iOS Archives - RetroCube Blog Mon, 30 Oct 2023 07:58:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 FinTech App Ideas 2023 Tue, 23 May 2023 17:24:22 +0000 Introduction: The fintech industry has seen monumental growth in recent years. The rapid inflection of the total addressable market (TAM), investments, and company scaling worldwide has further brought it to the front and center. Thanks to the emergence of groundbreaking technologies like Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML), the fintech industry is poised […]

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The fintech industry has seen monumental growth in recent years. The rapid inflection of the total addressable market (TAM), investments, and company scaling worldwide has further brought it to the front and center.

Thanks to the emergence of groundbreaking technologies like Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML), the fintech industry is poised to revolutionize the financial services sector as we know it.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the latest FinTech App ideas that are set to transform the way think about financial services.

So, whether you’re a fintech enthusiast, a startup founder, or a seasonal investor, this blog will provide you with valuable insights into the most exciting fintech app ideas of 2023.

Ready? Let’s uncover the future of finance!

What do we mean by FinTech?

FinTech refers to the innovative use of technology to deliver financial services in a more efficient, accessible, and user-friendly manner. It encompasses a wide range of digital solutions, including mobile banking apps, online payment platforms, cryptocurrency systems, robo-advisors, crowdfunding platforms, and more.

What do we mean by FinTech

Fundamentally, Fin-tech is a comprehensive term for financial technology. It is driven by the need for greater convenience, efficiency, accessibility, and transparency in financial transactions and services.

Importance of Fintech Apps in Today’s Digital Economy:

Technology trends in finance have shifted nearly every façade of our financial processes into fintech applications. It is continuously disrupting the traditional financial systems by challenging established players, such as banks and traditional payment processors.

According to the ResearchAndMarkets report, the fintech app market size will reach USD 31,503.54 billion by 2026, growing at 27.5% CAGR.


One of the key drivers behind the rise of fintech is the rapid advancement of digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, blockchain, cloud computing, and big data analytics.

These technologies have enabled the development of innovative solutions that streamline processes, enhance security, and deliver personalized experiences to consumers.

The pandemic has played a significant role in enabling this transition, creating a fertile ground for aspiring app developers to seize unlimited opportunities in the burgeoning fintech startup landscape.

Startups and tech companies have emerged as major players in the fintech space, leveraging their agility, technological expertise, and customer-centric approaches to offer alternative financial services.

The benefits of fintech are far-reaching, it has made financial transactions more convenient, enabling people to manage their money, make payments, and transfer funds with ease through mobile apps and digital wallets.

Additionally, fintech has fostered financial inclusion by providing tools for individuals and small businesses to better manage their finances, access loans, and participate in the global economy.

It has also revolutionized investment and wealth management by offering automated investment platforms, algorithmic trading, and robo-advisory services that provide affordable investment advice.

Now that we understand the importance of fintech apps and the benefits they provide, let’s explore the emerging trends and current most trending app ideas that you can take inspiration from.

Emerging Trends in Fintech Apps:

The fintech industry continues to evolve with emerging trends like open banking, blockchain, and AI-powered apps, pushing the boundaries of innovation. These trends offer greater collaboration, secure transactions, and enhanced risk assessment and customer support.

Emerging Trends in Fintech Apps

  • Digital Payments:

Fintech has transformed the way we make payments. It includes mobile payment apps, contactless payments, peer-to-peer (P2P) transfers, and digital wallets. These solutions have made transactions faster, more secure, and more convenient for consumers and businesses.

  • Online Banking:

Fintech has altered traditional banking by offering digital banking services. Customers can now perform banking activities such as account management, transfers, and bill payments through user-friendly mobile apps or websites. Online banking provides greater convenience, 24/7 access, and often lower fees compared to traditional banks.

  • Lending Platforms:

The introduction of online lending platforms that connect borrowers directly with lenders has heavily disrupted the lending industry.

Peer-to-peer lending platforms, crowdfunding, and online marketplaces offer streamlined loan application processes, faster approvals, and often more accessible loans for individuals and small businesses.

  • Robo-Advisors:

Robo-advisors are relatively new but currently a popular trend in the world of fintech. They are automated investment platforms that provide algorithm-based financial planning and investment advice.

Through leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms, robo-advisors can create personalized investment portfolios, rebalance them, and offer financial advice at a lower cost compared to traditional human financial advisors.

  • Blockchain and Cryptocurrency:

Fintech is also responsible for the rise of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Blockchain, a decentralized and immutable digital ledger, offers secure and transparent transactions. Cryptocurrencies provide alternatives to traditional fiat currencies and enable faster cross-border transactions.

  • Regtech:

Regulatory technology, or regtech, refers to the use of technology to facilitate regulatory compliance in the financial industry.

Fintech solutions help financial institutions automate compliance processes, monitor transactions for fraud, and ensure adherence to anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) regulations.

  • Insurtech:

Insurtech combines insurance services with technology to enhance efficiency, improve underwriting processes, and enhance customer experience.

It includes digital insurance platforms, usage-based insurance, AI-driven claims processing, and data analytics for risk assessment.

Now let’s have a closer look at the current top-grossing app niches in the world of fintech.

Consumer-Focused Fintech Apps:

  1. Mobile Payment Apps

Mobile payment apps have streamlined transactions, making it convenient and secure to send and receive money digitally.

