers. When combined with Artificial Intelligence they can provide timely and personalized responses to customers efficiently at a large scale. Here are some ways to use AI chatbots for sales and marketing:

  1. Lead Generation:

They can assist in qualifying leads by asking questions and collecting relevant information about the customer’s needs and preferences. Plus, they can propose personalized recommendations based on the customer’s responses.

  1. Customer Support:

Chatbots can provide immediate assistance to customers, answering frequently asked questions and resolving issues in real-time. This can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, which ultimately increases the chances of sales and purchases.

  1. Sales Support:

Based on customer’s interests and previous purchases chatbots can offer personalized product recommendations.

Moreover, they can interest clients with useful information regarding products and services such as pricing, availability, and promotions.

  1. Marketing Campaigns:

AI chatbots can help promote marketing campaigns by delivering personalized messages to customers based on their preferences and behavior. This results in increased engagement and conversion rates.

  1. Data Analysis:

Chatbots aid in collecting and analyzing data through customer interactions, allowing sales and marketing teams to identify trends and opportunities for improvement.

What are the benefits of utilizing AI chatbots in Sales and Marketing?

The use of AI chatbots in sales and marketing can provide businesses with a lot of leverage, such as improved efficiency, scalability, and improved customer retention.


Chatbots can handle large volumes of inquiries simultaneously, freeing up human staff to pay attention to more important and complex tasks, resulting in improved performance and cost saving for organizations.

Here are some of the ways they can improve reach and boost sales:

  1. 24/7 Availability:

AI chatbots can be programmed to respond to customer inquiries and provide assistance 24/7, this is important because over 50% of customers expect a business to be open 24/7.

AI chatbots ensure that customers receive immediate, intelligent, and personalized attention without the need for human intervention.

  1. Adaptable to Perform Multiple Tasks:

AI chatbots can handle multiple inquiries simultaneously, which can help reduce response times and increase efficiency. They are also efficient in retaining clients even after the purchase.

  1. Perfect Channel for Customer Engagement:

Studies suggest that 65% of clients prefer messaging when contacting a business. This makes chatbots a perfect channel for marketing and making sales.

  1. Improved Customer Experience:

AI chatbots can provide personalized recommendations and solutions based on customer preferences and past behavior, enhancing the overall customer experience and increasing customer satisfaction.

  1. Cost Savings:

AI chatbots can significantly reduce the cost of customer service by automating tasks that would otherwise require human intervention, such as answering simple queries, routing calls to the appropriate department, and resolving issues.

  1. Using Conversational Data to Gain Insights:

AI chatbots can collect valuable customer data that can be used to improve marketing strategies, such as customer preferences, behavior, and feedback.

This process is called Chatbot Analytics, through which we can gain valuable insights that can predict demands and preferences in the future.

  1. Optimizing Repetitive Tasks and Liberating Creativity:

In any organization, the majority of tasks are routine and repetitive. This monotonous work is what chatbots specialize in.

They’re super focused and don’t get distracted easily. AI chatbots can streamline and standardize processes and enable efficiencies.

What are the possible Risks of AI chatbots in Sales and Marketing?

Although the use of AI chatbots in sales and marketing can bring benefits, there are also several risks to consider. These risks include the lack of personalization, technical issues, security concerns, and limited understanding.

Chatbots may lack the human touch that many customers value, leading to a less engaging and less effective customer experience.


Furthermore, technical issues can arise that prevent chatbots from functioning properly, leading to frustration for customers and potential damage to the reputation of the business.

  1. Lack of personalization:

While AI chatbots can provide automated responses, they may not be able to provide a personalized touch to the conversation. This can lead to customers feeling like they are just another number in the system, rather than an individual with unique needs.


  1. Misinterpretation of customer queries:

AI chatbots may struggle to understand the nuances of human language and may misinterpret customer queries. This can result in incorrect responses, frustrating customers, and leading to poor customer experiences.


  1. Data privacy concerns:

AI chatbots are typically designed to collect customer data to improve their responses over time. However, this raise concerns around data privacy and security. Customers may not want their personal information collected and stored by a chatbot.

  1. Technical issues:

AI chatbots are reliant on technology, and technical issues can lead to downtime and interruptions in service. This can lead to lost sales opportunities and potentially damage the reputation of the business.


  1. Lack of emotional intelligence:

AI chatbots are not capable of understanding and responding to human emotions in the same way that a human customer service representative would. This can lead to customers feeling ignored or not understood.

  1. Security Concerns:

Chatbots collect and store customer information, which can be a potential security concern if the data is not protected well. So, businesses need to make sure that the chatbot systems are well aligned with data protection regulations.

Final thoughts:

Overall, while AI chatbots can provide exceptional benefits in sales and marketing, businesses must be aware of the potential risks too. So that they can take appropriate steps to mitigate them.

This may include investing more in research and development of advanced AI technology, or providing human support when necessary.

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Pros and Cons of Using Agile Methodology in Software Development Fri, 21 Apr 2023 12:52:37 +0000 Managers and departments are always employing different strategies and approaches to make sure their projects, objectives, and deadlines are aligned with their respective schedules. Agile methodology is a way of project management in such a way that each part of a project gets equal planning and execution phases before reaching completion. Knowing more about Agile […]

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Managers and departments are always employing different strategies and approaches to make sure their projects, objectives, and deadlines are aligned with their respective schedules.

Agile methodology is a way of project management in such a way that each part of a project gets equal planning and execution phases before reaching completion.

Knowing more about Agile Methodology can benefit you in discovering different approaches to project and product handling. In this article, we will discuss Agile Methodology, its application in Software Development, as well as its benefits and drawbacks.

What is Agile Methodology?

Agile methodology is a way of managing projects that involves breaking them down into smaller tasks, completing them in short sprints, and incorporating feedback along with each cycle.

The team cycles through the planning, development, and testing phases from the start of the project to work collaboratively in achieving various project goals.

Agile Methodology

The agile development methodology as a project management approach incorporates four core principles, which are:

  • People over Processes:

Agile methodology values individual team members in accomplishing projects rather than relying on tools and processes.  For instance, a supervisor using this strategy will call a full team meeting rather than run tests to resolve a process problem.

  • Working software over documentation:

Although it is important to document details in any project for accuracy and accountability, the agile management method values real-time solutions to issues instead of excessive documentation.

  • Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation:

Agile management way prioritizes collaborating and communicating with different departments and clients to reach a certain goal instead of compromising on the contract or promised materials. This helps in adhering to the benchmarks more reliably without having to change goals to meet the expected results.

  • Change Responses over Plan change:

Departments using Agile methodology avoid compromising contract terms, instead they change their responses when they can’t adhere to their plan fully. For instance, if a team realizes that they won’t be able to finish a deadline in time, they are quick to change the aspects of their process rather than the current goal to make things feasible.

The Agile Software Development Model:

The Agile development methodology is a process for designing, delivering, and testing high-quality software at the lowest cost and in the shortest possible time.

It is a set of principles and values that prioritize flexibility and collaboration, here are some key ways that Agile can be implemented in software development:

Agile software development

  • Breaking the project into small iterations:

As mentioned above, Agile development breaks the project into smaller, manageable iterations. Each iteration focuses on a specific set of requirements and produces a working software increment.

  • Prioritizing communication and collaboration:

Teams powered with agile, prioritize communication and collaboration among teammates, stakeholders, and customers. They use techniques like daily stand-up meetings, sprint planning sessions, and retrospectives to ensure everyone is on the same page.

  • Embracing change:

Change is always expected and team members are prepared to adapt to new requirements or feedback from stakeholders. Instead of rigidly sticking to a plan, they use feedback to adjust their approach and ensure they’re building the right product.

  • Focusing on delivering working software:

Agile teams prioritize delivering working software as early and often as possible. This allows stakeholders to see progress and provide feedback early in the development process.

  • Using user stories to define requirements:

They utilize user stories to define requirements from the perspective of the end user. This ensures that the software meets the needs of its intended users.

  • Test early and often:

Testing is valued throughout the development process. This ensures that issues are caught early, and reduces the risk of major defects in the final product.

Types of Agile Methodology in Software Development:

Following are the most commonly used types of agile methodology in software development.

Agile Scrum: Scrum is one of the most widely used agile methodologies in software development. It involves breaking down a project into small, manageable tasks that can be completed in short iterations called “sprints”. During each sprint, the team works on a specific set of tasks and then reviews their progress before moving on to the next sprint.

Lean Software Development: An agile methodology that emphasizes minimizing waste and maximizing value. It is based on the principles of the Toyota Production System and involves continuous improvement and streamlining of processes.

Kanban: Another popular agile methodology that focuses on visualizing and optimizing workflow. Kanban boards are used to track tasks and progress, and the team works together to ensure that work is constantly flowing through the system.

Extreme Programming (XP): The most user-centric development method where the customers work closely with the development team. Extreme Programming is designed to be highly flexible and adaptable to changing requirements. It mainly focuses on software development practices such as continuous testing, pair programming, and frequent releases.

Crystal: An agile approach used for product development, it emphasizes communication and collaboration within the development team rather than processes and tools. Crystal is based on the idea that different projects require different processes and it is highly customizable to meet the needs of each project.

Now that we know the core principles of agile development methodology and let’s compare the pros and cons of applying it to software development.

The Pros of Using Agile Methodology in Software Development:

Faster Time-to-Market:

The agile methodology emphasizes the delivery of working software in small, incremental releases. Allowing teams to quickly respond to changing requirements, and deliver valuable software to users on time.

Improved Quality:

The Agile approach focuses on continuous improvement through regular feedback and testing. This ensures that quality is built into the software from the start, and any issues are caught early in the development process.

Increased Collaboration:

Collaboration between team members, stakeholders, and customers is highly encouraged. This fosters a shared understanding of project goals and helps to ensure that everyone is working towards a common objective.

Greater Flexibility:

Agile project management is super flexible and adaptable to change. This results in departments quickly responding to changes in requirements, market conditions, or technology advancements.

Higher Customer Satisfaction:

The customer is at the center of the development process, with regular feedback and involvement in the development process. That ensures higher levels of customer satisfaction and better alignment with customer needs.

What are the Cons/Disadvantages of using Agile Methodology in Software Development?

Lack of Documentation:

The agile way emphasizes working software over comprehensive documentation, which can be a disadvantage in some cases.

Some stakeholders may require detailed documentation, such as legal and regulatory compliance, which Agile teams may struggle to provide.

Lack of Predictability:

The agile model is based on the concept of frequent iterations and changes, which can make it difficult to predict when a project will be completed. This lack of predictability can be challenging for stakeholders who need to plan budgets and timelines.

Requires Highly Skilled Teams:

Highly skilled teams that are self-organizing and can adapt to changes quickly are a necessity. This can be a challenge for some organizations that may not have the necessary resources or expertise to support an Agile development process.

Customer Availability:

If the customer is not available or does not have the necessary time to collaborate, the Agile process can become difficult to manage.

Limited Scope for Design:

Agile methodology favors iterative and incremental development, which may lead to a lack of attention to design and architecture. This can lead to technical debt and maintenance challenges later on.

Final Thoughts:

Applying Agile development model in software development certainly allows more flexibility than traditional methods. It helps companies to anticipate change and unforeseen circumstances and helps them to counteract setbacks competently.

By doing so organizations are able to value individuals over processes which ultimately increases their product delivery and efficiency.

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How To Build A Minimum Viable Product? Wed, 12 Apr 2023 20:58:56 +0000 “An MVP is not just a minimal product. It’s a strategy and process directed toward making and selling a product to customers in the fastest way possible.” – Frank Robinson, founder of SyncDev Inc Understanding a Minimum Viable Product: A Minimum Viable Product or MVP is a basic launchable version of the product that supports […]

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“An MVP is not just a minimal product. It’s a strategy and process directed toward making and selling a product to customers in the fastest way possible.”

– Frank Robinson, founder of SyncDev Inc

Understanding a Minimum Viable Product:

A Minimum Viable Product or MVP is a basic launchable version of the product that supports minimal yet must-have features. In other words, it is a product with just enough functions to be operational by early adopter customers to collect enough feedback to validate a product idea for future developments and improvements.

Understanding a Minimum Viable Product

In industries such as software development, the MVP helps the product team receive feedback as fast as possible to improve and upgrade the product. Using an MVP, the developers are able to understand and learn about the product market, therefore are able to add features that will contribute to the further success of the product.

In addition, MVP also plays an important role in Agile development, which is founded on validating and iterating products based on user inputs.

How does Agile Development Method work?

Agile development is a way of working that helps teams create software more quickly and efficiently. It’s like playing a game where you have to build a tower out of blocks as fast as you can. Instead of building the whole tower at once, you build it one block at a time and test each block as you go along. This way, if there’s a problem with one block, you can fix it before you build the next one.

In agile development, teams work together in short periods of time called “sprints.” During each sprint, they focus on building a small part of the software and testing it to make sure it works correctly. Then they move on to the next part.

This way of working helps teams be more flexible and respond quickly to changes. It also helps them ensure they’re building software that people want to use.

What is the purpose of creating a Minimum Viable Product?

As an entrepreneur, building an app is an exciting venture. But with so many ideas floating around, it can be difficult to know which direction to take. That’s where building an MVP comes in. An MVP is a basic version of your app that includes only the most essential features. The purpose of building an MVP is to test your idea, get feedback from users, and validate whether your app has the potential to succeed.

In the early stages of app development, it’s crucial to keep your costs and resources in check. Building a full-fledged app with all the bells and whistles is expensive and time-consuming. Plus, it’s risky to invest a lot of resources into an idea that hasn’t been tested in the market. That’s why building an MVP is a great way to minimize risk and maximize your chances of success.

An MVP allows you to test the viability of your app idea with real users. By building only the most essential features, you can get your app in the hands of users quickly and get feedback on what works and what doesn’t. This feedback is invaluable in helping you make informed decisions about what to prioritize in future versions of your app.

Additionally, an MVP can help you identify the most important features of your app. By focusing on the core functionality of your app, you can ensure that your product meets the needs of your users without overwhelming them with unnecessary features. This approach can help you build a lean and efficient product that users will love.

Most importantly, an MVP can also help you attract investors or secure funding. When pitching your app idea to investors, having a working prototype can make all the difference. It shows that you’ve done your homework and that you’re committed to making your idea a reality. in.

Why building an MVP is the best thing for your start-up?

  • According to CB Insights, the number one reason startups fail is that there’s no market need for their product.
  • Building an MVP allows you to test your idea in the market and validate whether there’s demand for your product before investing significant time and resources.
  • A survey by Statista found that 43% of app developers cited “testing and validation” as the main reason for building an MVP.
  • This suggests that app developers recognize the importance of testing their ideas and getting feedback from users.
  • In a study by the Standish Group, only 2% of software projects were deemed successful. One of the reasons for this low success rate is that many software projects fail to meet user needs.
  • Building an MVP can help you identify the most important features of your app and ensure that you’re building something that users actually want.
  • The Lean Startup, a popular book on startup methodology, advocates for building an MVP as a way to “get out of the building” and test your idea in the market. The book has sold over a million copies and has been credited with inspiring a new wave of startups focused on lean methodology.
  • According to a survey by Harvard Business Review, 75% of startups that scale too quickly fail.
  • Building an MVP allows you to start small and scale your product gradually based on user feedback. This can help you avoid the pitfalls of scaling too quickly and burning through your resources.

How To Build A Minimum Viable Product In 6 Easy Steps:

How To Build A Minimum Viable Product In 6 Easy Steps

Step 1: Identify the problem

The first step is to identify the problem you are trying to solve with your app. This will help you determine the core features that need to be included in your MVP.

Step 2: Define the target audience

Next, you need to define your target audience. Who are the people that will benefit the most from your app? Understanding your target audience will help you design a user experience that meets their needs and expectations.

Step 3: Prioritize features

Based on the problem you are trying to solve and your target audience, prioritize the core features that are necessary for your MVP. Avoid feature creep by only including features that are essential for the core value proposition of your app.

Step 4: Create a prototype

Once you have identified the core features, create a prototype that demonstrates how the app will work. This could be a paper prototype, wireframe, or clickable prototype. The goal is to create a visual representation of the app that can be tested with potential users.

Step 5: Test with users

Test your prototype with potential users to gather feedback and validate your assumptions. This will help you identify any usability issues or areas for improvement before investing more time and resources into building the actual app.

Step 6: Build the MVP

Based on the feedback you received from testing your prototype, build the MVP. Remember to focus on delivering the core value proposition of your app and avoid adding unnecessary features.

Step 7: Launch and Iterate

Launch your MVP and gather feedback from users. Use this feedback to iterate and improve the app over time. This process should be ongoing, with each iteration building upon the last until you have a fully-featured app that meets the needs of your target audience.

What are examples of the Successful Minimum Viable Product?

Here are some examples of successful MVPs:

  • Airbnb:

Airbnb started as a simple MVP in 2007, where the founders rented out air mattresses in their apartments during a design conference.

Their MVP helped them validate the concept and test the market. Today, Airbnb is a massive platform for booking accommodations around the world.


  • Amazon:

Amazon is another great example of a company that started with an MVP. When Jeff Bezos launched Amazon in 1995, it was a simple online bookstore that offered a limited selection of books to customers. The MVP was designed to test the concept of selling books online and gauge interest from potential customers.

Today, Amazon is one of the largest e-commerce platforms in the world, with a market capitalization of over $1 trillion.



In summary, the purpose of building an MVP is to test your idea, validate your assumptions, and get feedback from users. By focusing on the most essential features, you can build a lean and efficient product that meets the needs of your users.

A minimum viable product (MVP) is your way into the market as it is created with the intention of fast launching a product based on a proven concept. An MVP can help you reach the right audience, come up with new ideas with experience and save a lot of time.

One important thing to remember is to always keep your MVP lean and simple, later you can keep iterating your app based on user needs and preferences as much as you want.

By following the steps outlined in this blog carefully, you can easily create an MVP that meets the needs of your target audience and sets your app up for long-term success.

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Metaverse Economy: Business Opportunities and Revenue Models Mon, 10 Apr 2023 12:55:24 +0000 Imagine a virtual world that mirrors our own. A space where u can meet new people, discover new places, and even get a driver’s license. This world is coming and there’s a chance you might have heard of it, it’s called the Metaverse. The Metaverse is set to revolutionize the way we experience virtual spaces […]

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Imagine a virtual world that mirrors our own. A space where u can meet new people, discover new places, and even get a driver’s license. This world is coming and there’s a chance you might have heard of it, it’s called the Metaverse.

The Metaverse is set to revolutionize the way we experience virtual spaces by offering a platform that operates like the real world. With infinite memory and history, this virtual world will allow everyone to interact and engage at the same time, regardless of their location.

However, the Metaverse development is not just limited to gaming, gigs, and virtual meetings. It has the potential to transform numerous aspects of our daily lives, from firefighting and filmmaking to manufacturing and medicine. A whole new world is impending and with it are multitrillion-dollar opportunities!

What is the Metaverse?

Metaverse is a term that describes a virtual world where people can interact with each other and digital content in immersive and realistic ways. Think of it as an extension of the internet, but with more possibilities and more fun!

The metaverse is not just one platform or app, but a network of interconnected virtual spaces that can host different kinds of experiences. You can explore, socialize, play, learn, create, shop, and more in the metaverse. You can also customize your avatar and express your identity and style. It can be accessed by using familiar devices such as smartphones, tablets, computers, VR headsets, and AR glasses.

Meta Website

Source: Meta Website

Technology has allowed us to write, talk and now see each other. The metaverse will mark a new step in our digital evolution, allowing us to share a space together and feel like we are truly there.

Some Stats and Key Points about the Metaverse:

  • The metaverse is a promising new economic arena expected to contribute over $3 trillion to the global GDP by 2031, making it a game-changing phenomenon and an exciting opportunity for businesses and individuals alike.
  • The metaverse is expected to be built on blockchain technology, which will allow for secure transactions and ownership of digital assets.
  • It’s still in its early stages, but companies like Facebook, Google, and Microsoft are investing heavily in it.
  • The metaverse has the potential to revolutionize how we work, socialize, and consume entertainment. Some even compare its impact to that of the internet a few decades ago.

How will businesses use the Metaverse?

The metaverse harbors immense potential to revolutionize the economy and transform businesses. As per PwC, it could profoundly alter the way businesses and consumers interact with products, services, and each other, creating a significant impact on the overall landscape.

The metaverse will infiltrate every sector in the coming years, culminating in a market opportunity worth more than $1 trillion in annual revenues, according to JP Morgan.

The metaverse is built upon key concepts that hold immense relevance for businesses today, particularly in the digital economy, where innovations such as cryptocurrencies are increasingly gaining prominence. Given its decentralized nature, the metaverse serves as a vital facilitator of what we refer to as the creators’ economy. By eliminating intermediaries, it creates a direct link between artists, content creators, and their audiences, thus generating substantial value for the economy and business models alike.

Successful Metaverse Business Platforms:

Some examples of metaverse technology incorporated successful business initiatives are:

StageCraft by ILM (Industrial Light and Magic):

Industrial Light and Magic is revolutionary visual effects company famous for recent shows like Marvel’s Thor: Love and Thunder. StageCraft is ILM’s virtual production toolkit and and end-to-end solution to all it’s visual effects set requirements.

StageCraft in action on the set of Thor: Love and Thunder.

In the past it would have taken an army of set designers months to build a set like this. Now with ILM’s StageCraft Technology set can be designed virtually, transforming the production process. It is the technology that underpins the metaverse- the ability to conjure up realistic computer-generated worlds in real-time.

Chris Hemsworth as Thor in Marvel’s Thor: Love and Thunder being filmed with ILM StageCraft on site at Sydney’s Fox Studios.


Roblox is a huge online virtual world with hundreds and thousands of different experiences, a place to explore, meet other people and role play.

It has over 200 million active monthly users and a net worth exceeding $25 billion, with about more than eleven and half people developing games for Roblox.

Roblox even has its own currency called Robux, which users can buy with real money. It may look like simple games with retro style visuals but is literally the torch bearer of the Metaverse. Roblox’s creator’s promise ultra immersive virtual experiences that digitally mirror those in the real world.

To most people Roblox is just a gaming company but it’s not. It is a technology platform which allows people of all ages to be able to create ad develop experiences born out of their imagination and publish it for the world to view.

Image Source: Roblox


Decentraland is a groundbreaking blockchain-based platform that offers users the ability to create and explore virtual worlds. Powered by Ethereum, a cryptocurrency that enables smart contracts and decentralized applications, Decentraland allows users to purchase and sell land parcels, referred to as LAND, using MANA, the platform’s native token.

In addition to buying and selling LAND, users can build their own content, including games, art, and experiences, on their parcels and monetize them. This feature provides an opportunity for creators to earn money from their work and further enhances the platform’s economy. Decentraland is among the top platforms for the metaverse economy, where digital assets and services can be traded by users. It offers an immersive and interactive experience for users to express their creativity and establish a presence in the metaverse.

Image Source: Decentraland


Fortnite is a battle royale game that has transcended beyond being just a game, becoming a social and cultural phenomenon. With over 350 million registered players, Fortnite has become an interactive virtual world that hosts live events, concerts, and collaborations with celebrities, brands, and media franchises. Its creative mode is also a standout feature, enabling users to design their own maps, games, and experiences.

Fortnite has become a key player in shaping metaverse culture, providing users with endless possibilities for expressing their identity and creativity through avatars, emotes, skins, and items. Its impact has been felt across the gaming industry and beyond, as it continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in the metaverse.

Image Source: Fortnite

Revenue Models in the Metaverse Economy:

  1. Advertisements:

One of the most well-known business models in the Metaverse is the advertising model, which allows developers to receive a share of the revenue generated from ads displayed directly on the platform. This model can be applied to various applications, including defi-apps, as well as external websites and web pages for games.

Advertising in the Metaverse is similar to advertising in the real world, and businesses can advertise both physical and digital products. This creates a new opportunity for companies to market their products and services in a unique and innovative way. For businesses that are unsure about offering services in the Metaverse, or want to gain a better understanding of its potential, the advertising model provides a low-risk way to get started.

  1. NFTS:

The most successful NFTs (non-fungible tokens) go beyond simply being virtual representations of real-life objects. They are unique, interactive, and often have a limited supply, which adds to their exclusivity.

One of the most popular forms of collectible NFTs are virtual pets, such as CryptoKitties, CryptoPuppies, and CryptoCelebrities.

CryptoKitties, in particular, gained widespread attention for its ability to showcase the potential of blockchain technology and expand the Ethereum network. The popularity of these NFTs also demonstrated that people are willing to invest in virtual goods using cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Image Source: CryptoKitties Website

Despite the popularity of pet-themed NFTs, creators are not limited to these options. In fact, the beauty of NFTs is that they can be used to represent almost anything, and there is room for innovation and creativity in this space. So, whether it’s a unique digital artwork or a rare collectible, the possibilities of NFTs are endless, and creators can explore whatever ideas they feel passionate about.

  1. Virtual goods:

Virtual goods and services have become a significant source of revenue for many successful metaverse companies. These companies can sell a wide range of virtual goods online, such as weapons for gamers, characters, clothing, furniture, and more.

There are several ways to sell virtual goods, but the most common method is to sell them through your own website, where you can provide the goods directly to customers. Some examples of companies that offer such services include Inworldz, There, and Red Light Center, as well as video games like World of Warcraft, Sandbox, and RuneScape.

Image source: Second Life Platform

Alternatively, you can also sell your products through specialized virtual goods marketplaces like Second Life Marketplace or Sansar Store. These marketplaces provide an opportunity to sell your products without having to set up and maintain your own website. Moreover, they allow you to reach a wider audience beyond your website’s reach.

By using virtual goods marketplaces, businesses can save time and resources that would otherwise be spent on website development and maintenance. This approach can also provide a broader reach and access to a larger customer base. Ultimately, whether selling goods through a personal website or a virtual marketplace, metaverse companies can tap into the growing demand for virtual goods and services and expand their revenue streams.

  1. Digital land

Selling virtual real estate or other virtual space in the Metaverse is one of the most popular business models for virtual worlds today. This model has various variations, including land speculation, developing and selling “ready to build” lots, and renting land. Many users also collaborate with real estate companies or brokers in Second Life to list or develop their properties.

Image source: Second Life Marketplace

Here’s how it works: users can buy into their virtual island in the Metaverse and then use it to build their businesses. The revenue model for this type of project is similar to a traditional online business model. Users pay a monthly fee to rent their space in the virtual world.

The market for virtual real estate is ever-growing, and it provides a unique opportunity for businesses to expand their reach in the digital world. This model can be especially beneficial for those who want to establish a presence in the Metaverse without having to invest in physical locations. Moreover, virtual real estate provides a space for businesses to experiment with new ideas and strategies before implementing them in the real world.

By using virtual real estate as a business model, companies can capitalize on the growing demand for virtual space and expand their revenue streams. The flexibility and opportunities offered by virtual real estate make it an attractive option for businesses looking to establish themselves in the Metaverse.

  1. Tourism:

Another option for making money in the Metaverse is to offer guided tours of your location. If you have a particularly beautiful building, piece of land, or a well-designed city district, you can attract tourists and other visitors from around the Metaverse by offering guided tours of your digital world for a fee.

One of the most significant features of the Metaverse is its expansive nature in terms of space and possibility. From a tourism perspective, this means that users from anywhere in the world can explore areas they may never see in person through digital experiences. This also means that you can create impossible lands that are only possible in a digital space.

Image source: Decentraland

Offering guided tours of your virtual world not only generates income but also helps to build a community around your location. It allows visitors to engage with your world on a deeper level and offers them the chance to learn about its unique features and history. Additionally, guided tours can be customized to fit the interests of different users, providing them with a unique and personalized experience.

By leveraging the power of the Metaverse, businesses and individuals can create exciting opportunities for tourists and visitors alike. Guided tours offer a chance to explore and engage with digital worlds on a whole new level, opening up endless possibilities for new experiences and adventures.

  1. 6. Business Services:

Companies and individuals who offer services within the metaverse are often referred to as “metaverse service providers”. Many creators start out as service providers and eventually grow their businesses into full-fledged enterprises, similar to businesses outside of the metaverse.

The service-based business model involves selling a variety of services to visitors in your virtual world, such as land development, avatar customization, furniture, and decor. These services can be sold directly from your store or through a shopping cart system.

As a metaverse service provider, you have the opportunity to provide unique and personalized services that cater to the needs of your customers. By offering high-quality services, you can build a loyal customer base and establish yourself as a reputable business in the metaverse.

Challenges and Risks in the Metaverse Economy:

Metaverse offers new opportunities for innovation, creativity, and social interaction, but it also poses some challenges and risks. Some of which are:

Regulatory uncertainty:

The legal status and jurisdiction of the metaverse assets and activities are unclear and may vary depending on the platform, country, and context. This creates challenges for taxation, consumer protection, intellectual property rights, and dispute resolution.

Cybersecurity threats:

The metaverse economy relies on the security and integrity of the digital infrastructure and data. Hackers, scammers, and malicious actors may try to exploit vulnerabilities, steal information, manipulate transactions, or disrupt services.

Ethical dilemmas:

The metaverse economy raises ethical questions about the impact of virtual reality on human behavior, identity, and well-being. For example, how to ensure fairness, accountability, and transparency in the metaverse markets? How to prevent addiction, harassment, or discrimination in virtual environments? How to balance the rights and responsibilities of the users, creators, and providers of metaverse content?


There is no doubt that the Metaverse will continue to capture the imagination of people around the world in the years to come and indeed it’s an exciting time to be at the forefront of this emerging field.

As technology advances, companies are tirelessly making strides towards creating immersive experiences that will bring us closer together than ever before. However, while the vision of the Metaverse is exhilarating, there is still much work to be done before it becomes a widespread reality.

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How to build a Cloud-native Application? Wed, 22 Mar 2023 16:50:17 +0000 Today in this fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking new ways to innovate and stay ahead of the competition. With the rise of cloud computing, building cloud-native applications is becoming the latest trend in the world of software development. A cloud-native application is an application that is designed to run in the cloud environment […]

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Today in this fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking new ways to innovate and stay ahead of the competition. With the rise of cloud computing, building cloud-native applications is becoming the latest trend in the world of software development.

A cloud-native application is an application that is designed to run in the cloud environment and utilizes cloud-native services to enable better scalability, flexibility, and resiliency.

Building cloud-native apps requires the incorporation of several tools for successful deployment and a set of well-determined practices and methods to ensure it is leveraging the cloud resources to their fullest.

From defining the application’s architecture to implementing Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) and utilizing cloud-native services, there are several phases in developing a successful cloud-native application.

In this article, we will take you through all these procedures, step-by-step. We will also explore the key components of cloud-native apps, the required tools and technologies, and the best practices for building one.

So, let’s begin:

Cloud-native Applications:

Cloud-native Applications are software programs composed of small, autonomous units called microservices. Traditionally, programmers use a monolithic approach to build apps, that comprises a block structure including all the functionalities.

How to build a Cloud-native Application 1

With cloud-native development, these functionalities can be broken down into smaller microservices. This makes cloud-native apps become more flexible as microservices run independently and require the least computing resources.

In the recent timeframe, cloud-native applications have seen increased use and are foretold to be the future of software development. According to the Cloud-Native Computing Foundation, there were at least 6.5 million cloud-native developers in 2020 compared to 4.7 million in 2019.

The Basic Building Blocks of a Cloud-native Application:

Before learning how to create a cloud-native app, it is essential that we fully understand its basic features and the modern tools required in assembling them.


As mentioned above applications broken down into smaller, independent services are called microservices. This allows for greater scalability, reliability, and flexibility in deploying and updating different parts of the application independently.


Containerization is the process of packaging microservices into containers, which can be easily deployed and managed across different cloud environments. Containers provide a lightweight, portable way to package and run applications and help to ensure consistency and reliability across different environments.


Containers are managed and orchestrated using container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes, which provide automation and scaling capabilities, ensuring that the application can run reliably and efficiently across multiple nodes and clusters.

DevOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):

Cloud-native applications require a high degree of automation and collaboration between development and operations teams.

CI/CD pipelines automate the process of building, testing, and deploying applications, allowing for faster and more consistent delivery of new features and updates.

Cloud-native data storage:

Cloud-native applications leverage cloud-based data storage services such as object storage, NoSQL databases, and data lakes to provide scalable and highly available data storage solutions that can be easily integrated into the application architecture.

Monitoring and logging:

As cloud-native applications generate a large amount of data, they require robust monitoring and logging to help diagnose and resolve issues quickly.

Cloud-native monitoring and logging tools provide real-time visibility into the performance and health of the application and its underlying infrastructure.

How to build a Cloud-native Application 2

Benefits of building a Cloud Native Application:

There are numerous advantages to building a cloud-native app for your business, some of which are:

  • Scalability: Cloud-native apps are designed to scale easily to handle increased traffic and demand, without the need for extensive hardware upgrades.
  • Resilience: These applications are designed to be resilient to failures, with built-in redundancies and failover mechanisms.
  • Agility: Cloud-native apps are designed to be updated and released quickly, allowing developers to iterate and improve them rapidly.
  • Cost efficiency: Cloud-native apps can be run on a pay-as-you-go basis, allowing businesses to save money on hardware and infrastructure costs.
  • Security: Cloud-native apps can take advantage of the advanced security features provided by cloud providers, such as data encryption and access controls.

Building a Cloud-native App:

Step 1: Define the Application’s Architecture:

The first step in building a cloud-native application is to define the application’s architecture. A well-defined architecture is crucial to building an app that can leverage cloud resources to its fullest potential.

A cloud-native application is based on a microservices architecture. Since microservices can be broken into smaller components, they are easier to deploy and scale. Each service is responsible for a separate task and they can communicate with each other through well-defined APIs.

How to build a Cloud-native Application 3

Image source:

Defining the architecture also involves choosing your app’s tools and technologies. Open-source tools such as Kubernetes, Docker, and Istio, are some cloud-native technologies that facilitate containerization, self-discovery, and traffic management essential for microservices architecture.

It is also crucial to consider your application’s personal requirements, such as its objective, performance, and goals. The architecture should be designed to meet these requirements and enable the app to perform immaculately in the cloud environment.

Step 2: Containerize the Application

The next step is to containerize the application. Containerization involves packaging the application and its dependencies into a container, which can be deployed and run in any environment that supports containers.

Docker being the most popular containerization tool in the cloud-native ecosystem provides an easy way for developers to manage and deploy containers using Docker Compose and Docker

After the program has been containerized, it can be installed on a platform for container orchestration like Kubernetes. Kubernetes being an open-source container orchestration framework offers functions including autonomous scaling, service discovery, and self-healing.

Step 3: Implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

The third step in building a cloud-native application is to devise Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD).

Developers can create, test, and deploy their applications rapidly and accurately with the help of the CI/CD set of techniques. Automation of the software development pipeline, from code modifications to deployment to production, is accomplished using CI/CD.

How to build a Cloud-native Application 4

Image source: OpenKruise

Several tools and technologies are used in CI/CD, including Git, Jenkins, and Ansible. Git is a version control system that allows programmers to keep track of their code changes and cooperate with one another. Jenkins is a popular automation server that enables programmers to automatically create and test their applications. While Ansible is a configuration management tool that allows programmers to manage infrastructure and deploy their applications to production.

By implementing CI/CD developers can detect and fix bugs, reduce manual errors early in the software development phase, and increase the speed of software delivery.  And automating the software development process would let developers focus better on writing codes, adding more value to the app.

Step 4: Utilize Cloud-Native Services

Exploiting the power of the cloud is the fourth stage in creating a cloud-native application. This involves utilizing cloud-native services specially designed to operate in the cloud environment and provide numerous benefits to your application such as flexibility, agility, and stability.

Databases, caching, message queues, and load balancers are all examples of cloud-native services. These services give developers the ability to create scalable, uptime-free applications that can withstand heavy traffic.

Cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provide a wide range of cloud-native services that developers can use to build their applications. These services include Amazon RDS for databases, Amazon SQS for message queues, and Google Cloud Load Balancing for load balancing.

Step 5: Monitor and Troubleshoot the Application

The final step in developing a cloud-native application is to monitor and optimize the application. Monitoring and troubleshooting the application is essential to ensure your app is performing well in the cloud environment.

For this, there are several tools and technologies available. Some of the most efficient and popular ones are Prometheus and Grafana, and APM (Application Performance Management) tools such as New Relic and Datadog.

How to build a Cloud-native Application 5

Image source: New Relic

Monitoring enables developers to identify performance blocks and take proactive measures to speed up the app’s performance. It is done by tracking the application’s performance metrics, such as response time, error rate, and resource utilization.

Optimization further tunes and polishes the application’s configuration to improve performance and boost resource allocation.


Building a cloud-native application is indeed a complex process involving several best practices and methodologies. By following these procedures, developers can build applications that are optimized for the cloud environment and provide value to their customers.

And, if you are tired of dealing with slow, unresponsive applications and want to build highly scalable, and adaptable software to satisfy user demands, a cloud-native app is your ultimate solution.

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Telemedicine and Virtual Reality: Exploring the Potential of Immersive Healthcare Experiences Tue, 14 Mar 2023 17:32:48 +0000 With new innovations and technologies, the world of medicine is constantly evolving. One such development is the emergence of Telemedicine, which allows medical personnel to communicate with patients remotely and provide care from a distance. Another fascinating trend is the application of virtual reality (VR) in healthcare. VR offers a lot of immersive and interactive […]

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With new innovations and technologies, the world of medicine is constantly evolving. One such development is the emergence of Telemedicine, which allows medical personnel to communicate with patients remotely and provide care from a distance.

Another fascinating trend is the application of virtual reality (VR) in healthcare. VR offers a lot of immersive and interactive experiences that can enhance medical training, patient education, and even treatment and diagnosis.

Telemedicine 1

Combining these two technologies creates a powerful tool that can completely alter the way healthcare is provided today. Patients can receive personalized, high-quality medical attention from anywhere around the globe. Whereas healthcare professionals can benefit from advanced training and resources that were previously out of reach.

In this article, we will uncover the potential of telemedicine and virtual reality in healthcare, fixating on the use of immersive experiences to improve patient outcomes and overall healthcare delivery. From the history and benefits of telemedicine and virtual reality to the latest developments and future possibilities, we will dig into numerous ways these technologies are transforming the existing healthcare industry.

Join us as we explore the fascinating realms of virtual reality and telemedicine in healthcare, and learn about the endless possibilities of immersive healthcare experiences.


Telemedicine is referred to as the ‘use of telecommunications technology to provide healthcare services and information from a distance’. It involves connecting patients with healthcare providers who are located in different places by using various technological tools, such as video conferencing, telephony, and remote monitoring.

Telemedicine is a convenient and accessible option for many individuals since it allows patients to obtain medical care and guidance without having to go to a healthcare facility.

History and Evolution of Telemedicine:

The concept of Telemedicine has been around for decades, with early experiments taking place in the 1960s and 1970s. The first telemedicine program was created in Massachusetts in 1967, offering patients in remote places medical consultations via closed-circuit television.

Telemedicine 2

Teledactyl– a futuristic device to check patients remotely illustrated by Hugo Gernsback in the early 1920s

NASA created a telemedicine program in the 1970s to help astronauts receive medical care while they were in space, laying the groundwork for subsequent telemedicine projects.

Over the course of time, telemedicine has evolved and expanded, with advancements in healthcare technology and modern medicine. Today, it is being widely utilized in a variety of healthcare settings, including primary care, mental health, and the management of chronic diseases.

Telemedicine has also become increasingly popular in recent years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has forced many healthcare providers to shift to virtual care models to reduce the risk of infection. As a result, telemedicine has played a vital role in ensuring continuity of care during the pandemic and has demonstrated its potential to transform healthcare delivery in the future.

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Types of telemedicine:

Telemedicine can take many different forms, depending on the technology used and the type of healthcare service being provided. Here are some of the most common types of telemedicine:

  • Live video conferencing: This refers to the use of video calls to connect with patients in real time. It allows patients to receive medical consultations and advice in different locations, without having to travel.
  • Store-and-forward: Deals with the transmission of medical data, such as images or test results, from one healthcare provider to another. This technique is mainly used for diagnostic purposes, allowing healthcare providers to consult with specialists or other experts online.
  • Remote patient monitoring: As the name suggests, it is the use of technology to monitor patients’ health status remotely, through wearable devices or mobile apps.

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Image source: VoCare pocket-sized remote patient monitoring device

  • Mobile health: This involves the use of mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets, to provide healthcare services and information to patients.
  • Home health: It represents the delivery of healthcare services to patients in their homes. It can include services such as home health monitoring, medication management, and telemedicine consultations.

Benefits of Telemedicine

Telemedicine offers a number of benefits to both patients and healthcare providers. Here are some of the key advantages of telemedicine:

  • Improved access to healthcare: Telemedicine can make healthcare services more accessible to people in remote or underserved areas, as well as those with mobility issues or transportation challenges. It can also help to reduce wait times and improve appointment availability for patients.
  • Convenience and flexibility: Telemedicine allows patients to receive medical care from the comfort of their own homes, without having to travel to a healthcare facility. This can be especially beneficial for patients with chronic conditions that require frequent monitoring or follow-up visits.
  • Cost savings: Telemedicine can be more cost-effective than in-person visits, as it eliminates the need for travel and can reduce overhead costs for healthcare providers. It can also help to prevent unnecessary hospitalizations or emergency department visits, which can be expensive.
  • Improved patient outcomes: Telemedicine has been shown to improve patient outcomes in a number of areas, including chronic disease management, mental health, and post-operative care. It can also help to reduce hospital readmissions and improve medication adherence.
  • Increased patient engagement: Telemedicine can help to increase patient engagement and involvement in their own healthcare, as it allows patients to have more frequent and convenient access to healthcare providers. It can also help to improve patient satisfaction with the healthcare experience.

Examples of Telemedicine:

Telemedicine encompasses a wide range of technologies and services. Apart from online consultations and remote monitoring, here are some examples of telemedicine in practice:

  • Telemedicine kiosks: Some healthcare providers and organizations have set up telemedicine kiosks in public places like shopping malls, community centers, or pharmacies. These kiosks allow patients to conduct virtual consultations with healthcare providers on-site.

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Image source: Soldier On telehealth kiosk

  • Mobile Health Apps: There are a growing number of mobile health apps that enable patients to receive medical advice, track their health, and communicate with healthcare providers. These apps can be especially useful for patients with chronic conditions or those who need frequent monitoring.
  • Telepsychiatry: Telemedicine can also be used to deliver mental health services, such as psychotherapy or counseling, remotely. This is known as telepsychiatry or tele-mental health.

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Image source: CFG Health Systems, Telepsychiatry.

These are just a few of the many ways in which telemedicine is being used to deliver healthcare services and information remotely. Now let’s look at how Virtual Reality can be applied in healthcare for the better.

Virtual Reality in Healthcare:

Virtual reality (VR) is an immersive technology that simulates a three-dimensional, computer-generated environment. In recent years, VR has been increasingly used in healthcare to enhance medical education, training, and patient care. Here are some key ways in which VR is being used in healthcare:

Medical Education and Training:

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Image source: Arch Virtual VR Medical & Healthcare Training

  • Anatomy and surgery training: VR can be used to create immersive, interactive simulations of human anatomy and surgical procedures. This allows medical students and healthcare professionals to practice and refine their skills in a safe, controlled environment.
  • Patient simulations: VR can also be used to simulate patient scenarios, allowing medical students and healthcare professionals to develop and practice their clinical reasoning and decision-making skills.

Pain Management and Rehabilitation:

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Image source: iMotions VR based Rehabilitation

  • Distraction therapy: VR can be used as a form of distraction therapy for patients undergoing painful procedures or treatments. By immersing patients in a relaxing, engaging virtual environment, VR can help reduce pain and anxiety.
  • Rehabilitation: VR can be used to simulate real-world scenarios to help patients with physical or cognitive impairments regain function and independence. For example, VR can be used to help stroke patients relearn everyday tasks or to help patients with limb loss adjust to using a prosthesis.

Mental Health Treatment:

  • Exposure therapy: VR can be used as a tool for exposure therapy, a treatment technique that involves gradually exposing patients to feared situations or stimuli in a safe, controlled environment. VR can be particularly useful for treating anxiety disorders, such as phobias or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

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Image source: Exposure Therapy Cognihab

  • Relaxation and mindfulness: VR can also be used to create immersive, relaxing environments that promote mindfulness and stress reduction. This can be beneficial for patients with anxiety or other mental health conditions.

Even though the use of virtual reality in healthcare is relatively new as compared to telemedicine, the potential applications and opportunities with little research and development are limitless.

Telemedicine and Virtual Reality in Healthcare:

The integration of telemedicine and virtual reality has the ability to enhance the delivery of healthcare in many ways. By leveraging telemedicine technologies, healthcare providers can remotely monitor and treat patients, enabling them to provide more timely and efficient care. Virtual reality, on the other hand, can provide patients with immersive experiences that can help to reduce anxiety and pain, improve outcomes, and enhance patient satisfaction.

Combining these technologies could allow for more comprehensive and personalized healthcare experiences that are tailored to the specific needs of individual patients.

For example, a virtual reality simulation could help a patient prepare for an upcoming surgery, while telemedicine technology could enable the patient to receive post-operative care from the comfort of their own home.

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 Image source: Stanford Medicine “Virtual reality system helping residents, assist surgeons in planning upcoming operations, and educate patient’

Benefits of combining telemedicine and virtual reality in healthcare

The benefits of combining telemedicine and virtual reality in healthcare are numerous.

  • Enhanced patient engagement: By providing patients with immersive experiences, virtual reality can help to improve patient engagement and satisfaction with their care.
  • Increased accessibility: Combining these technologies can help improve access to specialized treatments or procedures that may not be available in certain regions.
  • Cost savings: By reducing the need for in-person visits, telemedicine, and virtual reality can help to reduce healthcare costs and improve overall efficiency.
  • Improved patient education: Virtual reality simulations can provide patients with a captivating and interactive way to learn about their condition and treatment options. By understanding their care plan better, patients are more likely to adhere to it, leading to better outcomes.
  • Increased patient comfort: As mentioned above virtual reality experiences can help patients relax and reduce anxiety during medical procedures. By reducing stress and discomfort, patients may experience better outcomes and have a more positive overall healthcare experience.

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A pediatric burn patient uses virtual reality to distract from pain during physical therapy exercises at Shriners Children Hospital in Galveston, Texas

  • Enhanced teleconsultations: By integrating virtual reality into telemedical consultations, healthcare providers can more effectively communicate with patients and visually demonstrate treatment options.
  • Improved medical training: Virtual reality simulations can be used to train healthcare professionals on new medical procedures or technologies. By providing a realistic, immersive training experience, healthcare professionals can gain practical experience in a safe and controlled environment.

Potential Challenges Of Implementing Telemedicine And Virtual Reality In Healthcare

While there are many potential benefits to telemedicine and virtual reality in healthcare, there are also several challenges that must be overcome in order to fully realize their capability. Some of these challenges include:

  • Technology limitations: Not all patients may have access to the necessary technology or internet connection required for telemedicine or virtual reality applications.
  • Privacy and security concerns: Telemedicine and virtual reality applications may involve the transmission of sensitive medical data, which could be vulnerable to hacking or other security breaches.
  • Legal and regulatory challenges: The laws and regulations surrounding telemedicine and virtual reality applications are still evolving, and there may be uncertainties around issues such as reimbursement, liability, and licensure.
  • Limited scope of care: Telemedicine and virtual reality may not be appropriate for all types of medical care, and there may be limitations on the types of care that can be effectively delivered remotely.
  • Patient acceptance and adoption: Patients may be hesitant to adopt telemedicine or virtual reality applications due to concerns around the quality of care, lack of personal interaction with healthcare providers, or general skepticism around new technologies.

Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of telemedicine and virtual reality in healthcare are significant and warrant continued exploration and investment.

Future of Telemedicine and Virtual Reality in Healthcare:

The future of telemedicine and virtual reality in healthcare is bright and full of potential. As these technologies continue to advance and become more integrated into healthcare systems and practices, we can expect to see significant improvements in access, equity, outcomes, and patient experiences.

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Following are the few ways in which these technologies will improve healthcare:

Increased Personalization and Customization:

  • Telemedicine and virtual reality technologies will become even more personalized and tailored to individual patient needs and preferences.
  • Health data and analytics will be integrated into telemedicine and virtual reality platforms to provide real-time insights and feedback.
  • Virtual reality will be used to create immersive and engaging health experiences that are tailored to individual patient goals and motivations.

Expanded Access and Equity:

  • Telemedicine and virtual reality technologies will continue to expand access to healthcare for underserved and remote populations
  • The cost of telemedicine and virtual reality technologies will continue to decrease, making them more accessible to patients and healthcare providers alike
  • These technologies will be used to address healthcare disparities and improve health outcomes for marginalized communities.

Integration with Other Technologies:

  • Telemedicine and virtual reality technologies will be integrated with other emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence and robotics, to provide even more advanced healthcare solutions
  • Wearable and mobile health technologies will be integrated with telemedicine and virtual reality platforms to provide seamless and real-time monitoring and feedback
  • 5G and other advanced networking technologies will provide faster and more reliable connections, enabling even more advanced healthcare experiences
  • Improved Treatment and Outcomes:
  • Treatment and outcomes for a wide range of medical conditions, from chronic diseases to mental health conditions will be improved.
  • Advanced and realistic simulations for medical training and surgical procedures will reduce the risk of medical errors and improve patient safety
  • Utilization of these technologies will improve patient engagement and adherence to treatment plans, leading to better overall health outcomes.


To sum up, the integration of telemedicine and virtual reality in healthcare has the potential to revolutionize the way we deliver and experience healthcare.

While there are certainly challenges to be addressed, the benefits of these technologies are significant and offer hope for improving access to care, enhancing patient outcomes, and reducing healthcare costs.

With ongoing investment in research and development, collaboration between healthcare providers and technology companies, and the development of clear regulatory frameworks, we can work towards a future where telemedicine and virtual reality are an integral part of delivering high-quality, personalized healthcare to patients around the world.

As Dr. Eric Topol, a leading expert in digital medicine, once said:

The power of telemedicine is its ability to leverage technology to connect clinicians with patients, no matter where they are. Virtual reality has the potential to take that connection to the next level, enabling a truly immersive healthcare experience. Together, telemedicine and virtual reality offer an exciting vision for the future of healthcare.”

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Impact of Open-Source Software (OSS) on Businesses and Enterprise Information Technology (EIT) Wed, 22 Feb 2023 12:52:19 +0000 Today Open-Source Software is adopted by organizations all around the world either consciously or unconsciously. Open-Source Software has rightfully transformed the software ecosystem for change. From start-ups to large corporations, businesses of all sizes have embraced open-source solutions to reduce costs, increase flexibility, and foster innovation. Keeping in mind the growing enthusiasm of people regarding […]

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Today Open-Source Software is adopted by organizations all around the world either consciously or unconsciously. Open-Source Software has rightfully transformed the software ecosystem for change.

From start-ups to large corporations, businesses of all sizes have embraced open-source solutions to reduce costs, increase flexibility, and foster innovation.

Keeping in mind the growing enthusiasm of people regarding open-source software, we have decided to investigate its collective impact on businesses and enterprise IT.

Extending from increased collaboration and creativity to challenges in improving security and reliability, we will be discussing how this innovation is transforming the current business landscape.

So, whether you’re a business owner, an IT professional, or just someone interested in the latest technological trends, this blog is a great place to start learning about the impact of open-source software on a wider scale.

What is Open-Source Software?


According to the Open-source software’s official webpage:

“Open-source software refers to computer code distributed under a license in which the copyright holder grants users the right to freely access, modify, and distribute the software for any purpose.”

Basically, open-source software is a licensed computer code that is freely available to the public and can be modified, improved, and shared by anyone. In this type of software, the source code must be open for anyone to view, understand, and change as per their requirements. It is usually developed through community collaboration and maintained and updated on a volunteer basis.

You can think of it as a recipe for a delicious dish. Just like the recipe, the ingredients (source code) for Open-source software are available for everyone to see, change, and create their own version of the dish (software). Many people can collaborate and work together to improve and refine the original, making it better over time.

The idea behind open source is to enable contribution and collaboration among people so that the software can be developed and improved faster and more efficiently than an individual team.

Additionally, open-source software is free (mostly), making it accessible to those who may not have the resources to buy proprietary software.

Interesting facts about Open-Source Technology:

  • According to estimates, 90% of present businesses and products are using at least one open-source component.
  • The term “open-source” was first coined in 1998 by Christine Peterson, an American Software Executive and software pioneer.
  • 70% of all software used in Asia/Pacific enterprises to drive digital innovation is OSS.
  • The Open-Source industry has prestigious awards of its own just like the Oscars, the Bossie Awards.
  • Many technologies and products are powered by open-source software like smartphones, servers, web browsers, and cloud computing.
  • In 2021 Open-Source Services Market size was valued at USD 17.68 Billion and is expected to reach USD 71.05 Billion by 2030.
  • Some of the most popular open-source software projects include Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.

What makes Open-Source Software Special?


Open-source software is special because of the following reasons:

  1. Transparency: Open-source software code is available for everyone to see, inspect and modify. This means that everyone can verify that the software is safe and free from malicious code or vulnerabilities.
  2. Community: A passionate community of developers, users, and enthusiasts are always contributing their proficiency in improving the software.
  3. Collaboration: Since this software is developed through community collaboration, many software experts are able to contribute. This leads to faster and better-quality software.
  4. Innovation: Developers can build on existing code to create new tools and applications. This way there is always room for innovation and constant generation of new ideas.
  5. Freedom: Open source is free to use, modify and distribute, which means that software can be adapted to meet the specific needs of specific users or organizations.

Open-Source Initiative (OSI) and The Criteria to Qualify as Open-Source Software:

The Open-Source Initiative (OSI) is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to promoting and facilitating the use of open-source software. It was founded by Bruce Perens and Eric S. Raymond in 1998.

The main purpose of OSI is to educate people about the benefits of open source and promote its usage across the board.

Open-source Definition (OSD):

A list of approved open-source licenses is maintained by the OSI known as the Open-Source Definition (OSD). The OSD specifies the criteria that a license must meet in order to be considered open-source, such as making the source code available and allowing the software to be reshared.

  1. Free Redistribution: The open-source software license will not require a royalty or other fee for the sale or distribution of software as a component of an aggregate software distribution that includes programs from multiple sources.
  2. Source Code: The program must include source code, and must allow distribution in source code as well as compiled form.
  3. Derived Works: The license must allow modifications and derived works, and must allow them to be distributed under the same terms as the license of the original software.
  4. Integrity of The Author’s Source Code: The license may restrict source code from being distributed in modified form, but must also explicitly permit the distribution of software built from modified source code.
  5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups
  6. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor
  7. Distribution of License: The rights attached to the program must apply to all to whom the program is redistributed without the need for execution of an additional license by those parties.
  8. License Must Not Be Specific to a Product
  9. License Must Not Restrict Other Software
  10. License Must Be Technology Neutral

How is Open-Source Software (OSS) Impacting Enterprise Information Technology (EIT) and Business Organizations?


Now that we are aware of all the important terminologies, let’s look at how OSS solutions are contributing to changing the Software ecosphere:

  1. Cost: Open-source software is often free to use, which saves organizations and businesses a lot of money on software expenses.
  2. Accessibility: Open-source software can be used by anyone, regardless of their financial resources. This helps level the playing field and makes technology accessible to a wider range of people.
  3. Innovation & Collaboration: Open-source software is typically developed collaboratively by a community of developers, which can lead to faster innovation and improved quality.
  4. Security & Reliability: Because the source code of open-source software is open and accessible to the public, it can be scrutinized by a large number of people for security vulnerabilities. This helps make open-source software more secure than proprietary software, where security issues may not be discovered or fixed as quickly.
  5. Customization: Open-source software can be easily modified to meet an organization’s or business’s specific needs. This allows greater customization and flexibility compared to proprietary software.
  6. Freedom: Open-source software gives users the freedom to use, study, modify, and distribute the software as they see fit. This freedom is important for many people and organizations who value control over their technology.

What are the advantages and challenges of utilizing Open-source software for your?



  • Open-source is adaptable; developers can examine how the code works and freely modify dysfunctional or problematic aspects of the application to better meet their specific requirements.
  • Open-source software is reliable and stable. The source code is public so users can depend on it for long-term projects since they know that the code’s developers wouldn’t simply discontinue.
  • Open-source nurtures inventiveness; programmers can utilize pre-existing code to improve the software and come up with their own innovations.
  • Built-in community modifies and improves the source code on a regular basis.
  • It offers excellent learning opportunities for new programmers.
  • Open-Source software provides enterprises with the ability to attract better talent. As most professional technologists enjoy creating their own projects while having the ability to interact with developers outside their enterprise.



  • Due to setup challenges and a lack of user-friendly user interfaces, open-source software can be more challenging to use and adapt.
  • Open source might have compatibility issues. As when proprietary hardware is programmed with OSS, special hardware drivers are needed which are only available from the hardware manufacturer.
  • The costs of training users, importing data, and setting up required hardware can be unexpected with open source.
  • Liability issues can arise when using open-source software in contrast to commercial software, which is completely controlled by the vendor. Open source rarely includes any warranty, liability, or infringement indemnity protection. As a result, the consumer of the OSS is responsible for adhering to legal obligations.
  • Vulnerabilities are Public Knowledge; cybercriminals can identify and exploit vulnerabilities easily which are shared on databases like National Vulnerability Database (NVD) etc.

Is Open Source only useful to computer Programmers?

No, open-source software technology and an open-source mindset are not only beneficial for programmers but non-programmers, end-users, and organizations as well. Here’s how:

End-users: As open-source software is often free to use, it can provide end-users with powerful tools and applications that they might not have been able to afford otherwise.

Organizations: Open-source software can help organizations save money on licensing fees and development costs since it is often free and can be modified to meet specific needs. Moreover, open-source software can be personalized and integrated with existing systems, allowing for greater flexibility and control.

Non-programmers: This software can also benefit non-programmers by providing them with simple tools and applications that can help them complete tasks more quickly.

Open-source office suites, for example, such as LibreOffice or OpenOffice, provide users with powerful productivity tools that are both free and simple to use.

Where is Open-Source Technology being used?

Nearly every field has adopted some form of open-source software, here are some examples:

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning
  • Bioinformatics
  • Nanotechnology
  • Computer simulation
  • Data mining
  • Data visualization components
  • Enterprise search engines
  • Web browsers
  • Middleware
  • Bug trackers
  • Game engines
  • Healthcare software
  • Antivirus

The Future is Open Source:

OSS Future

Adoption of open-source software at the enterprise level has grown over the last decade, as more businesses discover the significant advantages open-source solutions have over their proprietary counterparts.

In addition to these benefits, the supportive communities always eager to introduce new innovations provide open-source software the viability to outlast the come and go of conventional software.

Therefore, as a whole open-source software remains at the fore front of advancing technology, meeting catering to the enterprise’s needs as they evolve.

In the end we would like to quote Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux and Git:

“I often compare open source to science. Science took this whole notion of developing ideas in the open and improving on other peoples’ ideas. It made science what it is today and made the incredible advances that we have had possible.”

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Top 16 AI Applications for Business Efficiency in 2023 Fri, 10 Feb 2023 19:25:10 +0000 With the increasing availability of big data and rapid advances in AI technology, it’s no surprise that more and more businesses are turning towards AI-powered tools to gain a competitive advantage and stay ahead of the curve. AI applications are rapidly gaining popularity as they provide new and improved methods of automating routine tasks, making […]

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With the increasing availability of big data and rapid advances in AI technology, it’s no surprise that more and more businesses are turning towards AI-powered tools to gain a competitive advantage and stay ahead of the curve.

AI applications are rapidly gaining popularity as they provide new and improved methods of automating routine tasks, making better decisions, increasing efficiency, and improving customer experiences.

Depending on each company’s specific needs and goals, the best AI application would be the one that fulfills their requirements best. Therefore, it is important to carefully evaluate the available options and select the AI apps that best meet the challenges of your organization.

To make things easier, we have prepared a comprehensive list of prominent AI-powered tools verified to be beneficial for many businesses in their respective sectors:

Customer Service:

  1. Salesforce Einstein:

Salesforce Einstein is the first extensive AI tool for Customer Relationship Management (CRM). It provides businesses with tools to manage sales, customer service, and marketing.



Some Key features of the Salesforce platform include:

  1. Contact Management: Offers businesses to manage and store customer contact data in a centralized system.
  2. Lead Management: Capturing, nurturing, and securing leads Allows tracking and management of leads from the first interaction to closing sales.
  3. Opportunity Tracking: Provides companies with a complete overview of sales opportunities, business progress, forecasting, and closing.
  4. Tailored Dashboards and Reports: Delivers real-time data insights allowing businesses to make informed decisions.
  5. App Integrations: Salesforce app can be integrated with a wide range of software and tools, along with email, social media, and payment gateways.
  6. Service Cloud: A platform for providing live customer care including case management and community forums.
  7. Marketing Automation: Automates marketing processes and provides customers with personalized and data-driven experiences.
  8. App Exchange: A Marketplace with over 5000 third-party applications and elements that can be added to maximize Salesforce’s capabilities.
  9. Mobile App: Easily accessible on multiple devices such as smartphones, laptops, and tablets.


  1. Zendesk:

Zendesk is another prominent customer service platform that helps businesses improve and manage their customer engagement across multiple channels.


Some noteworthy features of the software include:

  1. Ticket Management: Tracking and prioritizing customer inquiries and requests, and assigning them to agents based on their urgency.
  2. Self-Service: Reduces the customer’s need for contact support by offering a knowledge base of articles and FAQs.
  3. Automation: Saves time and improves efficiency by automating routine marketing processes.
  4. Reporting and Analytics: Enables informed decision-making by offering real-time insights.
  5. Collaboration: Allows teams to work together on client requests, enhancing customer satisfaction.
  6. Customizable Workflows: Zendesk can be customized according to each business’s branding, field, and work plan.
  7. Integrations: Can be integrated with a broad range of other tools.
  8. Mobile app: Easy access on multiple devices.

Supply Chain Optimization:

  1. Kinaxis:

Kinaxis is a top supply chain management app that provides real-time data to help businesses in making informed decisions for their supply chain operations.


Some unique aspects of the app are:

  1. Real-time Supply Chain Data: Offers enterprises real-time access to supply chain processes, enabling them to shift quickly accordingly to fluctuations in demand or supply.
  2. Integrated Planning: Demand planning, production planning, and inventory management are all integrated into a single platform by the app.
  3. Risk Management: Identifies potential risks in supply chain management.
  4. Customizable Dashboards: for tracking KPIs and making data-driven decisions.
  5. Integration with Enterprise Systems: Integrates with ERP, CRM Software, and logistics to provide a single source of all Supply chain info.
  6. Collaborative Planning: Single platform for supply chain teams to work together.
  7. Mobile Friendly: Allows users to access real-time supply chain data on multiple devices.
  1. CleverAds:

With Clever Ads you will have your online advertising made and optimized by professionals. Totally free! It is a suite of free tools with which you can launch and improve your online advertising strategy, and expand your business without increasing your workload.

Clever Ads

Some Key features of the Clever Ads platform include:

  1. Ads Creator: attract the right people to your website with your own search & display Google and Microsoft campaigns created by experts.
  2. Ads Audit: improve your digital ads performance with insights and tips.
  3. Ads Promo Codes: For Google Ads and Microsoft Ads. Activate them and start advertising for free!
  4. Slack & MS Teams Integrations: receive your ads reports, graphs, and metrics directly on your favorite channel.
  5. Keyword Planner: Perform complete keyword research for your online campaigns that actually convert.
  6. Ads Manager: one app where you will see all your social ads metrics.

Sales and Marketing:

  1. Marketo:

Marketo is a marketing automation application that uses AI to help businesses attract, engage and retain customers.


Its key features include:

  1. Lead Management: Capturing, nurturing, and securing leads.
  2. Email Marketing: To create, send, and track email campaigns, including automated trigger-based emails.
  3. Marketing Analytics: Offers real-time insights into marketing performance, such as campaign effectiveness and lead conversion rates.
  4. Personalization: Provides customers with personalized experiences according to their behavior and preferences.
  5. Marketing Automation: Automation of routine marketing tasks.
  6. Integrations: Can be integrated with other software.
  7. Multi-channel Marketing: Marketing via multiple channels such as email, social media, etc.
  1. Pega:

Low-code marketing automation app that helps businesses optimize their operations and customer experiences.


Key functions:

  1. Decision Management: Automation of decision-making processes like risk analysis and fraud detection.
  2. Case Management: Tracking progress, and customer requests and ensuring timely resolution.
  3. Predictive Analytics: Provides insights by using ML algorithms.
  4. Integrations: Integration with CRM, ERP software and databases.
  5. CEM: An omnichannel support for businesses for Customer Experience Management.
  6. Intuitive design tools: To reach business objectives successfully.

Human Resources:

  1. WorkFusion:

An AI-powered platform for automating and optimizing business processes.


Some of its Key Features are:

  1. RPA: Automation of tedious tasks like form filling, and data entry by Robotic Process Automation.
  2. Smart Process Automation: Intelligent business Automation suite that digitizes business operations.
  3. ML: Machine learning is employed to improve Process Automation and decision-making.
  4. Workflow Management: Visual workflow designer for designing, implementing, and managing automated processes.
  5. Data Analytics: Real-time data analytics and reporting to assist organizations in monitoring and improving the performance of their processes.
  6. Integrations: Easily integrates with a variety of third-party applications and systems.
  1. ADP Workforce Now:

A cloud-based software designed to help businesses streamline their HR processes such as Payroll, time and attendance, benefits administration, and talent management.

ADP Workforce Now

ADP Workforce Now offers a wide range of features like:

  1. Payroll Processing: Automates payroll processing, tax calculations, direct deposit, and other payment methods.
  2. Time and Attendance: Includes time clocks, mobile time tracking, and absence management tools for tracking employee time and attendance.
  3. Benefits Administration: Assists businesses in managing their benefit programs, open enrollment, administration planning, and compliance reporting.
  4. Talent Management: Includes talent management tools such as performance management, succession planning, and talent development.
  5. Compliance: Helps businesses in complying with labor laws and regulations, reporting, and tax compliance.

Financial Management:

  1. Intuit QuickBooks:

Cloud Based accounting application that helps businesses in managing their finances efficiently.

Intuit QuickBooks

Intuit QuickBooks’s key features are:

  1. Accounting: Management of accounting tasks like tracking income and expenses, creating invoices, and reconciling bank accounts.
  2. Payroll: Offers payroll services to assist businesses in paying employees, calculating taxes, and processing direct deposits.
  3. Invoicing: Creating and sending professional invoices along with managing payment reminders and tracking payments.
  4. Reporting: Generating reports to track the financial performances of businesses.
  5. Mobile App: Allows businesses to manage and access their financial information on the go.
  6. Integrations: Integrates with a variety of third-party tools and apps, such as payment processing services, banks, and e-commerce platforms


  1. Xero:

Xero is an Artificial Intelligence powered online accounting platform for small businesses and freelancers to manage finances.


It is an all-in-one solution that handles all of the company’s accounting functions from banking accounts and financial reporting to inventory tracking and payments.

Some of its key functions include:

  1. Accounting Tools: Managing accounting tasks like tracking income and expenses, creating invoices, reconciling bank accounts, etc.
  2. Invoicing:  Tools for creating and sending professional invoices, as well as managing payment reminders and tracking payments.
  3. Payroll: Provides payroll services to assist businesses in paying employees, calculating taxes, and processing direct deposits.
  4. Reporting: To assist businesses in tracking their financial performance, Xero generates a variety of reports such as profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.
  5. Mobile App: Allows businesses to access and manage their financial information while on the go.
  6. Integrations: Integrates with a variety of third-party tools and apps, such as payment processing services, banks, and e-commerce platforms.

Logistics and Transportation:

  1. KlearNow:

KlearNow is a Logistics management platform that uses Artificial Intelligence to automate tasks such as carrier selection, pricing, and invoicing.


Some important features of the application include:

  1. Carrier Selection: AI algorithms to select the best carrier for each shipment.
  2. Pricing Automation: Helps carriers determine the most cost-effective option.
  3. Invoicing Automation: Reduces shippers’ burden by automating invoices.
  4. Real-time tracking: Allows shippers to monitor the status of delivery.
  5. Shipment Optimization: AI-assisted optimization of shipments.
  6. Carries Performance Tracking: Real-time insights into carrier performance


  1. Loadsmart:

AI-powered logistics platform that connects shippers, carriers, and brokers to manage an automated shipping process.


Here are some noteworthy features of the Loadsmart app:

  1. Carrier Matching: AI to match shippers with the best available truckers.
  2. Real-time Pricing: Real-time pricing information helps shippers compare prices and choose the best available option.
  3. Automated Bookings: Automates the process of booking shipments.
  4. Real-time Tracking: Allows tracking of shipments.
  5. Shipment Optimization: Reduces transit time and improves delivery efficiency.
  6. Performance Monitoring: Helps shippers to monitor the reliability of carriers and make informed decisions.
  7. Customer Service: Dedicated customer supports team.

Data Analysis:

  1. Tableau

A Business Intelligence software that helps organizations unlock insights from their data to make data-driven decisions.


Key features of Tableau are:

  1. Data Connectivity: connects to a variety of data sources like spreadsheets, databases, and cloud services.
  2. Data visualization: Interactive data visualization to understand data.
  3. Analysis: Provides powerful data analytics.
  4. Data Storytelling: Makes it simple to create and share engaging, interactive data stories.
  5. Collaboration: Enables users to collaborate by sharing workbooks, dashboards, and data stories, and including comments and annotations.
  6. Scalability: Designed to meet the needs of large organizations.
  7. Integration: Can be integrated with analytics tools and collaboration platforms
  1. PowerBI:

Business Intelligence and data visualization tool that enables organizations to analyze and visualize data from multiple sources.

Power BI

Some of Power BI’s main functions include:

  1. Data Connectivity: Enables companies to connect with a variety of data sources.
  2. Data Modelling: Builds custom data models.
  3. Data Visualization: Interactive visualizations like graphs, charts, maps, and dashboards.
  4. Data Exploration: Drills down data to find insights and identify trends.
  5. Collaboration: Allows users to share data and insights.
  6. Integration with other Microsoft tools: Can be easily integrated MS apps like excel, PowerPoint, etc.


  1. Darktrace

An Artificial Intelligence powered cybersecurity software that helps organizations detect and respond to threats before they cause any significant damage.


Darktrace’s main features include:

  1. Threat Detection: Machine learning algorithms to identify threats.
  2. Autonomous Response: Automatically responds to threats in real time and neutralizes them.
  3. Interactive Investigation: Interactive interface for security teams helping to identify the source and extent of attacks.
  4. Continuous Learning: Continuously evolves over time to improve threat detection.
  5. Integration with other Security Tools: Easily integrates with other security tools like Firewalls, Intrusion detection systems, SIEM systems, etc.
  6. Deployment flexibility: Allows organizations to choose the deployment method that meets their requirements best.


  1. FireEye:

A cybersecurity platform that offers a wide range of security solutions to protect businesses from cyberattacks.


Key Functions:

  1. Advanced Threat Intelligence: Detailed analysis of known and emerging threats.
  2. Dynamic Threat Defense: Protection against persistent targeted attacks.
  3. MVX: Multi-Vector Virtual Execution isolates and analyses malware.
  4. Email Security: Prevents email-based attacks.
  5. Network security: Visibility and protection across an organization’s network.
  6. End-Point Security: Guards against threats on endpoints like laptops and servers.
  7. Managed Defense: Provides lacking the resources to manage security operations.
  8. Incident Response: Assists in responding to and recovering from incidents.

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Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Driving New Efficiencies and Rewriting the Story of Work Wed, 01 Feb 2023 05:23:01 +0000 Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is changing the software world in the same way the robots have transformed our physical spaces. Robots serve us by reducing our manual workload and streamlining industrial processes. They toil away in factories and manufacturing units, freeing us from tedious labor that weighs us down substantially. Similarly, RPA takes away the […]

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Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is changing the software world in the same way the robots have transformed our physical spaces.

Robots serve us by reducing our manual workload and streamlining industrial processes. They toil away in factories and manufacturing units, freeing us from tedious labor that weighs us down substantially.

Similarly, RPA takes away the burden of repetitive and monotonous digital tasks off our shoulders and places them on computer software or ‘robots’.

RPA enables us as humans to concentrate better on more rewarding work, the work that requires logic and intellect and adds value to our lives.

To quote Ian Barkin, Co-founder & Head of Strategy, Symphony:

RPA takes that which doesn’t add value out of the hands of people and automates it.”


What is RPA? Why do we need RPA? How does it work? How is it transforming workspaces? And is it going to replace humans? Let’s find out.

What is Robotic Process Automation?

According to the Institute of Robotic Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence, it is defined as:

“Robotic process automation (RPA) is the application of technology that allows employees in a company to configure computer software or a ‘robot’ to capture and interpret existing applications for processing a transaction, manipulating data, triggering responses, and communicating with other digital systems.”

It may sound complex but in simpler terms, RPA is just a software bot used for automating well-defined digital tasks otherwise performed by people. It saves a lot of valuable time by eliminating the need to perform repetitious, boring, and tedious tasks.

These software robots are well-versed in taking instructions, understanding the contents appearing on the screen, inputting the appropriate keystrokes, steering through systems, and identifying and mining data of interest along with several other explicit actions.

They can do whatever they are programmed for faster and more efficiently than humans without any breaks or stretches.

Why do we need Robotic Process Automation?

The business world today is extremely competitive, it demands everything to be faster, better, and more accurate. Therefore, the digitalization of business processes alone is not sufficient enough to stay ahead of your competitors and keep up with the growing expectations of clients.

What we need is an intelligent solution like Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to make effective use of resources and time, resulting in the efficient management of complicated business processes.

However Robotic Automation is not new, it has been excessively applied in the production sector to enhance speed and accuracy. What new is its area of application, it is now being applied at the software level to streamline mentally strenuous processes.

Usually, employees get caught up in work that is repetitive and makes them robotic. For example, data entry, data transfer, data monitoring, MS Excel worksheets, or data collection from different systems for reports, etc. This kind of work is most easily prone to errors and often results in burnout.

Automation of various activities can improve the performance of almost any business process. Beyond enabling a reduction in labor costs, automation can raise throughput, increase reliability, and improve quality, among other performance gains”.

-McKinsey Global Institute

Thus RPA, a backend employee out of the cloud, can be a much-needed substitute in this case.

How is RPA Technology Transforming Workspaces?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a transmutative technology powered by software bots managing high-volume, repetitive work like transferring files, moving folders, sending emails, and extracting data. It effortlessly simplifies business workflows and processes enabling corporate workers to become more productive.


More and more companies are adopting Robotic Process Automation to reduce costs and eliminate tedious tasks that make their workers robotic.

RPA offers human workers the gift of time and energy, freeing them up to do things they love most, like collaborating with clients and working on inventive business projects and innovative ideas.

Businesses leveraging RPA can automate their routine tasks and rule-based operations, allowing the employees to concentrate on more productive tasks- the ones requiring human intellect and creativity.

What are the Benefits of Using Robotic Process Automation for your Business?


  1. Cost savings:

RPA software is a powerful solution to execute manual, time consuming office-based tasks more effectively at lower costs than any other automation tool.

According to PwC about 45% of the current office activities can be automated by RPA, saving about $2 trillion in global workforce costs.

  1. Improved Productivity and ROI:

Mind-numbing tasks like copy-pasting information across systems normally result in exhaustion and decreased efficiency across the board.

When employees have to spend hours doing labor-intensive manual work, they don’t have the time and energy for work that demands their creative skills.

But with RPA, humans are allowed to be more human at work, they can focus more on the intellectual work as the robot take care of tasks that get in the way. RPA bots can increase team productivity by 35% to 50% when configured properly.

  1. Workforce:

RPA can transform enterprises from a labor-centric operating model to a technology-powered operating model. With a digital workforce capable of working 24/7 for your organization, employees can shift their attention towards more strategic work, like business development, etc.

  1. Reliability, Consistency, and Improved Quality:

Human errors in accounts payable are the most common reason for real and unplanned losses for businesses. Such critically sensitive business processes can be automated by RPA to make them 100% error-free.

  1. Advanced Data Security:

Data breaches and leaks are common and the main reason for them are human mismanagement. However, this can be avoided by using RPA software robots as they provide advanced data protection while the execution of business processes with higher accuracy and reliability.

  1. Economic Benefits:

Implementing RPA solutions into your enterprise can reduce operational costs and can help you achieve higher returns on investments faster than traditional ERP deployment. There are 2 reasons for that:

  • RPA solutions are faster and easier to deploy.
  • RPA has lesser integration needs.

Besides the cost and efficiency advantages, a couple of RPA’s greatest benefits are often overlooked: its ease of deployment and the speed and agility it confers on the enterprise”.

PwC White Paper: Organize your future with robotic process automation

How does RPA work?

Broadly speaking, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) needs two main steps function:

  • Defining and instructing the software bot in detail about what actions it should take and when should they proceed.
  • Followed by RPA software configuring the bot to perform the task.

But more precisely the RPA cycle comprises 4 phases:


  • Analysis

The first step of the RPA life cycle is analysis. For this a business analyst and an RPA developer coordinate together to find out where RPA is needed and how can it be useful to them. They formulate a strategy to automate as much tasks as possible to minimize tedious workload. After appropriate documentation, development process begins.

  • Development Phase

After having a thorough analysis the development team prepares for the requirements of task automation. Depending on the automation there might be coding or no coding, normally coding isn’t needed.

  • Testing Phase

After that the automation developed is tested either by a designated team or the developers, similar to regular software testing.

  • Deployment and Maintenance Phase 

Finally after successful testing of the bot software, it is ready for deployment. If there’s any bug after deployment, it again goes under testing and maintenance. This keeps on repeating until it’s fully operational.

Where can RPA be used?

RPA systems are perfect for streamlining workflows at finance, accounting, HR, and administration departments of any organization. Let’s see where these solutions are being applied currently:


Will RPA Replace Humans?

RPA is undoubtedly the next disruptive technology that has the potential to revolutionize our business operations and how the world gets work done.

In the upcoming years RPA might even make some of present day jobs obsolete when combined Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

But it is important to note that RPA software bots are not:

  • Humanoid Robots
  • They are not present physically.
  • They do not have a brain of their own.

So, is RPA replacing people? Of course not.

Robotics and automation are here to make work easier for us and make people more productive, it is not a threat to our jobs whatsoever. Human intelligence is not that easily replaceable.

“One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man.”

-Elbert Hubbard

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List Of The Best News Apps for Android 2023 Mon, 23 Jan 2023 14:07:20 +0000 The conventional modes and mediums of reading news have completely transformed ever since the emergence of the internet. Decades ago, you had to spend time searching for the latest updates and political affairs and uncertainty on the internet. Now, the world is shifting towards a globalized era. This is the time of mobile app technology. […]

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The conventional modes and mediums of reading news have completely transformed ever since the emergence of the internet. Decades ago, you had to spend time searching for the latest updates and political affairs and uncertainty on the internet. Now, the world is shifting towards a globalized era.

This is the time of mobile app technology. The news you had to search for on different websites to prove its authenticity can easily be viewed and read on a single app. Thanks to the news apps available in the app store.

This is an innovational and contemporary approach to acquiring news and information, not to mention the time we save altogether. If you own an Android smartphone and want to acquire all news through a single platform, then we have good news for you. Here are the best news apps for android in 2023 that serve this purpose on Android.

Source: A Google Trend Graph on News App

Google Trends Graph on News App

Top 13 News Apps for Android In 2023

Here is a List of The Best News Apps for Android 2023 selected effectively.

1.      Google News

Number of Downloads: 1B+

Google has come up with its news app known as Google News. It is an aggregator app that organizes world news that allows people to discover what they want to know. It collects news from credible news agencies. The news encompasses local, national, and global segments.

The app is downloadable for Android users and is considered to be the best breaking news app. The app performs best by tracking the news you want to be alert of. Being robust with every feature optimizes the content and improves results. Users can enjoy the feature of push notifications to have an insight into the liked news.

Why do you need to download Google News?

Google News

  • Everyone can read everything available; Google has an integrated briefing feature that makes it easy to stay up-to-date about relevant and important information.
  • The app also gives insight into the news from deep research and different perspectives. The feature is known as Full Coverage, covering highlighted and surfacing stories.
  • Have a look at the personalized news and the news that interests you. The app allows taking control of articles and topics from the sources you care about.

Click on the Link to Download the App from Google Store: Google News – Daily Headlines

2.      BBC News

Number of Downloads: 10 million+

The BBC has also innovated its app to stream news and updates. BBC News app has been tremendous with a staggering global network of journalists. The app covers on every area and caters the users with groundbreaking news from trusted correspondents. BBC News app has been successful in creating a free app for Android users

News on the app is categorically divided for the users to pick what they want. They have an interactive app with the traditional red color of BBC world. The app has been set to it is best, as it shows relevant news and allows you to read stories from the preferred region.

Why do you need to download BBC News?

BBC News

  • The news can be personalized and you can choose news only that you want to read. So, My News is one feature to watch out for.
  • They follow a fuller news section where readers can read a full selection of popular news such as politics, business, entertainment, and health.
  • If you are interested to read popular news, add them to the section regularly.
  • The journalists are available on the app 24/7 and you can listen to them for a deep analysis or have a critical insight into various news.
  • You can choose the preferred location, and be entertained with managed topics and stories you care about.

Click on the Link to Download the App from Google Store: BBC News

3.      Good News

Number of Downloads: 50K+

Pricing: $2.99/month


If you need to download an app that covers a positive aspect of the world, Good News Network is the app to download. The app has been operating for more than a decade and has made it the top app for news. They provide readers with uplifting, news that may sometime be overshadowed by negative news.

Why do you need to download Good News?

Good News Network

  • The app takes less time to load stories and videos.
  • You can receive notifications on every news of interest and stories from your favorite topic.
  • Users are also catered to personalized news and show the preferred topics in the feed.

Click on the Link to Download the App from Google Store: Good News Network

4.      The New York Times

Number Of Downloads: 10 million+

The New York has also upgraded itself to an app that is available for Android users to download. It is a free-to-download app that includes news and stories from 1700 journalists. Users can tap into the world’s most interesting stories from every industry.

Whether it is about the latest events or cultural stories, users can tap into it in a go. The New York Times app is also customizable according to the need of its users. Moreover, they have upgraded to AI features by introducing augmented reality and 360 views.

Why do you need to download The New York Times?

The New York Times

  • The app has the feature of shareable news, so it can be shared with friends and families to share articles, photos, and videos.
  • They have a dedicated space known as For You, the users can relax with articles, news stories, and videos from experts around the world.
  • To keep the app interactive, they have integrated puzzles and crosswords with immersive graphics for better data visualization.

Click on the Link to Download the App from Google Store: The New York Times

5.      DW – Breaking World News

Number of Downloads: 1million+

A sheer overage on international news DW is credible news from the most pressing issues to the most amazing news. The news from DW helps to shape, and understand the world from a greater vision. You can have an in-depth analysis of science, politics, arts, and culture.

It is a German platform that has been credited for its reliability, credibility, and quality, and for covering different attributes in any news. The app is supported by Chromecast. DW bringers people closers across borders by providing unbiased, and impartial news.

Why do you need to download DW – Breaking World News?

DW – Breaking World News

  • Users are able to receive push notifications to be alerted about every news.
  • The app operates in more than 30 languages.
  • DW is created with low bandwidth access in text mode.
  • With the latest update users can also have an access to live Tv.

Click on the Link to Download the App from Google Store: DW – Breaking World News

6.      Al Jazeera

Number of Downloads: 500million

Al-Jazeera is the world’s massive news network from the Middle East. It has now spread as an international network from its respective region. Working on 6 continents Al – Jazeera caters to more than 2 million houses.

The app is open to every user and has news from every section and you can read whatever you like. The app is downloadable for Android and operates in different languages and formats. Al – Jazeera also has a channel that is a one-stop solution.

Why do you need to download Al Jazeera?

Al Jazeera

  • The app covers wonderful stories from around the world through reliable agencies.
  • The app also has weather updates and forecasts that can be saved according to location.
  • You can create a My News section that helps the readers to keep track of the news of interest.

Click on the Link to Download the App from Google Store: Al Jazeera

7.      Feedly

Number of Downloads: 5million+

Feedly has earned its stature as one of the most renowned free-to-use news apps because of the unique features and options it offers. The app is based on the concept of an RSS reader since it lets you find sources, news, and other relevant updates from different platforms. People also use Feedly to read and research new topics, blogs, keywords, and other brands and companies.

Why Do You Need to Download Feedly?


  • They have an excellent optimized app with great UX.
  • You can bookmark the news; this helps you to read the content you want.
  • Feedly has integrated ML that allows readers to read personalized content.
  • Users can keep track of insight without needing to read anything.
  • Feedly is integrated with Facebook, Buffer, Evernote, Pinterest, Zapier, and IFTT to easily share stories across the network.

Click on the Link to Download the App from Google Store: Feedly – Smart News Reader

8.      Pocket

Number of Downloads: 10million+


$5/ month


You will not find content on the app itself as it only provides you with links that you can save for further reading. Supposedly, you had been using a particular social media site, and you found an interesting article to read, but you do not know where to save it for reading it later. You can save all articles, blog posts, and other links in the Pocket app directly.

Why Do You Need To Download Pocket?


  • Users can save the latest blogs, news, recipes, web pages, and other content.
  • The app is interconnected with various news platforms and publishers.
  • You can listen to articles on a phone or computer in offline mode. You can get straight to the news feed.

Click on the Link to Download the App from Google Store: Pocket: Save. Read. Grow

9.      Inoreader

Number of Downloads: 500K



Supporter $1.67/month

Pro $0.99/month

This is a free news app that, in terms of features, is a lot similar to Feedly. You have the full leverage to customize your newsfeed by only choosing topics and categories that are of your interest. Once you are done building your newsfeed, the topics can be aligned according to your interests. Several topics will be available as default when you install the app since not every reader prefers to create reading lists from scratch.

Why Do You Need To Download Inoreader?


  • You can follow some of your favorite blogs, content, and articles.
  • Users can highlight and set keywords for easier reading.
  • Articles can be translated without the need for extensions.
  • The articles can be saved to Evernote, articles Google Drive, and Dropbox.
  • They offer the option to integrate custom themes and layouts.

Click on the Link to Download the App from Google Store: Inoreader: News and RSS Reader

10.  Flipboard

Number of Downloads: 500million+

Another free news Android app, Flipboard, is probably the most widely known in this list. With features and options similar to Feedly, Flipboard lets you customize your newsfeed with only topics from websites, sources, and platforms that you find interesting and worthwhile to read. But what makes it so popular? The vibrant colors, animations, and engaging UX are what have made it so popular amongst readers.

Why Do You Need to Download Flipboard?


  • You can choose the area of interest and make a top nine category.
  • It is close to an RSS reader but is more of a news app.
  • You can keep up with the information by looking into local news about the weather, regional news, commute, or sports.
  • You can turn on notifications by adding the app t the widget.

Click on the Link to Download the App from Google Store: Flipboard: The Social Magazine

11.  AP News

Number of Downloads: 1million+

Whether you are looking for local news or updates on international news coverage, AP News can accumulate information according to your interests as well as your region. The interface design is quite simple and does not contain complex visual elements or navigational options to confuse the app’s users.

Why do you need to download AP News?

Ap News

  • News can be notified in a personalized way and have custom notifications.
  • They have curated content with credible sources.
  • You can find other news like entertainment, controversies, travel, and music.
  • This app also offers every function in a personalized manner that helps the readers to have a sorted reading.
  • You will find amazing award-winning articles from different writers.
  • News lovers can read both local and global news at the same time.

Click on the Link to Download the App from Google Store: AP News

12.  SmartNews

Number of Downloads: 50million+

In this age of digital, there are a lot of online news readers, which is why SmartNews tried to opt for a unique approach to stand out. The app accumulates different news, updates, and sources and then forms a list of recommendations for you smartly. The main news headlines will only consist of the latest and trending topics, so by using SmartNews, you will never miss out on the latest updates from across the world.

Why Do You Need to Download SmartNews?


  • They have millions of new stories every day and articles are added from trending stories from around the world.
  • All the news is available on the user’s preference.
  • Users can change the outlook of the app for a better view.

Click on the Link to Download the App from Google Store: SmartNews: Local Breaking News

13.  Podcast Addict

Just as the name suggests, Podcast and Radio Addict is a fusion of a podcast/radio and a newsreader app. As for its collection of podcasts, the number has exceeded 450,000, so you can imagine how many podcasts a single app has in store.

It has made it to the list because of the fusion in news reading and podcasts. The newsfeed of the app is also evenly organized with sources, sites, and articles that match your interests accurately. The best part is that it even has support for platforms such as Twitch and YouTube. It allows you to view podcasts on these sites directly through the Podcast Addict app.

Why Do You Need to Download Podcast Addict?

Podcast Addict

  • The app is integrated with podcasts that help to listen and be updated from the most famous networks.
  • They have the option to connect the app with Bluetooth.
  • Podcast addict comes with storage access.

Click on the Link to Download the App from Google Store: Podcast Addict: Podcast Player

These are some of the most popular news apps for Android in 2023. These are curated based on their credibility and have the opportunity to improve the reading experience. Such news apps have transformed the way we used to read and how things were searched. You cannot turn away from these app as they are compelling, competitive and has intense importance.

The post List Of The Best News Apps for Android 2023 appeared first on .

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Potential of Business Intelligence in 2023: Concepts, Tools & Techniques Wed, 18 Jan 2023 15:00:59 +0000 With data playing an increasingly important role in business success, it’s essential for organizations to leverage the wealth of digital insights at their disposal. “Without data, companies are blind and deaf, wandering out onto the web like deer on a freeway.” ~ Geoffrey Moore Studies show that 85% of company executives believe that leveraging big […]

The post Potential of Business Intelligence in 2023: Concepts, Tools & Techniques appeared first on .

With data playing an increasingly important role in business success, it’s essential for organizations to leverage the wealth of digital insights at their disposal.

“Without data, companies are blind and deaf, wandering out onto the web like deer on a freeway.”

~ Geoffrey Moore

Studies show that 85% of company executives believe that leveraging big data can drastically improve their operations.

Business Intelligence (BI) is the key to turning these insights into actionable steps that can drive real results. By analyzing and interpreting the data relevant to your business goals, strategies, and initiatives, you can uncover trends and patterns that can help you make measurable improvements.

Business Intelligence:  

Business intelligence utilizes business analytics, data mining, data visualizations, data tools and infrastructure, and best practices to assist organizations in making more informed decisions.

It consists of a set of tools that help to convert raw data into useful information which can be used to back up decision-making. Moreover, BI offers reporting features, tools for recognizing data clusters, assistance for data mining practices, business performance management, and predictive analysis.

The ultimate goal of Business Intelligence is to give assistance for decision-making. In fact, BI tools are often called Decision Support Systems (DSS) or fact-based support systems as they provide business users with instruments to analyze their data and extract relevant information.

“The core advantage of decision-making tells you something about the world that you didn’t know before.”

~ Hilary Mason

Business Intelligence tools are a must-have for companies that want to gain a competitive advantage in today’s market.

By sourcing their data from a data warehouse, companies can make sure that the data is cleansed, consolidated, conformed, and stored in one convenient location. This way, the BI tools can focus on analyzing the data and make use of AI and other capabilities as a part of business analytics.