These apps allow users to link their bank accounts or credit cards and make payments with just a few taps on their smartphones. They have become increasingly popular for splitting bills, paying for purchases, and even transferring money to friends and family.

Examples of popular mobile payment apps include:

These apps provide features such as transaction history, instant transfers, and in some cases, even the ability to make purchases at physical stores using digital wallets.

  1. Budgeting and Personal Finance Management Apps

Budgeting and personal finance management apps empower individuals to take control of their finances by providing tools for expense tracking, budget planning, and goal setting.

These apps help users understand their spending habits, categorize expenses, and set financial targets. By syncing with bank accounts and credit cards, these apps automatically track transactions and provide insights into spending patterns.

Popular examples include:

These apps often offer features such as bill reminders, customized budget categories, and real-time notifications to help users stay on top of their financial goals.

  1. Investment and Wealth Management Apps

Investment and wealth management apps have made investing accessible to a wider audience by offering automated investment platforms.

These apps use algorithms and user-defined preferences to provide personalized investment recommendations.

Users can start investing with small amounts of money and benefit from diversification and portfolio rebalancing services.

Examples of popular investment apps include:

These apps typically offer features like goal-based investing, tax optimization, and educational resources to help users make informed investment decisions.

Small Business and Entrepreneurship-Focused Fintech Apps

  1. Small Business Accounting Apps

Small business accounting apps simplify financial management for entrepreneurs and small business owners.

They provide features for invoicing, expense tracking, and financial reporting, allowing businesses to stay organized and monitor their financial health.

These apps often integrate with bank accounts and offer time-saving automation features such as recurring invoicing and expense categorization.

Popular examples include:

These apps help businesses streamline their accounting processes, generate financial reports, and even facilitate tax preparation.

QuickBooks’s Webpage

Image Source: QuickBooks’s Webpage

Xero App Website

Image Source: Xero App Website

  1. Business Lending and Crowdfunding Platforms

Business lending and crowdfunding platforms offer a convenient to way for entrepreneurs and small businesses to access capital.

These fintech apps provide alternative funding options outside traditional banks, allowing businesses to secure loans or raise funds from a pool of investors. They often use technology to assess credit worthiness and offer competitive interest rates.

Examples of popular platforms include:

These apps provide access to working capital, equipment financing, and even support for specific projects, enabling small businesses to grow and thrive.

  1. Point-of-sale (POS) and Payment Processing Apps

Point-of-sale (POS) and payment processing apps have proven to be a game changer in how small businesses accept payments.

These apps offer mobile and digital solutions that enable businesses to accept credit card payments easily. They often come with features like inventory management, sales analytics, and customer relationship management (CRM) integration.

Popular examples include:

PayPal Zettle Website

Image Credits: PayPal Zettle Website

These apps are especially valuable for small businesses, pop-up shops, and service providers who need a flexible and portable payment solution.

The Financial industry has been significantly impacted by fintech innovations. With apps promoting financial inclusion, increasing competition, and driving innovation. However, it also poses challenges in terms of data security, regulatory compliance, and the potential disruption of traditional financial institutions.

Governments and regulatory bodies are actively adapting to the changing landscape to ensure consumer protection and systemic stability while fostering innovation in the fintech sector.


In this ever-expanding fintech landscape, there are abundant opportunities for startups to invest in and contribute to this thriving industry.

The demand for innovative fintech solutions is indeed high, and investors are actively seeking promising ventures. Startups focusing on areas such as mobile payments, blockchain technology, AI-powered financial services, or niche markets within the fintech sector are more likely to find fertile ground for growth and disruption.

The industry is now more than ever receptive to fresh ideas and nimble players who can address evolving consumer needs and pain points. With the right combination of a compelling business model, technological expertise, and a customer-centric approach, startups can make a significant impact in the fintech space.

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How To Develop A Designing App Like Canva? Thu, 29 Dec 2022 13:52:27 +0000 Images and visuals have the power to change narratives. According to recent studies, 40 percent of readers respond better towards visuals than any other form of information. Information source: Digital Information World Maybe that’s why graphic designing apps and websites are so popular among users and readers these days. As the demand for such applications […]

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Images and visuals have the power to change narratives. According to recent studies, 40 percent of readers respond better towards visuals than any other form of information.


Information source: Digital Information World

Maybe that’s why graphic designing apps and websites are so popular among users and readers these days.

As the demand for such applications ascends, entrepreneurs rightfully consider it a perfect app investment idea.

If you are one of those, here’s a guide for you about the essential aspects of creating an app like Canva, including the features, development process, costs, and all the other important things you need to consider.

What Is Canva And Why Is It So Popular?


Canva is an exceptional design platform that provides businesses, organizations, and individuals with simple user-friendly tools for creating high-quality graphic designs.

Not only that, Canva allows its users to create business cards, logos, invitations, presentations, social media posts, edit photos, and videos, and a lot more.

The best thing about Canva is it’s free and offers a huge library of templates and layouts which everyone can benefit from.

It provides users with a variety of designs, fonts, icons, graphics, shapes, illustrations, stock photos, frames, and other elements, that help generate professional-level designs without any extensive photo editing knowledge or experience.

Why is Canva so successful?