With Statista predicting a 149-zettabyte data explosion by 2024, harnessing the power of big data has become a necessity for companies looking to stay ahead of the game.

Key points:

  • Business intelligence provides a wide range of instruments and strategies to ensure sound and accurate decision-making.
  • The most prosperous businesses take advantage of BI to quickly and cost-effectively comprehend growing volumes of data.
  • BI-powered, data-driven decision-making helps organizations remain pertinent and competitive.

Why Do Business Intelligence Concepts And BI Solutions Matter So Much In Today’s World?

With more and more data being produced every second it is increasingly becoming harder for humans to manage and comprehend it efficiently.

As mentioned earlier, our world is flooded with digital data, but if you don’t use it to your benefit you’ll soon fall behind the curve, and within a few years your venture will become redundant.

With that said, digital data is extremely powerful for making decisions and improving corporate efficiency but only if you know how to handle it correctly. That’s where the BI and its concepts come in.

To quote Jay Baer:

 “We are surrounded by data, but starved for insights.”

To emphasize the importance of Business Intelligence solutions and tools in the modern age, here we have listed the major benefits of leveraging on the power of BI.

  1. It Saves Organizations From Drowning In Data:

The vast sea of data can be either the greatest opportunity in the world or simply a huge headache. On one side, there are currently more sources of data than ever before. On the other hand, there is more unwanted clutter than ever standing in your way of finding useful information.

Nonetheless, without BI your business has a very serious risk of drowning in data.

  1. Provides Game-Changing Insights:

With the power of BI tools, you can gain groundbreaking insights that can provide game-changing solutions enhancing the company’s internal and external communications, data analysis, finances, objectives, marketing, and overall revenue.

  1. Predicts Upcoming Trends:

The next key benefit of BI is its ability to predict future trends. Online Business Intelligence technologies and systems provide a practical way to anticipate future events.

This allows us to set strategies to either stop disasters from happening or seize the opportunity of possible trends before our rivals. These tools and solutions provide digestible patterns and information.

  1. Helps Set More Accurate Benchmarks:

By utilizing BI-based Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) you can formulate better actionable goals for your organization.

This will ultimately expedite your company’s overall success as you’ll able to develop more competent and realistic strategies, and then productively work towards achieving those important benchmarks.

  1. Offers Outstanding Data Visualizations:

You’ll be able to create an effective narrative and share your findings more efficiently by using data visualization tools. This will maximize the chances of success of your organization, further enhancing its productivity.

5. Offers Outstanding Data Visualizations

Image Credits: Zoho Analytics

BI solutions help you do all of that and more. Thus, Business Intelligence concepts and solutions are necessary for the plethora of information we are sinking in. They are crucial to eliminate the noise and find something worthwhile.

Understanding The Core Concepts Of Business Intelligence:

  1. Raw Data

Data is the first element of any integral BI solution. This information could include everything from annual sales figures to the keywords used in your most recent advertising campaign to benefit and salary tables to profit and loss accounts.

According to the manner in which each distinct data set is gathered, a company’s data is often housed across a variety of databases (through CRMs, ERPs, flat files, APIs, etc.).

As a result of this fragmentation, today’s BI solutions include a variety of data connectors that allow users to consolidate all of their databases into a single centralized data warehouse, allowing them to work on each insight concurrently and improving cross-database analysis.

  1. Data Warehouses

As discussed above, data warehouses are the logistics platforms that connect all the databases together. This is a zone that has recently witnessed great advancements with the introduction of cloud-based BI tools.

The traditional method of creating a data warehouse frequently consisted of a jumble of numerous Excel sheets, outdated mainframe-style databases that had to be accessed by technicians, paper-based records, and proprietary program databases.

After discovering how challenging it was to utilize all of these dispersed data sources, people started integrating databases using warehouses and systems.

  1. Data Access, Analytics, and Presentation

After getting all of your data connected and able to “speak to each other” the next step of BI is to make use of that data.

This requires gaining access to the data, examining it for significant trends, and presenting it in a format that is easily comprehendible.

Since the days of Excel, data presentation has advanced considerably as well. There are now intuitive, clear dashboard examples available that can provide you with the information you require at a glimpse.

  1. Data dashboarding and reporting

Elaborating on our last point, the most crucial element of an interactive dashboard is consistently tracking, monitoring, and reporting the data.

You can set goals, discover patterns, identify trends, and learn insights that encourage growth and improvement by having access to a flexible, adaptable, data-driven online dashboard.

Furthermore, BI-based dashboard reporting is ubiquitous, enabling you to sign in, analyze data, and share information from anywhere in the globe, 24/7, on a variety of devices.

Apparently, these are the four BI concepts that are a surefire way to data-driven success. Now, let’s talk about the tools and techniques required to make practical use of these concepts.

What are Business Intelligence tools and techniques?

Predictive modeling, data mining, and contextual dashboards or Key Performance Indicators are just some of the most common BI tools. Here are more tools and how they’re used:

  • Analytics
  • Dashboards
  • Data mining
  • ETL
  • Model visualization
  • OLAP
  • Predictive Modeling
  • Reporting
  • Scoreboards


Business Analytics is a BI approach that digs into the data to uncover hidden patterns and insights from past and present discoveries to support useful data-driven decisions.


Generally, understandable data visuals, KPIs, analytics measures, and other data points that affect decision-making are included in interactive collections of role-relevant data.

Data mining:

This method looks for trends in massive datasets using statistics, database systems, and machine learning. Pre-processing of the data is also necessary for data mining. Data mining is utilized by end-users to build models that identify trends.

Extract Transfer Load (ETL):

In order to prepare the data for reports and analysis, this tool extracts the data from data sources, transforms it, cleans it, and stores it in data warehouses.

Model visualization:

The model visualization technique turns data into graphs, histograms, and other pictorial representations to promote accurate insight comprehension.

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP):

With numerous dimensions and multiple points of view, OLAP is an approach to solving analytical problems. OLAP is helpful for completing activities like budgeting, financial forecasting, and CRM data analysis.

Predictive modeling:

This method makes it feasible to forecast a value using a variety of statistical models for particular data sets and attributes.


This tool involves collecting information using various sources and software to uncover insights. Reporting offers observations and recommendations regarding patterns to make decision-making simpler.


BI dashboards and scorecards are a swift and effective way to measure KPIs and show an organization’s progression and if it’s successful in accomplishing its objectives.

Trends in Business Intelligence:

While business intelligence is constantly changing and improving, four trends—artificial intelligence (AI), cloud analytics, collaborative BI, and embedded BI—are revolutionizing how organizations use large amounts of data and significantly simplify decision-making.

Artificial intelligence:

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning simulate the sophisticated functions carried out by human brains. Real-time data analysis and dashboard reporting are driven by this capacity.

Cloud analytics:

Business Intelligence software powered by cloud analytics is replacing on-site installations. In order to assess data on demand and improve decision-making, more organizations are adapting to this technology.

Embedded BI:

Embedded business intelligence (BI) or embedded analytics refers to the integration of BI software into another business application. Enhanced reporting capabilities are only one advantage of embedded BI, which has also been demonstrated to boost sales and customer loyalty.

To stay up with expanding warehouse requirements and quicker installations, many businesses choose to cloud-based or software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions rather than on-premise software.

Another emerging trend is the utilization of mobile BI to benefit from the prevalence and convenience of mobile devices.

How Are BI Concepts Applied In The Real World?

As you’ve already read, learning the fundamentals of business intelligence basically improves your capacity to spot pertinent market and business-related trends and patterns.

Now let’s understand how are these concepts utilized in real-world situations.

  1. Minimizing the sales cycle

Sales analytics lets you determine which of your sales reps is performing the best. Once you understand why their performance is better than others, you can see what can be done to replicate this behavior on a larger scale to maximize sales and minimize the time period.

Minimizing the sales cycle

Image Credits: Slide team

  1. Analyze and understand consumer habits:

Using BI software, you can investigate which of the customer acquisition channels are generating the most returns right now.

You can also identify which of your lead-generating channels is providing you with your best customers — those who pay timely and refer your business.

Analyze and understand consumer habits

Image Credits: Slide team

  1. Making effective marketing plans

You can recognize your most efficacious initiatives and the common attributes they share by incorporating marketing analytics and predictive analytics.

  1. Process improvements for the customer experience

Customer service and customer experience (CX) are among the most important factors in long-term growth and success in the information age. It’s critical to get them right every time.

BI solutions, such as customer service dashboards, can provide a combination of critical insights aimed at consistently satisfying or surpassing your customers’ anticipations.

  1. Monitoring the procurement process 

Applying BI concepts to your strategy is critical for keeping your procurement efforts running as smoothly as possible.

Regardless of industry or sector, procurement is the heart of almost every business’s daily operation, and it encompasses more than just tangible stock or goods.

There are various procurement KPIs, but maintaining fluency, cohesiveness, efficiency, and consistency is critical to your success.

Monitoring the procurement process

Image source: Datapine Business Intelligence Solutions

Final thoughts

To sum up, making smart data-driven decisions is the key to enhance a company’s performance and BI has all the tools to make this a possibility.

Even though it was previously believed that business intelligence tools were only available to larger organizations, this presumption is slowly evolving, and businesses of all types and sizes are adapting to this trailblazing technology known as business intelligence.

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The Best Fitness and Workout Apps For 2023 Wed, 11 Jan 2023 14:15:31 +0000 If you think of two things that have picked up a fair bit globally, in the last decade or so, what would they be? One, we know, is the creation and use of mobile applications. In this multitude world of apps, it is difficult to find an app of your choice. Coming to the fitness app […]

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If you think of two things that have picked up a fair bit globally, in the last decade or so, what would they be? One, we know, is the creation and use of mobile applications. In this multitude world of apps, it is difficult to find an app of your choice.

Coming to the fitness app industry, is a dynamic market with a lot of apps available. They have distinct features that set each of them apart from the others. According to Statista, the global revenue of fitness apps is to reach $15.3bn by 2028.

Merging Tech and Fitness

Fitness apps allow users to monitor various aspects of one’s physical health while offering features that help users implement changes in their daily lives. A fitness app helps you to focus on nutrition, exercise, and those that focus on both. They are excellent for tracking, managing, be as healthy as you can.

They are a convenient option as they are downloadable on phones, tablets, or on other electronic devices. With fitness apps, you can choose the workout of choice and conduct it whenever you want. So, they help you no matter where you are on the planet.

Some apps do not cost anything, but others cost some dollars to access their premium features. With so many apps emerging in the market, you are bound to choose what suits best to you.

Workout Apps to Look For In Year 2023

Workout apps are a great way to help you get into shape. The problem is, there are literally over a hundred thousand workout apps out there! How does one go about choosing the right one?

So, here is a well-sorted list of The Best Fitness and Workout Apps for 2023.

1.      Le Sweat TV – A Fitness Led App


Free to use

Available for:

iOS and Android


Google Play: 4.9

Apple Store: 5

Why Do You Need to Choose It?                                       

Le Sweat Tv is a do-at-home workout app with a trainer. The app can be used easily by following the sessions by selecting the best program you are interested in. Each workout is designed specifically depending on the programs like abs, arms, calves, and more.

Le Sweat Tv

If you’re looking to get your stamina and cardio, back in order or want to do something that doesn’t involve weights or classes, this app is the answer. The app comes with more than 250 workouts and also has the option for you to choose the time length. If you have any questions the global Le Seat community can help in this regard.

Download: Android, iOS

2.      Pocket Yoga


$2.99 for iOS

*Number 7 in Health and Fitness

Available for:

iOS and Android


Google Play: 4.3

Apple Store: 4.8

Why Do You Need to Choose It?

Apart from containing detailed instructions for the execution of various yoga positions, the app also provides reviews for positions. These reviews contain information about the health benefits of the position in question and other related details.

Pocket Yoga

Though recommended for intermediate yoga practitioners, the app is brilliant for beginners as well. One of their best qualities is it also runs in offline mode so you can practice yoga without looking for a network. To make sure users have a great grip on poses, Pocket Yoga has integrated a Pose Dictionary. They illustrate how to align the body and make poses such as Sanskrit translations.

Download: Android, iOS

3.      Centr, by Chris Hemsworth – Fitness and Healthy Meal App


$1.99 – $119.9 per item

Available for:

iOS and Android, Web


Google Play: 4.4

Apple Store: 4.7

Why Do You Need to Choose It?

With over a million downloads, you can also level up your health with the guidance of the world’s some best fitness trainers. The fitness training can be tailored according to your goals and diet preferences. One of the significant qualities of the app. While getting coached you can also look at health metrics so you are motivated to achieve better results.


They have a six-week burnout program where you do not need any equipment but need yourself to put it out to the front. The subscriptions are usually expensive, but they come up with discounts to sign up.

Download: Android, iOS

4.      Fitbit – Health and Wellness Apps





Available for:

iOS and Android, Windows


Google Play: 4.1

Apple Store: 4.7

Why Do You Need to Choose it?

Fitbit is a free app to use but also comes with its paid version for premium workout videos, recipes, and mindfulness sessions. All the designed workouts are friendly to use and one can easily use them anywhere and at any time.


Users can motivate themselves by choosing their goals – the workout they like. It is considered a favorite app by trainers and health nutrition and fitness editor. Being advanced in its feature, it has a voice integrated coach who tells you what to do. So, if you are in for the app go for its premium subscription for additional features and benefits.

Downloads: Android, iOS

5.      Strava App – App for Cardio



Premium services N/A

Available for:

iOS and Android


Google Play: 4.5

Apple Store: 4.8

Why Do You Need to Choose it?

They are picked by editors on Google Play Store, Strava helps you keep a track of your entire fitness journey at a spot.  You can record your activities such as running, yoga, hikes, and other fitness activities. Strava being a top app also sends their users’ customized workouts, and they come up with a paid subscription.

Strava App

To make people competitive with fitness training, they make you test by creating different segments by competing with other Strava users. Interestingly, the app has integrated a leaderboard for it.  Their robust features include challenges to achieving monthly goals and collecting digital badges.

Download: Android, iOS

6.      Sworkit  – Fitness and Health App



Available for:

iOS and Android, Windows


Google Play: 4

Apple Store: 4.7

Why Do You Need to Choose it?

If weight training and hitting the gym isn’t your thing, and you need something Android-friendly, try out Sworkit. Sworkit was so good it was reviewed in an article published by the Business Insider.


Sworkit offers users a variety of exercises primarily in the areas of cardio, stretching, yoga, and bodyweight training. Designed by health scientists, the app is meant to offer users a balanced combination of exercise types. This app is great to get started with but is also one you can keep on using in the long run.

Download: Android, iOS

7.      My Fitness Pal – Best Overall Fitness App



Offers in-app Purchases

Available for:

Android and iOS


Google Play: 4

Apple Store: 4.7

Why Do You Need to Choose It?

Something many of us can relate to is exercising regularly but somehow not quite seeing the results we’re looking for. If you’re someone struggling with this, the app you want to check out next year is MyFitnessPal. What makes this app interesting is that it combines calorie counting with exercise monitoring.

My Fitness Pal

You enter the calorie value of your meals, and the app tells you if or not you’ve done enough exercise to burn what you took in. Simple, straightforward, and highly effective.

Other Apps Available

Fitness apps help motivate us because we can track and chart our progress. They offer useful information when we get stuck and provide the structure, we need to develop healthy exercise routines.

Here’s the thing, though the apps mentioned above are among what we feel are the best workout apps of 2023, there is a large number of other applications as well that may be worth checking out. We’ll keep reviewing the different apps for you. Stay fit people!

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5 Best Android Texting Apps 2023 Tue, 10 Jan 2023 14:32:19 +0000 Do you remember cell phones from back in the day? We are not discussing here the first touchscreens nor the BlackBerry with the QWERTY keypad. The first-generation camera phones are also not the point of concern. The time when people used to have Nokia 3210s. That era of technology was very simple, mobile phones had […]

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Do you remember cell phones from back in the day? We are not discussing here the first touchscreens nor the BlackBerry with the QWERTY keypad. The first-generation camera phones are also not the point of concern. The time when people used to have Nokia 3210s.

That era of technology was very simple, mobile phones had only two primary functions which are calling and texting. Although one of the Nokia 3210’s biggest sell points was the existence of a built-in basic game!

Texting Is Forever

You’ve probably heard the phrase; “diamonds are forever”, and so is texting. At least for those people who own cell phones! Technology has come quite a long way from the basic devices which were used to communicate and serve other basic purposes. In the 90s when text messaging was first time available for people it was not as simple as today we find it. Once your fingers got to work on those texts, you get used to it. Many people prefer texting over talking on a phone call and nobody can deny that it is a very useful invention, in cases when the other person is not available for talking on the phone call. Conveying any information has become easy, you do not have to wait for the other person to respond, you just leave the text instead.

Text Messaging Today

Studies shows that some people are more comfortable with text as opposed to speech. This may be because of avoidant tendencies but can also be because texting is extremely convenient. You can carry on a conversation on the go, avoid awkwardness, and give yourself and others enough time to formulate better responses. Furthermore, the way people text can even be used as a way to study their personalities, texting has been and will be an integral part of our lives.

Which Is The Best Android Texting App In 2023?

Even though phones today are capable of all kinds of advanced functions, the ability to send a simple text or facilitate what is known as SMS (short message service) has not been lost. At the same time, Android apps developed for smartphones are designed to make certain actions easier to undertake as well as to make interfaces and tasks more engaging for users. Since there is an app for everything and texting there are many Android texting apps, so it isn’t surprising to know that there are numerous Android text messaging apps available out there.

You heard about hundreds of apps and many things related to those apps daily, how do you filter what is worth downloading and installing from the kind of apps you should avoid? One way is to check out reviews. Here are the 5 best Android texting apps for Android available today!

1. Google MESSAGES – 4.2 Reviews


When it comes to useful and highly efficient text messaging apps for Android, the best one out there is Messages by Google. Apart from being a stock app on many Android devices (which is great), this app is also free. Currently, Google Messages focuses on convenient functionality and simplicity regarding app design. It offers users all basic SMS and MMS features as well as other options relating to data backups, organization, and themes. The app is even available in a web-compatible form, making it possible to send texts from a computer or laptop device.

From what we’ve heard, Google intends to develop the app further to introduce more smart features for users.

2. CHOMP SMS – 4.3 Reviews


If you’re looking for a little more than the features offered by the Android messaging app, we feel Chomp SMS is a brilliant go-to app. Among the features offered by this app, customizability, as well as the app’s low-power battery requirements, stand out the most. This app offers users a very easy-to-use and eye-catching interface. It enables the user to customize the appearance of notifications, colors, icons, and more. You decide how you want the app to appear.

Chomp SMS also offers users advanced privacy features as well as group chat setting options, quick reply capabilities, and many other features which may not be available in other text messaging apps. Chomp can be downloaded for free. However, if you’re looking for an app without ads, you will probably need to pay for it.

3. Textra– 4.4 Reviews


If you prioritize aesthetics in an application Textra is the one for you. Textra is an Android app that provides customization, is extremely user-friendly, and promises increased speed or efficiency, Textra SMS is one you should download. This text messaging app for Android is extremely aesthetically appealing and can be customized to suit the subtlest user preferences.

Everything from backgrounds and icons to notifications and emojis can be altered on this app to fit what appeals to the user personally.

Other interesting app features include both light and dark night mode settings you can adjust them according to your feasibility, contact customization, and a Stop-During-Send feature as well as the app’s Android Wear compatibility. While most of the useful features can be accessed for free, unlocking paid features on this app is not a bad idea.

4. Pulse SMS – 4.2 Reviews


When it comes to device versatility, Pulse SMS is most certainly worth looking at. As long as you have access to an Android operating system, Pulse SMS will do the trick. The app allows for free texting via mobile phone devices but also allows for texting over laptops and tablets at a minimal charge. Pulse SMS allows users to share everything from text messages and photos to location pins and video animations. The app also allows users to view previews of links sent by others, similar to the previews visible on WhatsApp.

It also offers users time-set or schedule message features and provides added privacy against spammers and individuals whom users do wish to connect with. Pulse SMS comes with complete night mode capabilities, and, end-to-end encryption! This is possibly one of the best choice for Android texting apps if you’re a working professional.

5. QKSMS – 4.0 Reviews


QKSMS  is a very simple and user-friendly open-source Android app. Its easy function flow makes it user interactive and enhances the user experience. The app works best for those who like simplicity and want to use an aesthetic yet minimal interface. QKSMS offers all the important features that people expect from a good texting app. QKSMS offers MMS, group texting, and searching options. It allows the users to back up and restores their text messages, you can also block messages from any user.

You can filter out spam messages by using QKSMS ‘Should I answer’ feature. Night mode provides convenience to the users. this app is completely free without ads and you can easily download it from Google Play Store.

In Conclusion:

If you’re someone who uses SMS or MMS, it is time now to choose any of the above-mentioned android texting apps according to your priorities and choices and switch to them. We suggest you take your pick from the list of apps above and figure out which one works best for you.

We really cannot say what direction text messaging apps are going to take in the future. However, the Android texting app is a form of standard communication in the world today. In a sense, unless we come to some kind of global technological breakdown or a radical shift in consciousness that results in us abandoning technology, the tech messaging would remain there!

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10+ Powerful Business Web Apps For 2023 Mon, 09 Jan 2023 15:56:54 +0000 Web based business applications are a set of software tools designed to simplify our daily workload and increase productivity. These apps are convenient, cost-effective, and can be easily accessed through personal computers or mobile devices. With the right applications, you can effortlessly track your expenses, manage vendors and suppliers, and make sales inquiries. This convenience […]

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Web based business applications are a set of software tools designed to simplify our daily workload and increase productivity. These apps are convenient, cost-effective, and can be easily accessed through personal computers or mobile devices.

With the right applications, you can effortlessly track your expenses, manage vendors and suppliers, and make sales inquiries. This convenience enables you to focus on growing your business instead of wasting time doing extensive paperwork or trying to remember what needs to be done next.

The best business web apps are those which help us execute our tasks accurately and efficiently in a timely manner.

Fortunately, there are plenty of options available in the market, with web apps optimizing almost all business activities. For example, accounts and finances, time tracking and team management, marketing and advertisements, inventory management, communication, customer relationship management, and a lot more.

Here we have listed the 10 most powerful web based business apps used by many small and big businesses to automate and streamline their core processes.

1: Trello- Project Management

Trello is a business app that can help you manage your projects, organize tasks and meet deadlines. It is a great business app that can enable you to manage your work efficiently and surge productivity.


Image source: Trello

Trello is perfect for project managers, because it allows you to keep track of all your tasks and milestones. It is a highly visual car-based system with multiple boards. You can add photos, videos, and other details to your projects to make them more interactive and informative.

Trello interface

Trello also has a built-in chat feature that allows you to communicate with your team members easily.

Key functions:

  • Easy management of multiple projects on the go
  • Interactive boards, workflows, and cards
  • Drop and drag editing
  • App integrations
  • Progress meter
  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface
  • Easy organization with labels, tags, and comments
  • Preset templates
  • Built-in automation tool to tackle tedious tasks

Price: Freemium with paid options for more tools starting at $5/monthly per user.

2: Voluum– Marketing and Advertisement

Voluum is an excellent affiliate marketing application for managing all your advertising campaigns in one place.

You can monitor, optimize, and automate your advertisements in any form, whether it’s native, display, pop, email, search, push, organic or paid.


 Image source: Voluum

Furthermore, this platform has a traffic distribution AI that finds the most profitable ad and landing page combinations for your offers and audiences. It also uses anti-fraud measures to keep your advertising investment safe.

Key functions:

  • Impression tracking
  • Ad traffic logs
  • Optimize and automate campaigns
  • Performance tracking
  • Traffic distribution AI
  • API Integrations with FB Ads, Google Ads, etc.
  • Real-time reporting
  • Super fast and scalable

Price: Individual plans start at $89USD/per month, whereas business plans is starting from $499USD/per month.

3: RescueTime- Time Management App

RescueTime is the best time tracking app for reducing distractions and improving productivity. This app runs in the background of your phone or computer, and it tracks how much time you spend on applications and websites.


RescueTime also sends detailed reports based on your activity, so you can see exactly how much time you’re spending on work-related activities. You can pause the app at any time, which is great if you need to take a break from work.

RescueTime interface

Image source: RescueTime

Key Functions:

  • Time tracking and management
  • Blocks distractions
  • Timely alerts
  • Weekly activity reports
  • APIs/ integrations
  • Mobile user report
  • Reduces inefficiencies in work
  • Automated reminders

Price: Lite plan is free for individuals, but does not include features like activity blocking, advanced reporting, goal setting, or offline time entry. RescueTime for Teams starts at $9/user/month.

4: Slack- Team Communication and Coordination Application

Slack is a communication and collaboration app that has quickly become one of the most popular tools for businesses of all sizes. Slack is perfect for teams who need a quick and easy way to communicate and collaborate.


Image source: Slack

With Slack, you can send messages, photos, and files with ease. Plus, thanks to its integrative capabilities, Slack can be used to manage projects, schedule meetings, and more.

Slack is also great for businesses because it’s mobile-friendly. This means that you can access messages and files from anywhere – even if you’re on the go. And because it’s cloud-based, you can access your messages no matter what device you’re using.

Key functions:

  • Setting Reminders
  • Team chat
  • Voice and video calls
  • Separate channels for different projects and topics
  • Project friendly system
  • Message pinning
  • Channel privatization
  • App integrations

Price: Freemium with paid options for more coordination features starting at $7.25/per month.

5: Dropbox Business– Cloud Storage

Dropbox is a great organizational and collaborative tool for businesses of all sizes. It keeps your business files safe and synced so you can easily share them with your team.

Dropbox Business

Image source: Dropbox Business

It only downloads the files you need, so it won’t take up all your storage. More than 500 million businesses use Dropbox to store and share files. This includes the more than 150,000 businesses, like Pinterest, Intuit, and Hyatt Hotels, that use their paid service. If you’re looking for an efficient way to keep your business files safe and organized, Dropbox is the perfect solution.

Key functions:

  • Mobility and security
  • Flexible storage space
  • File rewinds
  • File sharing and collabs
  • Offline working
  • Backup
  • Automated folders

Price: Freemium with paid plans for more storage capacity, starting from $16.58USD/per month.

6: AsanaTeamwork and Organization

Asana is a versatile project management tool that helps teams stay on track, hit deadlines and reach goals.

It has the capability to automate workflows, standardize work requests and visualize projects in real time across multiple teams. You can integrate Asana with your email and calendar platforms, and use its reporting tools to manage workloads and find ways to become more efficient.


Image source: Asana

Asana is perfect for businesses of all sizes, and its low cost of ownership makes it a valuable tool for keeping teams organized and on track.

Key Functions:

  • Project and task management
  • Effective communication
  • Third party integrations
  • Team Management
  • Activity feeds
  • Customizable dashboards
  • Prioritization of tasks
  • Focus mode (individual tasks and lists)
  • Custom Calendar

Price: Free with paid plans available for further task management tools, starts from $13.49USD/per month billed annually.

7: Expensify- Financial Management App

Expensify is a finance management app that makes employee expense reports less of a drag and time draining. You can import expenses directly from a credit card to generate free expense reports.

To record an expense, you just take a picture of it with your phone, and the app reads the receipt and creates the expense.


Image source: Expensify

Managers can approve reports online and reimburse directly to a checking account. Expensify has over 2.5 million users worldwide.

Key Functions:

  • Track expenses
  • One-click receipt scanning
  • Plan trips
  • Payment collection
  • Invoice generation
  • Real- time expense reports
  • Corporate cards
  • Accounting, HR and travel integrations
  • Advanced tax tracking
  • Account syncing
  • Deligated Access

Price: Freemium plus paid options for more control over finances, business plans starting from $9USD/per month.

8: Kommo- Best CRM for Small Businesses

Kommo is the best CRM for a small business. The platform offers a wide range of features to help enterprises to manage customer interactions and relationships more effectively. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy to navigate and manage customer data. The CRM automates the lead generation process, saves time, and increases productivity.


Kommo comes with a robust set of in-built tools for report generation, data analytics, and forecasting, which help businesses make informed decisions. Also, one can use this platform to assign tasks to employees and monitor their progress. Thus, Kommo is a multifunctional solution for businesses to streamline their customer and employee management processes.

Key Features:

  • Lead Management
  • Sales and Marketing Automation
  • Customizable
  • Mobile CRM
  • Contact Management
  • Chatbot Builder
  • Reporting and Analytics
  • In-Built Team Messaging

Price: Kommo offers a 14-day free trial with a starting basic package of $15 per user/month. It also has advanced and enterprise plans at $25 and $45 per user/month, respectively.

9: Zenefits- Human Resource Management App

Zenefits is an excellent HR software that can help streamline your entire process, from benefits administration to payroll.

This platform makes it easy to spend less time onboarding employees and managing payroll, and instead focus on more important tasks. If you’re looking for an all-in-one solution to manage human resources, Zenefits is a great choice.


Image source: Zenefits

Key functions:

  • Hiring and onboarding
  • Attendance and time tracking
  • Employee management
  • Business intelligence
  • Documents management
  • Performance reviews
  • Payroll management
  • Vacation/leave tracking
  • Centralized system
  • Competitive pricing

Price: Comes with a 14 days free trail, starting at $10USD/per month.

10: Hubspot- CRM for Businesses

Hubspot is CRM business application that provides tools for content management, social media marketing, web analytics, landing pages and SEO.


Image Source: HubSpot

Key Functions:

  • Website activity tracking
  • Extensive market
  • Integrations
  • Automated CRM database
  • List segmentations
  • Dashboards and visualizations
  • Drag and drop editor
  • Data syncing
  • Live chat and conversational bots

Price: Hubspot pricing is based on the number of contacts so it starts for $45/per month (per user) for 1000 contacts to $5000/per month (paid annually) for 10,000 contacts.

11: Financial Cents – An Accounting Practice Management Software

Financial Cents is accounting practice management software designed for small to mid-sized bookkeeping, accounting, and CPA firms. Over the years, they have worked together with hundreds of firms to create an online solution that is simple to use, quick to learn, and contains everything the accounting firm needs. From accounting task monitoring to accounting document management.

Financial Cents

Key functions:

  • Project Management
  • Workflow Automation
  • Email Management
  • Client Database
  • Client Portal
  • Document Management
  • Time Tracking & Billing

Price: 14-day trial and starting price is $49 / team member / month.

12: OnPay – All-in-One Payroll Platform

OnPay is an all-in-one payroll, human resources, and benefits tool that simplifies the entire HR process. Their award-winning software simply makes your business easier to run.


With incredible features like simple onboarding, automatic benefits management, and unlimited monthly pay runs, you won’t need any other software. But if you feel you need some help, you can integrate other incredible tools onto OnPay, like QuickBooks, Xero, and When I Work.

And to complement the software’s features, OnPay offers a large number of free tools—for example, their gross-up bonus calculation tool and final pay calculator.

Key Features:

  • Payroll Entry
  • Time Off Accrual
  • Direct Deposits
  • Pre-Tax Deductions
  • W-2 Delivery and Printing
  • Tax Calculations, Filing, and Payments
  • Benefits Management
  • Onboarding and Offboarding

Price: OnPay offers a 30-day free trial with a starting base fee of $40/month plus $6 per user/month.

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How To Develop A Designing App Like Canva? Thu, 29 Dec 2022 13:52:27 +0000 Images and visuals have the power to change narratives. According to recent studies, 40 percent of readers respond better towards visuals than any other form of information. Information source: Digital Information World Maybe that’s why graphic designing apps and websites are so popular among users and readers these days. As the demand for such applications […]

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Images and visuals have the power to change narratives. According to recent studies, 40 percent of readers respond better towards visuals than any other form of information.


Information source: Digital Information World

Maybe that’s why graphic designing apps and websites are so popular among users and readers these days.

As the demand for such applications ascends, entrepreneurs rightfully consider it a perfect app investment idea.

If you are one of those, here’s a guide for you about the essential aspects of creating an app like Canva, including the features, development process, costs, and all the other important things you need to consider.

What Is Canva And Why Is It So Popular?


Canva is an exceptional design platform that provides businesses, organizations, and individuals with simple user-friendly tools for creating high-quality graphic designs.

Not only that, Canva allows its users to create business cards, logos, invitations, presentations, social media posts, edit photos, and videos, and a lot more.

The best thing about Canva is it’s free and offers a huge library of templates and layouts which everyone can benefit from.

It provides users with a variety of designs, fonts, icons, graphics, shapes, illustrations, stock photos, frames, and other elements, that help generate professional-level designs without any extensive photo editing knowledge or experience.

Why is Canva so successful?

In the last decade, the design space has undergone some significant changes. What once was dominated by a single player like adobe photoshop, has now transformed into software scenery, with a variety of software catering to the needs of designers across the globe.

One such example is Canva, a start-up worth over US$40 billion. Canva was founded by Melanie Perkins, Cameron Adams, and Cliff Obrecht on 1st Jan 2012. It quickly gained popularity and made a profit of around $301.6 million in 12 times venture capital funding.

Canva Founder

Image credits: CEO Magazine

The main reason for Canva’s success is that it has made designing easy and accessible to everyone, it solves a problem people care about.

People usually get overwhelmed to learn design software that is too complicated and hard to grasp like InDesign and Photoshop.

On the other hand, Canva is a great tool for beginners, as it has over a million photographs, templates, fonts, and elements for anyone to create beautiful visuals on the go.

Creating an App like Canva in 3 easy steps:

Construction of a web app like Canva might feel like a complicated task, but it is unquestionably doable with the right guidance, research, tips, and resources. That’s why we have tailored a detailed guide to help you through the process.


step 1

Defining a Notion:

The first stage of the development process is all about decisions, you need to decide:

  • What is the purpose of your app?
  • What exactly will it do?
  • Who will be your target audience?
  • What will be the main attraction of your product?
  • Most importantly, why would people use your app, and how does your app differ from your competitors?

These decisions are very crucial and will later determine how all the other developmental stages will be occurring. Here are some important things you should think about before starting your project:

Describe Your Project:

Elaborate your idea in general terms, starting off with the features and functions and ending with what distinctive value your product can offer.

step 2

Set a Goal:

Setting clear goals is the key to success, not just in app development but in every aspect of life. Having a sound understanding of your objectives will help you stay on the right track throughout the process.

You can categorize your goals into primary and secondary. These goals should be simple, achievable, and quantifiable, this would help the development team to set priorities and focus on the things that matter most.

For instance, when creating an app like Canva goals like the number of paid subscribers, visitors, and profit generated per month.

Select your Audience:

The audience for an app like Canva would be individuals, teams, enterprises, and companies looking to create visuals quickly and easily.

Apart from this, the target audience can also be investors assisting financially in the development of the application.

Research your Competitors:

Research is a crucial step in the app designing process, do extensive research about what websites and applications provide your target audience with similar visual designing services.

Evaluate the functions, features, marketing tactics, costs, strengths, and weaknesses of your competing apps thoroughly.

Researching your competitors will give you ideas and show what they are lacking so you can incorporate them into your own. Pay keen attention to reviews: what are users liking? What do they dislike? What problems are they facing? How can you solve their problem?


step 2

Once you get to know the scope and direction of your app/website, the next step involves making a sitemap and a wireframe. This will help you create an appropriate outline for developing content.

Creating a Sitemap:

A site map is a basic idea of how the internal architecture of your app might look like. For example, what page will lead you to what page? How will users navigate? Etc.

A sitemap doesn’t tell you the design, color combination or layout of your site.

creating a sitemap

A basic sitemap shows the flow of webpages on a sit and it usually looks somewhat like this. However, it can be further customized using various tools as per the requirements.

Construct a Wireframe:

In technical terms, A wireframe is a two-dimensional visual representation of a webpage, app, or product layout. In simple words, it is a draft of your app’s visual appearance.

A wireframe enables the designer to understand the wakeup of the website, where to put buttons, what color scheme to use, how users will interact with the content, etc.

In order to create a seamless and visually appealing website or app, it’s essential to collaborate with experts who truly understand the intricacies of design and development. When seeking professional assistance, partnering with the best webflow agency can provide valuable insights and expertise to bring your wireframe to life while ensuring a user-friendly and engaging digital experience.


Wireframes are typically drafted out first on paper and then later software tools are used to make it more presentable.

wireframe 2

Image credits: Azure (wireframing portal)

Sitemaps and wireframes lay the groundwork in app development. After setting goals, putting thought into site architecture and designing, you have cleared major obstacles in your path, hence speeding up the process.


step 3

Choosing an Appropriate Domain Name:

While opting for developing a website similar to Canva, selecting an appropriate domain name is the most pivotal thing you’ll do.

Your domain name should match your services and should be easy for customers to type in the search bar. Here are some important tips in selecting a domain name:

  • You can choose between your brand name or a keyword-rich domain name.
  • Avoid using hyphens, numbers or other characters.
  • Make sure your web name is easy to spell and type.
  • Make your domain name simple to read and remember.

Choose a domain

Image Credits: Journal of Surveillance, Security and Safety

Create a User-friendly and Engaging Interface:

Now, you need to make sure that your app is interesting, memorable, and simple to use. Your design app should be unique in architecture and stand out from its competitors. Here are some tips you can benefit from:

  • Use attractive visuals and easy-to-read texts.
  • Optimize your graphics for quick loading, as slow-performing apps are highly disliked.
  •  Take inspiration from the original Canva website and learn how they have designed their website.
  • Learn about your target audience, find out their needs and make ways for them to achieve their objective.
  • Design an efficient navigation system allowing visitors to browse through the site quickly.
  • Stay consistent thought-out the process.

Designing an application like Canva:

This step involves designers creating all the visual content from logos, buttons, animations, graphics, videos, layouts, and backgrounds to color themes, fonts, and typing frames.

Design Canva App

These choices are made on the basis of our app criteria and preferences of target audiences i-e the information we gathered in the first step ‘planning and strategy’ of the process.

All these elements are combined together in the form of a page template or mock-up.

Get your Canva-Like App Developed:

After determining your goals, architecture, and design now you can start coding your Canva-like web app.

Generally, in the development process a main page is created then all the other pages are added according to the sitemap.

Following that, developers incorporate CMS, different frameworks, and imager editing tools (for apps like Canva).

Lastly, you need to include website functionalities and interactivity. It is important to note that creating an app with online design tools and editors is not the job of a freelancer. An app with Canva-like features is too sophisticated and cannot be developed by an individual, but should only be assigned to a professional development team.

How much does it cost to develop an app like Canva?

The Canva app is loaded with unique features and graphics, evaluating the costs of developing a similar app to Canva we need to consider the following aspects:

  • Application size
  • App features
  • App functions
  • App complexity
  • Number of platforms
  • Technologies used
  • UX/UI design
  • App testing and launch

The development costs can vary according to the number of requirements. The total cost of designing an app similar to Canva can range between $25000 to $40000. On the contrary, developing a website like Canva is cheaper than developing a mobile application.

Cost to develop app like Canva

It is important to note that your location also impacts the development costs drastically. For example, app development costs per hour in India range between $30 -$100, while in North America it is about $100-$150.

Must-Have Features For Your Canva-Like App:

There are plenty of features that you must incorporate into your Canva-like design application in order to make it a success. We have listed below the most essential features in categories, that will make your application exceptional.

Photo Editing Tools:

photo editing tool

  • Image Enhancer
  • Circle crop
  • Image cropper
  • Photo Blur
  • Text Images
  • Photos Filters
  • Frames
  • Background Remover
  • Stock Photos
  • Image Converter
  • Combine images
  • Image Montages
  • Image effects

Video Editing Tools:

Video Editing Tools

  • Video to MP4
  • Stock Videos
  • Video resizing
  • Online screen recorder
  • Video to GIF and GIF to video
  • Remove Audio from videos
  • Video Transitions
  • Images to video
  • Add text to videos
  • Merge Videos
  • Add music/sound effects to videos
  • Video Enhancer and filters
  • Video splitter and video mirror



  • Text animations
  • Designs and photo grids
  • Icons
  • Elements
  • Graphics and shapes
  • Speech Bubble
  • Transparent Images
  • Stickers
  • Textures
  • Curved and Animated texts
  • Animations

Tools for Offices and Businesses:

Tools for Offices and Businesses

  • Live presentations
  • Sticky Notes
  • Customized Brand Theme Kits
  • Content management
  • Team Templates
  • Content Planners
  • Group/Team Projects
  • Animating Tools

Other trending designing tools to include are: Social Media content creator, Invitation maker, Business card maker, Resume Builder, Poster Maker, Logo Maker, Meme Maker, Banner maker, Flyers and Postcard Maker.

What Technologies Are Essential For Canva-Like Apps?

Incorporating the latest technologies into your mobile application or web application is an essential part of the development process. An app with cutting-edge technology always stands out and gains competitive over others.

  • Real-time Data Analytics: Big Data, Google Analytics, Hadoop.
  • Mobile SDK: Android, iOS.
  • Cloud storage: Google Cloud Storage, Amazon Cloud Storage.
  • Push Notifications: AdPushup, Amazon SNS, Push.IO
  • Messaging: Firebase, Twilio
  • Database Storage: HBase, MySQL
  • QR Code Scanning: ZBar Barcode Scanner
  • Payment Integration: PayPal, Net Banking, Stripe
  • Location Tracking-Google Maps, Apple Maps

What are the Alternatives to Canva?

Adobe Express:

Adobe Express

Image source: Adobe Express



Image source: Snappa



Image Credits: Vectornator



Image credits: Stencil



Image source: Visme

Design Wizard:

Design Wizard

Image Source: Design Wizard



Image source: Vistacreate



Image source: Fotor



Image Source: Easil



Image Source: Desynger



Image Source: Doographics



Image source: Picmonkey

Ready to take over the app market?

Without a doubt Canva is the best freemium graphic designing website currently available in market, trusted by people all over the world. But with the growing trend of photography and social media content, the demand for different unique DIY designing apps is also increasing.

Every day millions of photos are shared online, many of them are designed and edited by graphic designing tools. In addition to that, there is a massive base of advertising companies leaning towards designing apps or visual arts.

Hence designing apps are rapidly gaining popularity, so now is the best time to step into the market with your customized app and make a fortune.

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10 Ways Mobile Retailing Will Transform Your Business Mon, 19 Dec 2022 19:23:00 +0000 Smart devices like mobile phones are fundamentally revolutionizing the way we shop in stores and online, making Mobile Retailing the next big thing in the shopping industry. Research shows that about 90% of consumers use mobile phones to communicate, research, compare prices, and acquire information. Keeping this in mind, investing in smart mobile retail apps […]

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Smart devices like mobile phones are fundamentally revolutionizing the way we shop in stores and online, making Mobile Retailing the next big thing in the shopping industry.

Research shows that about 90% of consumers use mobile phones to communicate, research, compare prices, and acquire information.

Keeping this in mind, investing in smart mobile retail apps and latest web design trends are the way forward for businesses to maximize their profits and attain higher customer reach.

What is Mobile Retailing?

Mobile Retailing as the name suggests, is simply the use of mobile devices for retail. The term refers to the selling and buying of products or services by using smartphones or tablets.

mobile shopping

The Growing Trend Of Mobile Shopping through Applications And Web pages:

Mobile retailing is the fastest-growing segment in the retail sector, especially in Western Europe where online sales by mobile phones have increased by 33.9% since 2013.

Mobile retail has altered the eCommerce market to a point where businesses that refuse to invest in this technology are falling behind the curve.

And considering the number of people currently using mobile phones, it makes sense that brands need to accommodate their shopping requirements through mobile retail channels. Hospitality and services alike, including stores and restaurant management can be handled this way.

Mobile Retail

10 Benefits of Investing in Mobile Retailing for Businesses:

  1. Global reach:

The first and most exciting gain of investing in Mobile retail is Global Reach, it allows brands to enter markets they’ve never considered before.

In this digital era, everyone has a smartphone and an internet connection, increasing the number of potential users for mobile commerce platforms. They can easily utilize it to browse, buy, and sell their products and services online.

Mobile retail offers an invaluable marketing channel in the form of applications, websites, and adverts that will develop and expand the customer base for any organization looking to boost its global reach.

  1. Faster Transactions:

Generally, mobile applications are way quicker than conventional websites, resulting in smoother checkouts and faster transactions.

In the business world time is money, so providing customers the ability to purchase things stuff quicker than the norm will give your brand a lucrative edge.

Faster Transactions

Mobile retail provides fast browsing and a better user experience, which are the driving forces behind the massive surge in online sales.

  1. Cost reduction With High Productivity:

With mobile apps, businesses can connect to customers more efficiently, saving money on physical marketing campaigns. Further integrating social media reviews and posts can reduce marketing costs and help spread out the brand by utilizing customers.

In addition to that, the costs of developing and maintaining mobile retail applications are typically low in comparison to other e-commerce platforms.

Hence another huge benefit of mobile retailing is it saves money and human resources needed to operate marketing campaigns.

  1. Easy Access:

Mobile Apps make it easier for consumers to access their favorite products and services from the comfort of their homes. They can use these apps to quickly access their preferred retail stores at the tip of their fingers. 54% of consumers consider mobile apps more convenient and easier to use than a website.

Businesses no longer need to wait for customers to physically walk into their stores for making sales, with Easy Store Access brands can save their valuable time and minimize efforts. The saved time can be used to ensure the company’s productivity and the quality of its services.

  1. Empowering Employees:

Whether personal or company-owned, arming employees with modern technology can drastically improve any retail firm’s productivity, customer service, sales, and merchandising.

Using the latest technologies, associates can achieve ultimate customer satisfaction by improving in-store operations and streamlining physical processing. For example, checking the availability of products, locating products in-store and in-stock, or utilizing customer data to create targeted mobile offers based on each customer’s preference.

Empowering Employees

Image credits: McDonald’s

Salespersons can also benefit from mobile retailing software that provides features to analyze productivity, view store maps, and live in-store foot traffic to prioritize customers.