In the last decade, the design space has undergone some significant changes. What once was dominated by a single player like adobe photoshop, has now transformed into software scenery, with a variety of software catering to the needs of designers across the globe.

One such example is Canva, a start-up worth over US$40 billion. Canva was founded by Melanie Perkins, Cameron Adams, and Cliff Obrecht on 1st Jan 2012. It quickly gained popularity and made a profit of around $301.6 million in 12 times venture capital funding.

Canva Founder

Image credits: CEO Magazine

The main reason for Canva’s success is that it has made designing easy and accessible to everyone, it solves a problem people care about.

People usually get overwhelmed to learn design software that is too complicated and hard to grasp like InDesign and Photoshop.

On the other hand, Canva is a great tool for beginners, as it has over a million photographs, templates, fonts, and elements for anyone to create beautiful visuals on the go.

Creating an App like Canva in 3 easy steps:

Construction of a web app like Canva might feel like a complicated task, but it is unquestionably doable with the right guidance, research, tips, and resources. That’s why we have tailored a detailed guide to help you through the process.


step 1

Defining a Notion:

The first stage of the development process is all about decisions, you need to decide:

  • What is the purpose of your app?
  • What exactly will it do?
  • Who will be your target audience?
  • What will be the main attraction of your product?
  • Most importantly, why would people use your app, and how does your app differ from your competitors?

These decisions are very crucial and will later determine how all the other developmental stages will be occurring. Here are some important things you should think about before starting your project:

Describe Your Project:

Elaborate your idea in general terms, starting off with the features and functions and ending with what distinctive value your product can offer.

step 2

Set a Goal:

Setting clear goals is the key to success, not just in app development but in every aspect of life. Having a sound understanding of your objectives will help you stay on the right track throughout the process.

You can categorize your goals into primary and secondary. These goals should be simple, achievable, and quantifiable, this would help the development team to set priorities and focus on the things that matter most.

For instance, when creating an app like Canva goals like the number of paid subscribers, visitors, and profit generated per month.

Select your Audience:

The audience for an app like Canva would be individuals, teams, enterprises, and companies looking to create visuals quickly and easily.

Apart from this, the target audience can also be investors assisting financially in the development of the application.

Research your Competitors:

Research is a crucial step in the app designing process, do extensive research about what websites and applications provide your target audience with similar visual designing services.

Evaluate the functions, features, marketing tactics, costs, strengths, and weaknesses of your competing apps thoroughly.

Researching your competitors will give you ideas and show what they are lacking so you can incorporate them into your own. Pay keen attention to reviews: what are users liking? What do they dislike? What problems are they facing? How can you solve their problem?


step 2

Once you get to know the scope and direction of your app/website, the next step involves making a sitemap and a wireframe. This will help you create an appropriate outline for developing content.

Creating a Sitemap:

A site map is a basic idea of how the internal architecture of your app might look like. For example, what page will lead you to what page? How will users navigate? Etc.

A sitemap doesn’t tell you the design, color combination or layout of your site.

creating a sitemap

A basic sitemap shows the flow of webpages on a sit and it usually looks somewhat like this. However, it can be further customized using various tools as per the requirements.

Construct a Wireframe:

In technical terms, A wireframe is a two-dimensional visual representation of a webpage, app, or product layout. In simple words, it is a draft of your app’s visual appearance.

A wireframe enables the designer to understand the wakeup of the website, where to put buttons, what color scheme to use, how users will interact with the content, etc.

In order to create a seamless and visually appealing website or app, it’s essential to collaborate with experts who truly understand the intricacies of design and development. When seeking professional assistance, partnering with the best webflow agency can provide valuable insights and expertise to bring your wireframe to life while ensuring a user-friendly and engaging digital experience.


Wireframes are typically drafted out first on paper and then later software tools are used to make it more presentable.

wireframe 2

Image credits: Azure (wireframing portal)

Sitemaps and wireframes lay the groundwork in app development. After setting goals, putting thought into site architecture and designing, you have cleared major obstacles in your path, hence speeding up the process.


step 3

Choosing an Appropriate Domain Name:

While opting for developing a website similar to Canva, selecting an appropriate domain name is the most pivotal thing you’ll do.

Your domain name should match your services and should be easy for customers to type in the search bar. Here are some important tips in selecting a domain name:

  • You can choose between your brand name or a keyword-rich domain name.
  • Avoid using hyphens, numbers or other characters.
  • Make sure your web name is easy to spell and type.
  • Make your domain name simple to read and remember.

Choose a domain

Image Credits: Journal of Surveillance, Security and Safety

Create a User-friendly and Engaging Interface:

Now, you need to make sure that your app is interesting, memorable, and simple to use. Your design app should be unique in architecture and stand out from its competitors. Here are some tips you can benefit from:

  • Use attractive visuals and easy-to-read texts.
  • Optimize your graphics for quick loading, as slow-performing apps are highly disliked.
  •  Take inspiration from the original Canva website and learn how they have designed their website.
  • Learn about your target audience, find out their needs and make ways for them to achieve their objective.
  • Design an efficient navigation system allowing visitors to browse through the site quickly.
  • Stay consistent thought-out the process.

Designing an application like Canva:

This step involves designers creating all the visual content from logos, buttons, animations, graphics, videos, layouts, and backgrounds to color themes, fonts, and typing frames.

Design Canva App

These choices are made on the basis of our app criteria and preferences of target audiences i-e the information we gathered in the first step ‘planning and strategy’ of the process.

All these elements are combined together in the form of a page template or mock-up.

Get your Canva-Like App Developed:

After determining your goals, architecture, and design now you can start coding your Canva-like web app.

Generally, in the development process a main page is created then all the other pages are added according to the sitemap.

Following that, developers incorporate CMS, different frameworks, and imager editing tools (for apps like Canva).

Lastly, you need to include website functionalities and interactivity. It is important to note that creating an app with online design tools and editors is not the job of a freelancer. An app with Canva-like features is too sophisticated and cannot be developed by an individual, but should only be assigned to a professional development team.

How much does it cost to develop an app like Canva?

The Canva app is loaded with unique features and graphics, evaluating the costs of developing a similar app to Canva we need to consider the following aspects:

  • Application size
  • App features
  • App functions
  • App complexity
  • Number of platforms
  • Technologies used
  • UX/UI design
  • App testing and launch

The development costs can vary according to the number of requirements. The total cost of designing an app similar to Canva can range between $25000 to $40000. On the contrary, developing a website like Canva is cheaper than developing a mobile application.

Cost to develop app like Canva

It is important to note that your location also impacts the development costs drastically. For example, app development costs per hour in India range between $30 -$100, while in North America it is about $100-$150.

Must-Have Features For Your Canva-Like App:

There are plenty of features that you must incorporate into your Canva-like design application in order to make it a success. We have listed below the most essential features in categories, that will make your application exceptional.

Photo Editing Tools:

photo editing tool

  • Image Enhancer
  • Circle crop
  • Image cropper
  • Photo Blur
  • Text Images
  • Photos Filters
  • Frames
  • Background Remover
  • Stock Photos
  • Image Converter
  • Combine images
  • Image Montages
  • Image effects

Video Editing Tools:

Video Editing Tools

  • Video to MP4
  • Stock Videos
  • Video resizing
  • Online screen recorder
  • Video to GIF and GIF to video
  • Remove Audio from videos
  • Video Transitions
  • Images to video
  • Add text to videos
  • Merge Videos
  • Add music/sound effects to videos
  • Video Enhancer and filters
  • Video splitter and video mirror



  • Text animations
  • Designs and photo grids
  • Icons
  • Elements
  • Graphics and shapes
  • Speech Bubble
  • Transparent Images
  • Stickers
  • Textures
  • Curved and Animated texts
  • Animations

Tools for Offices and Businesses:

Tools for Offices and Businesses

  • Live presentations
  • Sticky Notes
  • Customized Brand Theme Kits
  • Content management
  • Team Templates
  • Content Planners
  • Group/Team Projects
  • Animating Tools

Other trending designing tools to include are: Social Media content creator, Invitation maker, Business card maker, Resume Builder, Poster Maker, Logo Maker, Meme Maker, Banner maker, Flyers and Postcard Maker.

What Technologies Are Essential For Canva-Like Apps?

Incorporating the latest technologies into your mobile application or web application is an essential part of the development process. An app with cutting-edge technology always stands out and gains competitive over others.

  • Real-time Data Analytics: Big Data, Google Analytics, Hadoop.
  • Mobile SDK: Android, iOS.
  • Cloud storage: Google Cloud Storage, Amazon Cloud Storage.
  • Push Notifications: AdPushup, Amazon SNS, Push.IO
  • Messaging: Firebase, Twilio
  • Database Storage: HBase, MySQL
  • QR Code Scanning: ZBar Barcode Scanner
  • Payment Integration: PayPal, Net Banking, Stripe
  • Location Tracking-Google Maps, Apple Maps

What are the Alternatives to Canva?

Adobe Express:

Adobe Express

Image source: Adobe Express



Image source: Snappa



Image Credits: Vectornator



Image credits: Stencil



Image source: Visme

Design Wizard:

Design Wizard

Image Source: Design Wizard



Image source: Vistacreate



Image source: Fotor



Image Source: Easil



Image Source: Desynger



Image Source: Doographics



Image source: Picmonkey

Ready to take over the app market?

Without a doubt Canva is the best freemium graphic designing website currently available in market, trusted by people all over the world. But with the growing trend of photography and social media content, the demand for different unique DIY designing apps is also increasing.

Every day millions of photos are shared online, many of them are designed and edited by graphic designing tools. In addition to that, there is a massive base of advertising companies leaning towards designing apps or visual arts.

Hence designing apps are rapidly gaining popularity, so now is the best time to step into the market with your customized app and make a fortune.

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M-commerce: Business Apps, Benefits, and Challenges Tue, 25 Oct 2022 15:21:17 +0000 The internet is full of businesses, but not all businesses on the internet are very successful. Fortunately, there’s a way to make your business online and reach millions of potential customers; it’s called M-commerce. Mobile commerce is the growing trend of buying and selling products and services on the go. It has become one of […]

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The internet is full of businesses, but not all businesses on the internet are very successful. Fortunately, there’s a way to make your business online and reach millions of potential customers; it’s called M-commerce.

Mobile commerce is the growing trend of buying and selling products and services on the go. It has become one of the most important elements of digital marketing strategy, as it allows businesses to reach new customers and give them a better user experience. In this article, we will discuss what mobile commerce is, how it works and why it should be your next focus as a business owner or marketer.