  1. Real-Time Analysis of User data:

Mobile retailing platforms provide businesses with valuable insights using customer data such as name, location, email, age, gender, product preferences and buying history, etc.

This data can be easily collected by readily analyzed by different software tools integrated into mobile apps to generate insights, help understand the audience, and target customers according to their preferences.

This same level of information gathering and data analytics isn’t possible on other platforms, accentuating just how advantageous mobile retailing is for modern retailers.

  1. Digital records:

Consumers no longer need to worry about losing receipts, with digital records they can always have their buying records on hand.

In case of an exchange or refund, they can easily show it and will always have the required documents with them.

Digital records

Image Credits: Uber Eats

  1. Discounts and Special Offers:

Buyers always want the latest information regarding sales, discounts, and specials at their fingertips.

Using mobile retail, brands can directly send personalized coupons, deals, and special offers to customers on their mobile phones.

And when customers are in the store, looking for recommendations’ retailers can suggest products based on their past purchasing history.

  1. Personalized Notifications and Location Tracking:

Mobile Retail offers a whole new channel for marketing that has numerous benefits for retailers.

For example, businesses can connect directly to consumers and sell their products via mobile devices.

Brands can achieve better reach and sales with the help of personalized notifications and targeted advertisements brands can create a news feed with information about their latest deals, new products, and offerings. Making a memorable brand image by a logo maker and other branding tools will turn brand recognition easier.

better target customers

  1. Boosting Traditional Retail:

Apart from online sales and e-commerce, mobile retailing also boosts In-store shopping. Nowadays people carry their phones with them everywhere so they use their mobile devices for:

  • Browsing websites of stores.
  • Checking out store maps for navigation.
  • Reservation for limited products.
  • Comparing prices.
  • Order products for home delivery on the go
  • Get information about products if the staff are busy
  • Using their phones to pay bills, avoiding long queues.

Amazon GO 1

amazon go 2

Image credits: Amazon Go

This means that more successful traditional retailers can build on their existing mobile-friendly websites and other facilities to integrate their online offer with shopping in physical stores, irrespective of whether the goods are bought online or purchased within the store.

  1. Bonus: High ROI:

It’s no secret that providing accessibility for customers and employees leads to businesses performing extraordinarily.

Thus, by offering the best mobile retail facilities to clients, the businesses would receive higher returns on investments, more conversions, and increased productivity.

The Store of the Future:

As we can see mobile retail technology is changing the way retailers connect with their customers both physically and online. All the retail giants have already adopted this technology to make the most out of it.

To sum up mobile retailing is definitely the next big thing in the retail sector and if you want your business to stay relevant and progress, then investing in this technology is a must.

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Big Data Analytics: A Recent Break-Through In The E-Commerce Sector Fri, 09 Dec 2022 18:58:48 +0000 In the present digital age, an enormous amount of data is being rapidly generated and stored in computing systems at an incredible rate. Consequently, to manage such an explosive variety of data, businesses are using Big Data Analytics to make profitable gains from the data produced. BIG DATA ANALYTICS: Big Data Analytics is literally the […]

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In the present digital age, an enormous amount of data is being rapidly generated and stored in computing systems at an incredible rate.

Consequently, to manage such an explosive variety of data, businesses are using Big Data Analytics to make profitable gains from the data produced.


Big Data Analytics is literally the driving force behind everything we do online, applicable in every sector of the world.

Ever since the dawn of the internet, data has been growing exponentially, with more means to produce it (pictures, videos, audio, location, music, search history, shopping history, etc.) growing day by day. This is resulting in an overflow of information.

Explosion Of Data

Organizations collect and store this information called Big Data, and then extract useful content from it which helps them in improving their services by providing valuable insights, predicting trends, and customer preferences.

To understand how Big Data Analytics works, and how it is transforming the e-commerce sector, we need to start with the basics.

What is Big Data?

Big Data refers to massive, diverse sets of information from various sources. It is used to describe large, complex, and hard-to-manage volumes of data that cannot be processed or analyzed by traditional data processing tools.

Big data is one of the top-growing sectors of the world. This technology collects and analyzes large quantities of data to produce actionable plans for companies to enhance their performances. It gives businesses a distinctive edge and has numerous benefits.

This is why companies, organizations, health sectors, governments, and businesses focus on Big data to increase their drive and growth.

Quick facts about Big Data:

  • There are about 66 billion active internet users in the world.
  • More than 5 quintillion bytes of data is generated every day.
  • By 2025 463 ZB of data will be created every day.
  • Data exists in numerous formats as it is coming from different sources like social media, news channels, banks, government, educational institutes, and many other industries.
  • This extraordinary collection of data is called ‘BIG DATA’.

What are the important characteristics of Big Data?

Industries analyze Big data to generate meaningful insights, which helps them in strategizing and planning their next business move.

To comprehend how this technology works and where it can be utilized, it is vital to know Big data’s core characteristics. There are primarily five characteristics of Big Data Analytics:

characteristics of Big Data

  1. Volume:

The first and the most commonly cited characteristic of big data is Volume. It is simply the amount of data present, commonly measured in Bytes (Gigabytes GBs, Zettabytes ZBs, and Yottabytes YBs). Organizations extract large amounts of data from various sources like clickstreams, bank sectors, smart devices, cell phones, industrial equipment, and more.

Previously, storing, processing, and managing all that data would have been too costly. But now platforms like Hadoop and the cloud gather and organize data efficiently.

  1. Value:

Value is simply deriving meaningful and useful data from the huge sea of information, in other words, it is the benefit that the data adds to your organization.

  1. Velocity:

Velocity simply describes the speed at which data is generated and processed. It comprises the rate of change, activity bursts, and connections between incoming data sets that are to be handled in a timely manner. High velocity is essential for the effective execution of any Big Data process.

  1. Variety:

Variety is defined as various formats of data coming in from diverse sources. It is necessary to manage the variety of your and store it in an organized way. Unorganized data severely affects performance and is one of the most common issues of data processing.

  1. Veracity:

Lastly, veracity is how accurate and true your data is. It communicates the level of reliability of the data available. Veracity is the most important characteristic of Big data, as low veracity of data can lead to false and inaccurate results.

What are the types of Big Data?

The data stored in the Big Data reservoirs can be categorized into 6 types.

Types Of Big Data

  1. Structured data:

Data that is organized, well-defined, follows a consistent order, has a clear structure, and conforms to a data standard is called structured data.

This type of data is the easiest to manage and can be easily accessed by an organization, computer, or person.

A common example of structured data is the information businesses keep in their datasets in the form of spreadsheets and tables.

  1. Unstructured data:

The majority of big data comes falls into this category, it is defined as the type of data that is heterogenous, unorganized, and doesn’t follow a data model.

Unstructured data is the complete opposite of structured data, this data cannot be easily accessed by a system or person and is extremely chaotic and hard to manage.

Social media posts, comments, snaps, snaps stories, tweets, YouTube views, and WhatsApp messages are examples of Unstructured Big Data.

  1. Semi-structured data:

Semi-structured, as the name suggests, is the combination of both structured and unstructured data. This data doesn’t follow a data model but has some structure.

Semi-structured data cannot be stored in rows and columns like structured data but has some organizational elements that make it much less chaotic to handle than unstructured data.

Emails, Zipped files, Web pages, Binary executables, XML, and other markup languages are some sources of semi-structured data

  1. Geospatial data:

Geospatial or spatial data is the information that represents the events, features, phenomena, or objects located on the earth’s surface.

It is basically used to represent any type of data that has a geographic component, this information can be about the weather, earthquakes, addresses, streets, traffic, accidental data, places of interest, epidemics, or pandemics.

Geospatial data

Image credits: Google Data Analytics

  1. Machine data:

Machine or operational data is the data that is produced by machines without human contribution. This type of data is growing at an incredible rate and has a significant impact on all industries that use computers in their daily operations.

Machine data is an important type of data as machines generate more data than people do. Atm transactions, sensors, calculations, predictions, automation, and metadata are some types of machine data.

  1. Open-source data:

Open-source data are datasets that can be openly accessed, edited, and shared by the public for any purpose. This type of data is readily available to anyone with an internet connection.

Open-source databases are open to sharing and free, the users of open-source databases can construct systems according to their own needs and preferences.

Open-source data

Image credits: US Census Bureau

What is meant by Big Data Analytics (BDA)?

Big Data Analytics is referred to examining large and different sets of data to uncover hidden patterns, correlations, and other insights.

Big Data Analytics involves tools that not only help organizations manage their data with efficiency but also significantly contribute to leveraging their performances.

In simple words, Big data analytics is collectively helping large corporations to facilitate their growth and development. This involves applying data mining and machine learning algorithms which result in better decisions, innovations, and increased sales.

What are the Big Data Technologies? And how do they Work?

Big Data technologies are the sources, software and tools that are used to manage all types of datasets and transform them into business insights, they can be split into 5 Categories:

Big Data technologies

  1. Big Data Sources:

All successful corporations depend on various sources and find new ways to extract and collect data. These datasets are from prominently two types of sources.

  • Internal data sources: Data from these sources attained from the internal reports from an organization. Some good examples of internal sources of data are annual sales and profit reports of an organization.
  • External data sources: Data that comes from outside an organization’s database is called external data. Examples include government statistics, regional data, new reports, etc.
  1. Big Data Storage:

Big data storage technologies are tools that are designed to store, manage and access large quantities of data smoothly. Different applications are used to store data some of which are:

  1. Big Data Mining:

Big data mining refers to the process of extracting useful information from a huge set of raw data. Data mining software enables us to extract valuable information using techniques such as statistical analysis, machine learning, predictive analysis, etc.

The main goal is to find insight and predict trends that will result in more effective marketing and sales.

The top big data mining technologies are:

  1. Big Data Analytics:

These software are specifically designed with powerful analytical tools, they examine and clean data so that the companies can answer business queries and improve results.

Big data analysis software discovers correlations, and hidden patterns and provides insights to users in a timely manner.

Some of the best Big data analytics tools are:

  1. Data Visualization:

Another type of data analytics technology that is developed specifically for analyzing data and presenting it in visually appealing manners like graphs, charts, diagrams, maps, or infographics.

Data visualization software are:

Some other prevalent and effective Big Data analytics tools and visualization software are:

What are the stages of Big Data Analysis?

After knowing what is big data and Big data analytics, let us have a look at what are the stages involved in this impressive process:

stages of Big Data Analysis

  1. Identifying the problem:

 The first and the most important step is obviously to identify the issue. It involves asking important questions like what exactly is our problem and can it be addressed.

  1. Designing data Requirement:

After identifying the problem, the second step is to decide what kind of data is required to solve this particular matter.

  1. Pre-processing Data:

In this step data is cleaned and processed a bit.

  1. Performing Analytics over Data:

Fourth step involves data analysis using various tools and methods.

  1. Visualizing Data

In the final stage the analyzed data is presented in a proper visual format.

The Types of Big Data Analytics:

Big data analytics is divided into 4 main types:

  1. Descriptive Analytics
  2. Diagnostic Analytics
  3. Predictive Analytics
  4. Prescriptive Analytics

Types of Big Data Analytics

How is Big Data Analysis Helping Organizations all around the globe?

  1. Smarter and more Intelligent Organizations:

Big data analytics is significantly contributing to making organizations smarter and more efficient, and organizations are adopting this technology to lead them into making faster decision making. For example:

New York City Police Department (NYPD) uses Big data Analytics to prevent criminal activities in advance.

They identify patterns, criminal histories, geolocations to reveal crime hotspots in the city, anticipate crimes, deploy their officers on the locations and catch the criminals even before the crime is committed.

geolocations to reveal crime hotspots

Image credits: New York City Comptroller

  1. Optimizing e-commerce operations by Analyzing Customer behavior:

Big Data Analysis (BDA) enhances Businesses by monitoring and analyzing customer behavior and preferences, industries utilize this data for improving their customer service and expanding their businesses. Best example of this is Amazon.

They do so by:

  • Click stream Analysis: Analyzing the clicks of every visitor on the website.
    Click stream Analysis
  • Studying Paths leading to purchases: they study the paths that lead customers to buy products and also what makes them leave.
    paths that lead customers to buy products

Image credits: Amazon Warehouse

  1. Cost Reduction:

Storage software like Hadoop technologies reduce the price for storing data by eliminating the need for hardware devices.

For example, Parkland Land hospital in Dallas Texas, uses big data storage tools to store patient information in the form of Electronic health records (ERC). It also uses data analytics and predictive modeling to identify high risk patients and contribute in prevent diseases.

  1. Understanding Customer preferences:

Starbucks caters to the demands of their customers and satisfies them by studying the purchasing habits using Big data.

  1. Next-Generation Products:

Big Data analytic technologies help in development of high-tech next generation products and services like Google Self-driving cars, and Netflix.

Future Foresight:

In the near future, Business Analytic tools and Artificial intelligence techniques will be seen everywhere, and will be applicable in every facet of our lives.

Major sectors of the world including banking, finance, e-commerce, healthcare and governments would be highly dependent on BDA software.

Hence in the upcoming years applying Big data Analytic tools will be an inevitable necessity for businesses and individuals to extract valuable information and generate insights.

We are about to witness a fundamental revolution in our lifestyle and businesses due to this epic technology.






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AI Redefined: Types, Components, Benefits, and Examples Thu, 24 Nov 2022 18:08:43 +0000 Introduction: Artificial Intelligence has come a long way from being a mere sci-fi daydream to a crucial part of our lives. We are already using AI for our day-to-day activities without even realizing it. Be it Siri and Alexa for voice-operated tasks, google suggesting places to visit, or amazon showing us exactly the products we […]

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Artificial Intelligence has come a long way from being a mere sci-fi daydream to a crucial part of our lives. We are already using AI for our day-to-day activities without even realizing it.

Be it Siri and Alexa for voice-operated tasks, google suggesting places to visit, or amazon showing us exactly the products we want, AI is everywhere.

These intelligent artificial algorithms are constantly making our lives better, but this is only the beginning and there’s yet more to come.

Achieving human-like intelligence is gradually transitioning to the realm of possibility due to ongoing iterations in AI technology.


But what exactly is artificial intelligence? How and when will it start impacting our lives at an exceptional level? Will it ever be able to replace humans? Read this article to find out.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is the imitation of human intelligence to carry out tasks or solve complex problems by machines, especially computer systems. Almost all businesses today incorporate some form of Ai.


Ai can be categorized as weak or strong:

Weak AI:  A system developed for performing a particular task like voice-activated commands, it can maybe answer your question or obey a programmed command but can’t operate without human interaction.

Strong AI: A system incorporated with general human intellectual abilities, meaning it can do tasks and find solutions to problems without human intervention. A self-driving car is an example of a strong ai that uses a combination of computer vision, deep learning, and image recognition to avoid crashing into other vehicles or objects.


In order to actually understand how artificial intelligence system work we need to have a basic knowledge of its domains.

Machine Learning:

Machine learning is the branch of Artificial intelligence and computer science that is devoted to understanding and learning methods using data analytics to improve performing a certain set of tasks.

In other words, it is the technology that teaches computers to learn without being specifically programmed.

Deep Learning:

A technique enabling Machine Learning inspired by the thinking process of the human brain.





The main goal of Ai is to reproduce human intelligence in machines, to construct a computer system that can think, learn, see, and communicate like humans. It would be the peak of scientific achievement for tech enthusiasts, while for others, it might seem like a scary concept.

Nonetheless, we still are very far from developing self-sustaining robots planning world domination but it is important to know what expert minds have predicted to be the progressions in the Ai world.


  • Reactive Artificial Intelligence:
  • Limited Memory Artificial Intelligence:
  • Theory of Mind Artificial Intelligence:
  • Self-Aware Artificial Intelligence:

The second system of classification is the ‘capability classification system’, this is a broader system of classification more commonly used by people working in the tech world. Artificial intelligence is categorized into three types according to this system:


STAGE 1Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI):

This is the most common form of AI you’ll come across. These artificial intelligence systems are designed to carry out a single repetitive task with accuracy and efficiency. Just like the name suggests it has narrow capabilities, for example, product recommendations and weather predictions.

STAGE 2- Artificial General Intelligence (AGI):

It is defined as an AI system that is capable of performing human-level cognitive functions without assistance.

Thousands of artificial narrow intelligence systems would be combined to develop an AGI system.

Artificial General Intelligence is still in its developmental stages, and we’re still far away from building a successful AGI system.

STAGE 3- Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI):

An Artificial Super intelligence system would surpass all human abilities and be better than humans at performing all sorts of tasks. These machines would be capable of making emotionally intelligent, rational, and logical decisions. ASI systems might come across as something sci-fi but it is indeed a reasonable progression to AGI systems.


There are six basic components that drive Artificial intelligence systems.


  • Machine Learning: This refers to the discipline of Artificial Intelligence that enables machines to learn, improve and adapt according to the new data provided to them.
  • Deep Learning: It is a subset of machine learning that teaches machines to learn and think like a human brain. This component of Ai imitates the way humans acquire knowledge
  • Computer Vision: The aspect of Ai that trains computers to interpret and understand digital images, videos, and visuals. It helps in the automation of tasks that can be only done by the human visual system.
  • Neural Network: An Ai model that is inspired by the neural network in the human brain. It comprises a network of several nodes or neurons in a layered system that resembles the neural network in the brain.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Helps computer programs to understand the way humans speak, write and interact with one another. This component of AI enables computer systems to communicate using natural human languages such as English. The understanding works based on the activation functions.
  • Cognitive Computing: In simpler terms, Cognitive computing is the simulation of human thought processes. It is basically the combination of all the above components like reasoning, image recognition, language processing, and other human perceptive capabilities that help machines solve complex issues.


AI is exceeding the limits of computer-enabled functionalities. This cutting-edge technology helps computer systems to perform autonomously ensuring effective implementation of repetitive tasks.

Artificial intelligence technology enables the formation of a Nextgen workspace that is founded on the partnership between computer systems and humans.

This means that human resource does not become useless but rather, their workings are boosted by emerging tech

Primary advantages of AI include:

  • Time-saving
  • Reduces workload
  • Faster and smarter decision making
  • 24/7 Availability
  • Decreases human error
  • Prevents burnout from iterative tasks.
  • Execution of complex tasks cost-effectively
  • No interruptions or downplays
  • Augememts differentially abled individuals
  • Boosts Businesses and trade
  • Unbiased thinking
  • Improved security


Augmented Intelligence or Intelligence Augmented (IA) refers to the combination of common sense, imagination, and creative thinking of humans with the speed, accuracy, and focus of machines.

Augmented intelligence is a model of partnership and collaboration between humans and Ai machines working together to enhance cognitive performances.

In this model, humans have the final say in decision-making. The technology provides relevant information and analysis then the operator determines what should be next done with the data.


Examples of Artificial Intelligence in our Daily lives:

Ai is indeed transforming the tech world but it is also impacting our daily lives and changing the way we do things every day.

Let’s look at the common examples of AI:

  1. Self-Driving and Parking Cars:

 The technology company Nvidia gives cars the ability to drive autonomously on the roads by using utilizing Ai. Fully operational self-driving cars are ToyotaMercedes-BenzAudiVolvo, and Tesla.

  1. Virtual Assistants:

Digital Assistants like Google Now, Siri, Alexa, and Cortana help users do different tasks like scheduling, calling, or controlling other apps, strive on Ai Technology to function.

  1. Domestic Robots:

AI-powered robots like Shark AI Robot Vacuum can perform domestic cleaning independently.

  1. Transport:

Machine learning, a subset of Artificial intelligence powers transportation apps like Uber.

“We use ML to enable an efficient ride-sharing marketplace, identify suspicious or fraudulent accounts, and suggest optimal pickup and drop-off points” writes the company on its website.

  1. Marketing Chatbots:

Marketing chatbots like Landbot, MobileMonkey use artificial intelligence technology to generate Leads and retain customers

  1. Social Media Monitoring:

AI aids in social media monitoring of popular networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

  1. Text Editors:

Many text editing and generating tools like, and Copysmith heavily rely on AI to compose unique texts and writeups  

  1. Financial Assistants:

Companies like AlphaSense, and Numerai offer financial assistance, offering unbiased advice for monetary investments to their clients using AI.

Final thoughts on Artificial Intelligence Technology:

AI is everywhere, it has exploded in popularity in the last few years, and in the near future, we would see more of our jobs being outsourced to Ai.

As we have learned the main goal of Ai is to reproduce human intelligence (or at least try to) in machines, to construct a computer system that can think, learn, see, and communicate just like humans.

It would be the peak of technological achievement for tech scientists, while for others, it may seem like a scary concept.

Nonetheless, we still are very far from developing self-sustaining robots planning world domination but it is important to know what expert minds have predicted to be the progressions in the Ai world.

The emergence of Artificial intelligence indeed has the potential to completely alter the prospect of humanity, but it still has a long way to go and it is only in its early phases. The future of Ai will be filled with extraordinary inventions that will bring us closer to an unparalleled future.

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Augmented and Virtual Reality-Powered Apps & Immersive Technologies: A Growing Trend in the App Market Thu, 17 Nov 2022 14:25:13 +0000 The present fiery era of innovative mobile application development demands futuristic apps with immersive and interactive technologies to generate a unique selling point among users. As a result, incorporating immersive technologies like Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) into mobile applications is becoming a new trend in the digital world. Leading organizations, companies, and […]

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The present fiery era of innovative mobile application development demands futuristic apps with immersive and interactive technologies to generate a unique selling point among users.

As a result, incorporating immersive technologies like Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) into mobile applications is becoming a new trend in the digital world.

Leading organizations, companies, and retail giants are rapidly adopting these groundbreaking technologies to expand their businesses and create engaging and near-reality user experiences.

Increasing Demand for Immersive Technology Apps:

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are the two trendy technologies being cohesively used to reinvent the digital ecosystem.

Despite being relatively recent technologies, AR and VR’s popularity and demand across various platforms are quite remarkable, especially in the Mobile App development sector.

These technologies have now become an essential part of the mobile app industry, promising extraordinary potential in the coming years.


What is meant by Immersive Technology?

Any technology that modifies or extends reality in such a way that enables us to have a completely or partially immersed experience in a digital simulation is referred to as Immersive Technology.

It is a unique branch of digital technology that extends the physical world by integrating virtual content with it, forming a 360 space.

The 360 sphere/space allows the users to look beyond the conventional 2D screens and view the content in 3D in any direction they look.

Some immersive technology extends reality by superimposing digital imagery on the user’s surroundings, while others create a new reality and submerge the user into a virtual world.

Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality are different types of immersive technology.


What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality is an immersive technology that overlays real-world objects either partly or completely, it uses object recognition to superimpose digital visuals into your area of sight to create a virtual experience.

AR offers an interactive experience in the physical world by adding or augmenting virtual elements to your environment.

On the basis of superimposition, Augmented Reality is classified into two main types: Marker-based and marker-less AR

Marker-based AR:

Marker-based AR is dependent on visual markers to stimulate augmented experiences.

Mostly, 2D  dynamic QR codes printed on paper are used as augmented reality markers. These computer-readable codes are scanned by mobile cameras to activate interactive visuals.


Marker-less AR:

Marker-less AR does not rely on any markers or image recognition to produce any special effects. Instead, it utilizes a camera, software, location, and GPS to perceive positional data and detect the placement of objects along with the distance between them (SLAM).

Marker-less Augmented Reality is further divided into four kinds:

  • Project-based AR: Projects light on flat surfaces to create 3D immersive visuals, for example, Holograms.
  • Location-based AR: The content is fixed to a particular location, once the device detects a match with the assigned location it augments the digital visuals. A popular example of a location-based AR app is Pokémon Go.


  • Overlay AR: this technology replaces the original view of an item with an enhanced virtual image of the object. Excellent example of overlay marker-less AR is an object Configurator that allows the ‘Try before you Buy’ feature
  • Contour-Based AR: finally, there’s contour based augmented reality that utilizes SLAM to outline the edges of things and simulate near-reality human interactions. AR sandbox is an example of a Contour-based Marker less AR.



Image credits: AR sandbox

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality (VR) is the creation of a computer-generated simulation of a 3D environment in such a way that enables us to experience it as it were real. Special gadgets, such as Head Mounted Displays (HMDs), VR headsets or gloves are used to manipulate our cognitive and perceptive senses.

Virtual reality is an experience that allows us to step into a virtual space, interact with digital elements that resemble or completely differ from the real world.

It can take us on exciting adventures like exploring the geographical wonders of earth, entities of outer space, or a dive into the deep ocean from the comfort of your homes.

There are three types of VR technologies:

  • Non-immersive Virtual reality: Video Games like Xbox and PlayStation, in which you can visit a virtual environment whilst having full control over your physical surroundings.

Non-immersive VR enables users to control activities and movements within the software but the environment does not interact back directly.


Image credits: PlayStation

  • Fully immersive Virtual reality: Gives you a sense of being present in a completely different reality and everything happening around you feels real. It is powered by expensive devices such as head-mounted displays (HMDs) or VR headsets, gloves, and vests with sensors. These gadgets are connected to powerful software that records every movement and projects it into the virtual setting.


Image credits: New York times (participants playing fully immersive VR game, the Void)

  • Semi-immersive Virtual reality: It is a combination of fully immersive and non-immersive virtual reality. Provide users with partially virtual experiences, giving them the perception of being in a different reality when focusing on the visuals while being connected to their physical environment.

One common example of Semi-immersive Virtual Reality is the Flight simulator by Microsoft. It consists of a virtual display of the cockpit and chair with 3D images, no gears like headsets or gloves are required and the user is still cognizant of the outside world.


Image credits: Xbox (flight simulator)

What is the difference between AR and VR?

Augmented and virtual reality technologies are often considered the same thing as they both are immersive technologies allowing users to indulge in enthralling experiences.

However, there are some key differences making them unique and distinctive from each other:

  • AR is the iteration of the real world, whereas virtual reality offers you a ride to a whole other universe.
  • AR requires no Headsets but just your regular smartphone with a functional camera and microphone, on the contrary, headset devices and gloves are necessary for VR.
  • AR is somewhat an alteration of the real world but VR is fully fictional.
  • AR is 25% virtual and 75% real however, VR is 75% and only 25% real.

In other words, augmented reality brings virtual elements into the real world, whereas virtual reality takes you into an unrealistic world.

AR/VR powered Apps:

Sky is the limit when cutting-edge technologies like virtual and augmented reality are combined together. Merging them into a single platform creates a visually insane perception of reality for the users, making the applications more interactive and engaging.

Therefore, AR/VR- powered apps are now becoming an essential component of the digital environment. These powerful technologies help companies to experiment relentlessly and craft apps that produce the best results for their startups or businesses.

AR/VR not only makes your mobile apps unique and innovative but can help you achieve a distinctive following in your separate forte.

Tech giants like Microsoft, Apple, and Google recognize AR/VR-powered apps as promising innovations that are constantly generating profits with time.

Popular applications that are leveraging AR/VR and rocking the digital world are Pokémon Go, Snapchat, Walmart, Instagram, Sephora, Lens kart, Google Earth, Tilt Brush, Kingspray, Ocean Rift, etc.


Industries and Applications

Augmented and virtual reality technologies are constantly blurring the lines between the physical and virtual worlds by enabling more immersive and near reality experiences.

AR/VR apps have countless applications, such as experiential demos, 3D product imagery, translations, lessons, facial recognition, autonomous processes, marketing and a lot more.

Here we have listed some notable and game-changing applications and benefits of Apps equipped with AR/VR features:

  • Virtual tryouts:

Incorporating Augmented Reality into your applications will give your customers an option to virtually try out selected items and help them in making an informed choice.

The Sephora Virtual Artist App (SVAA) is an excellent case of utilizing AR technology for trying out hundreds of different makeup products digitally.


Image credits: Sephora

  • Virtual shopping:

An immersive and realistic experience is powered by VR technology for the customers to browse and purchase items online as if they were physically present at store.

Allows customers to enter the store through VR headsets and teleport into a different world where they can interact and view products in their actual form.


Image credits: Walmart

  • Advertising and marketing:

Integrating AR/VR technologies to expand your businesses is the most intelligent and efficient way to advertise your brand.

Augmented and virtual reality marketing attracts customers, engages consumers and encourage conversions in interesting ways.

Some examples of effective VR marketing are– McDonald’s, Thomas Cook, Holoroom, and Oculus Rift.

  • Active experience than just passive information:

Using AR/VR apps for education helps in creating interactive lessons that are memorable and impactful for learners.

Immersive experiences improve learning outcomes of students and helps them in retaining information for longer periods of time.


Image credits: ResearchGate

  • Accessibility for disabled people:

AR/VR is a potential means of assistance and accessibility for people with special needs, providing them a ray of hope for life, recovery, fun and adventure.

This technology allows people with physical disabilities to do things they can’t do in the real world like running, climbing mountains, skiing or snowboarding.

In addition to that, a recent research project by Curtin University has utilized VR rehabilitation program for physiotherapy of patients with cervical spinal cord injury.


Image credits: Curtin university

  • Time-saving and cost-effective:

AR/VR apps provides customers the accessibility of having a near-reality shopping experience from the comfort of their homes, saving time and reducing costs at both ends. For example, Ikea augmented reality allows their clients to visualize how furniture would look at their houses.


Image credits: Ikea

AR/VR apps are presently being actively applied to the following industries:

  • Games
  • Entertainment and sports
  • Education and e-learning
  • Retail and e-commerce
  • Tours and traveling
  • Beauty industry
  • Healthcare

Future foresight:

In this tech-driven world, the demand for immersive and interactive apps powered with technologies like augmented and virtual reality is ever-increasing.

Immersive technology driven apps are already being extensively used in our daily lives and will be used even more in the future. With so many benefits discussed above, we have come to the conclusion that these technologies are indeed disruptive, and integrating them with mobile apps is undoubtedly genius.

In the next decade, we’ll witness technologies like AR, VR, and MR not only impact the digital sector but meaningfully renovate every facet of our lives.

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Bitcoin Technology: What To Expect in 2022 Tue, 15 Nov 2022 10:02:36 +0000 Cryptocurrency has been the talk of the town for the past decade and all the glory goes to Bitcoin. From people doubting its authenticity when it came into the market to the point where they blamed themselves for not taking the “risk,” the Bitcoin Technology has successfully made it into the year 2022. Needless to […]

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Cryptocurrency has been the talk of the town for the past decade and all the glory goes to Bitcoin. From people doubting its authenticity when it came into the market to the point where they blamed themselves for not taking the “risk,” the Bitcoin Technology has successfully made it into the year 2022. Needless to say, that it is one of the highest-grossing cryptocurrency in terms of value. The latest Bitcoin trends experienced during the year 2019 left every individual captivated.

According to Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Statistics for 2022 state that Bitcoin’s recent 10-year CAGR is 200% and the value of bitcoin has augmented by over 9 million percent throughout the last decade. This has been an astonishing accomplishment. Regarded as the most remarkable financial phenomenon ever, the year 2019 proved itself to be a roller coaster for Bitcoin technology as a whole. Not only did the BTC gain a significant 87 percent throughout the year, it also doubled its value from $3,843 to $7,200 (USD). The latest Bitcoin trends experienced throughout 2019 influenced the big-guns in the industry to invest heftily, driving universal debates for BTC’s potential to become a “safe haven asset.” That being said, the most pressing question remains, “What do we expect from Bitcoin Technology in 2022?

Bitcoin Technology 2022 – What Does The Future Have in Store?

With the sheer uncertainty that surrounds Bitcoin, it is tricky to predict the price of BTC or how Bitcoin technology in 2020 – 2022 would be. For the fact that it is an “illiquid asset,” BTC’s market remains susceptible to potential manipulations. While the latest Bitcoin trends made way for regulatory uncertainty throughout the globe for this technology, it won’t be wrong to consider that if the scenario stays the same, it might be a bit difficult to experience an upward asset movement.

It is also essential here to understand that Bitcoin in and of itself should be treated as part of a diversified portfolio for investment. With regards to how Bitcoin technology in 2022 would look like, it can be assumed that if registered investment advisors (RIA) become comfortable with the digital assets, or the liquidity increases in the institutional markets, the year 2022 might also experience a boom in addition to the value it has for now.

Is the Future of Bitcoin Technology in 2022 Worth Your Investments?

As abrupt as it can get, the future of any cryptocurrency, in general, is difficult to predict. Needless to say, if we could, we’d all be multibillionaires. Since the prices in the world of cryptocurrency are extremely volatile, the coin’s value can change abruptly. This, in the majority of cases, occurs without a significant explanation. This turns out to be the main reason why predicting the value for BTC is relatively much more complicated than it is in traditional markets. That being said, the reason behind the uncertainty in predicting the future of BTC may be contained into two main points:

  1. There is a lot of incumbents trying to move into the world of crypto;
  2. BTC is the lighthouse currency in a non-fiat ecology.

While considering the future of Bitcoin technology in 2022, it is always a viable option to reflect upon real-world events. This may include the latest technologies, regulations, future roadmaps, etc.

However, there can still be many perspectives on how Bitcoin technology in 2022 would look like. Although Bitcoin has potentially higher volatility in the short run, if you look at the bigger picture, it can be concluded that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are here to stay. The industry might not be at its peak (due to the uncertain downs it experiences), but when it gets bigger, the price would undoubtedly go higher!

What’s The Takeaway?

With all the technicalities that surround the world of cryptocurrency, there can be many perspectives as to what the future would look like. With the narrative that considers Bitcoin as “digital gold,” it is believed that the price for one Bitcoin would quickly reach the six-figure mark. But while developed countries, like China, are making cryptocurrency skeptical, it would not be wrong to state that the price of BTC’s would massively drop if some specific measures are taken in economically significant countries. Having two of these extreme cases with equal probabilities in mind, this is what makes cryptocurrency an uncertain evolution of technology!

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Metaverse in Education: A Whole New Approach to Learning and Teaching Wed, 09 Nov 2022 12:30:04 +0000 Education in the metaverse is the forthcoming new era of innovative and immersive learning that will reform the current educational sector extraordinarily. From the rise of the PC internet in the late 1990s to the present era of mobile computing and social media, eLearning has come a long way. And now metaverse, the not-so-distant future […]

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Education in the metaverse is the forthcoming new era of innovative and immersive learning that will reform the current educational sector extraordinarily.

From the rise of the PC internet in the late 1990s to the present era of mobile computing and social media, eLearning has come a long way. And now metaverse, the not-so-distant future and the latest iteration of the internet, is opening up new opportunities to make online learning even more engaging and accessible.

Training young talent in the era of the 4thindustrial revolution requires more than just providing them with conventional textbooks and lectures. It has now become necessary to apply immersive technologies like Metaverse and virtual reality to expand their learning experiences and prepare them for the future where cutting-edge science technologies like AI, etc. will become more common.

Metaverse is currently the most keenly debated area in the digital world and has endless possibilities, so let’s look at the potential progressions of this technological innovation when applied to the field of education.

What will Education in the Metaverse look like?


Imagine swimming deep through the Pacific Ocean, exploring the wild fishes and coral reefs, or wandering in space among the moon and stars– right from your classroom desks, sounds fascinating right? Learning in the metaverse allows you to have such near-reality experiences and even more.

The demands for basic knowledge of science and mathematics will continue to increase for future societies and the current educational infrastructure is insufficient for the characteristics of the forthcoming generation.

Metaverse schools or “Meta-veristies” will make teaching and understanding difficult concepts and phenomena way more interesting, and easier to grasp by:

  1. Visualization and virtual field trips: Educators can use any lesson idea to create virtual scenarios for example teachers can take students to tour ancient Egypt or Greece or any historical site.
  2. Distanced learning and Accessibility: Online learning though metaverse will break down political and national restrictions, providing equal learning opportunities for all.
  3. Virtual labs and Experiments: Metaverse with the help of virtual reality and sensors allows students to perform dangerous experiments in a risk free and safe virtual environment. Lab experimentation and medical studies could be made more practical with enhanced safety.
  1. 3D simulations & Realistic Learning: The main technologies powering the metaverse are VR, AR, MR and AI, they work together to provide a fully enchanting 3D experience. This makes metaverse spaces look hyperrealistic making students get immersed into the lessons.
  1. Digital Classrooms and Holograms: Teachers and students can use metaverse platforms to meet online virtually o in the form of holograms making quality education accessible and widespread.

How different subjects will look like in Metaverse?


Applying metaverse in education is transforming the way we learn through enchanting visualizations and immersive experiences. Virtual reality is opening up doors to depths of the oceans to the vastness of space and beyond.

Here’s what studying different subjects would be like with metaverse technologies:

  • History – Any particular time period or historical event can be recreated in the metaverse so the students can actually teleport to the historical landscapes and get near-reality experiences. For example, students can witness and learn from the destructions of the first world war and its after-effects as if it was happening live.
  • Geography – Geography students can learn in-depth about the different layers or patterns of the earth through the immersive visualization offered by a metaverse.
  • Art – Art admirers and learners can study and observe paintings and artworks of famous artists or even talk to them within the metaverse and feel enthused to produce their own digital artwork.
  • Astronomy – Students and Astro physicists studying astronomy can utilize the hyper-realistic experience provided by a Metaverse for a better understanding of planets and outer space entities.
  • Science – Students can perform laboratory activities and trials in the metaverse freely, this allows them to do experimentation within a virtual setup in a safe way.  For instance, they can dissect a virtual frog to learn its anatomy, and conduct chemistry experiments on toxic substances or tests on Newton’s weight, mass, gravity, etc.
  • Literature – Tales from novels and literature can be recreated in the metaverse and students can actually enter and watch scenes unfold, which would help them relate to the characters and understand the plot better.

What are the benefits of Education in Metaverse?


Utilizing metaverse for education will give students greater value and engaging learning experience as it can stimulate hyper-realistic simulations which will ultimately enhance learners’ creativity and imagination.

Some of the noteworthy advantages of receiving education in the metaverse are:

  • Better understanding of concepts: Students would be able to have an improved understanding of concepts through simulations, creative visuals, and virtual field trips enabled by artificial intelligence and virtual reality headsets.
  • Increased learner interest and participation: Metaverse brings a factor of gamification and fun to conventional learning resulting in higher rates of participation and interest among students. It makes studying effortless and fun by introducing an element of excitement and improves problem solving and critical thinking capabilities of users.
  • Retention of knowledge: On average the human brain only retains about 5% of the knowledge by reading theory, whereas experienced learning and practical knowledge last a lifetime.
  • Inclusive learning and Accessibility: Metaverse learning has the potential to be an inclusive space for people coming from different countries and racial backgrounds, a comprehensive classroom where everyone feels like home. In addition to that metaverse learning would be revolutionary for people with disabilities as they would be able move about the digital space without any limitations inflicted upon them in the real world.
  • Immersive experiences: The world of metaverse offers the users the delight of studying and understanding things in the 3D immersive land of visualization.  Students indulge themselves into learning by interacting with 3D objects along with their mates in a magical universe where everything is possible.
  • No restrictions on time and location: Education in metaverse shatters all physical and geographical barriers, enabling students and teachers from different locations and time zones to conduct and join classes seamlessly ensuing a culturally enriched learning experience.

Challenges of Metaverse in Education:


Data Privacy & security:

In the metaverse there are increased chances of data leaks frauds, surveillance and other cybercrimes as the little learner with no social experience can be easily be exposed to criminal events and privacy violations.

Also, the projects and creations of both teachers and students have higher possibility of being plagiarized.

Identification systems and technologies like cryptocurrency, NFTs, and blockchains are urgently needed to make work and creations in the metaverse traceable, or else it would just be a lawless land.

Technology and gadgets:

VR headsets and devices are essential for both learners and teachers to teleport in the world of the metaverse. While recent advancements in technology have enhanced VR hardware devices but there are still a lot of grounds for improvement.

For example, there are several reports suggesting that VR device users might experience signs of cybersickness such as blurred vision, eye soreness, dizziness, or even may even fall on the ground after wearing these headsets for a long period of time.

Ethics and morality:

Being readily accessible to people throughout the world raises increased concerns about racial, and religious conflicts, bullying, violence, and other ethical challenges.

People from different worldviews, and ideologies may face cross-national, cross-gender, and cross-political, conflicts and issues. Therefore, there is an urgent need for establishing a well-composed system of rules and regulations to be exercised within the metaverse ecosystem.

Identity and interactions:

Spending too much time in the metaverse may lead people to have trouble connecting with people in the real world and develop social anxiety and emotional barriers.

A timely guide from schools, teachers, and society on recognizing the difference between reality and simulations would be effective and necessary for learners.


The enchanting and magical world of the metaverse enabled by sensors and VR technologies comes with plenty of scenarios and gears that miss in the real world, making students easily get immersed in this bizarre land.

Young learners lacking restraint and self-discipline may inevitably become addicted, which will lead to potential damage to their physical and mental health.

For more detailed information read: The metaverse in education: Definition, framework, features, potential applications, challenges, and future research topics


Merging cutting edge technologies to drive digitized education to extraordinary roads, metaverse is a means to accelerate online education delivery through unique inventive ways.

It offers the safest and the most comfortable, realistic, enhanced and inclusive learning experiences using features such as avatars, soundboards, voice-changing apps, 3D audio, vibrations, and more. These features eliminate friction in the classroom that students with specific physical or emotional needs often encounter.

To sum up, Metaverse education has exceptional potential to revolutionize the eLearning sector with more immersive learning and teaching opportunities.

It would be incredibly interesting to witness how the this technology transforms the way we work, play, communicate and learn.

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Top Ten Cyber Security Trends to Watch Out In 2023 Wed, 02 Nov 2022 19:36:28 +0000 With the evolution of modern technologies and the world transforming digitally, Cyber security threats are also increasing at an alarming rate. It has now become necessary for us to reframe our security practices and rethink technology to prepare ourselves for new threats. If you want to save yourself from the disastrous consequences of cyberattacks, read […]

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With the evolution of modern technologies and the world transforming digitally, Cyber security threats are also increasing at an alarming rate. It has now become necessary for us to reframe our security practices and rethink technology to prepare ourselves for new threats.

If you want to save yourself from the disastrous consequences of cyberattacks, read this article till the end to find out how

Ready? Let’s begin.


Our world has changed a lot since the 2020 pandemic; with more and more people working from home and the increasingly online nature of our lives, we are getting vulnerable to cyber-attacks more than ever.

Businesses, companies, and organizations worldwide are heavily relying on computerized systems to manage their day-to-day activities; all of this has been particularly helpful to cybercriminals.

Cybercriminals are extremely smart; they can capture your personal information and misuse it or even shut down your entire business operations by exposing confidential information.


Therefore, it is extremely crucial to make cybersecurity a priority to safeguard our data from any unauthorized access and online attacks.

What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity also known as Information technology security, is the practice of protecting critical systems and sensitive data from an ever-growing number of malicious attacks and threats. Fortunately, all digital businesses and hybrid workplaces are becoming aware of these threats and, using a no log VPN to keep their privacy, they are adapting to the cyber security landscape.

Fortunately, all digital businesses and hybrid workplaces are becoming aware of these threats and adapting to the cyber security landscape.


However, it should be noted that cyber security is a constantly evolving sector. Both hackers and security experts are always in a constant tug of war to outsmart each other. Therefore, we

need to keep up with the latest technologies to keep our online activities and businesses safe.

Let’s look at the top cybersecurity trends for 2023:

  1. The Internet of Things And the 5G technology:

With the introduction and development of 5G technology, we are certainly heading towards an exciting new era of interconnectivity and digitalization.

This latest technology has numerous advantages because it is providing new opportunities for businesses, revolutionizing education, and making our lives much easier through direct M2M communication.


But his communication between multiple devices also exposes them to vulnerabilities from the outside. As these devices are not as secure as mobile phones or computers so they end up being potential access points for cybercriminals looking to access secure digital systems. If you still are unsure about what IoT appliances are, think about “smart” devices such as voice-operated refrigerators, fitness watches, and voice assistants like Google Home. According to estimates, around 64 billion IoT devices will be connected worldwide in the next 5 years.

With this rising concern about security, it becomes paramount to protect our IoT devices and secure our networks. The use of the top VPN providers can provide an extra layer of security, encrypting your data and shielding these devices from potential cyber-attacks. Their services can be particularly useful when dealing with the inherent vulnerabilities of such a vast array of connected devices.

Therefore, the internet of things revolution is one of the most important facets of cybersecurity trends to watch out for in 2023.

  1. Artificial intelligence:

AI or artificial intelligence is literally changing all aspects of future technology. This technology with a combination of machine learning is the next big thing in the cybersecurity sector too.

AI is being used to build automated security systems, face detection software, and even automatic threat detection systems.

On the contrary, it is also being used to develop smart malware and attacks to break through the latest security protocols.


But AI-enabled threat detection systems can predict these attacks in advance and notify admins instantly to avoid these attacks altogether. Smart right?

  1. Penetration testing

In the coming years, we will most definitely see a rise in the use of preventive measures such as Penetration Testing. Pen testing is an exceptional way of maintaining healthy cyber hygiene.

For those who don’t know, Penetration testing is a simulated attack performed on a digital system or organization to expose any vulnerabilities in the operating systems, Software, or Network devices. You can think of it just as an ethical form of hacking.


It’s like breaking into your own home to identify your weak points, once have this knowledge, you can use it to improve your security effectively. So next time someone actually tries to break into your system they fail miserably!

Many companies have already set up security teams to perform these tests to prevent cyber threats and social attacks. However, these services are quite costly and not all companies can afford them. This is why the cybersecurity industry is constantly growing and new companies and emerging to overcome the demand for providing cost-effective cybersecurity solutions.

  1. Information security and Ransomware:

Ransomware as the name suggests is a type of malicious software that holds data for hostage until a sum of money or some service is exchanged. It threatens to expose, block, or corrupt data and prevent the users from accessing their computers unless the invaders’ demands are met.


Although previously ransomware was aimed at individuals, now it has started targeting businesses and companies too. These attacks are most commonly done through Malspam and Malvertising.

  1. Mobile phone – an easy target:

There’s no surprise that handheld gadgets such as mobile phones are a huge prospect for hackers to break in, now more than ever.  Cybercriminals and hackers have developed a special interest in these devices, as they contain all the valuable information they need.

From financial transactions and credit card passwords to personal information such as text messages, emails, and photos; our mobile phones have turned into extremely vulnerable targets.  The most common mobile attack vectors include malware, ransomware, data tempering, phishing attacks, and data loss.


Even though there are companies like Apple that prioritize user safety, there are extremely smart hackers who are ready to exploit any loophole they find.

Therefore, proactive measures are necessary to safeguard our smartphones from outside attacks and we should not leave the fate of our security solely in the hands of mobile companies. In the upcoming year, we look forward to seeing how the cybersecurity industry evolves in this facet of mobile technology.

  1. Remote working and dispersed teams:

Even though the pandemic is over, a large number of people are still working from home. This mode of work might be efficient but it exposes the companies to a lot of cyberattacks.

The weakest links in a company’s security protocol are distributed teams and employees who work remotely.


It’s a piece of cake for cybercriminals to attack people who are working from home than those in offices. As in centralized offices, there is a secure connection, including firewalls, routers, and access management run by IT experts. And home offices are more likely to have a less secure internet connection, making them more vulnerable to cybersecurity risks.

  1. End-User Education and Awareness:

Human errors are the most common cause of data leaks. But thankfully such attacks can be avoided by educating your employees and making them alert.

Creating security awareness across the organization is the ultimate key to strengthening endpoint security. For example, training users to delete suspicious email attachments, avoid using unknown USB devices, etc.


Even a slight blunder or mistake can cause the organization to lose millions of data in seconds and ultimately affect the company’s growth. According to some insights, about 34 percent of the attacks took place due to employees’ carelessness.

So, for the upcoming year make sure to raise awareness among users about healthy online practices to protect data in every possible way.

  1. State-sponsored Hacking and warfare:

State-sponsored hacking is basically a form digital intrusion that works to promote a nation’s interest in their homeland or abroad.

This could be in the form of hacking confidential information from a government system or developing websites promising critical leaks of famous political leaders.


The battle between the western and the eastern powers is never-ending. Hackers from countries like China, Russia, and the United States are always in search of loopholes in their enemy’s cybersecurity systems.

In the year 2023, high-profile data leaks, political and industrial secrets are expected to be the top cybersecurity trends.

  1. Cloud security

As more and more companies are being established on cloud platforms, security measures are needed to be updated to protect valuable data from being lost.


The costly issue of cloud platform security occurs when the users accidentally misconfigure cloud settings.  This carves a path for unauthorized access to the network, resulting in a complete account takeover.

According to a recent survey, the average cost of data leaks is estimated at over 3.5 million dollars. Therefore, organizations must manage and enhance their cloud security protocols.

One effective solution to strengthen cloud security is by implementing a network scanning tool. This tool enables administrators to scan their systems regularly, identifying and addressing vulnerabilities before they turn into real problems. With a network scanning tool, companies can ensure their valuable data remains secure on the cloud platform.

  1. Automotive computer hacking:

Nowadays modern vehicles are packed with advanced computers processing everything from vehicle controls to the entertainment system, ensuring a smooth and seamless experience.

These computers use different communication systems to interlink and coordinate with each other. But the integration of such communications and software systems makes automobiles extremely vulnerable to attacks.


In 2023 with the rise of autonomous self-driving vehicles, Automotive hacking is a crucial cybersecurity threat you need to watch out for.

A Golden Year for Cybersecurity Professionals:

In the present age of digital revolution, cyber security is such an in-demand field. Professionals choosing this career path have a bright future in the coming years.

According to estimates, the global cyber security industry will have more than 3.5 billion job openings by the year 2025. Also, this industry is expected to expand by 33% between 2020 and 2030, as compared to a 4% growth rate in other sectors.

To summarize:

As the cybersecurity sector is growing and evolving, so is cybercrime. The designs and systems we come up with today are ready to be exploited tomorrow.

So, to give ourselves the upper hand, we need to use our knowledge about these upcoming trends and keep our security systems updated.

Hope you enjoyed this article, for more information about the latest trends in the world of technology stay tuned to our website. Until then, reframe and rethink and be wary of these threats!

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M-commerce: Business Apps, Benefits, and Challenges Tue, 25 Oct 2022 15:21:17 +0000 The internet is full of businesses, but not all businesses on the internet are very successful. Fortunately, there’s a way to make your business online and reach millions of potential customers; it’s called M-commerce. Mobile commerce is the growing trend of buying and selling products and services on the go. It has become one of […]

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The internet is full of businesses, but not all businesses on the internet are very successful. Fortunately, there’s a way to make your business online and reach millions of potential customers; it’s called M-commerce.

Mobile commerce is the growing trend of buying and selling products and services on the go. It has become one of the most important elements of digital marketing strategy, as it allows businesses to reach new customers and give them a better user experience. In this article, we will discuss what mobile commerce is, how it works and why it should be your next focus as a business owner or marketer.

What is Mobile commerce?

M-commerce is a type of electronic commerce (e-commerce) that is conducted via mobile devices. The term refers to the delivery of commercial services and products using wireless technology, including mobile phones and other portable devices such as tablets and PDAs.

It is a new form of business that uses mobile devices to conduct transactions and communicate with customers. M-commerce has become popular in recent years as companies have begun using mobile apps and websites to connect with their customers.

It can be broken down into three categories:

  • Mobile e-commerce: The delivery of electronic commerce capabilities directly into the consumer’s hand via wireless technology.


  • Mobile transactions: Financial transactions on a mobile device.


  • Mobile Marketing: The practice of marketing a business using mobile devices.


Growth of M-commerce: 

Mobile commerce is bringing down the barriers to commerce and becoming a larger part of it.

Nowadays mobile devices are more frequently used by consumers to make purchases, making businesses accessible to everyone.


The mobile commerce market is growing at an incredible rate. According to Statista, mobile commerce retail revenues via smartphones would be around 400 billion US dollars by 2024, which is almost double the amount forecast for 2021. Whereas M-commerce sales via tablets would be near to 70 billion dollars by 2024.

Why is M-commerce so useful?


Many experts believe that the future of business will involve more focus on this type of technology, which can help companies reach potential clients more effectively than ever before.

There are many advantages of m-commerce for both businesses and consumers. Here are some benefits you may see from implementing m-commerce strategies:

  • Time-saving and efficiency: Allows customers to get what they need without taking time out of their busy schedules. And, since they can compare prices and products from different retailers quickly and easily, they are most likely to get the best deal possible.
  • 24/7 access: M-commerce also opens up a world of 24/7 shopping opportunities, not just during store hours which is great news for night owls and early birds alike.
  • Convenience and portability: Perhaps the most obvious benefit is convenience, we no longer need to be tied down to a physical store in order to make a purchase. With m-commerce, we can shop anytime, anywhere.
  • Increased reach: M-commerce allows businesses to reach a larger audience than traditional eCommerce.
  • Faster transactions: Mobile devices offer a faster and easier way to make purchases.
  • Personalized shopping experiences: M-commerce enables businesses to provide customized and targeted shopping experiences for their customers.
  • Improved customer loyalty: Customers who have a positive mobile shopping experience are more likely to remain loyal to your brand.
  • More accurate data collection: With mobile devices, businesses will be able to collect more information on their products and services with each transaction made through an app or website.
  • Saving money on marketing campaigns: Many companies today hire marketers and rely heavily on digital advertising for marketing purposes because it’s cheaper than traditional methods like television commercials or magazine ads..

Where does M- commerce work best?

M-commerce apps have applications in almost every facet of modern lifestyle, they bring a lot of ease and convenience. We can use them for managing and promoting businesses, budgeting, paying bills, making reservations, shopping, and basically all financial transactions on the go.

Below are some top-grossing m-commerce business mobile apps categorized in their respective industries:






  • Entertainment and gaming:


Challenges of Mobile commerce:


Mobile commerce is growing at an incredible rate, but faces certain limitations that sometimes hinder their success.

  • Need for a stable Connection: Without a stable and secure internet connection m-commerce cannot function.
  • Security issues: the consumers are exposed to the risk of identify fraud or phishing attacks by certain business apps.
  • Scams: It is very easy to fool people online as there is no physical presence of a store. Mostly people get scammed by website that look good on the front but disappear as soon as they take order.
  • Inability to verify the product or service beforehand: On contrary to physical shopping, customers cannot touch, feel or smell their purchases before paying.
  • Credit card frauds: The most common risk of online commerce is monetary theft or credit cards scams. Consumers and businesses are both equally susceptible to it.


  • M-commerce is buying and selling products and services online via mobile devices.
  • It can be categorized into; Mobile shopping, Mobile Banking, and Mobile Marketing
  • M-commerce app is a rapidly growing market.
  • M-commerce is the future of the business world and revolutionizing the way we way manage our finances.
  • Applications of mobile commerce are big and relevant to every sector.
  • Certain limitations arere needed to be tackled but the advantages and accessibility of Mobile commerce overpower them completely.

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Top Mobile Gaming Trends To Watch Out For In 2023 And Beyond: New Technologies, Apps, Future Predictions Tue, 25 Oct 2022 15:03:58 +0000 Gaming technology has always been a huge part of the entertainment world, from consoles to tablets and even online, people have been enjoying gaming experiences for years. But what do you think will happen in 2023? If you’re a tech geek like us, then your mind must be racing through all sorts of possibilities as […]

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Gaming technology has always been a huge part of the entertainment world, from consoles to tablets and even online, people have been enjoying gaming experiences for years. But what do you think will happen in 2023?

If you’re a tech geek like us, then your mind must be racing through all sorts of possibilities as you try to guess what might happen next.

Today we’re about to tell you about some exciting tech developments that could possibly disrupt the world of gaming.

Why gaming apps are becoming more popular now?

Mobile gaming is on the rise with more and more people playing games on their smartphones and tablets. The popularity of mobile games can be attributed to the fact that they are convenient and easy to play. In addition, mobile games are usually less expensive than console or PC games.


The gaming industry is a billion-dollar market, with mobile games being the fastest-growing segment. According to research, mobile games are responsible for 45% of video gaming revenue worldwide.

Furthermore, mobile games revenue is predicted to exceed $100 billion by 2023 as internet penetration rates and smartphone usage continue to rise. As expected, the rise of mobile gaming is also profoundly affecting the U.S. video game market.

In 2022, mobile games revenue reached a record 41.7 billion U.S. dollars, and thanks to technological advances, digital innovation, and nationwide lockdowns during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, there are now more mobile video game users in America than ever before.


The next decade is going to be an exciting time for new gaming technologies and developments, we expect a lot of new innovations in the mobile gaming industry which are going to give us a new perspective on the gameplay experience.

Here is a comprehensive list of rising trends and technologies that we think will significantly impact the mobile gaming industry:

  • Rise of Blockchain Technology
  • Rose of Mobile Cloud Gaming
  • Web 3.0 and Gaming
  • Mobile Extended Reality
  • Big Data and AI In Gaming
  • In-Game Video Streaming
  • Voice-Controlled Commands
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Tracking Metrics

The combination of blockchain with gaming is set to transform the gaming sector by completely redefining the gaming world as we know it.

Gaming which previously was considered a leisure activity is now becoming a potential means of making money- all thanks to blockchain technology.

Following are a few ways in which this technology will be turning the mobile gaming industry into a potentially economic endeavor.

  • Monetization and control of virtual assets:

Blockchain technology will allow gamers to have full control over their virtual possessions, meaning they would have complete ownership and be able to buy, sell or trade their assets outside of the game.

  • Improved Safety for Games:  

Blockchain inhibits the hacking, stealing, and illegal exchange of virtual goods in the grey market by creating an immutable ledger of that item and who owns it making duplicating and illegal sales impossible.

  • Gamer credibility:

Blockchain records and keeps track of interactions, transactions, and past trading history of players and makes this information publicly available. This transparency promotes good behavior and gamer accountability.

  • Nonfungible tokens in Gaming:

Tokenization of in-game items such as characters, skins, tools, or special powers is enabled by NFTs which are stored on a blockchain.

  • Proof-of-Earning:

Blockchain provides gamers and developers access to a new range of revenue opportunities with transparent and verified proof of earning.

  • Rise Of Cloud Gaming:

Cloud gaming is like having a console in the cloud, allowing gamers to play games on remote servers.

With mobile phones getting more and more powerful after every new iteration, the prospect of playing intense games is no longer confined to personal computers.

Mobile cloud gaming grants the power of having an immersive cloud experience in your palms.

  • Social Networking with Other Gamers- connect with other players online and play with them.
  • Live Streaming- stream gameplay and face camera to interact with audiences.
  • Accessibility- play anywhere, anytime.
  • No Extensive Downloads-play your favorite games without storage issues.
  • Cross-Platform Gaming- switch between multiple platforms; Xbox, PlayStation, etc.
  • Decreased Costs- no need to buy heavy GPUs or purchase expensive games.
  • High-Quality Graphics- same performance and resolution regardless of the device.

Some leading mobile cloud gaming mobile apps are:  

  • WEB3 and Gaming:

Web3 is a buzzword for the new version of Internet with blockchains, NFTs, and cryptos. It is a new era of the web emerging to empower users by proposing a decentralized system that will allow transactions without the interference of third parties.

Web3 gaming refers to games built by combining various facets of Web3 technologies, they are mainly based on transactions and trading activities taking place in virtual worlds. This model monetizes gamers’ gaming time by introducing concepts like Play to Earn (P2E). Some of the groundbreaking features of web3 gaming are:

  • Empowers players; Gamer-driven
  • Income generation for gamers (P2E)
  • Decentralized on blockchains
  • High user retention for developers
  • Immense user engagement depicting the real world
  • Low maintenance as decentralized on blockchains
  • Mobile XR:

Extended Reality (XR) is an umbrella term for the amalgamation of Mixed Reality (MR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented Reality (AR).

Mobile XR is the future of gaming, this technology will make future games even more immersive by offering real-life-like experiences for gamers, making them feel like they’ve been transported into a completely new dimension.

  • Portable Wearable headsets
  • Immersive and engaging gaming experiences
  • Convertible screens
  • Intuitive interactions
  • Motion tracking and hand gestures
  • Big Data and AI in Gaming:

Artificial intelligence and Big data are two technologies that can bring about game-changing innovations for the gaming industry.

Combining these two technologies will result in more dynamic games with better outcomes. AI can simulate human behavior, making it perfect for creating more graphic games. Whereas Big data in gaming enables profiling player behavior, this will help developers to create more enchanting and enticing games as they would be able to make adjustments based on past performances by observing how people play their game.

With these technologies in future there will be:

  • More fun and challenging games
  • Personalized gaming experiences for players
  • Improved user experience
  • More captivating and engaging games
  • Advanced machine learning algorithms
  • In-game video streaming:

The trend of players broadcasting their gameplay to live audiences online will become more popular in the year 2023 by enabling PC- quality live streaming features to mobile devices.

Future games will be even more interactive as players would be able to network with live audiences with face cams and voice commentaries. Gamers can host live events, combat with other players and even raise money from the viewers helping them to produce quality content.

Some popular live streaming gaming apps are:

  • Rise Of Speech Technology in Gaming:

The upcoming years will feature video games with voice-controlled commands, you no longer need to keep smashing buttons to win, now you can your voice as the voice as the ultimate weapon!

Speech recognition technology will allow you to control your character and interact with others through your voice. This innovation makes the players further indulge themselves into the gameplay.

Some qualities of voice-controlled games are

  • KPI Tracking Metrics:

KPIs is short for Key Performance Indicators, it refers to key performance metrics that you need to follow and know for running a successful gaming application.

Keeping a track of these metrics is the latest most followed trend for boosting the overall performance of applications and knowing the weak points.

  • ARPU- Short for Average Revenue generated Per User
  • ARPPU- Average Revenue Per Paying User
  • LTV- lifetime value of gaming Apps
  • Retention rate– total number of customers in a specific period of time.
  • Churn rate– captures and keeps track of how many users are no longer playing your game, it is the opposite of the retention rate.
  • Conversion rate– this refers to recording free customers who haveconverted into customers/made purchases during a specified amount of time.


  • Mobile augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) games will become more popular in 2023: AR and VR will dominate the mobile gaming industry in the future.
  • Smartphones will get cheaper: High quality mobile devices will be available at cheaper rates, making mobile gaming more ubiquitous.
  • 5G networks will boost mobile gaming in 2023: 5G technology has a lot to offer, it will drastically renovate the mobile gaming sector. The most noteworthy benefits include, faster downloads and ultra- low latency which is the dream of every gamer.
  • HTML5 will be the primary gaming platform: HTML5 enables to develop cross-browser and cross- platform games which means there’s no need to create different games for different platform.
  • More virtual economies will emerge in 2023: 2023 will be the year of emerging digital economies with the commencement Web 3.0 technologies.
  • Gaming in Metaverse: Metaverse will be the new leading technology in the world of gaming, opening new opportunities for people to socialize while playing games.


We are living in extremely exciting times and being a part of mobile gaming industry is more fruitful than ever. Hopefully, you found these technologies and trends illuminating with respect to what’s about to come in the upcoming years.

We have come to conclusion that mobile gaming is a booming market having the potential to completely out-do the PC and gaming consoles combined.

Mobile Gaming is positively the next phase of gaming loaded with thousands of opportunities for those who know how to take benefit from it.

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Future of Healthcare: Mobile Medical Diagnostic Apps Fri, 14 Oct 2022 16:59:24 +0000 Personal devices such as mobile phones are ushering in a new epoch for the healthcare sector, completely transforming how and where medical decisions are made and the way we get treated. Especially after the covid pandemic, healthcare professionals have finally realized the importance of treating patients remotely. This rising trend of remote healthcare MDM has caused a […]

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Personal devices such as mobile phones are ushering in a new epoch for the healthcare sector, completely transforming how and where medical decisions are made and the way we get treated.

Especially after the covid pandemic, healthcare professionals have finally realized the importance of treating patients remotely.

This rising trend of remote healthcare MDM has caused a quiet stir in the development of smart medical applications, either by connecting medical devices/wearables or integrating virtual clinics/treatment programs to mobile apps.

Mobile Medical Apps are revolutionizing every facet of healthcare, allowing more precise and timely administration of treatments, reducing the cost of intervention, and at the same time improving the quality of patient care.

With these apps at your service, you no longer have to spend long hours sitting at clinics waiting for your turn. Now you can get expert advice and treatment from the comfort of your home!

What are Mobile Medical Apps?

The applications designed for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, that assist in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, or monitoring of a disease or disorder are referred to as Mobile Medical apps.

The apps used for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and overall physical and mental well-being are also included in this category.

Healthcare Technology App Market:

One of the top priorities of the modern world is to provide quality healthcare for all, resulting in a great deal of pressure on hospitals and medical professionals.

In order to relax this pressure, the medical industry is shifting towards remote setups to provide more efficient and accessible healthcare. The development and prevalence of mobile medical applications are playing an active role in enabling this transition.

In fact, the use of health apps is becoming so popular that the Play Store has recently added a separate “Medical” category.

Top Mobile Medical Diagnostic Applications:

Current Mobile Medical Apps available on the Playstore range from simple fitness/diet programs to diagnosis and prevention of life-threatening diseases like cancer.


However, not all the applications provide what they promise, which is why we have created a comprehensive list of effective apps in each of the following categories;

  • Symptom Checking and Diagnosis
  • Fitness, Nutrition, and Physical Well-Being
  • Mental Therapy and Wellbeing
  • Reproductive Healthcare
  • Skin Cancer Detection
  • Genitourinary Tumors Assessment

Symptom Checking and Diagnosis Apps:

Early diagnosis opens the door to future care and treatment, research has verified four apps currently available in the market safe and effective for diagnosis of certain health issues when provided when relevant info.

Detailed study at: Journal of Medical Internet Research – Evaluation of Four Artificial Intelligence–Assisted Self-Diagnosis Apps on Three Diagnoses: Two-Year Follow-Up Study (

 You can take these apps simply as a replacement to your general physician.

  • Ada– uses artificial intelligence to help people understand, manage and get treatment for their symptoms.
  • Your.MD ­­– provides symptoms diagnosis, treatments, and personalized medicine along with focused physician attention.
  • Babylon – healthcare app for booking online appointments with general physicians, therapists, nurses, pharmacists, and physiotherapists
  • Buoy Health– a dynamic and interactive app that helps people in figuring out health issues and provides guidance for either self-care or professional intervention.

Fitness, Nutrition, and Physical Well-Being Apps:

Physical activity and a good diet are essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. There are a number of apps available to monitor our activities and help us in achieving these goals.

Mobile Applications for the Promotion and Support of Healthy Nutrition and Physical Activity Habits: A Systematic Review, Extraction of Features and Taxonomy Proposal (

Some successful apps are:

  • Samsung Healthan app for overall physical health, includes diet plans, fitness programs, glucose, vital signs, sleep, and anthropometric parameters control, education, and training.
  • Health & Fitness Tracker with Calorie Counter– helps in healthy diet, physical activity, sleep monitoring, vital signs and anthropometrical parameters control. Also provides health education.
  • FITTR: Fitness & Weight Loss -an app for physical fitness, weight loss and anthropometrics regulations.

Mental Therapy and Wellbeing Apps:

With the development of medical apps now it’s possible to achieve peace of mind through your mobile phones. Apps that provide great mental health services are listed below:

  • Betterhelponline therapy application
  • Bearablesymptoms tracking app for overall issues related to health
  • PTSD Coachdesigned for helping individuals who have or may have post-traumatic stress disorder. Includes information about professional care, tools for stress management, and self-assessments
  • Depression CBT Self-Help Guidean app for helping people suffering from sadness and depression. Include interactive features like cognitive library and mood logs that aid in identifying the cause of distress and better treatment planning with a therapist.

For more apps and detailed info read: The Best Mental Health Apps of 2022 (

Reproductive Healthcare Apps:

Unfortunately, there are still a lot of stigmas associated with sexual health. People shy away or feel judged talking about these issues, hence end up compromising on their well-being. Medical apps are a safe way to find solutions to these problems in secrecy.

  • Biem-an online sexual healthcare service, private health tests for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
  • Maven Clinica virtual clinic for family planning, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and postpartum-related concerns
  • Myfloa menopausal and menstruation cycle tracker. This app collects cycle data and translates it into health information, and suggests lifestyle changes for better reproductive health.
  • Itmatters– an app for youth and teens, addressing their sexual and healthcare concerns with confidentiality, leading to in-person health services in their comfort zones.
  • ibreastcheckprovides real-time breast cancer diagnosis, which is critical for successful breast cancer treatment.

Skin Cancer Detection Apps

Skin cancer or melanoma is a growing public health concern, the only way to tackle it is early and precise detection. Mobile health apps could be a powerful tool to reduce morbidity of skin cancer in general public.

Detailed research at: JMIR Dermatology – Development of Smartphone Apps for Skin Cancer Risk Assessment: Progress and Promise

Some promising apps are:

  • SkinVisiona skin cancer detection app
  • SkinScan– A portable library verified by scientists for automated melanoma detection on handheld devices.
  • SpotMole– An app that checks and scans skin for any abnormal spots/moles and detects signs of skin cancer through machine learning.

Genitourinary Tumors Assessment Apps

25% of all cancers are genitourinary cancers, these include prostate and bladder cancer for men and cervical and uterine cancer for women.

Even though these cancers are the leading cause of deaths, early detection and diagnosis can improve the chances of survival.

JMIR mHealth and uHealth – Assessing Apps for Patients with Genitourinary Tumors Using the Mobile Application Rating Scale (MARS): Systematic Search in App Stores and Content Analysis

  • Ball Checker-With early detection, testicular cancer is curable but late diagnosis results in unfavorable outcomes. This app provides information and self-exams resulting in early testicular cancer diagnosis.
  • Kidney cancer manager-  Helps patients with renal carcinoma manage their treatments and medications. Also, provide preventive measures to patients recovering from kidney cancer.
  • Rotterdam Prostate Cancer Risk-A prostate cancer risk assessment app, developed By Prostate Cancer Risk Research Foundation, Rotterdam 
  • Ovarian cancer (Personal Remedies LLC)-Anovarian cancer preventive app, consisting of comprehensive nutritional guidelines and lifestyle changes to reduce risk, combat, and prevent ovarian cancer.
  • Global Pap App– Helps in cervical cancer prevention when provided with information like age, cytology result, and HPV result.

Future forecast and challenges:

The Global Mobile Medical Apps Market was valued at USD 3.65 Billion in 2019 and it is expected to reach USD 17.61 Billion by 2027.

Even though there are a number challenges that hinder in the development of these apps but the benefits outweigh them all. And in order for mobile medical apps to become fully and widely acknowledged, further research is needed to verify their positive impact on the medical sector and the user population.

 Let’s hope that the healthcare industry and developers come up with new innovations to build more beneficial and useful apps in the future.

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Mobile Cloud Robotics: Developments, Applications, Challenges Tue, 04 Oct 2022 07:55:39 +0000 After the Industrial and Digital revolution, we have now reached an exciting new apex of technological shift; the Robotic Revolution. The Robots are here, practically taking over every facet of modern life, slowly but surely. A New Era: With the development of science and technology in recent years, robotic systems have brought significant change to […]

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After the Industrial and Digital revolution, we have now reached an exciting new apex of technological shift; the Robotic Revolution.

The Robots are here, practically taking over every facet of modern life, slowly but surely.

A New Era:

With the development of science and technology in recent years, robotic systems have brought significant change to our social and economic systems. These machines are smartly replacing humans in every sector and efficiently performing all sorts of tasks, from housekeeping to supply chain, robots are now being used everywhere.

They are most abundantly used in industries to perform tedious, repetitive, and dangerous tasks, like assembly, painting, Attractive packaging, and welding.

They have proven to be very successful in industrial applications because they are highly durable, fast, and precise.

Robots and Robotics:

Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of engineering and science that is a unique combination of electric engineering, mechanical engineering, and computer science.

It deals with the design, building, development, operation, manufacturing, and applications of Robots. The main purpose of robotics is to design machines that can help and assist humans the best.

To put it simply, robotics is the study of everything related to Robots. But what exactly are robots?

Robots are autonomous machines that are capable of sensing the environment, carrying out computations, and performing actions in the real world. These intelligent machines replace human effort and perform functions in a human-like manner.

Robots are extremely diverse, they vary in size, design, and capabilities. There are bots as small as an ant and even as large as a car.

Robots are reshaping our lives for the better by eliminating the need to perform repetitive tasks, thus enabling us to concentrate on solving complex problems.

The Cloud Computing Technology:  

Cloud computing technology is a recent breakthrough in the world of tech which enables us to save information to remote databases and access them wherever we like.

This technology makes it possible for us to access computing resources such as data storage (cloud storage), databases, networking, and servers easily over the internet.

Cloud technology efficiently eliminates the need for enterprises to procure, configure, and manage resources themselves and it’s cost-effective because this way they can only pay for what they use.

Introduction to Mobile Cloud Robotics:

Humans can use the internet to share knowledge to help each in achieving complex tasks. Until recently robots were not given the advantage of this opportunity.

So, what happens when we combine the accuracy of robots to perform tasks with the vast treasure of information available on the cloud?

We get Cloud Robots!

This opens a door to endless possibilities, for instance, imagine a robot that finds an object that it’s not familiar with—say, a pencil. The robot could simply send an image of the pencil to the cloud and receive back the object’s name, a 3-D model, and instructions on how to use it.

Another example is mobile cloud control- which means humans can now delegate tasks to robots remotely by using the cloud.  Previously, it was required to program each robot individually to perform a specific task, but now we can control them all at once directly from our mobile devices on the cloud.

The construction of such robots with access to cloud platforms comes under Mobile Cloud Robotics.

It is a revolutionary merger of the two technologies, Mobile Robotics and Cloud computing.

Mobile cloud Robotics is an emerging field rooted in cloud computing, cloud storage, and other internet technologies centered around the benefit of converged infrastructure and shared services.

Currently, several research groups are working on the idea of robots that rely on cloud-computing infrastructure to access vast amounts of processing power and data.

This technology would allow robots to offload compute-intensive tasks like image identification and voice recognition and even download new skills instantly, just like in sci-fi films.

Research and Developments in Cloud Robotics

Mobile Cloud Robotics empowers the development of cloud robots that are cheaper, lighter, more efficient, and easier to program than conventional robots.

In a Cloud robotic system, the offloading of tasks and sharing of information is possible by using a centralized, dynamic computing model. This extraordinary model utilizes resources on demand from a shared resource pool in the ubiquitous cloud.

Hence, a Mobile Cloud Robotic system can extend a robot Network’s computation and information-sharing abilities.

It enables the construction of an architectural structure that powers a unique combination of an impromptu cloud formed by communication between participating robots- Machine to Machine (M2M), and a structural cloud by machine to cloud communication (M2C). 

A lot of money is being invested in the research and development of flexible cloud computing models and Robotic applications for the betterment of the human lifestyle.

Some noteworthy projects are:

  • RoboEarth – a World Wide Web for Robots:
  • Funded by the EU, RoboEarth is designed to explore and facilitate the scope of Mobile Cloud Robotics.
  • RoboBrain
  • As the name suggests, RoboBrain is a project to create a comprehensive online ‘brain’ for robots to access by merging all the robot-related information into a single comprehensive and interconnected knowledge base.
  • It has applications in robotic research, domestic robots, and autonomous vehicles.
  • Enables the robots to socialize, collaborate, and share sensory information.
  • Noos- Bringing intelligence to Robots 
  • A cloud robotic service that provides intelligence to robotic systems.
  • Offers remote access to robots from any place and time.
  • Ensures accuracy and consistency by capturing data from the exact location every time.

Applications of Cloud Mobile Robotics:

Mobile cloud robotics has countless applications, from production industries to laboratories and hospitals, they are revolutionizing every sector of the modern world. Some noteworthy employments include:

Cloud Medical Robots:

Robots are being utilized in the healthcare sector for some time now, mainly for surgical purposes and repetitive tasks. But being given access to the internet by the cloud technology they are completely transforming the medical field, making concepts like remote surgeries, therapies, and diagnostics a reality.

Robots now, are not only limited to operation theatres and surgeries but play an active role in clinical setups, medical records keeping,  and intensive patient care.

The use of mobile cloud robots extends further from the hospitals to the laboratories as well. Cloud medical bots are being used in Research facilities for processing biological data and even in aiding manual experiments, enabling scientists to focus on more tactical tasks.

Domestic Robots:

Cloud robotics has led to the development of mobile household robots that can assist in domestic chores, cleaning, and housework. they are designed to provide personal assistance, keep an eye on kids, and operate home appliances.

There are robots for:

  • Vacuuming: Roomba® s9+ Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum
  • Sterilization: TMiRob Series – Intelligent Sterilization Robot (ISR)

 All these chores can be executed accurately at a single command through mobile cloud technology.

Apart from household chores, they can also help in life monitoring of babies, disabled or sick individuals, and elderly people, in case of any emergency or mishappening they can instantly notify the caregivers or call for healthcare support.

Self-driving vehicles:

Autonomous cars are one of the best applications of cloud mobile robotics technology. These vehicles can fully move about without a person driving them.

Cloud cars use cloud technology to navigate through the roads effectively. Integration of cloud computing into automobiles enables the cars to communicate with each other, download maps, and traffic conditions, to get directions to the nearest routes. This way it is time-saving, more reliable and even reduces the chances of accidents. 

A fully functional example of autonomous vehicle is Google’s self-driving car- Waymo. These cars with the help of Google maps, Google Streetview and Google’s massive database are able to locate themselves, monitor their position and movements to avoid collisions, and traffic and reach at the required destination on time.

Waymo cars also share their experience to google cloud, from where the vehicles can use this information to learn and improve their performance.

Military Robots:

The use of cloud robotics for developing combat/defence military robots is on full fledge in first-world countries.

Military robots support military efforts and reduce the need for human soldiers to put their life on the line. They can be operated remotely and sent on rescue missions, search operations, bomb disposals, navy, and air surveillance.

Most military robots are designed to help soldiers to stay alert and prevent them from being killed. One such example is the PackBot– A series of military robots by iRobot. This device can detect hazards, identify enemies (by tracking sniper sound origins), hold supplies during missions, and a lot more.


A more dangerous example is the Predator drone, this robotic beast can take off, track enemies, acquire targets and engage in shooting remotely through the cloud.  

Autonomous robots designed to shoot enemies may sound like a sci-fi movie, but thanks to recent technological developments, it’s no longer fiction.

Space exploration:

In the near future, Robots not humans are going to be the primary explorers in outer space. That’s right, Robots are not just taking over the earth, but space too.

Whether it’s the earth or outer space, cloud technology plays a vital role in preventing communication delays. Data can be exchanged securely and efficiently from outer space back to the space centers by using cloud infrastructure. That’s why space agencies like NASA, are actively utilizing intelligent mobile robots powered by cloud technology (IRG) for space exploration and investigation.

Instead of sending Astronauts, ‘Robonauts’ are being sent for space exploration and findings. These robots can survive in hostile environments, they are cheaper, they don’t need food unlike humans and even if they do fail their mission no one gets harmed.

Up till now, 4 robotic rovers have successfully landed on mars:

The landing sites of all four Mars rovers on a map of Mars. Credit: National Geographic Society, MOLA Science Team, MSS, JPL, NASA

Challenges and Risks of cloud Robotics:

Although there are countless benefits of cloud computing applied to robots, there are certain limitations as well. Some of them are:

  • Network issues:

A robot completely relying to the cloud for his task execution might just go ‘brainless’ if a problem persists with the network.

  • Data security and privacy concerns:

What if a cloud robot gets hacked? This is an area of major concern since a significant amount of data of an organization is stored in the cloud.

  • Ethical issues:

Mobile cloud robots are connected to a network making them vulnerable to be accessed by criminals. Who would be held accountable if a robot gets rogue and carries out illegal activities?

  • Environmental hazards:

The more the number of devices connected to the internet the more the risk of security breaches. Cloud systems are often targeted by malware, virtual machines and other attacks.

  • Safety threats:

Since cloud robots are even utilized in the military and healthcare if a bot loses control and misbehaves it can cause serious damage and even take lives.

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Top 10 Metaverse Development Tools Thu, 29 Sep 2022 17:10:25 +0000 Metaverse is an exciting concept having the potential to change the way interact with each other completely. But to make this dream a reality, there are some tools required. In this article, we will tell you about the top 10 tools and tech essential for metaverse development.   Introduction: The world is changing rapidly. With […]

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Metaverse is an exciting concept having the potential to change the way interact with each other completely. But to make this dream a reality, there are some tools required. In this article, we will tell you about the top 10 tools and tech essential for metaverse development.  


The world is changing rapidly. With groundbreaking advancements in the world of technology, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality, dramatic changes are taking place all over the world. Nowadays we can get almost anything we want at the touch of a button through the devices we use to manage our lives.

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that technology has influenced every sector of modern life. Be it healthcare, agriculture, financials, transport, communication, travel or any other domain. It has completely revolutionized our lifestyle. The things that only appeared a dream years ago has now shaped into reality all thanks to technology. The best thing is, it never stops evolving and is continuing to advance at the speed of light.

One of the most recent developments in technology that has the potential to completely transform our lives is; turning the idea of the metaverse into reality.

What is Metaverse?

Metaverse refers to a concept of an online, persistent, 3D, virtual universe that combines multiple cyberspaces. It is a futuristic idea of existence of a simulated world that is facilitated by the use of Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) headsets.

The term “Metaverse” was first originated in the year 1992 by Neal Stephenson, in the science fiction novel Snow Crash. It is a combination of two words Meta – meaning transcending and verse- meaning the universe. Metaverse is the latest innovation in social connections and the successor to the mobile internet.

You can think of it as a future iteration of the internet, a set of digital spaces where you can wander about seamlessly. The accessibilities of the Metaverse are endless;

Missing your friends? Instead of video calling, you could just visit your friends in 3D or plan a trip together without even stepping out of your house.

Imagine a world that is quite similar to ours, where you are able to work, play, shop, and connect without having to be in the same place physically.

Sounds super cool, right? Well, with metaverse you can do this and much more! But what does it take to make this reality?

The links between the physical and virtual worlds have become progressively connected. And with metaverse, we can further blur out the lines between the two worlds.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” Arthur C. Clarke

Even though the idea of a metaverse was once fiction, now due to recent advancements in technology it is turning into a reality. Let’s have a look at what technologies are responsible for this transition;

Top Ten Tools and Technologies:

In order to generate an immersive metaverse experience, you will need a set of leading-edge technologies and tools. Following are the key technologies that power Metaverse.

  1. Blockchain Technology
  2. 3D Reconstruction
  3. Virtual Reality (VR)
  4. Augmented Reality (AR)
  5. The Internet of Things (IoT)
  6. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  7. Head-mounted displays (HMDS)
  8. Web 3.0
  9. Neural Network technology
  10. Edge computing

1. Blockchain Technology

The first and the most crucial technology is Blockchain technology. It helps maintains a safe, secure, and decentralized system of online transactions. The best part about a blockchain is that it assures the reliability and security of data records without the need for a trusted third party.

Blockchain is basically a type of Digital Ledger Technology (DLT) that comprises an expanding list of records known as blocks. In simpler words, it can be defined as a digital database of all cryptocurrency transactions.

Employment of economic models in the metaverse is supported by this technology. Many associated concepts like smart contracts, token exchange, and NFT development, play a vital role in metaverse development.

2. 3D Reconstruction:

If you want to create a truly engaging Metaverse experience a tool is needed to scan the things of the real world, construct their 3D models, and then transfer those models into the virtual world.

here’s when 3D reconstruction technology comes to the rescue. With this amazing technology, you can easily create natural-looking spaces which are almost identical to the real world.

3D reconstruction technology generates precise 3D photorealistic models of the physical world, including buildings, locations, and objects. Then, 3D spatial data, along with 4K HD photography, generates a virtual replica in the metaverse. Through this, the 3D metaverse provides accurate spaces and a fully enchanting user experience.

3. Virtual Reality (VR)

Metaverse is all about immersive experiences; without VR, it is impossible to attain.

It is one of the most prominent and known technologies in the development of the metaverse. VR is used to simulate real-world situations and environments. VR has a wide range of applications, like gaming, learning, social interactions, job training, etc.

Virtual Reality can diminish many industries due to its ability to mentally transport people into alternative virtual environments.

Metaverse might see the evolution of new technologies in the future, but as of now, it is heavily dependent on VR technology. 

4. Augmented Reality (AR)

Digital visual components, audio, or other sensory cues transmitted through technology are used to create augmented reality (AR), a more enriched representation of the actual world. Businesses engaged explicitly in mobile computing, and business applications are noticing an increasing trend in this direction.

Augmented reality is widely used in the metaverse to improve the overall experience. Many AR applications allow users to make virtual changes to an actual environment. AR has become the main driving force behind the metaverse development. 

5. Internet of things

To build a successful project, you’ll need to create real-time simulations in the metaverse. That is how we come to another metaverse technology – the Internet of Things. There are several noteworthy applications of the IoT in the metaverse. But first, let’s figure out how the technology works.

The IoT utilizes sensors and devices to connect everything in the physical world to the Internet. All devices connected to the Internet have a unique identifier. They also can send and receive information automatically. Currently, the IoT connects voice-activated speakers, thermostats, and other devices to a wide range of data.

One of the key metaverse applications of the IoT will be to collect and provide data from the physical world.

6. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Although extended reality dominates the Metaverse, artificial intelligence is a critical technology that works in the background to create enchantment. It can also help enhance algorithms that support these tasks. As AI can pay careful attention to sensors that record our bioelectrical and muscular rhythms, it can also improve how we engage in VR.

By offering services like picture identification for blind or visually handicapped users, AI can also help make experiences more inclusive.

7. HMDs (head-mounted displays)

A head-mounted display (HMD) is a display device, worn on the head or as part of a helmet that has a small display optic in front of one (monocular HMD) or each eye (binocular HMD). These devices would allow the user to completely delve into the virtual world and generate experiences identical to the real world visually.  

8. WEB 3.0

The Web 3.0 technologies and the metaverse work impeccably together. Web 3.0 provides the ultimate foundation for connectivity in the Metaverse, even though it advocates a decentralized web while the Metaverse is a virtual environment. Web3 is the next iteration of the web and hosts decentralized applications which can help metaverse applications to be up and running the whole time. As more businesses start to explore the potential of Web3, the need for effective Web3 marketing strategies will keep growing.

9. Neural Network Technology

Neural network Technology is just like a replica of the neurons in the human body. The main objective of this technology is to resolve some problems just like the human brain.  As neural technology simulates the human brain functionality, it can boost the decision-making capacity in various fields like targeted marketing, medical diagnosis, etc.

10. Edge computing

To sustain Metaverse high computational capacity is required. The users who are accessing metaverse from their mobiles need low latency for a seamless experience.
The best thing about edge computing is the elimination of latency, which means faster data transfer and better connectivity.

Edge computing is simply computing done at the edge of data being generated. It connects the input devices, sensors, IoT devices, AR/ VR headsets, etc.
Edge Computing is a distributed IT architecture that moves computing resources from the cloud and data centers to the originating source. It provides security, high efficiency, and low bandwidth while processing information.

The Future of Metaverse

Recently, Facebook has rebranded itself as ‘Meta’ and announced the creation of a unified metaverse. Mark Zuckerberg has openly stated his plans to improve the economic opportunities of developing nations and support remote work through a metaverse project. Facebook having ownership of social media, communications, and crypto platforms give them an upper hand by merging all these worlds.

However, the metaverse is not the product of any single programming language, company, or person. Instead, the metaverse foundation is developed on many technologies which encourage people to invest & make money from this emerging technology. Several companies including the tech giants; Apple Inc, Google, and Microsoft, have already started investing in technologies for developing metaverse-like projects.

Wrapping up 

Even though the idea of Metaverse was once fiction, due to recent advancements in technology it is turning into a reality. However, it should be noted that Metaverse is a developing concept and is still in its beta phase. But one thing is certain, we are definitely heading towards yet another progressive innovation.

We are living in incredibly interesting times, and how the Metaverse will evolve will be rather fun to watch. After all, this technology has the potential to shrink the world as we know it and make it much smaller, friendlier, and more approachable.

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Product Owner vs Product Manager – Differences and Similarities in App Development Mon, 12 Sep 2022 15:16:35 +0000 Product Manager vs. Product Owner; do they have unique responsibilities or are they just the same roles with different names? The question is as old as the mobile app development subspace itself. If you’ve found yourself puzzled with the same question, you can read this article to learn all about the similarities and differences between […]

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Product Manager vs. Product Owner; do they have unique responsibilities or are they just the same roles with different names? The question is as old as the mobile app development subspace itself. If you’ve found yourself puzzled with the same question, you can read this article to learn all about the similarities and differences between these positions.

Nowadays, corporations have become really inventive in coming up with attractive titles for various job positions. One of these eye-catching roles is the title of product manager. Over the past years, many companies have started hiring employees for the roles of product managers. But was this really necessary, considering product owners have already existed? The answer is:


Despite the fact that these positions might fairly seem identical, as it turns out, product owners and product managers are actually distinct positions. What’s more, they are responsible for carrying out different responsibilities. That said, it should be noted that the terms product manager and product owner are often used interchangeably, and their tasks may sometimes overlap.

For most, there is an open debate about the division of the two roles, and there are numerous competing definitions for these positions. But for the record, most agree on one basic difference, that is:

The PO or the project owner has a more tactical approach and tends to focus mainly on product goals. They are responsible for turning product managers’ strategies into life by guiding the development team on how and what they need to do.

On the other hand, the product manager has a strategic approach. Their main responsibility is to conduct the entire product management process and help the company achieve its targets.

Let’s further explore these roles and delve into their responsibilities with respect to app development individually.

Role of a Product Owner in App Development:

The product Officer is actually the person who is responsible for making the decisions for the entire development process. The main goal of all these choices is to make sure the developmental team creates a quality product that has the potential to solve the target audience’s problems and suits them best.

Duties Of a Product Owner:

In an app development project, the product owner is required to perform the following responsibilities

  • Administrating and creating backlogs.
  • Appearing in team management meetings.
  • Organizing demonstrations.
  • Ensuring requirements are ready to be met by doing appropriate analysis.
  • Being involved with enduring testing efforts.
  • Recognizing and ordering app development backlogs based on business needs, value, and ROI.
  • Managing functionality for tracking user stories in a sprint.
  • Communication of the business targets and product ideas.
  • Translating customer demands into functionality by Engaging with customers.
  • Strategizing, evaluating, and guiding development team meetings
  • A constant analysis of app development progress.
  • Analyzing the backlog and deciding what functionality will be developed next.
  • Integrating business mission and market preferences into the project.
  • Keeping contact with all investors regarding the app development program.
  • Budgeting of app development and keeping track of time at each step.

Role of a Product Manager in App Development:

Product managers are responsible for strategically influencing development, market release, improvement, and making constant back-ups of the application. They are focused on coming up with long-term strategies, plans, project ideas, and improvements to provide a better user experience.

Product managers are keen to observe market trends, identifying potential scope for modification of the product to support greater sales and popularity among users.

Duties Of a Product Manager:

  • Mobile application marketing.
  • Product vision.
  • Identification and discovery of customers.
  • Cooperating company objectives into specialized application features.
  • Optimizing the application to satisfy the requirement of the users and the organization.
  • Supporting Application purchases.
  • Accounting for the marketing campaigns.
  • Longterm forecasting.
  • Supporting the solution-delivery team.
  • Making decisions about compromising on time, features, and costs to enhance application sales.
  • Customer care and support.

Product Owner as a Key Team Member of the Client Side

The client-side team is responsible for ensuring that the end product caters to the customer’s demands in all application development projects. The product owner act as the voice of the customer and therefore is a vital member of this team.

Their job is to collect customer feedback and communicate their requirements to the development team. They also contribute significantly to the testing and acceptance of the product features.