What is Mobile commerce?

M-commerce is a type of electronic commerce (e-commerce) that is conducted via mobile devices. The term refers to the delivery of commercial services and products using wireless technology, including mobile phones and other portable devices such as tablets and PDAs.

It is a new form of business that uses mobile devices to conduct transactions and communicate with customers. M-commerce has become popular in recent years as companies have begun using mobile apps and websites to connect with their customers.

It can be broken down into three categories:

  • Mobile e-commerce: The delivery of electronic commerce capabilities directly into the consumer’s hand via wireless technology.


  • Mobile transactions: Financial transactions on a mobile device.


  • Mobile Marketing: The practice of marketing a business using mobile devices.


Growth of M-commerce: 

Mobile commerce is bringing down the barriers to commerce and becoming a larger part of it.

Nowadays mobile devices are more frequently used by consumers to make purchases, making businesses accessible to everyone.


The mobile commerce market is growing at an incredible rate. According to Statista, mobile commerce retail revenues via smartphones would be around 400 billion US dollars by 2024, which is almost double the amount forecast for 2021. Whereas M-commerce sales via tablets would be near to 70 billion dollars by 2024.

Why is M-commerce so useful?


Many experts believe that the future of business will involve more focus on this type of technology, which can help companies reach potential clients more effectively than ever before.

There are many advantages of m-commerce for both businesses and consumers. Here are some benefits you may see from implementing m-commerce strategies:

  • Time-saving and efficiency: Allows customers to get what they need without taking time out of their busy schedules. And, since they can compare prices and products from different retailers quickly and easily, they are most likely to get the best deal possible.
  • 24/7 access: M-commerce also opens up a world of 24/7 shopping opportunities, not just during store hours which is great news for night owls and early birds alike.
  • Convenience and portability: Perhaps the most obvious benefit is convenience, we no longer need to be tied down to a physical store in order to make a purchase. With m-commerce, we can shop anytime, anywhere.
  • Increased reach: M-commerce allows businesses to reach a larger audience than traditional eCommerce.
  • Faster transactions: Mobile devices offer a faster and easier way to make purchases.
  • Personalized shopping experiences: M-commerce enables businesses to provide customized and targeted shopping experiences for their customers.
  • Improved customer loyalty: Customers who have a positive mobile shopping experience are more likely to remain loyal to your brand.
  • More accurate data collection: With mobile devices, businesses will be able to collect more information on their products and services with each transaction made through an app or website.
  • Saving money on marketing campaigns: Many companies today hire marketers and rely heavily on digital advertising for marketing purposes because it’s cheaper than traditional methods like television commercials or magazine ads..

Where does M- commerce work best?

M-commerce apps have applications in almost every facet of modern lifestyle, they bring a lot of ease and convenience. We can use them for managing and promoting businesses, budgeting, paying bills, making reservations, shopping, and basically all financial transactions on the go.

Below are some top-grossing m-commerce business mobile apps categorized in their respective industries:






  • Entertainment and gaming:


Challenges of Mobile commerce:


Mobile commerce is growing at an incredible rate, but faces certain limitations that sometimes hinder their success.

  • Need for a stable Connection: Without a stable and secure internet connection m-commerce cannot function.
  • Security issues: the consumers are exposed to the risk of identify fraud or phishing attacks by certain business apps.
  • Scams: It is very easy to fool people online as there is no physical presence of a store. Mostly people get scammed by website that look good on the front but disappear as soon as they take order.
  • Inability to verify the product or service beforehand: On contrary to physical shopping, customers cannot touch, feel or smell their purchases before paying.
  • Credit card frauds: The most common risk of online commerce is monetary theft or credit cards scams. Consumers and businesses are both equally susceptible to it.


  • M-commerce is buying and selling products and services online via mobile devices.
  • It can be categorized into; Mobile shopping, Mobile Banking, and Mobile Marketing
  • M-commerce app is a rapidly growing market.
  • M-commerce is the future of the business world and revolutionizing the way we way manage our finances.
  • Applications of mobile commerce are big and relevant to every sector.
  • Certain limitations arere needed to be tackled but the advantages and accessibility of Mobile commerce overpower them completely.

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Top Mobile Gaming Trends To Watch Out For In 2023 And Beyond: New Technologies, Apps, Future Predictions Tue, 25 Oct 2022 15:03:58 +0000 Gaming technology has always been a huge part of the entertainment world, from consoles to tablets and even online, people have been enjoying gaming experiences for years. But what do you think will happen in 2023? If you’re a tech geek like us, then your mind must be racing through all sorts of possibilities as […]

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Gaming technology has always been a huge part of the entertainment world, from consoles to tablets and even online, people have been enjoying gaming experiences for years. But what do you think will happen in 2023?

If you’re a tech geek like us, then your mind must be racing through all sorts of possibilities as you try to guess what might happen next.

Today we’re about to tell you about some exciting tech developments that could possibly disrupt the world of gaming.

Why gaming apps are becoming more popular now?

Mobile gaming is on the rise with more and more people playing games on their smartphones and tablets. The popularity of mobile games can be attributed to the fact that they are convenient and easy to play. In addition, mobile games are usually less expensive than console or PC games.


The gaming industry is a billion-dollar market, with mobile games being the fastest-growing segment. According to research, mobile games are responsible for 45% of video gaming revenue worldwide.

Furthermore, mobile games revenue is predicted to exceed $100 billion by 2023 as internet penetration rates and smartphone usage continue to rise. As expected, the rise of mobile gaming is also profoundly affecting the U.S. video game market.

In 2022, mobile games revenue reached a record 41.7 billion U.S. dollars, and thanks to technological advances, digital innovation, and nationwide lockdowns during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, there are now more mobile video game users in America than ever before.


The next decade is going to be an exciting time for new gaming technologies and developments, we expect a lot of new innovations in the mobile gaming industry which are going to give us a new perspective on the gameplay experience.

Here is a comprehensive list of rising trends and technologies that we think will significantly impact the mobile gaming industry:

  • Rise of Blockchain Technology
  • Rose of Mobile Cloud Gaming
  • Web 3.0 and Gaming
  • Mobile Extended Reality
  • Big Data and AI In Gaming
  • In-Game Video Streaming
  • Voice-Controlled Commands
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Tracking Metrics

The combination of blockchain with gaming is set to transform the gaming sector by completely redefining the gaming world as we know it.

Gaming which previously was considered a leisure activity is now becoming a potential means of making money- all thanks to blockchain technology.

Following are a few ways in which this technology will be turning the mobile gaming industry into a potentially economic endeavor.

  • Monetization and control of virtual assets:

Blockchain technology will allow gamers to have full control over their virtual possessions, meaning they would have complete ownership and be able to buy, sell or trade their assets outside of the game.

  • Improved Safety for Games:  

Blockchain inhibits the hacking, stealing, and illegal exchange of virtual goods in the grey market by creating an immutable ledger of that item and who owns it making duplicating and illegal sales impossible.

  • Gamer credibility:

Blockchain records and keeps track of interactions, transactions, and past trading history of players and makes this information publicly available. This transparency promotes good behavior and gamer accountability.

  • Nonfungible tokens in Gaming:

Tokenization of in-game items such as characters, skins, tools, or special powers is enabled by NFTs which are stored on a blockchain.

  • Proof-of-Earning:

Blockchain provides gamers and developers access to a new range of revenue opportunities with transparent and verified proof of earning.

  • Rise Of Cloud Gaming:

Cloud gaming is like having a console in the cloud, allowing gamers to play games on remote servers.

With mobile phones getting more and more powerful after every new iteration, the prospect of playing intense games is no longer confined to personal computers.

Mobile cloud gaming grants the power of having an immersive cloud experience in your palms.

  • Social Networking with Other Gamers- connect with other players online and play with them.
  • Live Streaming- stream gameplay and face camera to interact with audiences.
  • Accessibility- play anywhere, anytime.
  • No Extensive Downloads-play your favorite games without storage issues.
  • Cross-Platform Gaming- switch between multiple platforms; Xbox, PlayStation, etc.
  • Decreased Costs- no need to buy heavy GPUs or purchase expensive games.
  • High-Quality Graphics- same performance and resolution regardless of the device.

Some leading mobile cloud gaming mobile apps are:  

  • WEB3 and Gaming:

Web3 is a buzzword for the new version of Internet with blockchains, NFTs, and cryptos. It is a new era of the web emerging to empower users by proposing a decentralized system that will allow transactions without the interference of third parties.

Web3 gaming refers to games built by combining various facets of Web3 technologies, they are mainly based on transactions and trading activities taking place in virtual worlds. This model monetizes gamers’ gaming time by introducing concepts like Play to Earn (P2E). Some of the groundbreaking features of web3 gaming are:

  • Empowers players; Gamer-driven
  • Income generation for gamers (P2E)
  • Decentralized on blockchains
  • High user retention for developers
  • Immense user engagement depicting the real world
  • Low maintenance as decentralized on blockchains
  • Mobile XR:

Extended Reality (XR) is an umbrella term for the amalgamation of Mixed Reality (MR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented Reality (AR).

Mobile XR is the future of gaming, this technology will make future games even more immersive by offering real-life-like experiences for gamers, making them feel like they’ve been transported into a completely new dimension.

  • Portable Wearable headsets
  • Immersive and engaging gaming experiences
  • Convertible screens
  • Intuitive interactions
  • Motion tracking and hand gestures
  • Big Data and AI in Gaming:

Artificial intelligence and Big data are two technologies that can bring about game-changing innovations for the gaming industry.

Combining these two technologies will result in more dynamic games with better outcomes. AI can simulate human behavior, making it perfect for creating more graphic games. Whereas Big data in gaming enables profiling player behavior, this will help developers to create more enchanting and enticing games as they would be able to make adjustments based on past performances by observing how people play their game.

With these technologies in future there will be:

  • More fun and challenging games
  • Personalized gaming experiences for players
  • Improved user experience
  • More captivating and engaging games
  • Advanced machine learning algorithms
  • In-game video streaming:

The trend of players broadcasting their gameplay to live audiences online will become more popular in the year 2023 by enabling PC- quality live streaming features to mobile devices.

Future games will be even more interactive as players would be able to network with live audiences with face cams and voice commentaries. Gamers can host live events, combat with other players and even raise money from the viewers helping them to produce quality content.

Some popular live streaming gaming apps are:

  • Rise Of Speech Technology in Gaming:

The upcoming years will feature video games with voice-controlled commands, you no longer need to keep smashing buttons to win, now you can your voice as the voice as the ultimate weapon!