Along with their duties on the client-side team, product owners also sometimes need to network with other investors, such as business analysts and project managers.

Product owners are, without a doubt, indispensable members of any successful application development team. As such, they play an important role in ensuring that all parties get along with each other and are on the same page with the project’s objective.

Benefits of having a Product Owner from the Client side

Close links with the sponsors and relevant other parties

The product owner is likely to have the advantage of having profound knowledge and understanding about who might have the answer to certain issues. This benefit is the result of being in close proximity to the sponsors and stakeholders.

He will be able to ask the right questions to the right people. Having this kind of connection and understanding will lead him to easily derive solutions to many problems and prevent the situation from getting out of hand.

He can control mishaps before they even take place and stop confrontations from escalating.

Secret Business Insights

Obviously, an insider will always be more educated and accustomed to the client’s company and culture; he would have a sound knowledge of the competitors and clients. This is why he would be able to make better and more efficient product development decisions.

Greater autonomy for the development team:

As the product owner is understood to be the client’s representative, he is trusted by both sides. He can easily lead both the functional and business side. This sync will ultimately result in more profit for the company.

Better visibility into production feature use

While developing an application, several modifications are made in order to satisfy its intended use. At this stage, sharing information with an insider will enable us to get important leads to enhance our product even more. Apart from that, it’s always better to share with an insider rather than someone from the outside.

Why Is There a Need for Both Product Manager and Product Owner?

Job seekers fail to understand the difference between Product owner and manager, while companies are often confused about whether to hire one or both.

Recent studies have shown that having both a product manager and a product owner is the most beneficial for an organization. How? Let’s find out:

Having separate people for these roles helps boost the company’s performance in two ways:

Greater Efficiency

Businesses employing product managers and product owners become more active by developing more products and improving the entire procedure.

In the presence of both, the development teams can have a better idea about the requirements, empowering the team to generate focus to a much greater extent.


When communication is efficient between the shareholders and the development teams, both product owners and product managers guarantee that the development and feedback are consistent.

This allows the company to produce the final product flawlessly, and results in better performance.

Characteristics Of an Exceptional Product Owner and Product Manager:

There are certain qualities that will accelerate your career while being a product manager or product owner. Incorporate these rituals into your process and see the results for yourself.

In order for product owners and product managers to gain employment opportunities and become exceptional professionals, they need to have these qualities for sure.

Starting With a Plan:

Start by deriving a strategy. Remember, failing to plan is planning to fail. Therefore, think beforehand and refrain your self from making hasty and rash decisions.

Always make sure that you are aware of all your company’s current product objectives and what you are going after. Plan accordingly and ace the process!

Putting Yourself in the Shoes of Customers:

Having strong empathy toward your clients is a must. You can’t achieve your goals without them. When you care about customers’ wants and well-being, you automatically strive to develop a product that best benefits them.

To get an idea, you can observe sales calls, meet actual customers, ask them how’s their experience going, what they would like to be improved, and get feedback.

A deep understanding of customers’ needs requires more than a month’s worth of time and tons of effort. But you’ll start getting results in the first few weeks, which will enable you to achieve more sales.

Developing an Authentic Relationship with Your Coworkers

In order to prosper in the position of a product manager or product owner, not only is teamwork required, but it’s impossible to get work done without it.

It’s impossible to succeed by yourself, as you depend on your team and application developers to create the appropriate product.

Therefore, you are required to form healthy and authentic relationships with your colleagues. Deep and profound connections generate trust and result in effective communication. This will enable you to lead your team towards righteous success.

Learning to Say No:

Being in a managerial role like the product officer and product manager, you’ll get numerous requests from all over the firm, such as requesting new features or enhancements. Apart from that, you’ll be hearing from the clients too.

You have to realize that no matter how efficient you are, you can’t satisfy everyone. What you need to do is learn how to prioritize your tasks and identify what’s more important. Don’t stress yourself out, and get comfortable saying ‘no’ or ‘not now.’

Taking Your Time

Do not expect immediate success and get disheartened if you don’t achieve it. Just believe in yourself and stay persistent. Adjusting and advancing in a new role takes consistency. Just follow the above steps and repeat.

Give yourself the time to become the organization’s most effective product specialist. have patience and trust the process.

The Final Verdict: What’s the Real Difference Between a Product Owner vs. a Product Manager?

The debate over where a product manager’s role ends and a product owner begins—or whether or not these two functions are just two different aspects of the same position—will probably go on forever.

We admit that the two terms being used interchangeably have led to confusion between the latter.

But we hope that now with the help of this article, you must’ve gotten a sound idea about all the differences and similarities between a product owner and a product manager.

Quick review: The owner will make sure that the product fits the market and the requirements, while the manager is responsible for guiding the development teams. They both work towards the same goal, yet, there are some differences between the two that can’t be ignored.

As we have learned, both roles are necessary for an organization’s success. However, sometimes a single person can perform both of these roles for a firm.

What really matters is that your product organization has a team structure that works for your process and that the product managers and the product owners in your team know the responsibilities and goals for their roles.

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How to Develop an Enthralling Mobile App & Design a Best Digital Product Thu, 08 Sep 2022 10:27:04 +0000 Introduction: On your way to make your next viral mobile app? We have got some valuable insights that’ll make your app an instant hit. In this age and time, we are all familiar with what a mobile app is and how to use it. But only a few are aware of the technicalities and thought […]

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On your way to make your next viral mobile app? We have got some valuable insights that’ll make your app an instant hit.

In this age and time, we are all familiar with what a mobile app is and how to use it. But only a few are aware of the technicalities and thought process that goes into the successful development of these applications.

Whether you’re a professional software designer or a noob, this blog will educate you about all you need to know about developing a fruitful mobile application and the essentials of digital product design.

Let’s start with the basics, what is a mobile application?

A mobile application is software that runs on your mobile device designed to perform special tasks according to user needs. In today’s era, mobile apps are commonly used for our daily tasks. They are utilized for communication, entertainment, commuting, getting groceries, services and whatnot.

With billions of annual downloads, mobiles have become not just convenience tools for users, but also a vast market for generating profits. Recently, they are rapidly becoming an emerging source of eCommerce and sales providing opportunities to people like never before.

Digital Product Design & App Development:

What do we mean by digital product development?

Well, it is just the process of developing a digital product or a service that effectively helps to solve an existing problem.

Digital app development is a rapidly growing field, having an increasing demand in all the major sectors like businesses, telecommunications, software houses, healthcare, schools, industries and retail.  All of these departments rely heavily on mobile apps for the exchange and transaction of valuable information.

There’s no doubt that mobile apps have become a preferred means of communication among the masses, connecting businessmen and people to the internet. All organizations either emerging or multinational, are required to develop applications that their customers and employees need to function. Thus, there’s a huge demand for mobile app development in almost every sector.  And despite there being millions of apps already available on the play store, entrepreneurs are still coming up with new ones and making fortunes out of it.

However, the knowledge of designing and developing a mobile application is essential. However, the process of developing a useful app is not that easy. It takes months of hard work. Below are some useful tips that can help speed up the process and increase the success rate by 100%.

Identify the problem:

Firstly, you have to put yourself in your client’s shoes to get an idea of their needs. You need to intelligently identify the problems being faced by your target customers.

Offer solutions:

After you have a sound idea about the issues faced, all you need to do is come up with some useful solutions to cater to user needs and make their work easy.

User satisfaction:

It’s a fact that user satisfaction plays a groundbreaking role in the success of any digital product or application. So, to come up with a good digital product, we need to empathize with users and understand their needs carefully. Only after that, we will be able to accurately develop something that’ll bring solid utility.

The Art Of Digital Product Development:

  1. Getting the right people:

The more efficient and skilled the team the better performing would the product woulda team having the most experienced user experience specialists, graphic designers, software developers and business analysts.  In the end, you’ll have the product only as good as the people developing it.

  1. Brainstorm:

To reach your product’s maximum potential, you need to keep coming up with the latest ideas and improvements to enhance your product. It may seem insignificant but these are the things that will prove to make your product stand out. Constantly brainstorming and sharing relevant solutions and alternatives with your team is the way to move forward. For successful brainstorming, make sure to use the right technique and a mind map maker to create a mind map and organize your thoughts and ideas better. Also, make sure that all team members are on the same grounds and actively communicating to meet their counterparts.

These practices may seem tangible but will make a massive contribution to maximizing your business product.

App development in 3 easy steps:

  1. The Research and idea:

The first step of the mobile application development process is to come up with an idea of what the purpose of your app is going to be; What do you want the end-consumer to benefit from or take away? You can begin by asking yourself simple questions like what kind of app it will be. what problem will it solve? How will it serve users? How will it generate business?

By the end of this, you should be easily able to:

  • Define the use of the application
  • Determine the potential targets you’ll be meeting
  • The audience of your application

Also, you’ll have to have a sound idea of the kind of data you’ll be showcasing on your app.

  1. Design and development:

After knowing the demands and the purpose of your app, the next most important aspect of an app is its design and appearance. You have to come up with interactive concepts and designs to make your app more eye-catching and attractive. If an app has an aesthetically pleasing design and a good user interface, it is more likely to be a success.

  1. Validation and testing

This step is all about testing and improving. Run beta tests, get feedback, look for possible mistakes, fix bugs, make improvements and repeat! You need to must this until you get the best most effective version of your app.

5 Attributes You Can’t Compromise On:

  1. Problem-solving

A poor-performing app in the eyes of a user is a bad app. And nothing makes an app look worse than when it doesn’t cater to user needs and fails at fulfilling its purpose. All good apps always satisfy their user demands and provide a useful solution to an existing problem.

  1. User-friendliness

This is extremely important; your application should be easy to use and understand. If your app takes a lot of time for the user to comprehend, they will quickly lose interest and switch to other alternatives despite all its other good attributes. On the other hand, if your app is simple and user-friendly, people will have no reason to go somewhere else.

  1. Marketing strategy

We’re surrounded by content and information. However, it’s harder to advertise to get the attention of your targeted audience. But with the right approach, everything becomes possible.

A successful app intelligently combines the three key factors that are – product, market and user. All of these aspects are supposed to align together for an application to succeed. A smart marketing strategy however is essential to boost your app in the initial stages. Do your research, know your audience, and with the right marketing tools hit the target.

  1. Market competition:

Keep your friends close but your enemies closer, this saying stays valid in the mobile app genre too. You should always be aware of your competitor’s marketing strategy and it’s crucial to conduct a mobile app analysis before launching your app.

The targeted party has a lot of needs that are to be met by products and services. offered by you and your rivals. By keeping a check you’ll get to know the lacking in your competition’s services. Now you can easily fill in those gaps and ultimately become the better choice.

  1. Self-belief:

Self-efficacy is the most vital attitude while developing an application. You have to have faith in the process and trust that your idea and team are going to achieve the set goals. Honestly, there’s no point in spending hours doing all this research and development if you don’t believe in your idea.

Product Design Technologies and Methodologies

  • Business analysis

For your product to succeed, good business analysis is required. It is essential so that we can achieve maximum profit whilst gaining customer satisfaction. A good and extensive analysis results in a positive outcome for both parties.

  • UX and UI design

The acronyms UX AND UI stand for user experience and user interface respectively. These are the total game changers for your digital product. No matter how great and groundbreaking the solution your app provides if it fails in the UX/UI, the app would be a failure.

Therefore, having a fast and responsive user interface along with providing a proficient user experience is a must-have for a well-performing application. This is why it’s important to put a considerate amount of effort into researching, prototyping, and optimizing of software with the latest user experience and interfaces.

Following are some characteristics of good UX / UI designs:

Intuitiveness– after installation a lot of apps get uninstalled if they show low engagement. Good UX/UI designs are easy to learn and almost feel intuitive of their user’s next step

Clarity– most of the time the apps only get used once after installation. This is due to a complex user interface that leads to the total abandonment of the application.

Consistent in service and operations– the services should be satisfactory throughout, not just at the beginning.

  • Data analysis

You’ll find a large amount of valuable data would be at your disposal along the development of your digital product. With the help of the newly found insights, you would be able to come up with better solutions to all your previous issues. But you must make decisions based on facts and logic, not just mere assumptions. In the end, this data would prove to be a big support to strategize the best version of your product.

  • Web and mobile development:

You need to have a product design team that is efficient, not only in the technical aspects but also has a great sense of aesthetics. The key is to build a reliable and convertible web and mobile application. You have to design a product that not only has an appealing user interface but also doesn’t compromise on its performance. Investing in proper infrastructure, design and coding from the very start will eventually pay off in the success of your application. After all, your code will decide the fate of your product!

  • Testing and quality assurance

To achieve a great digital product, you need to go through iterative tests and quality assurance exercises. These tests should never stop even after your launch. In the pursuit of becoming the best possible version and maintaining the highest quality standards, you must constantly adjust and adapt to the latest trends. One thing you should always remember is that you should never compromise on quality. If you don’t pay much attention to these protocols in the initial stages, it is going to cause you immense loss down the road. So, keep testing your MVPs and updating your features, there’s always room for improvement!

  • Launch:

After being fully sure of the tech and all that it revolves around, now you have to prepare for the final step-the release. You need to come up with a title that is unique but not difficult to remember. Along with the title you are required to write one short and one long description of your application and some images for promotional campaigns.

Make sure to use easy-to-understand language, so that your potential users familiarize themselves easily.

Also, don’t forget to use the relevant keywords in the descriptions so that your probability of scoring more downloads increases. Now submit the app for approval and wait. However, it doesn’t end here you need to keep in touch with the developers to come up with new ideas or features to further improve your product.  This could include minor updates or bug fixes that’ll help enhance the user experience.

Deployment and support:

As mentioned above, after the launch of the app you need to work with a seasoned developer to fix the minor issues and bugs that your app may have. Sometimes the bugs go undetected during the QA process and that’s okay. An app having zero bugs is not realistic, and almost impossible. To improve you can ask your users for feedback and support so that you can make your app perform better!

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Top 10 Marketing Tools That You Need for Your Business in 2023 Wed, 07 Sep 2022 17:54:03 +0000 The world moves at a fast pace, one that keeps getting faster and faster by the second. Within a blink of an eye, we have gone from trying to meet our needs by scanning through marketing pamphlets to having entire development teams that produce software for anything we could ever need. We already have a […]

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The world moves at a fast pace, one that keeps getting faster and faster by the second. Within a blink of an eye, we have gone from trying to meet our needs by scanning through marketing pamphlets to having entire development teams that produce software for anything we could ever need. We already have a mobilized globe that is interconnected to every region thanks to our access to the world wide web, but what about enhancing your business without having to go through the hassle of research and development?

Well, for you, the hassle of having to choose between mobile app development configurations has been made much simpler too! So now you don’t need to figure it out on your own! After thorough research, we have come up with a list of marketing automation Marketing Analytics tools that will set your business out in the world, giving you an edge in the race by increasing your traffic!

It’s 2023. Everything is one click away, so of course! All businesses need expertise in marketing software created by a development team. No matter what size of a business you own, big or small, having an AI-enhanced marketing tool beside you is the most beneficial gain one can invest in.

So, sit back and relax, and familiarize yourself with these top 10 marketing tools for 2023;

  1. Moosend

Moosend is considered one of the greatest all-in-one automated marketing software, thus one of the reasons why it is set as number one on our list. The diverse range its app development configuration provides aids its user’s business by increasing your lead production. The service includes an advanced workflow builder, pre-made email newsletter templates, and forms that are completely customizable. The platform also provides the tools needed to cater to its vendor’s target audience. Some of its many key features include;

  • Advanced automation that helps vendors run their business more efficiently.
  • Automated workflows that are pre-made to save time.
  • Personalization or customization option availability.
  • Increased lead generation.
  • Visual analytics.
  • Enhanced productivity using integrations.

Overall, Moosend is a low-cost platform, making it the best choice for businesses as small as independent startups or as big as corporations with subsidies. Moosend includes comprehensive lead generation tools, reporting and analytics, integrations, and more. All this can be had for the low price of $9 a month, with which a free 30-day trial is also available once you sign up or create an account.

  1. Hubspot

Hubspot’s unique feature is that its development team has programmed a Visual workflow editor, making it a popular choice among most entrepreneurs. With a free trial and subscriptions that go as low as $9 a month, Hubspot is considered one of the most well-known automated marketing tools worldwide. One of the greatest marketing automation software focuses on customer relationship management (CRM). The app development configuration focuses on inbound marketing and includes an easy-to-use workflow tool that allows its users to automate repetitive processes using a visual interface. HubSpot’s automated marketing software streamlines the users’ lead nurturing process. Users also have the option to assign particular goals to ensure that their email marketing approach produces the most efficient and beneficial outcomes. Finally, HubSpot’s CRM tool and Salesforce allow you to copy values, score leads, and share data along with many other features that include;

  • Multi-step marketing workflows and a visual builder.
  • Lead handling with a powerful CRM.
  • A/B To find the winning combination.
  • Predictive option for lead scoring.
  • Various CRM connectors.

Overall, HubSpot is perfect for all kinds of businesses as its development team has successfully integrated a variety of automation tools for its vendors. However, it is on the expensive end when the user wants to upgrade to more automatic tools. HubSpot offers a 1,000 marketing contact-free plan. However, if a user wants to use the tool’s extensive and in-depth automation features, they’ll need to upgrade to a professional premium plan, which starts at $800 per month.

  1. Marketo Engage

Marketo’s USP is the app development’s integration of Cross-channel nurturing that is highly intelligent, setting it to stand out from the other automated marketing tools.

The software aims to improve customer experience and aids in the simplification of a customer’s journey. The development team uses behavioral tracking and advanced analytics to target its user’s audience. Furthermore, through AI optimization, the software provides personalized and customizable features to each customer. Marketo also provides its users with the tools to expand their lead scoring models through an extremely qualified and intelligent procedure. Some of the advantages its vendors receive are;

  • Personalized content through artificial intelligence.
  • Data-driven marketing.
  • Tools for landing pages.
  • Analyses of marketing outcome.

Marketo is a terrific automation tool to boost your marketing efforts and streamline your marketing procedures. Although it may be too expensive, there is a free product tour available for you to learn more about software.

  1. Google Marketing Platform

Google is the most diverse platform on the planet and has also expanded itself to marketing for other businesses, and they’re doing a great job! Their development team has programmed the Google Marketing Platform in a way that guarantees successful marketing techniques along with a user-friendly interface. It aids in the analysis of the vendor’s business performance based on the number of visitors that became clients. Moreover, one of the key features that make Google Marketing stand out is that it focuses its attention on visitors with a high likelihood of becoming clients. Among other things, the platform also tracks your visitors’ time on site. Google Marketing Platform also lets users review keywords that are beneficial for their website. Some of its key features include;

  • Conversion Tracking.
  • Keyword Tracking.
  • Referral Source Tracking.
  • Site Search Tracking.
  • Time on Site Tracking.
  • User Interaction Tracking.

With free plans, Google Marketing Platform also has several integrations such as Google Ads, Google Analytics, Google Optimize, and much more. The only limitation being that it can only be used online.

  1. ActiveCampaign

Even though ActiveCampaign isn’t the easiest software to start with, its features are perfect for someone who has already dealt with automation tools. ActiveCampaign provides several customization choices based on artificial intelligence logic. Furthermore, the app development’s automation builder is extremely simple to use, allowing its vendors to develop multiple-condition email messages and follow-up emails. Its development team has also added alternatives for tracking sporting events in the software. Some of its key features include;

  • Flowchart maker with drag-and-drop functionality.
  • Hyper-personalization and event tracking choices.
  • Marketing and sales teams will benefit from the built-in CRM.
  • eCommerce platform reporting and analytics.

Overall, ActiveCampaign assists its users in automating their marketing procedures as well as 100% personalizing their content. However, unlike some other famous ActiveCampaign competitors, it is more targeted toward a particular audience. The automated email marketing software provides a 14-day free trial. It also offers four premium options that start as low as $15 a month.

  1. Zoho Campaigners

This app development configuration enables its users to enhance their email marketing. With one click, the user can drive more traffic and maximize sales. The best part about this automated marketing tool is that its starting point is just $6, with the option to have a free trial before the user enrolls for a subscription. It is designed to create, monitor, and deliver email campaigns with the option to further customize and enhance the email to stand out in the customer’s inbox. Some of the key features that make it so well-known amongst entrepreneurs;

  • It has an easy drag-and-drop editing feature.
  • Users can sync their tracking.
  • Users don’t have to send the email manually. Zoho’s development team has incorporated scheduling into its software.
  • Provides Personalized greetings.
  • A set of Social Statistics for the user’s engagement.

Zoho’s efficient app development configuration further enables its users to have access to the best CRM along with integrations such as Google Analytics, Shopify, Vimeo, WordPress, and so much more. The more technical aspects of Zoho Campaigns aren’t so complicated either; the vendor has access to it on both Android and Apple! This automated marketing tool is considered the best for businesses of all shapes and sizes, whether you’re a beginner or an entrepreneur with a massive enterprise!

  1. Mailchimp

With over a million satisfied vendors, Mailchimp is one of the most popular automated marketing tools out there. Its mobile app configuration caters to businesses with a niche market and macro-level companies. Thanks to its low-cost plans, it is also one of the best analytical tools used to enhance a firm’s customer base and create more traffic. The only limitation it possesses is that it isn’t accessible through the user’s desktop. Otherwise, its app development software is useable on both iOS and Android mobile phones. With its subscriptions going as low as $10 a month, some of Mailchimp’s key features include;

  • A free monthly plan so that users don’t have to pay to figure out the app development configuration.
  • Customizable forms.
  • Campaign archives.
  • Email client testing.
  • An automated delivery according to time zones.
  • The option for multi-user accounts.

Another perk that a user has access to is the visual reports Mailchimp provides. In these reports, you can see who clicks and opens the email, as well as monitor the reply rate. Many entrepreneurs claim that is a good software to start your small business with and is budget-friendly.

  1. Infusionsoft

With over 25,000 customers, Infusionsoft is considered one of the most popular automated marketing tools and is considered the best option for startups and small businesses. A core aspect of Infusionsoft is app development’s configuration for its campaign builder. Unlike other automation tools, building sequences in Infusionsoft is intuitive and can almost be considered addictive. Infusionsoft is best suited to small businesses that already have a strong customer base with a reasonable turnover. Some of its key features include;

  • One of the best-designed user interfaces in the marketing industry.
  • Their visual campaign builder makes complex sequences intuitive.
  • Universal tracking, which makes it easy to keep track of clients’ behavior across multiple marketing channels

Infusionsoft is one of the only marketing automation tools that’s programmed to offer order forms, payment processing, fulfilment, and inventory tracking directly within itself

Overall, it is considered a very good tool for beginners, but the cost may say otherwise, which is why it is advised for startups or small businesses with reasonable turnovers to consider infusion soft. The prices range as they have four plans, starting from $199 a month to $379 a month.

  1. SemRush

Even though the development team eliminated the free trial version of this software, and while it may be more expensive for users with a starting price of $99, SemRush is considered one of the most economical and all-rounder investments by its vendors. With its strategic advertising and expanded social media reach, vendors are able to enjoy several features on their phones, may it be through iOS or Android, the development team has you covered! Some of the features include;

  • Domain-specific keyword ranking so that it’s exclusive to the user’s business.
  • SEMrush includes pie charts and line graphs, which enables visual analysis for the entrepreneur.
  • Through the mobile app configuration, SemRush features multiple sites comparison that only aid in the enhancement of an enterprise.
  • The automated marketing tool also provides organic research.

A USP of this automated marketing tool is that the development team incorporated the option to see competitor’s ranking, which also is constantly updated through organic research. Hence, making it one of the all-rounder key automated marketing tools that one needs!

  1. SharpSpring

Perfect for established businesses, SharpSpring offers its vendors visual analytics along with leads. Even though it does not offer a free trial, SharpSpring’s website is pretty clear-cut with the features it provides. Some of them being;

  • The development team has programmed a ‘Behavior-Based Email Automation‘, which customizes its emails in order to make them more engaging and favorable thus making it one of the smartest automated marketing tools.
  • It has a range of diverse forms and templates.
  • A key feature that not many automated marketing tools have is call tracking, but SharpSpring provides that as a necessity.
  • Transformative email analytics.
  • Visual campaign and lead tracking.
  • Robust rules engine.
  • Social notes for the user.
  • Point-and-click WYSIWYG editor.

The development team further amalgamates the integration of third parties such as Gmail, Google Adwords, Salesforce, Magneto, Formstack, Zapier, Wufoo, and more. Despite a starting price of $450, SharpSpring is still worth it as it offers a guarantee of 1,500 contacts which also ensures engagement, traffic, and an increase in customer base.

After reading this list, it should be less hectic to choose what automated marketing tool would best fit your firm. The best part about this list is that we have picked the ten best options out of the thousands of automated marketing software by simply analyzing their app development configuration and what target market in the business industry it suits. This makes this diverse list the ultimate list for 2023.

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The Top 50 Small Business Apps of 2022 Fri, 02 Sep 2022 14:19:22 +0000 Everything in the palm of your hands or right on your screen. The world has evolved from tangible necessities to digital configurations. Over the last ten years, technological development and advancement have been immaculate. Initially, it stepped into the world with the promise of entertainment. But now, it does everything from predicting the weather to […]

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Everything in the palm of your hands or right on your screen.

The world has evolved from tangible necessities to digital configurations. Over the last ten years, technological development and advancement have been immaculate. Initially, it stepped into the world with the promise of entertainment. But now, it does everything from predicting the weather to scheduling your whole life and keeping a tab on your health. These days, digitalization is considered a requirement to survive and prosper in this world. This is true in the world of business, especially for startups or independent entrepreneurs who aim to expand in the most budget-friendly manner possible. On that token, mobile app development has made great strides, progressing to the point that it aids in several facets ranging from scheduling to enhancing employee productivity.

Everything man can do, software does faster and more efficiently. And yet, as time progressed, mobile app development did not stop; it branched out and took a new form, turning itself into a business for business. Now, because of this ‘branch out,’ it’s hard for one to know which application would be an all-rounder for them. When considering requirements, feature sets, and deployability, many apps get lost in translation. This is why, after thorough research and analysis, we have come up with a list of 50 Business apps for 2022 which have the all-rounder mobile app development qualities that an entrepreneur looks for. To help you better find what you may be looking for, we have arranged these apps down into the following categories;

Micro-level Business Administration Apps Project And Management Applications
Payment Apps For Small Business Finance And Accounting Apps
Time Management Apps Free Apps
Job Scheduling Apps Marketing Apps
Customer Relations Management Apps
Inventory management apps.


Micro-Level Administration Apps



The name ConnecTeam itself is a smart choice, giving off a taste of that savvy mobile app development power and programming. Back in 2016, this organization was formed with only a few subscribers. Now, in 2022, it is one of the best administration applications and is trusted by more than twenty thousand businesses worldwide.

One of the plus points of ConnecTeam is that its mobile application development enables its user to have access to fixed monthly paid plans, starting at $29. One can even test it out through their trial period, which includes free plans. Through the payment plans given by ConnecTeam, a small-scale business can easily manage its hurdles and expand with time.

This business application is set to keep a whole business interlinked and connected. The application ranges from fieldwork to the comfort of the indoor office space. Under your finger lies the administration of your staff and operations. This app is a tried-and-true all-rounder with its mobile app development at its peak and features that seal the deal. ConnecTeam promises that once subscribed, efficiency and productivity increase.



SAP Success Factors was founded in 2001 by Lars Dalgaard. Initially, its mobile app development configuration was limited to performance management. It is safe to state that SAP has now expanded its market and features through consistent programming and advancement in its technological aspects.

With its head office in San Mateo, California, the software is now entrusted by millions of users worldwide. SAP is poised with the aim of engaging an enterprise’s entire workforce and keeping a tab on tasks. It aids in the productivity levels of a firm and further collaboratively sends key information to employees. Its mobile app development also programs self-service tools for managers, employees, and HR. The configuration also includes HCM that automates people processes and reduces the time wasted in day-to-day strategic planning. Its yearly plan is considered the optimum investment as it goes as low as eighty-four dollars a year.



With a two-in-one mobile app development program that keeps updating itself as time passes, Chanty is not only a business administration application but also a team chat platform. The organization was created in 2017 and has only prospered ever since.

One of the major perks of this application isn’t only its features but also the pricing plans, going as low as $2 annually due to its recent summer sale. Otherwise, it’s still goes for around $4 a year. Compared to other applications, it is extremely budget-friendly and efficient for startups. The users are also given an option to sign up for free and test it out before switching to the business subscription.

Besides communication, a user through Chanty can also manage projects by converting messages into tasks, and one can also assign those tasks, set deadlines, and also collaboratively see everything on the ‘teambook.’ Chanty is considered one of the best investments when looking for an ultimate communication hub for your business.

4. Workday


Launched in 2006, the name itself gives comfort to many as its features comply with the ‘working days’ that an entrepreneur seeks. The application serves its purpose for human resources and finances that aid in efficient and profitable decision-making. The mobile app development created this software to eliminate an entrepreneur’s sense of ‘guess-working.’

Workday also engages employees, and one of its key features that many find fascinating is that it is customizable at any moment. Through Workday, as a manager, HCM is efficient and effective as it allows you to plan, recruit, and develop talent. The app overall is extremely simplified and user-friendly without any set of complications that could lead to agitation. The pricing is communicated through direct contact, leaving room for more customizable options that may cater to the nature of the business.

5. Xero


Having initially launched in New Zealand, Xero gives its user complete access to monitor their business’s cash flow, aids in sending invoices, creates expense claims, and helps import and categorize all your latest transactions.

Now, the application is well-regarded worldwide amongst independent businesses and integrated with over seven hundred independent applications such as PayPal. The configurations set by the mobile app development team are phenomenal as it holds features that not only aid in control over finances but also temporary statements that could even save a business from financial mishaps.

With a thirty-day free trial, users are also given pricing options ranging from $9 to $60 a month. Many may see the strategy as a downside, but after thorough analysis, it is clear that the monthly options open a realm for users to choose from a variety of features that may be best suitable for their business.

6. EmailAnalytics


With the mobile app development team incorporating features that visualize a team’s email activity, EmailAnalytics enables its users to essentially decipher KPIs through graphs, bars, and pie charts generated by the software. All calculations are already taken under consideration from the emails sent, received, or responded to.

The reports range from daily to weekly as per the user’s need. EmailAnalytics for 2022 is considered one of the best mobile app developments that have successfully shown desired results that aid managers in keeping a tab on their employees’ productivity which also assures the business’s productivity as a whole. The pricing also is a plus point, considering you get a visual representation of quantitative data (the input your team gives). Bulk discounts are also a unique feature going as low as five dollars a month for five users together.

Payment Apps for Small Businesses

7. Wave


Wave makes digital cash liquid by enabling users to track income and expenses. What’s more, it aids in creating and sending invoices from a user’s office desktop to the comfort of their home on their mobile phone. So, in simple words, the mobile app development enables recurring billing and can scan receipts from anywhere. The dashboard is extremely easy to navigate and was specifically built with small business owners and startups in mind. The application is completely free and serves the purpose of financing easier without the requirement of heavy hardware or experience.

8. QuickBooks


Quickbooks is an extremely simple and user-friendly online platform with clearcut features that are easy to find. Its key features include tracking expenses and creating and sending forms such as quotes, invoices, accounting or financial reports, and much more. The plus side of QuickBooks is the mobile app development which promotes an all-rounder which is best for businesses of any side. The name ‘Quickbooks’ itself advocates for the quick services it provides, with pricing plans ranging from $15 a month to $30 dollars, depending on the user’s requirements. Another plus point is that there is a thirty-day free-of-cost trial that can help the user decide whether this is the software for them.

9. Square


Square is widely regarded by users worldwide for its easy drag-and-drop website templates. Now, it also provides a domain for transactional purposes, which is easy to use and efficient with a fast-paced site. The mobile app development also advances toward its user by fully supporting card swipe systems with multiple software and hardware solutions at hand. And to add to all the simple perks, it also only has a transactional fee of  2.6% + $0.10 for every in-person payment you accept.

10. PayPal Here


A huge USP for PayPal is the option of processing credit cards, checks, and invoices, and that, too, all on your phone! The mobile app developers were truly able to outdo many applications with this feature. Compared to Square, which provides other features such as inventory and order management, PayPal Here provides the simplest and easiest way to access payments through your mobile phone and only charges 2.7% per card swipe. As many businessmen prefer PayPal, this is the best alternative to your bank account and is also the possible future, making it a good investment for the long run.

11. Venmo


Although a household name now, Venmo saw its beginnings as early as 2009. With a standard 3% fee, it is considered one of the top apps of 2022, frequently used by the younger generation. With over five million users, it is notably one of the most important mobile app developments that one has come across in the history of technological advancements, with built-in features that are beyond simple to use for entrepreneurs and beginners

Time Management Apps

12. Tsheets


TSheets allows one to not only track time on any device but also aids in streamlining payrolls and invoices. Its core features allow maintenance of time-off requests and receiving real-time reports depending on the user’s needs.

Another plus point to TSheets is that the mobile app development has allowed it to integrate with other small business apps in addition to QuickBooks—including Sage, Xero, Square, and more. This makes it the ultimate app, with millions of users placing their trust in it. TSheets requires a paid subscription that goes as low as $80 a month to $20 a month, depending on the needs and assessment requirements of the user or firm.

13. Gusto


A rather more professional yet budget-friendly option that made it to the 2022 list is Gusto. For a more full-service payroll and HR app, it is the best application out there. The rise and popularity of mobile app development over the years have put Gusto in demand in all enterprises that wish to execute their work efficiently.

Gusto’s platform allows you to manage payroll, benefits, and compliance. And to top all of that, a user can also calculate and file payroll taxes on federal and state levels, track sick days and vacation time, and so much more. All these features are available at a price that goes as low as $6 a month, including its free mobile app.

14. Troggle


With the aim to boost productivity, Troggle is classified as ‘the simplest time tracker to help you get things done. Ideal for teams, freelancers & agencies.’ Troggle allows all its users to achieve one of the best experiences of 2022 with just a click of a button. The mobile app development configuration will quickly break down the quantitatives, making the presented data easy to read and understand. The Toggl Button browser extension efficiently allows users to track time in over 80 online tools. Making it one of the most efficient websites. Pricing starts at $9 a month per user and can double. Another plus point is the option to chat with a Troggle representative about their Enterprise plan.

15. My Minutes


This personalized app not only lets users set a personal genre of goals, like the minimum or maximum amount of time they actually want to put into a task, but also sets days for when the task has to be repeated.

My Minutes will remind users about them and aid employees efficiently towards breaks and completion of tasks. The mechanism and psychology behind this mobile app development configuration are simple, when the ‘streaks’ change to green, employees will simultaneously be more motivated to tackle and complete their tasks again and again. This application is free of cost and tends to aid in efficiency and productivity. Its simplicity is what drives the users to opt for it.

16. TeamDeck


Classified under ‘resource management software,’ TeamDeck allows its users to check team availability, schedule resources, and track working time and days off within one mobile application. The key features also include customizable reports that can be generated within TeamDeck to help managers oversee their team’s performance and track their KPIs of choice. TeamDeck falls under the subscription of a pay-per-user platform with pricing as low as $3.99 per team member per month.

17. HotSchedules


HotSchedules, now a part of Fourth, is available for Android and iOS devices. While being strictly bound to mobile phone applications, it still has key features that attract many entrepreneurs as it can be used to assign and manage employee shifts, time-off requests, and calendars. HotSchedules is particularly very popular amongst restaurants and other food-service businesses apps. This scheduling app is one of the top business applications on the Apple AppStore and can be downloaded for $4.

18. ConnecTeam Time Clock


This online time tracker has all the features one needs. With ConnecTeam Time Clock, users can clock in from their mobile phones anywhere. Through tagged GPS locations and advanced mobile app development, users can stay on top of where their workers are supposed to be while clocked in.

It is relatively time-saving and requires less effort when tracking work hours with accuracy and detail. Instead, ConnecTeam Time Clock does it for you. Another perk is that users can chat with employees from the time clock, ensuring smooth communication.

19. factoTime


Built to help small businesses and startups automate their attendance management and salary calculation, factoTime is now serving more than 10000 organizations around the world. It is an excellent application for managing time as you can monitor employees’ total work hours and attendance punch-in and punch-out.

The app allows your employees to register their attendance using QR codes and punch with selfie to minimize time thefts, increase data accuracy and improve punctuality. For your field or travelling staff, location can also be tracked along with their attendance. You can also develop a company calendar with holidays and schedule shifts as well.

Job Scheduling Apps

20. Schedule Planner


Sometimes, a daily planning device is all you need to boost productivity. In that sense, Schedule Planner is an excellent choice. With it, all of the user’s tasks are organized according to the set of priorities assigned to it. Schedule Planner is extremely easy to use and has a sleek user interface. Users have the ability to create plans from complete scratch, and it also allows one to choose a pre-existing template as well. Their pricing, on the other hand, varies. To get the best software deal possible, it’s best to talk to a customer representative and discuss options.

21. Zoom Shift


Everything users require for job scheduling, like availability and shift swaps, is available on one app; ZoomShift. Through existing templates, a ZoomShift user has the liberty to create a schedule within minutes. Users can also drag and drop shifts on the calendar.

Another huge perk that attracts businesses to ZoomShift is the option to share the schedule template through text messages, emails, and even push notifications. All team members have the ability to view their schedules, set availability preferences, and choose open shifts. This makes it a great replacement for MS Excel. It also has a free plan that also branches out to prices that go as low as paying $2 per user every month.

22. 10to8 Scheduling


10to8 scheduling has grown drastically during the pandemic, thanks to its meeting scheduling software helping remote teams connect and organize meetings. Its core features include daily calls, virtual coffees, cross-department meetings, and so much more. To top it all off, one of the most vital selling points for this app is the mobile app developer’s programming. Through it, the app enables teams spread among many time zones to sync with each other via a timezone management feature available. This way, managers can efficiently plan and schedule meetings on the fly without worrying about scheduling conflicts.

23. ConnecTeam Scheduling


ConnecTeam Scheduling is the one-stop-shop application that makes it extremely viable for managers to plan with ease. Its easy-to-use configuration offers real-time oversight of where the business and its objectives stand. The app’s scheduling features allow users to reduce labor costs. The application gives its user access to create schedules in relevance to weeks, even months, and on the plus side, a user can even communicate with their team directly from the app.

Customer Relations Apps

24. Belly


Belly creates a customized customer loyalty program that adds to a business’s legitimacy as customers feel important. The user has the feasibility to design points of the program based on what customers prefer and also gains the added features of email, social media marketing, and analytics from Belly’s application software.

A user’s Belly account can be managed online or through the mobile app. Pricing, however, starts on the expensive side, at over $100 a month. Despite this, many small businesses consider Belly well worth the price of admission based on how it has established customer relationships with firms, aiding their survival during the pandemic.

25. Spendgo


A Spendgo user has the liberty to create customer loyalty and marketing programs. The options branch out to customers visiting your store, shopping online, or using their mobile phones. Spendgo allows its users to develop a points-based rewards program, push promotions, and even reach customers via text or email. One can find out Spendgo’s pricing plans by directly contacting them.

26. Salesforce


Salesforce is one of the biggest names in CRM platforms. It is used by all sorts of businesses scaling from micro to macro levels all over the globe. The Salesforce platform allows its users to track and manage customer profiles across departments, develop personalized marketing plans, respond to customer issues, and so much more. Their pricing plans go as low as $25 per user per month.

27. Nimble


Nimble is an app that shares functional similarities with Salesforce. The only difference here is its pricing, which can go as low as $19 per month, making it a comparatively budget-friendly option for small businesses.

Inventory Management Apps

28. SOS Inventory


SOS Inventory offers to simplify inventory tracking, order management, and manufacturing. The service integrates with both QuickBooks and Shopify, two platforms that are recognized worldwide. It can be used on desktops, tablets, or mobile. With this app, users can manage inventory in more than one location, track their items according to a number of different attributes, and create tickets and packing slips, among other features. The mobile app is included for free, but the subscription costs around $40 a month.

29. Delivrd


Using Delivrd, users can create product catalogs; they can count, receive, and issue stock; enable stock level alerts, and even have access to transaction history of their inventory. Even though it’s a web-limited service, Delivrd is considered one of the easiest platforms to use to keep track of inventories. Its paid plans enable other key features starting from fifty dollars per user a month.

30. Sortly


The Sortly inventory management app can be used through the web platform as well as on a user’s mobile phone or tablet. With Sortly, users can maintain their catalog with custom notes and tags. Other key features include looking up barcodes and using the built-in scanner. All these are a part of the free version of the software. For greater features and capabilities, a user can elect to purchase either of Sortly’s paid plans, starting at $39 a month.

Project And Management Applications

31. Trello


Trello is one of the most dominant app platforms to date. Its features include project management, a daily/monthly task list, organization, meal prep, blog maintenance, and much more. All of the customizable boards are shareable, and the best part is that it’s free. The premium version only costs $12. It may be a little complex, but the guide services provided it is worth it for businesses who want effective communication

32. Asana


Asana comparatively has a different approach than Trello. Instead of visual cards, Asana uses a completely customizable format, with a specific system to manage tasks. It has a  basic free version with a set of paid plans which give users more options, thus also making Asana well deserving of its spot in this top 50 list.

33. Basecamp


Basecamp‘s features include the functionality to create and assign tasks and set due dates with a to-do list. The app is popular among users in the US and leans toward the expensive side of things. Still, it is considerably easy to use and an all-rounder with a mobile app development procedure that constantly is updating. Users can start with a free 30-day trial and then choose whether the $100 a month package is suitable.

34. Evernote


If a user just wants to keep themselves organized, the best mobile app development is presented through Evernote. The free trial may be limited, but it may be fruitful for many. The business premium Evernote, on the other hand, can be had for only $14 a month.

35. Monday


Monday is a project management app that organizes all tasks and boosts communication. When employees complete tasks, the status is updated so everyone can easily see where a project or task currently stands. The prices range from $20 and go as high as $50.

36. nTask


Users can plan all projects in nTask by adding descriptions, assigning resources, setting a budget, and creating tasks. Users can get started with nTask with the ‘forever free plan.’ The paid premium plan starts for around $2 a month, whereas the business package starts at $8 for a user per month.

37. ProofHub


ProofHub is the management app that gives users access to all projects on the go. It is one place for all projects and team collaboration. With this app, managers can delegate virtually with features like in-app notifications. The Android app is all it takes for anyone to join in the discussions. ProofHub is also supported by iOS and Windows platforms. It is available for around $90 per month for unlimited users.

Finance And Accounting Apps

38. Goodbudget


As a free service, Goodbudget has decent basic functionality. But once subscribed, it allows for unlimited packets and accounts, five years of financial history, and email support. All of this can be had for $6 a month. It is considered best for freelancers or startups.

39. Toshl


Small business owners will enjoy enterprise-related services with Toshl for a fraction of the cost of other budgeting apps. For only $3 a month, users can not only cash in on unlimited financial accounts but also enjoy features like unlimited budgets, planning graphs, repeat expenses, income, and even transfer capabilities and receipt images. With many business-friendly features at such a low price, it’s easy to see why it’s popular among small business owners.

40. Honeydue


Honeydue allows partners to sync bank accounts, credit cards, loans, and investments. And, to add to the features for partnering users, you can choose how much you share with your significant other. The free budget app automatically categorizes expenses, but you can also create custom categories. It has instantly gained popularity due to the shared accounting feature that many websites don’t tend to share.

41. Expensify


Even though Expensify has a more specific purpose, it can play a particularly useful role in organizing a business’s finances. With Expensify, a user can easily scan receipts and process employee expenses. Another perk of the application is that it can integrate with QuickBooks, Xero, and a variety of other small business apps. And the best part of the facilities it provides is that it is completely free of cost, thus, gaining extreme popularity amongst startups.

42. YNAB


YNAB is a budgeting app that allows its users to link their checking and savings accounts, as well as credit cards and loans. The app works on the phone, desktop, iPad, Apple Watch, and Alexa. The payment is free for college students, whereas otherwise, the payment can range from $15 a month to $100 a year, including a free one-month trial. The zero-based budgeting system is very user-friendly and in-depth. It’s perfect for starters and for long-term businesses.

43. EveryDollar


Like YNAB, EveryDollar offers a zero-based budgeting framework that’s simpler and easier to manage than YNAB. In the free version of EveryDollar, the user manually enters their cash flow throughout the month. They can also categorize line items in their budget and set reminders for bill payments. The premium and paid version of EveryDollar, along with the existing feaures, enables one to connect with the user’s bank account. Their transactions are automatically transcribed, and custom reports, along with recommendations, are given based on the habits they have. Another feature is that the user can connect their saving and investing accounts. The premium version is the most expensive app on the list, yet it truly is worth it.

44. Fudget


With its funky name, Fudget has been all over 2022. It has an ultra-easy design that helps you sync your financial accounts and aids in keeping a close tab on them. The best part about Fudget is that it’s budget-friendly for its users, or should we say, it has a fun-budget package. It only requires a one-time payment for users to upgrade to the pro version, that too, for only $4. It is highly recommended for beginners who want to keep track of their business investments and cashflows overall.

Free Apps

45. FreshBooks


FreshBooks’ mobile app is developed for small business owners, and its cloud-based platform proves it. Its features include syncing and viewing all financials, no matter where the user is. Its accessibility is available on desktops and on one’s mobile phone. Client feedback is easy to respond to. Another perk that assists the application’s popularity and efficiency are that a user can take photos of any receipts and immediately add them to their expenses. It also provides great time-tracking capabilities.

46. TripIt


Small business owners that take business trips will testify that TripIt is a lifesaver. The app collects all your travel details and sends an alert about any alteration, such as flight changes. Another unique feature it possesses is that users can view their itinerary offline to avoid losing their tracks in a foreign country. A basic plan onTripIt is free, whereas the pro version costs around $50 per year which is a very decent investment in the long run for traveling entrepreneurs.

47. Wunderlist


The basic version of Wunderlist is free, but there also is a business plan that starts at $5 per user. A key feature of this app is that it lets its user delegate tasks to their employees, make subtasks, and set deadlines and reminders.

48. LastPass


Perfect for a new business owner, LastPass is an easy-to-use app that attaches to your browser and can also be used on Android or iOS. A key feature recently added is that if a user is terrible at creating secure passwords, LastPass generates long, undecipherable passwords for them and keeps them safe. The mobile app development team has stated that they use encryptions to ensure no one can breach users’ information.

Marketing Apps

49. Wix


With Wix, users can easily create websites without the hassle of knowing how to code or hiring a professional. With more than 110 million customers, Wix helps users create customized websites. Wix also offers a free plan that users can start off with. And when they feel the need to enhance their website further and have access to more features, they can upgrade at the price of nearly $13 a month. If you’re looking to configure your Wix site so that it adheres to The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (thereby becoming accessible to users with disabilities) you can explore integrating with third-party solutions to make existing Wix websites ADA compliant by remediating the website’s code.”

50. Buffer


One of the biggest perks one has achieved through this digital era is the social media platforms that make it easier to market businesses of all sorts. Buffer helps schedule and manage all social media posts to make it easier. Creating posts, analyzing the data, and engaging with followers are some of the core features presented by Buffer. One of the perks many mobile app developers fail to incorporate is the accessibility of one or more users, but not Buffer, it allows up to 25 users to one Buffer account. What’s more, admins can also choose who has access or needs permission. The pricing plans also range from a free to $15 a month starter plan.

51. Hootsuite


Hootsuite is an ideal social media management system that helps users track their social network channels. Users have the ability to monitor how the audience engages their brand and also aid in instantly responding. Ranging across various networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, enabling users to post an update or reply directly.

The best quality of the mobile app development of Hootsuite is that users can monitor multiple streams from one place. Currently, it supports Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ Pages, Foursquare, Instagram, WordPress blogs, Vimeo, Tumblr, Evernote, Flickr, Mailchimp, Slideshare, Storify, and more. All these features are accessible through various plans, giving the user variety and the choice to pick the most suitable one for their business. Prices can vary from $500 and go as low as $19. Luckily, for indecisive users, a customer chat representative is always there to help in choosing the best plan.

52. Fyle


Fyle is a spend management tool that lets businesses gain real-time expense management on cards they already have. You can now get notified of spending seconds after your business credit card has been swiped and collect receipts in real-time via text. By gaining access to real-time data feeds, finance teams no longer depend on bank feeds to reconcile card expenses.

And with that, we conclude our list. The top fifty apps truly serve their purpose and effortlessly enhance businesses on a budget. In this digital era, nearly 70% of businesses collapse during their starting years due to the lack of communication, marketing, and customer satisfaction. But now, virtually, with the right software and the perfect mobile app development configuration that suits an entrepreneur’s respective business, one can save their business and expand and conquer.

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The Top Ten Exciting Technology Trends of 2023 Fri, 02 Sep 2022 13:05:19 +0000 As we enter into a new era, we have to face the fact that our world is changing at such a fast pace. And amidst all this, necessity has become the mother of all inventions. Technology is an important part of our lives, especially now.  Mobile App Development has garnered all the tech hype in […]

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As we enter into a new era, we have to face the fact that our world is changing at such a fast pace. And amidst all this, necessity has become the mother of all inventions. Technology is an important part of our lives, especially now.  Mobile App Development has garnered all the tech hype in recent times. Over the years, there have been countless innovations and technological developments. Scientists and engineers have made all of their efforts to make our lives easier through all these advancements.

So, what improvements and trends for upcoming technology can we expect in 2023? With every generation, our expectations and needs evolve with our technological advancements. Every exciting shift towards the future is meant to change our world in a plethora of ways. And with that idea, here are the top ten trends we can anticipate moving forward toward the future.

1. Lithium Metal Batteries:

The invention of electric vehicles has been one of our greatest inventions in the automotive world. None of this would have been possible without Lithium’s humble contribution to the design of our batteries. But now, it’s about to get a whole lot better. Lithium metal batteries contribute to the new innovative car market and are economical and eco-friendly. Engineers seek to make our lives easier by eliminating the need for fuel consumption, therefore, reducing costs.

The energy density of Lithium batteries is 1kWh per liter volume. This means that they are twice as powerful as the density of traditional Lithium-ion batteries. The best part about this technology is that you can charge your car battery faster. To top it all off, they also are 80 percent more sustainable for the charging cycle, making them a better long-term choice.

An American start-up called QuantumScape is an investor that develops lithium metal batteries. They have had many successful trials based on the technology. Following this, Volkswagen has adopted this technology and will produce more electric vehicles incorporating these batteries.

2. Messenger RNA Vaccines:

After the COVID pandemic, scientists were faced with the challenge of figuring out a vaccine that was effective in building immunity against the Coronavirus. Pfizer and Moderna created two of these vaccines, respectively, and they have successfully used them to treat COVID-19 patients.

By design, these vaccines are live attenuated, which means they contain an inactive pathogen derived from the virus itself. When mRNA enters the body, it begins to create an immune response to the virus by producing a fragment that resembles the virus. This is how the body becomes resistant to the infection. These kinds of vaccines are great because they can be modified to treat many other diseases such as Malaria, sickle cell anemia, cancer, HIV, and many others.

3. GPT-3:

The Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT-3) is one of the most advanced Neural network currently in use. GPT=3 recognizes text input from the user and uses it to create a dialogue between them. Naturally, the ‘3’ signifies the fact that it is a new and improved variant to its previous generation (GPT-2), almost 100 times superior.

Based on current technology, most of our advanced algorithms have a problem with recognizing raw perceptual inputs like images, fingerprints, and voices. While advanced, the technological capabilities come at the cost of lacking emotional intelligence, which means they cannot process any feelings. GPT-3 is an exciting breakthrough in this technology as it possesses advanced artificial intelligence to process information and find suitable solutions to problems.

4. Data protection according to the Data Trusts model:

According to Accenture, cyberattacks have become more common during the pandemic. In 2020 alone, a reported 36 billion accounts were hacked. Since we rely on the web for storing data, working online, or using corporate services, these systems become more immune to attacks and data theft. Because of this, companies were forced to strengthen their cyber-security.

The primary reason for data being susceptible and vulnerable to hacking attempts came down to most security systems being too outdated or weak. The new approach has changed that. To combat the problem, Data Trusts, a specific trust fund, was created to store data and information on behalf of themselves and their users. This data-trust model was created as a foolproof mechanism for protecting and storing data.

5. Wi-Fi 6 and 5G:

Wireless internet makes up a big part of our lives, so it’s only natural that any advancements in the field are always welcome. Wi-Fi 6 and 5G, in particular, enable us to browse the internet at much faster speeds. They provide us with better quality broadband, translating to high-speed video streaming and other online services with limited delays. They help in the development of the Internet of Things. (IoT) and contribute to the strengthening of artificial intelligence (AI).

Now with 5G, it is possible to cover up to 1 million devices per sq km. This new technology strengthens the performance of autonomous drones and provides better services to intensive care units.

Many employees have been able to work remotely. From 2023 to 2025, this technology is expected to bring up the U.S economy by 2.7 trillion and create up to 16 million jobs. Various Mobile App Developments for the same has made it even easier! It supports new services within the local network. It will also cause higher speeds when it comes to the existing services. For example, 8K video streaming.

According to a poll by Deloitte, 86 percent of CEOs believe that this wireless technology will transform all of their operations and organization within three years while 79 percent can say the same about their own industry.

According to the Verge, 5G and WiFi-6 will be used in conjunction depending on the nature of tasks and different types of devices. A record 316 million mobile devices will benefit from technology in 2023.

6. Augmented and Virtual reality:

AR and VR have changed the landscape of many industries in a lot of ways. Augmented and Virtual reality is set out to completely change multiple sectors in the year 2023. These technologies are now used in healthcare as well. They serve as a way for surgeons to perform operations using holograms and strengthen their skills. It can also be used in live consultations with doctors as well and Mobile App Developments have made it all possible by getting it straight into your mobile screen through innovative apps!

7. 3D printing:

3D printing is one of the greatest innovations in the history of mankind. It will become the most crucial in the medical field, where tissue engineering is required for medical micro-factories. 3D printers are being used to create medical equipment. Another way these printers can be used is to make fragments of bones or tissues, replacing damaged ones.

According to research done by Grand View, the global 3D printing market in 2019 was estimated to be $11.58 million. From 2020 to 2027, its yearly growth will be increased by 14 percent. It is estimated that by the year 2027, there will be about 8 million 3D printers around the globe. This means that it is six times more than in 2018.

8. Green Hydrogen:

Green Hydrogen is used to reduce the carbon footprint and switch to renewable energy sources. It is hydrogen that is produced in eco-friendly ways. Nuclear energy and natural gas are not used in their production. It is formed by the process of electrolysis, meaning current is passed through water to create green hydrogen. Doing so will reduce 830 million tons of harmful carbon dioxide emissions annually.

Europe has begun the construction of the basic infrastructure to introduce the production of hydrogen energy. After COVID-19, for example, the construction of hydrogen-powered vehicles has increased. It is one of the technologies that can help restore the economy while being environmentally friendly.

9. Compute as a Service:

Computing resources through physical and digital sources is called Compute as a Service (CAAS). Basically, it is like paying for a subscription, like in movies and games. Instead of the content being stored by you, it is released on an online server of your service provider.

Many companies were forced to change their business models because of the pandemic. This is a cloud service where they are able to store their data in the cloud without overloading the local network. This technology allows you to arrange and test a new online service or software. CAAS saves a lot of money for businesses and helps industries and companies acquire more capital.

10. Voice Search and Voice Assistants:

Voice search and voice assistants will become the best technological advancement in 2023. It is more feasible to use rather than using text. Customers prefer the usage of voice search to search for products or different services. The best thing about it is that it has a personalized experience. It is seen that 48 percent of customers prefer voice search and assistants. Companies like Google, Apple, and Amazon have been investing more and more into this technology to strengthen their customer base.

Voice navigation can be used to control drones. It is also used for voice chat boxes and has the potential to replace consultants and call center operators.

In 2013, voice search and voice assistants could recognize up to 77 percent of the spoken word. This will add to the buyer experience when there are brands that recognize and remember them as well as their data. Because of this, 80 percent of customers prefer these brands.

These Mobile App Development technology advancement trends in 2023 will help revolutionize how we view the world. We must work hard and learn to adapt to the latest technological shift so that our lives can become easier. The trends discussed here are just the beginning of a wonderful world that will unravel in its wake. Companies and businesses want to stay relevant, and equipping themselves with these technologies is the only way forward in a fast-paced world.

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5 Best Strategies to Increase Mobile App User Engagement in 2022 Mon, 28 Feb 2022 10:25:11 +0000 With the increase in humans relying on mobile phones the app stores are flooded with different applications for different purposes. But only registering and existing in the store does not solve the purpose of businesses. Also, in their current scenario, the number of downloads of an app cannot define the success of that mobile application. […]

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With the increase in humans relying on mobile phones the app stores are flooded with different applications for different purposes. But only registering and existing in the store does not solve the purpose of businesses. Also, in their current scenario, the number of downloads of an app cannot define the success of that mobile application. What if the people download your app, use it once, and then never get back to it?

According to the data available online, there were 2.89 million apps on the Google play store which ensures more attention to being driven on strategizing apps. With this level of competition in the market and a large number of app development software, developers face many challenges to make their applications loved by all.

If your application ensures that users are hooked to it for a longer period then nothing can stop your app from going viral. These engagements decide whether your app will be a highly ranked one or simply disappear from these app stores due to better engaging apps present on the platform.

Users download an application for a purpose and forget it once the work is done. An application lying in vain with no use is not what it is designed for. Make sure that downloading your app is the initial step for your user to have an engaging and exciting journey.

To understand the best strategies to increase User Engagement we must first learn what user engagement is and why it is important.

User Engagement

It can be considered to measure how well your application can solve the user’s problems. The more value your app provides to the user the more will the user be engaged with your product and services. The higher the engagement rate, the higher will be the profits.

The user engagement measures that determine the success rate of your application are as follows:

  • If the number of downloads from the app store is less try optimizing your app on the app store since a higher number of downloads depicts a high success rate. Besides, an app developer should buy a code signing certificate and install it to secure and authenticate the app code. So, users will trust your app.
  • The number of people who actually launched your app after installing it. This is referred to as the open rate of your app.
  • Bounce rate is the number of users who bounced back and did not register to your app after installing it. This can help you find connectivity problems and fix them.
  • The number of active users on your app. These active user data can be analyzed based on daily active users, weekly active users, and monthly active users.
  • The average length of sessions can be calculated by dividing the total time by the number of sessions.

Top 5 Strategies to Increase Mobile App User Engagement:

1. Minimal Friction on Onboarding

It is rightly said that the first impression is the last impression. This makes so much more sense here, as the first process that is mostly registration of new users must be the smoothest of all. As the user onboards your app, they seek a simple login process.

If the process gets complicated at the beginning itself there are high chances that users will abandon and leave the app without even using it for once. This can trigger your app engagement.

Rather than seeking new users every time, apply the retention policy for users. User retention can be achieved by removing all the complexities from the initial login process.

2. Customized experience

No humans will ever seek a mechanized monotonous environment. Personalizing the app will help your customers to be engaged for a longer period on the app.

Adding customized greetings or notifications to your strategy can help in increasing the session lengths. Also, personalized recommendations based on previous searches can attract user attention.

Personalization can also be done by using languages specific to the area. This attracts more local users as it’s convenient for them.

This personalization can be a game-changer when applied to emails and push notifications. Most of the generic emails and notifications are often cleared without even opening them. Adding a personal touch to it can multiply the conversion rates. In addition, you should also use a DMARC report analyzer to ensure your emails are authenticated and secure.”

According to a report published by Localytics, the conversion rate is 35% higher when the messages are personalized.

3. Rewarding Users

As you provide smooth onboarding and personalize the environment, the next step should be giving some reasons to stay to your users. Since multiple options are available for your app, incentivize your user for choosing you.

Rewards have a proven history of increasing the customer base for almost all industries.

Rewards may vary depending upon the type of your application. If you are an eCommerce merchant, users seek exciting offers, gift vouchers, etc. But If you have a music streaming app user demands may vary like ad-free music, extended subscriptions, etc.

4. Timely Updates

No matter how popular an app is to keep the user online, it requires updates. These updates can include changed themes, new features, or anything that attracts your user base.

These updates should fix the common issues faced by the previous versions of your application.

Updating your app frequently can keep the users excited about the upcoming features and capabilities of your app. Also, these updates should include the feedback received from customers to assure that you are listening and implementing their suggestions.

This can help in building trust with your customers and keeping them hooked to your app for a longer period.

5. Push notifications

People rely on their mobile phones for almost every second task which keeps them closer to their mobile phones. This increases their chances to check their notifications as soon as they receive them. Therefore, by using a business phone system companies can send their message faster and more efficiently.

This makes push notifications a crucial tool for your user engagement. These notifications can be informational, reminders or to call out your users to use your app for the specified reason. For example, Netflix has improved its user engagement with the help of recommendations based on the user’s history.

These push notifications can be of no use if not framed and optimized properly before sending them.


The mobile application industry is expanding and so is the need for improved user engagement. Think from the perspective of users, what do you find the most attractive feature in your favorite application, try and implement the best of all using the above-mentioned metrics.

The above-mentioned strategies can be used to brush up your user engagement and increase your user base.

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How Much Does It Cost To Make An App Like Digital Secure Fri, 03 Dec 2021 10:03:18 +0000 According to Statista, the worldwide spending on Cyber security apps reaches $60 billion in 2021 and show speedy growth in this industry. It is also claimed by researchers, the global digital security market will project to grow $458.98 billion in 2025. If you want to make an app like digital secure, you have to develop a strong strategy. […]

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According to Statista, the worldwide spending on Cyber security apps reaches $60 billion in 2021 and show speedy growth in this industry. It is also claimed by researchers, the global digital security market will project to grow $458.98 billion in 2025.

If you want to make an app like digital secure, you have to develop a strong strategy. For this, you need to dig into the customer preferences to build the one-stop suite security and privacy tool for your laptop and mobile devices. If you are wondering how much does it cost to make an app like digital secure, then let’s dig into this read!

Cost Division To Make An App Like Digital Secure

The estimated cost to make an app like digital secure starts from $30,000 to $120,000. However, the app development cost varies on its app development complexities, features, and functions. So, here is the detailed cost breakdown based on three app versions.

App Complexity App development time Estimated cost to make an app like digital secure
Basic Cost 2 to 3 months $30,000 – $45,000
Modern Version 4 to 6 months $50000 – $65000
Complex Version 7 to 9+ months $65000 – $130,000


Must-Have Features In an App like Digital Secure

The must-have features to integrate into App like Digital Secure;

  • Web Security
  • Anti-virus protection
  • App privacy
  • ID theft protection
  • VPN
  • System Check
  • Wi-Fi Security
  • Firewall

Phases & Cost To Make an App like Digital Secure

·       Research

You should ask developers to perform in-depth research and create a report to know about the competitors, resources, expertise, and tools. This cost includes $4000 – $8000.

·       UI and UX design

The UI and UX design play a significant role to attract customers, such as; minimalistic, graphics, stats, and colors. So, developing a user-friendly interface takes $20,000 to $35,000.

·       Payment integration

Make sure you add multiple payment integration methods for iOS and Android users. It takes 30h to build with estimates cost $1000.

Developer Team Cost To Make An App Like Digital Secure

To make an app like digital secure, hiring experienced developers, project managers, programmers, and designer are necessary. But the fact is the cost to develop an app like digital secure varies on different regions and their team member.

So, here you read the hourly cost as per the duties of app developer team members and regional rate.


Team Members

Canada Australia Middle East  North America
Developer $40 – $55 $60 – $80 $70 – $90 $75 – $105
Project manager $20 – $35 $40 – $55 $45 – $60 $90 – $110
Back-end developer $25 – $40 $25 – $30 $30 – $55 $50 – $70
Tester $25 – $35 $35 – $50 $35 – $55 $45 – $65
Designer $35 – $50 $90 – $120 $80 – $110 $95 – $130


The below graph shows the cost of hiring an app developer also varies from region to region.

Source: Business Of Apps

To Sum Up!

Once you plan to create a cybersecurity app, you need to face lots of challenges to develop the security firewall. Therefore, the expected cost to make an app like Digital secure for basic version $30,000 – $45,000, moderate version $50000 – $65000, and complex version $65000 – $130,000. If you want to receive the greatest possible cybersecurity app for your money, you should look into popular cybersecurity companies to locate the ideal match for you.

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How Much Does It Cost to Create an App Like Monday.Com? Wed, 01 Dec 2021 08:06:36 +0000 Mobile apps are the talk of the whole town these days. And there is no reason for them to not have everyone’s attention in today’s world. If you pay a little attention to mobile apps and their everyday usage, you will realize that there is not a single aspect of human life, which is not […]

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Mobile apps are the talk of the whole town these days. And there is no reason for them to not have everyone’s attention in today’s world. If you pay a little attention to mobile apps and their everyday usage, you will realize that there is not a single aspect of human life, which is not being catered to through mobile apps.

Whether you are talking about placing an order of goods in a bulk quantity from a b2b eCommerce app or placing an order for food from your favorite restaurant, everything is now available and doable easily and all you have to do is tap your smartphone screen a couple of times. And, voila! You have placed the order and made the purchase. Simply put, from extremely complicated mobile apps, which are integrated with even your car’s and your household appliances to simple and basic apps, which provide you with workout and exercising tips on your smartphone screen, everything is simply just a few taps away.

Keeping the above scenario in mind, you can easily understand why everyone around the world is talking about mobile apps. In addition to this, did you know that people are now using their smartphones more than ever? According to research, an average American is now using their smartphone for more than 4 hours a day. Another researched-based statistically analyzed report shows that by 2026, the number of smartphone users in the world will exceed over the 7.5 million figure.

Understanding the App

While the title of this particular blog is undoubted, “how does it cost to create an app like” But it is still a better idea to understand what is all about. Unless you understand the basics of the mobile app, then there is no way that you will be able to understand how it is priced either.

So, moving on to the basics of the app. app is basically a management operating system, concise and put together into a mobile app, making it much more user-friendly and hassle-free to allow small and medium-sized business owners, who are not tech-savvy, to keep a better grip on their organization’s management in the most effective manner.

The app has an amazing rating on G2 and its 4.6 stars rating is a clear indication of how amazing this app is for people, who want to manage their business operations smoothly and efficiently. This mobile app helps the users to plan, control, organize and manage all their organization’s work with just a few taps on their smartphones. Managing your teams and keeping track of the work has never been as easier as this. With real-time updates, one-click task management abilities, collaboration with the right people, and much more, the app is the ultimate management operating system for both, small businesses and even huge corporations.

Cost to Create an App Like Monday.Com

Moving onto the cost of creating an app like, the first thing that you need to understand about the cost to develop an app is that there are no fixed prices or costs to create or develop a mobile app.

While one mobile app may have a development cost of more than $50000, other mobile apps may as well be developed in $4000. There are some apps, their development costs even exceed $100k as well. So, what you need to comprehend here is that each mobile app’s cost of development varies. This variation is based on many factors such as the complexity of the mobile app, the hourly rates charged by the mobile app development team, and the features. In simple words, the development costs all come down to the client’s needs and requirements.

If the client wants their mobile app to be very high-end and have exceptional features, with in-app animations and the ability to get integrated with many other tools, then, of course, you are looking at a cost range of $20000 and $75000. However, if the mobile app is basic and the client does not require any of the above-mentioned integrations or exceptional features then the cost of developing a basic mobile app, ranges between $4000 and $10000.

Ways to Reduce the Mobile App Development Cost

Every client wishes to get an amazing mobile app developed at the least amount of cost. This is the basic desire of every entrepreneur, who wishes to develop a mobile app and use it for their business enhancement. Now, there are certain ways in which entrepreneurs ensure that the cost of development of their mobile app stays to a minimum.

  • Hiring freelancers allows small business owners to get their apps developed at lower costs.
  • Hiring off-shore companies, mainly from developing countries, because they usually charge less than the companies in the native countries.
  • Hiring inexperienced in-house developers.

Now, out of these 3 basic ways of reducing the cost of development of a mobile, the most viable way to do it is to hire a full-fledged mobile app development company from a developing country. See, hiring such professional companies in developing countries is a win-win situation for both the clients and the developing companies because the exchange rate makes it possible for off-shore companies to make a hefty profit and offer amazing services in the amount, which is usually quite less for clients, who are based in developed countries. Furthermore, hiring a full-fledged company also allows you to stay connected with a team of professional developers, which can allow the clients to mold the mobile app to their needs and requirements and not have to pay hefty development costs.

Benefits of Using App

  • Hassle-free team management.
  • Easy, efficient, and effective task management.
  • Regular updates in real-time.
  • Improved way of organizing and managing your team and their work.
  • Ability to sync and integrate the app with any and every tool to help you have a better grip on your organization’s task management.


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How Much Does the OpenTable App Cost Tue, 30 Nov 2021 12:27:42 +0000 The restaurant industry may not completely switch to an online existence, but they must have to digitize their services. According to the research, it has been revealed that 47% of restaurant consumers say online reservations in a restaurant are easier than the other ways. Moreover, as per the research, 45% of diners are likely to go out multiple […]

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The restaurant industry may not completely switch to an online existence, but they must have to digitize their services. According to the research, it has been revealed that 47% of restaurant consumers say online reservations in a restaurant are easier than the other ways.

Moreover, as per the research, 45% of diners are likely to go out multiple times to eat and about 20% of them want to go to a restaurant once a week. So, developing the OpenTable restaurant app is essential these days. According to Statista, about 34% of customers want to order food online and spend $50 when ordering food online.

Cost Breakdown For OpenTable App

Once you decide to develop the OpenTable App and wonder how much does the OpenTable app cost. Then, there are lots of factors you need to consider. The factors that affect app development cost include the app development time, its complexities, and the hourly rate. However, the cost of an OpenTable app range from 27,000 to 675,000. But sometimes they vary on different app versions that mentioned below;

  • Simple Version
  • Advance Version
  • Complex Version
App versions  

Time to develop an app


Hourly rate Cost to develop OpenTable app
To develop simple app 400 to 600 hours $45 $18,000 to $27,000
To develop advance app 600 to 800 hours $55 $33,000 to $44,000
To develop complex app 900 to 1600 hours $75 $67500 to 120,000


Cost To Develop An Opentable App By Location & Hourly Rate

The cost to make an OpenTable app depends on the team you hire and location. If you want to build the OpenTable app, there are lots of factors to consider, such as; app for iOS and Android, a backend specialist, etc.

However, below the chart shows how app development cost varies in different regions.

cost varies in different regions

Source: Statista

Every developer asked for different prices, and it varies from region to region.

Source: Business of Apps


Region Hourly rate/$
India 20 to 40
Eastern Europe 35 to 55
Wester Europe 75 to 100
Australia 110 to 130
United States 130 to 150
United Kingdom 100 to 135

Cost To Develop Important Features Of OpenTable App

·       Customer Panel

This is the most important feature that users used to check the menu of different restaurants and avail discounts. The cost to develop a customer panel for the OpenTable app ranges from $4500 to $16000..

·       Courier Panel

This panel needs to be simple to use, so delivery boys accept the quotation. It also shows the performance of the delivery boy. Its cost varies from $5000 to $8000.

·       Restaurant Panel

Every restaurant needs a profile to show their product and offers deals and discounts, so the cost of the restaurant panel for the OpenTable app ranges from $6000 to $18000.

·       Amin Panel

This panel includes all the elements to monitor everything. It gives real-time management and checks on the number of orders booked to operate the business smoothly. The cost to develop an admin panel for the OpenTable app is between $18,000 to $30,000.

On The Whole

To make a flawless app, you need to consider the basic functionalities to develop the perfect restaurant reservation app.

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How Much Does It Cost To Create An App Like Workday Tue, 30 Nov 2021 12:01:34 +0000 The COVID-19 also gives a boost to e-signature apps. According to stats, the use of e-signature apps is increasing and is expected to hit the market value of $9,073.1 million by 2023. Companies that adopt e-signature business may reduce the handling of paper management and reduce the expense as well. This becomes the reason 55% to 79% of […]

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The COVID-19 also gives a boost to e-signature apps. According to stats, the use of e-signature apps is increasing and is expected to hit the market value of $9,073.1 million by 2023. Companies that adopt e-signature business may reduce the handling of paper management and reduce the expense as well. This becomes the reason 55% to 79% of the company’s savings are shifting towards the e-signature app.

If you create an e-signature app such as workday, it helps to cut down the document handling cost by about 85%. Developing a workday app for your business offers lots of benefits, as it improves work efficiency, increases productivity, and boosts employees engagement. Not only this, but it also helps to manage the financial and HR functions efficiently.

If you decide to develop the workday app, but wondering how much does it cost to make a workday app. So, let’s get into this blog to learn about the cost breakdown to develop this app.

Cost To Make A Workday App For Different Versions

Different apps have different development costs that are associated with several factors such as location, developer cost, app complexity, etc. For example, if you want to develop the workday app, so you have to comprehend each state has a different economy, which is why the hourly rate of app development cost varies in different countries of the world.

Cost To Make A Workday App For Different Versions

Source: Business Of Apps

The cost of app development also varies according to the highest-paying cities.

1.  Cost To Make A Simple Version Of Workday App

The cost usually varies on different kinds of functionalities you want to add to your app. Suppose you want to make your app simple and easy to use without any API integrations, so below you read the cost breakdown structure for a simple version of the workday app.


  For Basic Version    
Development time Middle east South America North America
500 hours $80 per hour $118 per hour $150 per hour
Total cost $40,000 $59,000 $75,000


2.  Cost To Make A Medium Version Of Workday App

To make your work more effective and efficient many organizations are looking for the medium version of the workday app. In this version, you have a user interface with different adaptations, such as API interaction, tablet adaptation, and payment functions, etc. You can even integrate backend functionalities in this version. So, here is the cost breakdown for a medium version of the workday app.

  For Medium Version    
Development time Middle east South America  North America
600 to 800 hours $80 per hour $118 per hour $150 per hour
Total cost $48,000 – $64,000 $70,800 – $94,400 $90,000 – $120,000

3.  Cost To Make A Complex Version Of Workday App

If you want to get the complete version of a workday app that offers amazing functionalities and features, then you have to pay a huge amount for the bigger challenges. Below you read the cost breakdown chart for a workday app.

  For Complex Version    
Development time Middle east South America North America
900 to 1800 hours $80 per hour $118 per hour $150 per hour
Total cost $72,000 –$ 144,000 $106200 – $212400 $135,000 – $270,000


Cost To Develop Basic Features In Workday App

1.      Reporting Dashboard

In a workday app, a dashboard is one of the important features. That gives accessibility to check the company’s visual performance. It provides visual charts and graphs to check the company’s performance.

2.     Organization Chart

Organization Chart

This is the representation or a chart that conveys the internal structure of a company in detail. For example, the roles, relationships, and responsibilities between persons. It shows the graphical relation between one person to another.

3.     Coworker Profile

This feature includes the metrics of employees working in an individual team. It allows employees to check in and out, submit the task, browses the important updates.

4.     Watchlist 

The watchlist feature provides an easy to manage tasks, review the team performance, and give feedback about performance. It sends reminders and notifications alerts that require more attention

5.     Real Time Management

It is essential to secure your data at your fingertips and take immediate action in order to maintain a good relationship with your employees. It allows you to stay up-to-date and get a quick insight into employee performance.

6.     View Payment Statement

For employees, it is essential to overview the payment system gradually and have authorized access to work efficiently.


Basic features Timeline Estimated cost
Reporting Dashboard 45h $2,000 – $2500
Organization chart 70h $15,000 – $25,000
Coworker profile 40h $3,000 – $7,000
Watchlist  25h $1,500 – $2,000
Real time management 35h $10,000 – $15,000
Payment dashboard  30h $1,700 – $2,000


Benefits To Develop The Workday App

To deal efficiently with your teammates, everybody prefers convenience. However, “Convivence is the for most people to increase the productivity.” The apps allow you to access different sorts of data directly from your phone. So, in this digital age, you have the authority to work remotely and by integrating the workday app.

If you want to know, why do you need to use the workday app? Then, read the points discussed below;

  1. It helps to heighten your work security
  2. It helps to manage the work efficiently
  3. It helps to track your workflow
  4. It helps to improve client experience
  5. It helps to increase collaboration with employees
  6. It is a cost-saving tool
  7. It is easy to use across countries
  8. It helps to increase the work productivity

The Total Cost to develop the Workday App

If you want to conduct your business efficiently, you may understand that how much it is important to create a workday app. The total cost of the workday app varies as the app complexities. The estimated cost for the basic version starts from $40,000 – $270,000. It is also affected by regions and per-hour rate charges.

How much does it cost to make a workday app?

The cost to make a workday app range as per the features you want to integrate. For basic version $40,000 – $7500. For modern version $48,000 – $120,000. For complex version $72,000 – $270,000.

Is It worth using a workday app for your business? 

Yes, it is because this helps to improve your business operational activities and improve work productivity.

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How Much Does It Cost to Make an App Like Instacart? Tue, 30 Nov 2021 08:03:29 +0000 Mobile apps are all the rage nowadays and people have been talking about the left and right. And, why wouldn’t they? Just thinking about mobile apps can make you want to use them for one reason or the other. These days, people are using mobile apps to solve all kinds of problems. From taking pictures […]

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Mobile apps are all the rage nowadays and people have been talking about the left and right. And, why wouldn’t they? Just thinking about mobile apps can make you want to use them for one reason or the other. These days, people are using mobile apps to solve all kinds of problems. From taking pictures and using various filters to have much more fun-filled picture-taking experiences to ordering food and literally buying anything you want online; mobile apps have changed the way society works.

Needless to say, people cannot even think of living a life without this technology anymore. Now, with all the rage magnetically pulling towards mobile app development, this industry’s growth has skyrocketed, unlike any other industry that comes to mind. According to a research report, the annual downloads of mobile apps in the year 2020 went up to 218 billion dollars, which was reported to have increased by at least 7 percent from the previous year.

But why are people and companies so much increasingly interested in developing and using mobile apps? There must be some major reasons behind it, don’t you think so? Well, there are various reasons for this emerging trend. Here are some benefits of developing mobile apps and using them.

Defining the InstaCart App

See, before delving into the costs and prices of how much does it cost to make an app like InstaCart, we must first ensure what this mobile app is all about. What does it do? How is it creating value for its users?

So, to put it into simple words, InstaCart is an online grocery shopping mobile app, which allows you to shop for groceries online, through a mobile app. With this said, the question about how this mobile app is creating value for users needs to be answered as well.

See, think of yourself as someone, who just got home after a long day of work and you are tired to the extent of not wanting to do anything except for changing into your most comfortable clothes and jump onto your couch and enjoy your favorite show on T.V for the rest of the time until you go to sleep. Now, imagine yourself finding out that you have forgotten to bring home the groceries on your way back home. Think about the feeling you will be going through at that point in time. You are tired and do not feel like going out to buy groceries, that’s the last thought on your mind at that particular moment. However, you need groceries nonetheless. So, what will you do?

It’s simple, you will pull your phone out and buy everything you need from the InstaCart app and have everything delivered to your doorstep in about thirty minutes. Now, considering everything stated above, don’t you think that this app is offering you value? From where I am standing, I think there is nothing more valuable than this. This app is more like a blessing for all those tired working professionals, who wish to have some peaceful time when they get back home, don’t you think so too?

The Cost to Develop an App like InstaCart

The cost to develop a mobile is something, which cannot be pinpointed at one particular figure. See, if you think about developing a mobile app, then there are many factors in the development of a mobile app, which can make the cost of development vary from one figure to another. There are mobile apps, basic apps, for which the development process is not complicated, such mobile apps can be developed in a range between $4000 and $6000 as well. However, the more complicated the development process of a mobile app is, the more it will cost.

Now, as far as how much does it cost to develop an app like InstaCart is concerned, then here are certain aspects, which you may have considered to realize the true cost of developing the app itself. Keep in mind, these costs are simply estimates and they do not reflect the true cost of development of any mobile app because every mobile app is developed according to the client’s needs and requirements. Again, if the client’s needs and requirements are something, which requires the mobile app’s development process to be more complex, then the cost of development may increase. If you want to know about an estimated ballpark figure for the development cost of an app like InstaCart then the cost may range somewhere between the range of $10000 and $35000.

Again, these costs may vary depending on the client’s wishes, requirements, and the complexity of the development process. Normally, the more complex the features of the mobile app are, the higher becomes the cost of development.

See, there is another factor involved in the cost of developing an app like InstaCart, which is the team you need to hire to get the app developed. Usually, these are the professionals, you may need to develop a mobile app like InstaCart or any other mobile app for that matter:

  • Project manager
  • Frontend developers (at least 2)
  • UI/UX Designers (at least 2)
  • Backend developer
  • QA Specialist (at least 2)

Now, the most important thing, which you need to consider here is that if you hire these professionals somewhere in the US market or anywhere from the western region, the cost may be higher to develop a mobile app because the hourly rate is higher. However, is you hire the same team of professionals from India or outsource the work to other developing countries then this cost may be quite less.

Benefits of Mobile Apps for Users

  • Everything is easier to do using mobile apps.
  • Using Mobile apps helps in saving time.
  • Mobile apps offer valuable services and solve various problems.
  • Everything is available at a couple of taps on your smartphone screen.
  • A great source of entertainment.
  • Mobile apps are quite affordable to use.
  • You can provide feedback and reviews about the mobile apps your use and help make them better.
  • Easy to use and offer a better user experience than browsing the web.

Benefits of Mobile Apps for Developers & Companies

  • Apps can help businesses to keep their audience engaged.
  • You can offer value to your users or audience.
  • Apps can help in building a powerful brand image.
  • Mobile apps can help you in staying connected with the audience.
  • Mobile apps are excellent marketing tools.
  • A great way to gather customer insights and feedback.
  • They can offer your business organization a competitive advantage.

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How Much Does It Cost To Create An App Like Docusign Mon, 29 Nov 2021 13:30:13 +0000 As you know, the global pandemic forced industries to transform their traditional business store into digital platforms. It becomes a great challenge to deal with rapid changes in business operation activities. During the COVID-19 lockdown, businesses are looking for the best digital solution to perform their work easily. That’s the reason the demand for e-signature […]

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As you know, the global pandemic forced industries to transform their traditional business store into digital platforms. It becomes a great challenge to deal with rapid changes in business operation activities.

During the COVID-19 lockdown, businesses are looking for the best digital solution to perform their work easily. That’s the reason the demand for e-signature apps has been increased. And, DocuSign app is the most popular one that allows users to sign documents at any time and anywhere. It also empowers others to share the document and manage files from mobile devices.

The boom in e-signature apps is never going to stop and North America becomes the largest e-signature market valued at $440 million in 2019.

Source: Business fortune insights

According to the markets and markets report, the digital signature market size reached $2.8 billion in 2020. And, it is expected this market will grow by $14.1 billion by 2026.

DocuSign helps enterprises to improve their operational activities. If you are wondering about how much does it cost to create an app like DocuSign, so let’s read the blog.

Cost to make a DocuSign app

The app development cost depends on a lot of factors, but the average cost to make a DocuSign ranges from $25,000 to $75,000. It simply depends on the complexity, hours, and demand of the app developer. If you are hiring an experienced app developer, it charges more than a new one.

Let’s dive into it to learn about the basic cost breakdown factors to make a DocuSign app

  • For a simple version
  • For moderate version
  • For complex version


Description Time duration Cost to make a DocuSign app
For simple version 3 to 5 months $25000 to $40000
For moderate version 6 to 8 months $40000 to $60000
For complex version More than 9 months $60000 to $75000


It is not hidden that app development costs are also varying in regional areas, so let’s have a look at it.

Regional basis Android




Australia $92 $92
North America $150 $150
South America $37 $43
Eastern Europe $60 $60
Western Europe $70 $85
India $27 %26
Indonesia $35 $35


Hidden Cost Factors To Make A DocuSign App Development

There are several hidden features that also effects the cost. If you want to make an effective app consider these features as well. Below you will read the list of features.

1. Functional cost

It is the fees of third-party integrations such as push notifications, geolocation, and payment gateways.

2.  The platform on which app runs

The cost of app developments also depends on the platform you will run such as a Hybrid or native platform.

3.  Infrastructural cost

This cost includes payment for CDN, integrations, and servers, etc.

4.  Support charges

It is the additional charges you can use to fix bugs, future improvements, and application updates.

Benefits of Using DocuSign

The shift of e-signature apps has offers numerous advantages to businesses. They do not only enhance the customer experience but save time and money as well. Bear in mind, the integration in e-signature apps such as DocuSign has a chance to make things easier and efficient. Moreover, you have an opportunity to re-evaluate your business value.

If you are still pondering, why do you need the DocuSign app, then let’s get into this read!

1.     Helps to speed up things

The process of using hand-written papers is quite tedious. For this, you have to go for a long process such as printing, documenting, courier, scanning, etc. But, with digital documents, you can save yourself from such kind of hassle.

It will allow you to get sign in the document in a few minutes. It increases the contract speed and provides you the edge you want, and helps to improve working criteria. Moreover, it gives your business feasibility and flexibility to forecast your project completions.

2.     Increase productivity

This is not hidden when your process gets automated, it increases productivity. In order to improve the productivity, DocuSign app likes a piece of cake. This electronic signature app allows you to create personalized and business plans.

The DocuSign app is easy and convenient to use. You can create a customized signature on your device directly. It allows you to share and manage the files for your phone.

3.     Improves employee experience

Whenever your employees found ease, it will help them to improve their experience. Hand-written documents are a kind of repetitive thing that decreases the employee’s productivity and experience.

If you integrate the DocuSign app into your business, it will allow your employees to focus on complex tasks instead of repetitive and routine tasks. It is an excellent solution to overcome inconsistencies and inaccuracies.

4.     Increases security

At the time of handling official documents, it sounds like a stressful thing to do. You have to ensure that the documents must reach the right person. With hand-written documents, there are probabilities of your documents being misplaced, tampered with, and stolen.

Switching to e-signature apps aids you to sign with your documents and share with the right person without hassle. The e-signature apps ensure the complete security of your data. Moreover, it helps you to track your transactions.

5.     Minimize operational expenses

Businesses always look forward to the elements that help to reduce the cost and maximize the benefits. Choosing the DocuSign app will cut down the unnecessary cost of papers, pens, printings, and xeroxing.

E-signature apps may reduce the paperwork and other material. So, automating sites like DocuSign are an easy way to reduce operational cost and boost ROI. It is the best way to manage your finances and earn a high profit.

6.     Easy to trach workflow

When you send a hand-written document through a courier, do you track your workflows easily? More probably, your answer is no. The e-signature apps help to track your workflow and enable you to track status with just a few clicks.

Switching to e-signature apps is the most valuable thing today. It helps to move towards your aim and objective.

On the whole

For businesses, e-signature apps are essential to run their business significantly. However, these apps help to increase productivity and generate high revenue.

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How Much Does It Cost to Build a CRM Application System? Mon, 15 Nov 2021 10:07:05 +0000 CRM is the acronym for Customer Relationship Management. It refers to all the techniques, tools and strategies involved in developing, acquiring and retaining customers for enterprises. When you hear about CRM the first thing that pops up in your mind is the high-functionality product like Salesforce. Currently, Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics and SAP are the three […]

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CRM is the acronym for Customer Relationship Management. It refers to all the techniques, tools and strategies involved in developing, acquiring and retaining customers for enterprises.

When you hear about CRM the first thing that pops up in your mind is the high-functionality product like Salesforce. Currently, Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics and SAP are the three leading CRMs in the market. These are enterprise CRM that comes with tons of benefits and attributes, power striking business to attain the highest rank in the industry.

So, here we are going to discover all about CRM app, from their functionality, features to the total cost to create one. Let’s begin.

How Does CRM Work?

The CRM accompanies three different ways to operate, here are those mentioned below:

CRM Solution

It includes the functionality allowing users to keep a track of the clients and company interactions using multiple available channels like sales emails and phone calls.

CRM Software

It includes tools and features that facilitate the sales and marketing teams to operate business operations including marketing qualified leads, marketing funnel, deal closure, opportunity management, and forecasting. Moreover, the customer support professionals are able to cater for clients through automating service operations that are based on pre-defined processes ensuring promising customer care.

CRM Systems

These systems are integrated with cutting edge tracking tools to record customer interactions. It helps in handling routine processes thereby letting managers leverage tools that add up to more productivity. The main features include reminders, automate reports, backup facilities and emailing. You can make actionable plans efficiently.

Types of CRM Software & Their Uses

Every company requires a different CRM based on its niche and basic needs. CRMs can be customized but to that, you need to know to learn about the different CRM types and their uses.

Operational CRMs

Operational CRMs

Operation CRMs are designed to facilitate customer support and sales departments with features to handle clientele efficiently. The features can help in automation with respect to three main categories:

  • Marketing Automation
  • Service Automation
  • Sales Automation

For instance: you can use tools like Outreach to navigate the incoming leads to your CRM. They can be further divided into the dashboard of different departments to be evaluated by the respective professionals.

Analytical CRMs

Analytical CRMs

Source: ZOHO

Where operational CRMs help in navigating clients to the sales funnel the analytical CRM let marketers understand them closely. The components of data mining, contact information and other details gathered helped in defining the customer behavior and activities. This lets the strategy makers more defined decisions. They get to know about customer preferences and points of contact.

Communicational CRM

One type of CRM software that is growing in popularity is communicational CRM. This type of CRM is specifically designed to improve communication between businesses and their customers or clients. It typically includes features such as email and messaging integrations, customer contact management, team messaging, sales bots, and sales pipeline automation to streamline the communication process.

A communicational CRM like Kommo can help improve customer satisfaction and engagement, making it a valuable investment for businesses looking to invest in a CRM system. So, you can build a CRM or subscribe to a pre-built, widely used one as an effective business communication aid.

Collaborative CRMs

Collaborative CRMs

Source: Pipedrive

Collaborative CRMs help in handling operational hassles. These CRMs provide tools to connect the different departments in your firm to handle a single customer. In this way, it eases communication and reporting. It brings all the different department to a single dashboard and facilitate customer care. Whereas the operational CRM only work on the sales and marketing side.

Strategic CRMs

If your business revolves on a long-term relationship with your customers, it’s best to go for the strategic CRM. The CRM lets you dive into the customer behavior and preferences giving you insights about how to build a strong bond with your clientele and to take measures that can ensure greater lead generations and conversions.

Campaign Management CRMs

Campaign management CRMs are a kind of a fine blend of the two former mentioned types of CRMs- operational CRMs and Analytical CRMs. The CRM application features help marketers collect customer insights to create and run sales strategies and marketing campaigns. You can integrate Mailchimp as a tool to seek insights from the contact information to create more targeted marketing campaigns. You can also integrate email verifier API into your CRM software in USA to check the validity of email addresses before running any marketing campaigns․

Core Features of a CRM System

Core Features of a CRM System

CRM software have turned into the core of every business, making them succeed at double the pace with added efficiency. As per the stats presented by Buyer Zone, more than 91% companies having as low as 11 employees also prefer using a CRM. Here is the Nucleus Research Report showing how companies with a CRM has achieved 65% sales quotas.

To make your CRM well across every department and avenues of your business, you need to get it equipped with the right features. So, check out the different features you need to have in your CRM.

CRM Features for Sales Teams

It’s a dire need to automate your CRM for the sales team to make your professionals handle orders and customers more effectively. You can tap into avenues to generate more prospective leads and clients. Here are the important features to add:

Detailed Sales Analytics

Detailed Sales Analytics

Sales representatives require configurable dashboards and graphs to showcase their daily updates. With Salesforce and Google Analytics integration you can keep track of your marketing efforts effectively. Instead of manually creating one, the CRM with sales analytics features can facilitate them. They can get automated reports and graphs to keep a record of their daily performance and client’s details. They can get spreadsheets and other external databases.