Speech recognition technology will allow you to control your character and interact with others through your voice. This innovation makes the players further indulge themselves into the gameplay.

Some qualities of voice-controlled games are

  • KPI Tracking Metrics:

KPIs is short for Key Performance Indicators, it refers to key performance metrics that you need to follow and know for running a successful gaming application.

Keeping a track of these metrics is the latest most followed trend for boosting the overall performance of applications and knowing the weak points.

  • ARPU- Short for Average Revenue generated Per User
  • ARPPU- Average Revenue Per Paying User
  • LTV- lifetime value of gaming Apps
  • Retention rate– total number of customers in a specific period of time.
  • Churn rate– captures and keeps track of how many users are no longer playing your game, it is the opposite of the retention rate.
  • Conversion rate– this refers to recording free customers who haveconverted into customers/made purchases during a specified amount of time.


  • Mobile augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) games will become more popular in 2023: AR and VR will dominate the mobile gaming industry in the future.
  • Smartphones will get cheaper: High quality mobile devices will be available at cheaper rates, making mobile gaming more ubiquitous.
  • 5G networks will boost mobile gaming in 2023: 5G technology has a lot to offer, it will drastically renovate the mobile gaming sector. The most noteworthy benefits include, faster downloads and ultra- low latency which is the dream of every gamer.
  • HTML5 will be the primary gaming platform: HTML5 enables to develop cross-browser and cross- platform games which means there’s no need to create different games for different platform.
  • More virtual economies will emerge in 2023: 2023 will be the year of emerging digital economies with the commencement Web 3.0 technologies.
  • Gaming in Metaverse: Metaverse will be the new leading technology in the world of gaming, opening new opportunities for people to socialize while playing games.


We are living in extremely exciting times and being a part of mobile gaming industry is more fruitful than ever. Hopefully, you found these technologies and trends illuminating with respect to what’s about to come in the upcoming years.

We have come to conclusion that mobile gaming is a booming market having the potential to completely out-do the PC and gaming consoles combined.

Mobile Gaming is positively the next phase of gaming loaded with thousands of opportunities for those who know how to take benefit from it.

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Future of Healthcare: Mobile Medical Diagnostic Apps Fri, 14 Oct 2022 16:59:24 +0000 Personal devices such as mobile phones are ushering in a new epoch for the healthcare sector, completely transforming how and where medical decisions are made and the way we get treated. Especially after the covid pandemic, healthcare professionals have finally realized the importance of treating patients remotely. This rising trend of remote healthcare MDM has caused a […]

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Personal devices such as mobile phones are ushering in a new epoch for the healthcare sector, completely transforming how and where medical decisions are made and the way we get treated.

Especially after the covid pandemic, healthcare professionals have finally realized the importance of treating patients remotely.

This rising trend of remote healthcare MDM has caused a quiet stir in the development of smart medical applications, either by connecting medical devices/wearables or integrating virtual clinics/treatment programs to mobile apps.

Mobile Medical Apps are revolutionizing every facet of healthcare, allowing more precise and timely administration of treatments, reducing the cost of intervention, and at the same time improving the quality of patient care.

With these apps at your service, you no longer have to spend long hours sitting at clinics waiting for your turn. Now you can get expert advice and treatment from the comfort of your home!

What are Mobile Medical Apps?

The applications designed for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, that assist in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, or monitoring of a disease or disorder are referred to as Mobile Medical apps.

The apps used for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and overall physical and mental well-being are also included in this category.

Healthcare Technology App Market:

One of the top priorities of the modern world is to provide quality healthcare for all, resulting in a great deal of pressure on hospitals and medical professionals.

In order to relax this pressure, the medical industry is shifting towards remote setups to provide more efficient and accessible healthcare. The development and prevalence of mobile medical applications are playing an active role in enabling this transition.

In fact, the use of health apps is becoming so popular that the Play Store has recently added a separate “Medical” category.

Top Mobile Medical Diagnostic Applications:

Current Mobile Medical Apps available on the Playstore range from simple fitness/diet programs to diagnosis and prevention of life-threatening diseases like cancer.


However, not all the applications provide what they promise, which is why we have created a comprehensive list of effective apps in each of the following categories;

  • Symptom Checking and Diagnosis
  • Fitness, Nutrition, and Physical Well-Being
  • Mental Therapy and Wellbeing
  • Reproductive Healthcare
  • Skin Cancer Detection
  • Genitourinary Tumors Assessment

Symptom Checking and Diagnosis Apps:

Early diagnosis opens the door to future care and treatment, research has verified four apps currently available in the market safe and effective for diagnosis of certain health issues when provided when relevant info.

Detailed study at: Journal of Medical Internet Research – Evaluation of Four Artificial Intelligence–Assisted Self-Diagnosis Apps on Three Diagnoses: Two-Year Follow-Up Study (

 You can take these apps simply as a replacement to your general physician.

  • Ada– uses artificial intelligence to help people understand, manage and get treatment for their symptoms.
  • Your.MD ­­– provides symptoms diagnosis, treatments, and personalized medicine along with focused physician attention.
  • Babylon – healthcare app for booking online appointments with general physicians, therapists, nurses, pharmacists, and physiotherapists
  • Buoy Health– a dynamic and interactive app that helps people in figuring out health issues and provides guidance for either self-care or professional intervention.