Account & Lead Management

Every CRM has the basic built-in feature of handling accounts and leads. Sales professionals create logs of clients and add their details in separate categories. The CRM provides all the details related to every customer. You can even view clients reviews and shopping activities. This help in creating better customer engagement strategies.

Sales Forecasting & Planning

The CRM should have features to cover sales forecasting tools. It should have advanced calendars that let the managers create new objectives, refined strategies, notes, detailed plans and even assign different job roles to professionals.

CRM Features for Customer Support

The automated CRM for customer support ensures to cover every facet of customer interaction and care.

Self-Service Articles

Whether in the form of FAQs or self-help blogs, the customer support agents get to create a knowledge base for the customers to seek help from the content.

Agent Console & Help Desk

No matter where the query arrives, the customer care representative gets to view everything from a centralized window in their customer support system. In this way, they can prioritize the queries based on the context and address them one after the other without ignoring any platform.

Service Analytics

The automated records should be generated in the service analytics where agents can view the descriptions of the customers and their query along with the status of the ticket.

CRM Features for Marketers

With the help of automated CRM, marketers can create an event-based marketing plan for their products and services. They can plan ahead and create different schedules as a sort of milestone for the campaigns. The CRM will automatically handle the campaigns and remind the authoritative people beforehand.

Customer Segmentation

The most important step is to segment your customers. With the help of CRM, marketers can easily classify their clients dividing them into the most to least profitable groups. It helps in creating targeted marketing campaigns as well.

Marketing Campaign Automation

Marketing Campaign Automation

With a centralized system working in the firm, management becomes simpler. Using the CRM, the marketers can not only create the new event post but can attach spreadsheets and other financial reports to showcase the complete overview to the post and planning.

Marketing Analytics

Marketing Analytics

Marketing analysis gives detailed, real-time insights as to which campaign is performing the best. It lets the marketers keep an eye on the performance of each campaign and the return they are generating. From customer count to campaign reach, you can view it all.

Cost to Build CRM Software

If you look around to get help from a leading POS integration service provider you will find the average integration cost to be around $12 per user, per month for small enterprises going all the way up to $300 per user, per month.

Average CRM Software Development Cost

The average cost to build a CRM is around $17,000.  It will have all the basic features including customer management tools and sales analytics. Note that the cost is not fixed it may vary based on company to company. There will be basic features in it that can help you company streamline basic operations.

Custom CRM App Development Cost

If you own a large-scale business or have a complex business model, it’s best to go with custom CRM development where the starting cost is around $94,000 and it goes all the way to $696,000. The customized CRM will have all your desired features and tools that will cover the business operations and give you ease in functionality, operational activities and managerial hassles.

Sales Module Cost

Here is the sales module cost for your CRM. For small scale businesses the total cost for the sales module is around an average of $40,000 whereas for the enterprise level is around an average of $80,000.

CRM Features Small Scale Business Enterprise Level
Sales Analytics $8,000 9,000
Account & Lead Management $36,000 $39,600
Sales Forecasting & Planning $8,100 11,700


Marketing Module Cost

The marketing module cost of your CRM for a small-scale business is around $8000 whereas for the enterprise-level its around $14,000.

CRM Features Small Scale Business Enterprise Level
Customer Segmentation $8000 $10,000
Marketing Campaign Automation $9000 $11,000
Marketing Analytics $8000 $12,000


Support Module Cost

The cost to add support module in your small-scale CRM is around an average of $25,000 whereas for the enterprise level the amount goes up to an average of $32,000.

CRM Features Small Scale Business Enterprise Level
Self-Service Articles $5,400 $7000
Agent Console & Help Desk $25,000 $32,000
Service Analytics $8,000 $9,000


Additional Expenses

Additional expenses may include implementation and deployment that revolves around $6000 for a small-scale business and around &8000 for an enterprise level.


The pre-development phase includes planning, analytics, research and discussion. The scope is written and the interface is discussed and all the technicalities are finalized. The average cost for a small-scale business is around $3000 whereas for a large-scale business it’s around $5000.

Staff Training

Staff training mainly revolves around giving demonstrations as to how to use the CRM and what are the efficient ways to make it work. The average cost for small scale businesses is around $2000 whereas for large scale companies it’s around $4000.

Technical Support

Whatever technical support you want after the deployment of your CRM will be handled by your firm. The average estimated cost for a small-scale business is around $1500 per month. However, for a large-scale unit it’s around $3000 per month.

Top Recommendation to Develop a Cutting-Edge CRM in 2021

CRM is getting more competitive with every company developing its finest version. It’s high time you get updated with innovative aspects to integrating into its functionality. So, here are some top recommendations for your CRM.

Improvised Customer Care

Forrester research shows customers are more willing to try new brands and their products. With CRM, it’s far easier to convert new leads along with retaining existing customers. Moreover, if you focus on retaining customers it can be 500% more cost-effective than converting a new lead, according to Qualtrics.

You need to build a CRM that facilitates customers more and keep them engaged in your store. There are two drivers to ensure a guaranteed sale; convenience and competition. You need to make sure that your firm is the easiest and simplest to do business with, in order to win the battle.

CRM Software as a Service

SaaS solutions come with multiple benefits and aids companies with a cost-effective approach. It can contribute to the enhanced success of the business model. So, if you want your CRM to benefit multiple companies in providing personalized services to their clientele you must give it out as a Software as a Service product. It ensures customers access your company’s CRM from any device they use. It can reduce subscription fees for users as well. Moreover, CRM software can easily gather feedback about usability from your clients. CRM help in efficiently deploying and updating the functionality along with providing the same interface and model to all the clients.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

As per the 2020 State of Marketing report indicates a huge leap by using AI in marketing:

Source: Salesforce

Moreover, the Grand View Research shows that AI in marketing is going to be worth around $734 billion by 2027. With the integration of AI in CRM, marketers can better understand what their customers want, need and prefer. They can read the customer behavior more carefully and based on the insights can create result-oriented campaigns. Furthermore, AI facilitates automation. It’s one biggest advantages of AI. You do not have to get involved in the mundane task and save time on the return of added efficiency.


The need to practice Mobility was awakened after the pandemic hit the world as the workforce got scattered facing troubles in using even the basic tools and systems. During this time, CRM with integrated mobility features comes as a savior. It propelled brands to further up the ladders of success adding convenience and connectivity among the workforce. Mobility comes with great benefits. It adds security features in the CRM along with making the interface intuitive. Above all, with mobility sales professionals can make online to offline transitions to communicate with one another.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

How much does it cost to set up a CRM System App?

The basic cost to set up a CRM is a minimum of $2000. However, for complex functionality, the cost may go up to $20,000.

How long does it take to develop CRM Software?

The basic cost to develop a CRM for about 50-100 users, having a reasonably strategic approach for a mid-sized firm can take around 11 months. This covers the pre-development phase, development journey, deployment & training.

How much does it cost to develop an enterprise-level CRM with 100+ users?

The average cost bracket to develop a CRM for an enterprise-level with 100+ users is between $150,000 to $350,000.

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How To Make An App For Delivery Service & How Much Does it Cost? Mon, 15 Nov 2021 10:04:03 +0000 Delivery services have been growing for the past few years. In the past year, because of how badly the COVID-19 pandemic has hit us, we have seen a boom in the use of delivery apps. People have been forced to stay home and quarantine as a safety measure. Therefore, delivery apps have made a lot […]

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Delivery services have been growing for the past few years. In the past year, because of how badly the COVID-19 pandemic has hit us, we have seen a boom in the use of delivery apps. People have been forced to stay home and quarantine as a safety measure. Therefore, delivery apps have made a lot of profit. So, creating a delivery app right now seems like the best move!

There are so many apps out there that could seem like your competition. Because these apps are already successful and well-established, it could seem daunting to you. So, these are three-pointers that we believe could help you make your app successful:

  1. Having management experience in the hospitality industry can be of great advantage. In particular, if you have worked with a delivery system before for a restaurant, it can work in your favor. For example, it will be easier to create an app if you already know how the delivery process works.
  2. Providing your app to people in areas such apps aren’t available in is a significant market opportunity.
  3. A common strategy amongst these app developers is to build an app and when it gains popularity and establishes its place in the market, sell it. This is a significant financial move.

There is so many fish in the sea. Therefore, it is your job to make your app stand out. Find a unique quality that would make your app stand out in front of everyone else’s. To make this happen, you must read through the rest of this blog carefully. We are here to help you create a success story out of your delivery app.

What Are the Key Features of a Delivery App?

What Are the Key Features of a Delivery App

There are three main stakeholders when it comes to a delivery app. You must make sure to keep all three in mind and create products for each of them.

  • A customer application is essential. All the orders will be made through this.
  • An admin panel where you can manage all the requests is highly imperative.
  • Lastly, a courier app is needed as well. This is mainly for the delivery person and to make his/her job more manageable.

These three applications are vital for a delivery app, especially since these are three key points that will lead you to success. Each of these has different functions and needs, such as:

  • The app should provide customers with fast and easy access to menus of the restaurants nearby.
  • Couriers or delivery persons have the ability to makes deliveries easily. This is because of the built-in GPS in the app. It shows them the way to the pickup and drop off locations.
  • Managers in restaurants can go through the orders in an organized manner. This helps them prepare meals on time and give the customer an ETA on when their food will be ready. They can also read the reviews customers leave them and find out where they need to improve.

Now that we have established the essential functions of each of the three applications of a delivery app, let’s take a closer look at each one of them.

Customer Version

The reason why your customers open your app is to see the restaurants nearby and what to eat. This is where two of the most critical factors come in. Firstly, you must provide them with the option of finding near-located eateries. Secondly, please provide them with detailed information about each restaurant, such as the menu, prices, special offers, and reviews.

Adding a searching feature will make your app even more attractive. Customers can search for the restaurants by their names, address, or by the dishes. For instance, your customer may use your app to order a beef burger but not from a specific restaurant. The search option can provide them with multiple options they could browse through.

Place an Order

The next step after a customer has decided on what to order is placing said order. Make sure to provide an add-to-cart option to the users. This option is best placed where the user’s thumb can reach easily.

Also, make the summary of the order available to them before confirmation. This is an essential feature as customers can cancel orders if something goes wrong or change their minds.

Lastly, an added feature you could provide them with is the option of choosing the delivery time – as soon as possible or at an appointed time later.

Location of the User

The main idea behind a delivery app is to deliver food to people no matter where they are located. They could be at home, at their office, or in the middle of a picnic at the park. Therefore, asking them for their drop location by writing their address or pinning it on the map is an important feature.

In addition, make a time-tracking option available for the customer’s meals, and your app is instantly more appealing to them.


This is a feature customers may not be fond of, but it one of the most vital steps. The in-app payments should be fast, secure, and easy. Furthermore, provide the customers with multiple ways to make payments such as credit or debit card, cash on delivery, PayPal, or Netbanking.

Rate and Review the Restaurants

The last step in the app’s customer version is to leave a rating and reviews for the restaurants. Once the food has been delivered, customers should have the option to leave feedback and rate the restaurant’s performance. This helps other users decide whether they want to order from the specific eatery or not. In addition, after the restaurant survey, they can see where they need to make improvements.

The Last Step: Registration and Editing

To create a stronger bond with your customers, provide them with the possibility to log in without losing their custom settings. By doing so, customers can keep a log of all their previous orders and payments they have made. Also, you can give the customers customized suggestions as well.

Make sure the registration process is short and to the point. Allow the customers the possibility to log in via their Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram accounts as well.

Added Features

  • Wish and favorites lists
  • History of orders
  • Push notifications
  • Social media shares

Courier Version

Courier Version

Although the app for couriers isn’t as functional as the customer’s, it must have all the necessary features. Let’s take a look at them:


Identification of the couriers is highly important. Their registration process could be the same as the customer’s: via mobile number, email, or social network account and filling out the necessary details.

Although we recommend not to make the registration process mandatory for customers, it is a must-do step for couriers. Through this step, the couriers can be validated and be able to earn properly through your app.

Managing the Orders

After logging in, the courier should be able to browse through the list of orders available. After checking out the details such as size, pickup, and drop off location, and other specifications, the courier should confirm the delivery requests according to the appropriate ETA.

Status and Update

Once the order has been accepted, the courier must give the customers a status on the delivery. These three statuses are a must:

  1. Accepted or Rejected
  2. Picked up
  3. Delivered

Finally, once the order has been delivered, the courier gets a confirmation from the customer. After this, the delivery person receives a payment through the option the customer has chosen, i.e., via bank transfer or cash in hand.

Added Features

There are a few extra features that could improve the courier version of the app. While they are not necessary, adding them could be beneficial to the couriers. We have put together three features we think could be added features:

  1. In-app tracking of the order from the pick up to the delivery point
  2. Push notifications
  3. Booking history and checking out inside the app

Admin Panel

Admin Panel

The Admin Panel is a web-based app to manage all processes such as accepting orders, editing information, setting prices, and managing courier and customer bases. This is the most important for business owners.

This version of the app is the most vital for restaurant managers. So, let’s take a look at how it works!


This is a common feature across all the versions of the delivery app.

To be able to make their restaurant available on the app, creating an account is essential. The restaurants can do so by using their email and creating a username and password.

Assigning Orders

If the model of your delivery app requires restaurants to assign orders to couriers manually, the admin panel is there to help them with this. This feature is needed when the restaurant relies on its own delivery staff, and the manager assigns them tasks.

Content Management

Every restaurant wants loyal customers who are here to stay. By offering them the proper UX, you could make sure of this. The restaurant could achieve this by:

  • Making information about the restaurant available such as name, contact information, address, working hours, ratings, and reviews, etc.
  • Adding photos of their products
  • Managing menus such as adding or deleting items, changing prices and descriptions

You must make sure the restaurant managers have all the necessary tools to edit and make changes to their content.

Managing the Orders

After the restaurant receives its first order, these are the features it needs to manage it:

  • Detailed information about the order such as the name of the customer, location, and what they have ordered
  • Provide the restaurant with the ability to update the customers about the status of the order. They should be able to send the customers confirmation of when the order has been accepted and to the driver about when he/she can pick it up
  • Give the restaurant access to the list of the current orders

All of these steps make sure the order is processed and sent to the customers without any hassles.

Added Features

Your Admin Panel could include some extra features that would be beneficial to the restaurant managers, such as:

  • Push notifications sent to the customers to interact with them more
  • Financial accounting to set prices and control your finances
  • Loyalty campaigns through which you could create vouchers and sales. You could offer customers special discounts
  • Analytics to have an overall view of how your business is doing and collect data on its performance

These are the three different versions of the app, which are a must to lead your delivery app to success. Now that we have established all the essential features of each of them let’s take a look into how much it would cost you.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Delivery App?

There are three different essential steps to developing a delivery app:

  1. Development
  2. Design
  3. Back-end

The customer and courier versions of the app are mobile developments. They have a few similar features such as registration, booking or order history, tracking the order and order details. On the other hand, the admin panel is web development with features such as managing orders and content management.

How much the development of the app costs depends on the software the app is being built on, iOS, or Android. For Android, development takes a minimum of 360 hours and a maximum of 460 hours. Whereas, on iOS, it takes a minimum of 420 hours and a maximum of 500 hours.

The design of the app on both the softwares, iOS, and Android, takes around a minimum of 150 hours and a maximum of 200 hours. Furthermore, the Back-end, which is the API development, takes around a minimum of 150 hours to a maximum of 200 hours.

The hourly rate of the development, design, and back-end usually starts from $30 per hour to $75 per hour. So, if we were to make a ballpark estimation, this is how much it would cost:

  • Development:

Android: It would cost you from $5,400 to a maximum of $69,000.

iOS: It would cost you from $6,300 to a maximum of $75,000.

  • Design

The design of the delivery app would cost you around $2,250 to a maximum of $30,000.

  • Back-end (API development)

This would cost you a minimum of $2,250 to a maximum of $30,000.

Tips On How to Succeed in The Market

These are a few useful tips on how to succeed and give other similar apps some competition:

  • Analyze your target audience:
  • Find out which types of food are ordered the most
  • Make a note of your competitors and what niche can you hold?
  • Grow your user base
  • Launch your app on a small scale first to test your venture
  • Use different advertising channels such as PR technologies, social media, and inbound marketing
  • Collaborate with small and large retailers to advertise your app amongst their audience
  • Retain customers
  • Provide proper customer support such as FAQs or quick, friendly responses to the customer’s issues
  • Provide special offers such as discounts, gifts, rewards, or vouchers
  • A rating system is a useful tool that helps you keep your delivery service on the highest level
  • Maintain couriers
  • Provide good salaries to them
  • Offer them a flexible schedule such as letting them choose their working hours
  • Encourage them with unique rewards and prizes


Indeed, the delivery services apps are a fast-growing trend. It has proven to be very valuable for restaurants and different eateries around the world. The world of technology is developing at such a fast pace that one blink of an eye and you miss out on a great opportunity.

We have by now established how you can create an app for delivery services. These apps are bound to become even more popular in the next few years. Ever since the coronavirus pandemic struck, you must have noticed how the value of such apps has increased.

Therefore, the tips and features we have mentioned above are surely going to result in the creation of a near-perfect delivery application. Our guide will help you cover all the different niches and features of the app to help you dig into your business’s technological aspect.

A delivery service app that offers something different and newer will always be in demand. The extra features and tips we have mentioned in this guide will help increase your app’s demand. If you are still unsure about where to start, run your idea by us here.

Our team of creative experts holds a lot of experience and expertise. We are always looking for people with new innovative ideas that stand out. If you think your delivery service app is different from others, we are here to help you out. Discuss your thoughts with us here, and we can give you an estimated cost and time for your project!

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Switching From iPhone To Android: All the Steps You Need to Follow Fri, 12 Nov 2021 10:03:45 +0000 It is not an elusive sight to see iPhone users switch to Android but for some the entire process of this transition is exhausting. Switching to an entirely new operating system without new features and functionalities might be a taxing endeavor but if you know the right steps then you can easily get it done. […]

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It is not an elusive sight to see iPhone users switch to Android but for some the entire process of this transition is exhausting. Switching to an entirely new operating system without new features and functionalities might be a taxing endeavor but if you know the right steps then you can easily get it done. The core steps required for this transition are related to transferring digital media such as the photos and videos and most importantly the contacts and messages.

Switching From iPhone To Android Steps

Here we are going to convey what you need to know about this switch and what steps you have to follow to make it happen without losing any of your precious data. If you intend to set up your new Android phone without the hassle then here is what you need to follow before making this leap:

Preparing for the transition

The notion of making a transition from an iPhone to Android cannot be compared to switching from your old iPhone to the latest iPhone XS Max instead it is entirely different. Smartphones do have similar functions and it is true that so does an Android or an iOS phone but people who are new to this idea still find this transition arduous.

The interface, features, and functionalities in every Android phone are different. Supposedly, you own a Samsung but some other person has an LG phone. The user experience and functionalities of both these phones would vary as the Android OS is developed differently for each of them.

Therefore, how would you get over this fact? This transition might be confusing for some but it is certainly not a far off task so you do not need to fret. It might take time to get used to it but the notion of switching your smartphone to an Android phone is extremely simple and here is what you need to know:

No more iMessage

Apple’s messaging app iMessage cannot be integrated with platforms other than the iOS. However, if you are making a transition from iPhone and Android then there is an alternative available to save all of your data and prevent the deletion of any important messages of yours.

This process is simple as all you have to do is go to the settings of your iPhone and then turn off the iMessage feature. Another thing that you should do is to unregister yourself from the iMessage by inputting your phone number and once you receive the confirmation code for it, input the code into the main page.

The need for both of these steps is essential as it lets Apple save your messages and it would prevent your messages from being either lost or deleted. Since if you are using the iMessage for messaging then before you switch to Android, make sure you have followed the above-mentioned steps as it would lead all of your incoming messages to the iMessage and it will not be available on your new phone.

You would lose your mobile apps

It is demoralizing to know that you cannot recover the apps you have paid for on the Apple app store and if you want to use those apps again on your Android phone then you would have to purchase them again. It is true that the apps made for the Google Play Store are different from the ones made for iOS and it is also possible that the apps you were using on your iPhone would not be available on the Google Play Store. However, if you choose to use a subscription service such as Spotify then you can use and avail those services on your Android phone as well.

Transferring contacts

The most basic way of transferring and entering way is to do it manually but it is a time-consuming process. It is easier to opt a more dynamic approach in order to export your contacts to your Android phone. You can log into your iCloud on your personal computer and then select all the contacts that you intend to export or backup. Simply export them via the vCard and add them into your Google Contacts after you log into your Gmail account. You can also install the My Contacts Backup mobile app on your device and then import the contacts you need to your new smartphone.

Backing up your photos

If you intend to use an Android phone then it is likely that you would lose the data on your iPhone. However, the emergence of Google Photos has saved us a lot of trouble. You can now access Google Photos in your Android smartphone or simply install it from the Play Store. Once that is done, the process of transferring your photos is not that confusing either.

Before we proceed to know that, you even store your media by backing them up on your iCloud but using Google Photos is a more feasible option. You can also save them into your iTunes profile and then synchronize them to the drive of your computer.

However, using Google Photos and linking them to your Google account is recommended since you are given the opportunity to avail unlimited storage without any additional charges.

Manufacturer apps and tools

The act of saving your data, files, and media manually or using any software certainly consumes a lot of your time. Smartphone manufacturers have provided us with the option of using tools to copy the files we need from our old phone to our new smartphone.

The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 allows you to use a USB-OTG connector, which you can use to transfer data from your iPhone to your Android phone. There is also the availability of a Smart Switch software that lets you transfer your data and files without the use of an additional plugin.

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5 Reasons Why Your Startup Needs A Mobile Application Fri, 12 Nov 2021 09:56:05 +0000 It is a misconception in the minds of small business owners that mobile apps are only crucial for large companies or industries belonging to specific sectors. Often they think such apps are too expensive or to industry-specific for their requirements and consider a general website will satisfy. In actuality, that could certainly not be distant […]

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It is a misconception in the minds of small business owners that mobile apps are only crucial for large companies or industries belonging to specific sectors. Often they think such apps are too expensive or to industry-specific for their requirements and consider a general website will satisfy. In actuality, that could certainly not be distant from reality. Almost any enterprise, matters not their industry or size, can benefit from a mobile app. As a matter of fact, without a compelling mobile application in today’s marketplace, companies might not even be able to persist without having one.

Why Do Startups Need Mobile Applications?

Nowadays, even the most diminutive of companies have their particular mobile applications. It operates for taking their mobile application marketing approach, more distinguished than that of its competitors. Statistics reveal that the Smartphone industry grows with a whopping 13.0% every year. In contrast to that, it is essential to mention that Android relatively controls the smartphone market, having shares worth of 84.7%. As a fact, not all businesses get to benefit from owning a mobile application. Since the vast market of mobile users in the globe, easily smartphone apps can be an essential tool to reach out customers for your business. Described below are some of the reason why your startup must have its very own mobile app.

It helps in promoting your services and products:

Recent research reveals that customers’ distinguish companies having their mobile applications more confidently than those who don’t. A mobile app can significantly help your business stand out, allowing you to build better customer relationships. Especially when it comes to local businesses such as moving companies in Toronto or bakeries in London, mobile apps can significantly improve customer experience with your brand. Apart from developing your brands’ image, a mobile application can also help your business feature its services and products in an enhanced fashion, helping your business in driving sales. For example, if a leather clothing store has a mobile app that offers its users discrete

about your products and discounts, it can be a viable route to turn them into a potential customer.

business’s clientele:

Helps in expanding your

Your company might already have a website that features your products and services; however, it is needless to say that the trends are increasingly shifting toward mobile browsing. Under such circumstances, businesses that don’t happen to have their mobile applications and websites that feature a responsive design, are more vulnerable to becoming out-of-date in such a marketplace. Some companies also use safe container storage solutions when it comes to developing their applications.

What’s more, is that mobile apps that are integrated with social media platforms and post to Instagram from Mac can deliberately reach an extensive demographic which might contrarily, never could have encountered your business.

If your company remains ambivalent about the decision of having its personalized mobile application, the chances are that it is soon to be out of the race.

Improved Efficiency and Visibility:

As mobile applications for businesses acts like a viable medium that is meant to perform different features. What makes it a standout is the fact that it ends the need for having too many applications. Moreover, as these applications are personalised to be fit for a particular working style, it improves the efficiency and

visibility of your business, in turn, growing your business’s Return On Investment (ROI).

Better Revenue:

In order to be conclusively linked to their customers, businesses must give their customers a competent platform. A mobile app serves as the greatest and most desirable podium for the users, to figure out about a brand, along with their product. This seamless procedure assists in growing the exchange rate that ultimately enhances the total profits of the business. While the expense of developing an# mobile application may seem daunting, it blanches in contrast to the brand image and the extra sales that it could help to generate.

It Represents The Right Brand Image:

Having a mobile app for your business allows you to present your brand in the most preeminent ways possible. It helps in positioning your business as an innovative entity within the industry your business caters to and can significantly help in building trust with your potential customers. So, if you want to start a podcast, you should invest in app development as it can serve as a marketing tool allowing you to tell your story, gain customer loyalty, and boost brand awareness. Failing to make a great first impression on consumers can make it very difficult to achieve SaaS startup success. The money and time that your business invests in getting a mobile app developed will pay off when you can grow your customer base. Hiring an app developer with a track record of excellence is the best way to get the results you are after.

Takeaway Note:

Most entrepreneurs believe that mobile applications play the most prominent role here. This is a significant reason behind the mounting demand for app development agencies across the globe. It matters not how small your company is, a perfectly designed mobile application can make a huge difference in governing its success.

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COVID Detection Apps: Problems and Challenges Fri, 12 Nov 2021 09:47:25 +0000 Public health experts across the globe have been working non-stop to make antibodies and medications that can stop the COVID-19 pandemic or if nothing else help end its spread. Since a large number of the population already owns a Smartphone, amidst these endeavors, they have proved quite useful, as these offer an effective solution to […]

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Public health experts across the globe have been working non-stop to make antibodies and medications that can stop the COVID-19 pandemic or if nothing else help end its spread. Since a large number of the population already owns a Smartphone, amidst these endeavors, they have proved quite useful, as these offer an effective solution to contact tracing. COVID detection apps are an unprecedented societal response to the outbreak of the virus in question, however, these apps have raised some difficult questions pertaining to efficacy, privacy, and responsible engineering. Furthermore, it can be argued that regardless of how well these have been designed or how effective such detection apps can prove; it won’t help resolve gaps in the healthcare sector. To understand the impact of these apps, it is imperative to know the difference between Covid-19 applications being used: firstly, there are those that help trace movement, and then there are apps that collect information for scientists and the latest ones that offer alerts on proximity to COVID-19 patients.

Civil liberties

COVID-19 is a global crisis that has affected millions of people around the world; while that is true, there is, however, another issue that is equally pressing – the sacrifice of civil liberties. While these sophisticated proximity tracking apps may help in the short-term, legal, and policy limits need to be set. The choice to use them should remain with the individual user, who should be aware of the risks and limitations involved.


One of the critical challenges with corona detection apps is testing accuracy. Where having an app that links to the national health system to monitor the virus is a starting point, but does it offer accurate results? An app that offers you to simply tick boxes for every symptom and then urges everyone around any potentially infected individual to go into self-isolation does not offer a feasible solution. Only a formal test can provide valid results after which alerting those the infected person in question had been near to, would be construed as more pragmatic.

Moreover, contact tracing apps can’t guarantee that the entire vicinity is corona-free if there are no patients being shown on the system. Contact tracing is a public health intervention and offers limited individual benefits. What does the user get in return for the information provided and the potential possibility of being locked in or quarantined? Not much really.

Location tracking, utilizing GPS, and cell site information is not apt for contact tracing because it doesn’t reflect close physical interactions responsible for COVID-19 transmission. Proximity tracing uses Bluetooth signal strength to create proximity logs that help determine the likelihood of users contracting the virus by coming in close contact with an already infected person. While testing of such an app has revealed substantial problems, such as failure to estimate distance accurately and reliance on operating systems of iPhone and power drain issues.

User behavior

While the number of smartphone users does not reflect the entire population, there are other things that need to be considered when gauging the reliability of detection apps to combat the virus. For instance, if we look at the percentage of older citizens with a capable smartphone, it is very small. And while they may be more responsible, the younger population with more advanced phones is far less likely to install a detection app. They are even less likely to get tested if they suffer mild symptoms, given fewer health concerns.


Most apps enable users to provide informed consent before sharing their data, for instance, Singapore’s TraceTogether app has a number of privacy safeguards; whereby the company does not collect or use geolocation data while saving data logs in an encrypted form. Similarly, to ensure the privacy of its users, the Pan-European app encrypts data and anonymizes personal information. Given that, the range of data collected and shared by these apps is beyond a common user’s understanding, in most cases, the app keeps running in the background even when the device is not in use. Additionally, some apps can exchange detailed information through application programming interfaces (APIs). While the World Health Organization (WHO) praised Korea’s extensive tracing measures, privacy issues related to the movement of infected persons were raised. A guideline that restricts the disclosure of such information was issued by the Korean government based on the Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act passed in 2015.

Data theft

Most importantly, there is the risk of malicious use of the data, especially given the current climate of manipulation and disinformation. It could be done by a political operative who wants to improve their vote bank or a business looking to stifle competition. Data theft can even be undertaken by trolls and hackers who could use it for mere entertainment, as well as by foreign intelligence. This new solution has its own vulnerabilities that have not yet been exploited but remain present nonetheless.

Ensuring our safety in these uncertain times!

While practicing social distancing has become a norm, similarly avoiding digital risk should also be a priority. In an unfamiliar time, providing up-to-date information is important; while that is true, we must ensure users are safe from adversaries. Even though most mobile apps are legit, if they are not hosted on a trusted store, you should avoid downloading them. Users also need to stay vigilant when it comes to permissions that apps request. Access to sensitive data on your device can put you in a compromising situation, so it is better to avoid giving permissions where you feel they may not serve the purpose. A legitimate app developer will not mislead users and even though third-party apps should not be trusted, knowing exactly who you are working with is often quite helpful.


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How To Limit and Reduce Mobile Data Usage On Android Fri, 12 Nov 2021 09:45:33 +0000 It is certain that every form of technology comes with its own advantages and flaws and so do smartphones. Some smartphones have extensive resources but lack a few things and that is how it always is. At times, you would hear users complain about battery drainage and some face issues in data storage. If you […]

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It is certain that every form of technology comes with its own advantages and flaws and so do smartphones. Some smartphones have extensive resources but lack a few things and that is how it always is. At times, you would hear users complain about battery drainage and some face issues in data storage. If you belong to the latter category and you also happen to own an Android phone then here is a solution for reducing mobile data usage.

Analyze the consumption of your mobile data

Data consumption is due to a number of factors and one factor is the data format. Some data formats consume mobile data more frequently as compared to the rest. There are variations between the data consumed while downloading a GIF and a short animated video. YouTube videos consume mobile data as well as music files. All of these media types and formats tend to consume different megabytes per second so be sure to analyze what app or media you tend to use the most.

Android Tools for measuring data consumption

Android OS is equipped with tools and functionalities that provide you with complete control of the specifications and features of your smartphone. For data consumption, simply go to the Quick Settings in your device and view the overview of how much data has been consumed. Every phone has different options for quick settings so be sure to check it beforehand.

In the overview, you will be displayed the complete stats and insights of consumption but there will also be the option for setting limits. You can limit background data directly from there.

Restrict data limit in Android settings

To set a limit to the data consumed by your Android device, go to the Settings app and then make some certain changes. Once you are in the Settings, you will view the options to manage data consumption of all the apps you have. You should proceed with going to Data Usage and then to the Billing Cycle and alter the Data Limit according to your choice.

Restrict background data of apps

It is a feature in every phone that allows apps to run in the background, even though you are not using it. This is done to monitor and update apps constantly but it proves to be a heavy burden on your mobile data. Some apps need to keep running in the background, while some do not. Alter the settings by going to the Settings app and then to Data Usage.

A visual statistic will be displayed on the screen and you can analyze which app is consuming the most data to disable it. However, if you do not want to disable the app then you can click on the ‘Restrict app background data’ so that whenever your smartphone is using mobile data, background data will not be consumed of that certain app.

Use Wi-Fi to update apps

Another useful way to reducing data consumption is to disable automatic app updates. This can be done directly from the Google Play Store. Simply open the app, from the Menu option tap Settings, and change the option of Auto Update Apps to ‘Auto-update apps over Wi-Fi only’. If you want your phone to ask for updates each time then you can select the option of not allowing auto-updating apps.

Limit your use of video streaming

Either you can stream videos and music from the browser directly or you could use apps such as YouTube. Not a lot of internal space and memory is consumed when you are streaming through Wi-Fi but if you are using your mobile data then you would have to set a limit to it. Streaming sites and apps now have video content in high-quality resolutions and viewing them plays an adverse impact on data consumption. If you want to stream videos using mobile data either way then it is better to view the content in a lower quality resolution.

Compressing data in browsers

Browsers such as Google Chrome also have options for compressing data consumption. This can be done by opening the Chrome app and from there you will have to go to its Settings. In the Settings page, you will see the Data Saver option so swipe it to turn it on for less consumption of data on the browsers you use.

Use apps while offline

Most apps do not have the option to use its features while offline but some apps do. Music can be streamed in an offline mode and YouTube has proved it with its latest offline streaming feature. You just have to save the video offline in the app itself and watch it when you have no data or Wi-Fi connection.

Another example is of the Google Maps app. You might not know of this notion but Google Maps can be used offline as well. With the offline navigation features for Android devices, the app stores locations on the map for 30 days. To access these locations, you would not have to use the internet or your mobile data. The apps are easily downloaded for a span of 30 days and can be viewed anytime you want. All your location and map guides will be available to you on the go and that surely enhances the usability of smartphones for Android users.

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Steps For How To Replace Your iPhone Battery Fri, 12 Nov 2021 09:42:49 +0000 It is probable that your current iPhone might be slowing down and the main culprit behind could be your battery. While the solution for this dilemma is an iPhone battery replacement, you should know the relevant steps to follow before you make the decision to replace the battery for good. There is not a single […]

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It is probable that your current iPhone might be slowing down and the main culprit behind could be your battery. While the solution for this dilemma is an iPhone battery replacement, you should know the relevant steps to follow before you make the decision to replace the battery for good. There is not a single yet many ways a battery can be replaced to a brand new one but do not purchase a new battery if you do not know the steps of replacing one.

The methods of battery replacement are a bit costly but definitely worth the expensive cost. In order to make an Apple battery replacement for your iPhone, here are some methods that you can look into and then just choose the one that is the most feasible for you.

Understand the battery performance of your iPhone

Start with going to the Settings app of your iPhone and from there analyze the Battery section carefully. When you tap Maximum Capacity, you will be displayed an interface with different stats and numbers about your battery’s health.

Now before we elaborate battery performance further, know the reason why your Lithium-based iPhone battery reduces in performance and what happens to it gradually. The batteries Apple has used for iPhones are consumable and their performance is bound to reduce. If you own an iPhone then do not think Apple is using cheap batteries but that is just how these consumable batteries work.

When you buy a new iPhone, you usually make sure the battery percentage reaches to 0 and then you charge it. Once your iPhone shuts down, that is when the iPhone begins to charge more efficiently towards getting to 100%. Initially, it will charge your phone too quickly but then the charging speed will reduce as well. When you use your iPhone usually, you never wait until the battery reduces to 0% to charge it.

Battery health and limit depends on many factors and one such factor is time as we have mentioned already. However, it also relies on the overall usage of the iPhone. Every individual would use an iPhone differently. Some would use it often to make important calls while some would only play games or scroll through social media. Every different form of usage can bring an impact on battery performance and life.

Buying and replacing your old iPhone battery

In order to find the befitting replacement for your battery, it is better to stick to Apple iPhone battery replacement directly from the company itself. Do not think of getting one from a third party as you could be easily scammed. For the betterment of your convenience, get your iPhone’s battery replaced by following the steps we have compiled for you.

The approximate cost for the iPhone models ranging from the X to the XR starts from $69 and for the previous iPhone models, a battery replacement is going to cost you $49. If you happen to have an AppleCare+ warranty, you might as well get a free battery replacement. However, just do not rely on a free warranty or returns, as the reliability of getting a new battery directly from Apple is a lot higher.

If you think your current iPhone can be qualified for a free replacement then Apple has got you covered there as well. Just use the relevant eligibility testing tool by Apple and you will know whether your iPhone can get a battery replacement free of cost or not. However, the only requirement is that there should be no external damage done to the battery. If water or any other substance your battery has been exposed to is found, your eligibility for a free replacement will not work then.

If you have any further issues and if you think you cannot find the root cause for the battery issues, you can directly contact the support team at Apple and they will provide you with the relevant guidance. Just answer the questions gradually and you will receive the relevant replacement.

You can also opt for a different approach and that is to go to any Apple Store directly. You will find various authorized Apple product sellers around town or near your premises. Just go to them with your query and they will proceed with the relevant replacement procedures.

If there are not any authorized sellers or stores present then do not go to a third party, just ship the broken battery to the original Apple stores and you will get your replacement in a matter of few days. However, it will take a significant amount of time for you to get back your new battery.

DIY method to replace the battery


This is probably the last resort to finding a method for battery replacement. It might not be widely recommended but it still works if you follow all the steps carefully. Taking out the original battery out from your iPhone’s case and placing a new one is a bit tricky indeed. All the components inside an iPhone are tightly packed together so if you move a specific chip or a component, it could just ruin the overall performance of your iPhone.

Do not opt for this method if you are not confident about picking each piece and aligning it correctly. iPhones are now waterproof but if you open the case and make the adjustments, it could also tamper in your iPhone’s ability to be waterproof. Just be very vigilant while making the replacement or just get a readymade tool kit.

The toolkit will have all the necessary components required for the replacement method. However, these kits are not cheap either and some even exceed the price tag of $20. We cannot give you any guarantee or confidence that your DIY battery replacement method would be successful. But you think the original cost of the battery replacement is not worth the effort and it can be done easily yourself, you can stick to the DIY method for sure.

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Technology Trends to Look Out for in 2022 Fri, 12 Nov 2021 09:41:11 +0000 Technology is emerging faster than ever and the yearly technological predictions now seem to obsolete even before they come into our lives. With the evolving technology, changes are progressing rapidly, affecting the role of IT professionals. In the modern-day, the IT experts need to be aware of the latest development to stay in the current […]

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Technology is emerging faster than ever and the yearly technological predictions now seem to obsolete even before they come into our lives. With the evolving technology, changes are progressing rapidly, affecting the role of IT professionals. In the modern-day, the IT experts need to be aware of the latest development to stay in the current technological landscape. Having said, you need to stay updated with the leading technological trends, keeping your eyes on the future.

We are about to unfold the upcoming technological trends that will be reshaping our lives in the year 2022. Various jobs will be created due to these trends as our jobs transform with the on-going trends.


As a matter of fact, a large number of people think of Blockchain technology to be similar as the cryptocurrencies including the Bitcoin and more. In reality, Blockchain can be determined as the data that you can only add, but could not be taken away.


The term chain refers to creating the data chain. In Blockchain, individual cannot change the past blocks making it more secure. Moreover, Blockchain is consensus focused, meaning that one entity will not be able to take over the control of data. In Blockchain, you do not require a third party for overseeing or validating the transactions.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence or AI has started receiving a great hype in the recent times. It continues to be the trend to look out for as it influences almost every industry, work, and life, while being in the initial stages only. Moreover, further branches of AI have come into the lime light, counting on the Machine Learning and more. AI refers to systems that can mimic human intelligence, performing tasks of image recognition and decision-making. In essence, AI can perform these tasks in the better and accurate manner.

artificial intelligence

AI has been in our lives since the mid of 1950s and has spread widely. According to a research, about 5 out of 6 Americans leverage the power of AI in one or more forms. The AI is currently utilized in the streaming services, navigation apps, personal assistant, ride-sharing apps, and more. Apart from consumers’ usage, AI can be utilized in booking tickets for trains, analyzing business risks, maintenance predictions, enhancing the energy efficiency, and more cost-effective tasks.

Machine Learning

Machine learning has be derived from the AI. Through utilizing the Machine learning, computers can learn to perform various tasks that they were not programmed to do. They learn this through discovering various patterns and data insights. In essence, there are two types of learning – unsupervised and supervised.

machine learning

Considering Machine learning a subset of AI, we have various subsets within the Machine learning, counting on the Neural networks, Natural language processing, and Deep learning. Every subset offers opportunity to specialize in a particular field that will develop in the upcoming days.

IoT (Internet Of Things)

IoTs will emerge in the upcoming days. More connected devices will come into the bigger picture in the near future. However, one thing that is not obvious about the prediction is that where and how the growth will take place. The supply chain, healthcare, and retail industry will benefit the most from the IoTs. Not only this, the tech giant Apple has announced about the upcoming version of Apple Watching Series 4 that will be able to detect the Atrial fibrillation, a medical condition that affects about 6 million Americans.


Atrial fibrillation is a disease that causes heart rhythm disorder, resulting in stroke. The new Apple Series 4 watch can detect and record ECG through touch of sensor. This watch leverages the power of AI to detect AF and more hearth disorder.

Mobile Designing Apps – Adobe CC

Designing apps for mobiles have emerged as one of the leading trends. Freshly Adobe has announced about its iconic image editor for the mobile devices. Adobe had been on a long journey to come up with a groundbreaking media-editing app, and it is gearing up with the announcement of the Adobe CC for the iPads.

Mobile Apps

The app is expected to provide superior experience to the designers and photo-editing fanatics. Tech experts are considering the Adobe CC as the step towards improvement in the iOS app development.

Final Words

Technological trends will continue to emerge, however we should pay heed to the upcoming trends to ahead in the fast-paced tech world. If you know about more upcoming technological trends then feel free to mention them.

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Understanding IoT (Internet of Things) Fri, 12 Nov 2021 09:35:48 +0000 What is IoT? IoT is short for the internet of things, but for those of us who are still trying to get their heads around the concept, that’s hardly an explanation. You may have heard the term IoT floated around at work, at a networking function, on a podcast or somewhere in the passing. You may […]

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What is IoT? IoT is short for the internet of things, but for those of us who are still trying to get their heads around the concept, that’s hardly an explanation. You may have heard the term IoT floated around at work, at a networking function, on a podcast or somewhere in the passing. You may have wondered about what relevance IoT may or may not have in your life.

There’s a whole lot to talk about regarding IoT within the tech industry but before discussing anything technically specific or advanced, let’s start with the basics.

IoT Basics

In order to grasp IoT basics, you’re going to need to understand a few basics. The first point of importance is the fact that broadband availability is on the rise everywhere in the world. The next point of importance is that smartphone ownership is also on a steady rise, according to statistics. Finally, the number of devices that offer internet connectivity or IoT devices (internet of things devices) have increased exponentially in the past few years as sources suggest. The combination of the three points above, as well as a decrease in expenses relating to technology, has resulted in IoT blowing up in a sense.

How do you Define IoT?

IoT can loosely be defined as a system that is made up of a collection of technological devices with computing abilities. These devices are provided what are known as UIDs (unique identifiers) and have the ability to communicate over networks without the need for human intervention of any kind. All devices connected over them make up what is called IoT or the internet of things. This would include bio-surgical devices like pacemakers and other sensors used for research. In other words, you could say it’s a massive network of various elements (things) connected over the internet.

IoT isn’t a new concept. It was first referred to back in 1999 by Kevin Ashton, co-founder of MIT’s audio-ID center according to sources.

How Does IoT Work?

Devices that make up the IoT network are configured with components which include sensory equipment, processing chips, communication hardware, and more. The function of such components is the collection, processing, and action on the accumulated data.

The way in which data is collected and processed within these devices, as well as the other devices they communicate to and share information with, is determined based on set pre-determined protocols. Little to no human intervention is required after the deployment of determining IoT applications. Though devices operate as programmed, the data within and any conclusive information relating to the same can be accessed by human operators.

How Does IoT Relate to Me?

How Does IoT Relate to Me?

We’re guessing you’ve got a basic sense of IoT, what it’s about and how it operates. You may now be wondering how IoT relates to you and what impact it has on your life. This should not come as a surprise, but IoT is already well integrated into almost every aspect of life; professional, recreational, and otherwise. You’ve got smart devices used within the home which include everything from sound and lighting systems to toasters and kitchen equipment.

Apart from this, IoT is essential for several business processes. Some of these include but are not restricted to production, customer care, and even data accumulation and processing for the improvement of future products or services. Customer spending habits and other useful data relating to finance can also be obtained and processed via IoT systems.

IoT is also useful when it comes to medical research and healthcare as important data can be gathered from large groups. IoT is even being tapped into by municipalities of certain cities and spaces. Smart cities as they are called used IoT to help with resource management as well as with processes such as waste mitigation.

We can safely say that in the next few years, most things around us will be part of the IoT system in some capacity or another.

Tying It Together

Technically speaking, there is a whole lot more you can learn about IoT. Currently, there is much debate regarding IoT safety with regard to data protection and confidentiality. At the same time, the numerous benefits that IoT seems to offer cannot be ignored, and the current global trend seems to be one where more industries and businesses are embracing IoT technology.

If not abused, IoT systems can help us optimize processes relating to healthcare, business, finance, and pretty much everything else under the sun. It can help us collect valuable data and speed up our grasp on how the same can be applied. Furthermore, it can provide us useful insight into areas of study or demographics that we wish to penetrate.

As someone aiming to be a part of the modern workforce or even exist today, a basic understanding of IoT is essential. We hope this blog has provided you with a detailed understanding of IoT.

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