Fitness, Nutrition, and Physical Well-Being Apps:

Physical activity and a good diet are essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. There are a number of apps available to monitor our activities and help us in achieving these goals.

Mobile Applications for the Promotion and Support of Healthy Nutrition and Physical Activity Habits: A Systematic Review, Extraction of Features and Taxonomy Proposal (

Some successful apps are:

  • Samsung Healthan app for overall physical health, includes diet plans, fitness programs, glucose, vital signs, sleep, and anthropometric parameters control, education, and training.
  • Health & Fitness Tracker with Calorie Counter– helps in healthy diet, physical activity, sleep monitoring, vital signs and anthropometrical parameters control. Also provides health education.
  • FITTR: Fitness & Weight Loss -an app for physical fitness, weight loss and anthropometrics regulations.

Mental Therapy and Wellbeing Apps:

With the development of medical apps now it’s possible to achieve peace of mind through your mobile phones. Apps that provide great mental health services are listed below:

  • Betterhelponline therapy application
  • Bearablesymptoms tracking app for overall issues related to health
  • PTSD Coachdesigned for helping individuals who have or may have post-traumatic stress disorder. Includes information about professional care, tools for stress management, and self-assessments
  • Depression CBT Self-Help Guidean app for helping people suffering from sadness and depression. Include interactive features like cognitive library and mood logs that aid in identifying the cause of distress and better treatment planning with a therapist.

For more apps and detailed info read: The Best Mental Health Apps of 2022 (

Reproductive Healthcare Apps:

Unfortunately, there are still a lot of stigmas associated with sexual health. People shy away or feel judged talking about these issues, hence end up compromising on their well-being. Medical apps are a safe way to find solutions to these problems in secrecy.

  • Biem-an online sexual healthcare service, private health tests for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
  • Maven Clinica virtual clinic for family planning, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and postpartum-related concerns
  • Myfloa menopausal and menstruation cycle tracker. This app collects cycle data and translates it into health information, and suggests lifestyle changes for better reproductive health.
  • Itmatters– an app for youth and teens, addressing their sexual and healthcare concerns with confidentiality, leading to in-person health services in their comfort zones.
  • ibreastcheckprovides real-time breast cancer diagnosis, which is critical for successful breast cancer treatment.

Skin Cancer Detection Apps

Skin cancer or melanoma is a growing public health concern, the only way to tackle it is early and precise detection. Mobile health apps could be a powerful tool to reduce morbidity of skin cancer in general public.

Detailed research at: JMIR Dermatology – Development of Smartphone Apps for Skin Cancer Risk Assessment: Progress and Promise

Some promising apps are:

  • SkinVisiona skin cancer detection app
  • SkinScan– A portable library verified by scientists for automated melanoma detection on handheld devices.
  • SpotMole– An app that checks and scans skin for any abnormal spots/moles and detects signs of skin cancer through machine learning.

Genitourinary Tumors Assessment Apps

25% of all cancers are genitourinary cancers, these include prostate and bladder cancer for men and cervical and uterine cancer for women.

Even though these cancers are the leading cause of deaths, early detection and diagnosis can improve the chances of survival.

JMIR mHealth and uHealth – Assessing Apps for Patients with Genitourinary Tumors Using the Mobile Application Rating Scale (MARS): Systematic Search in App Stores and Content Analysis

  • Ball Checker-With early detection, testicular cancer is curable but late diagnosis results in unfavorable outcomes. This app provides information and self-exams resulting in early testicular cancer diagnosis.
  • Kidney cancer manager-  Helps patients with renal carcinoma manage their treatments and medications. Also, provide preventive measures to patients recovering from kidney cancer.
  • Rotterdam Prostate Cancer Risk-A prostate cancer risk assessment app, developed By Prostate Cancer Risk Research Foundation, Rotterdam 
  • Ovarian cancer (Personal Remedies LLC)-Anovarian cancer preventive app, consisting of comprehensive nutritional guidelines and lifestyle changes to reduce risk, combat, and prevent ovarian cancer.
  • Global Pap App– Helps in cervical cancer prevention when provided with information like age, cytology result, and HPV result.

Future forecast and challenges:

The Global Mobile Medical Apps Market was valued at USD 3.65 Billion in 2019 and it is expected to reach USD 17.61 Billion by 2027.

Even though there are a number challenges that hinder in the development of these apps but the benefits outweigh them all. And in order for mobile medical apps to become fully and widely acknowledged, further research is needed to verify their positive impact on the medical sector and the user population.

 Let’s hope that the healthcare industry and developers come up with new innovations to build more beneficial and useful apps in the future.

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The Top 50 Small Business Apps of 2022 Fri, 02 Sep 2022 14:19:22 +0000 Everything in the palm of your hands or right on your screen. The world has evolved from tangible necessities to digital configurations. Over the last ten years, technological development and advancement have been immaculate. Initially, it stepped into the world with the promise of entertainment. But now, it does everything from predicting the weather to […]

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Everything in the palm of your hands or right on your screen.

The world has evolved from tangible necessities to digital configurations. Over the last ten years, technological development and advancement have been immaculate. Initially, it stepped into the world with the promise of entertainment. But now, it does everything from predicting the weather to scheduling your whole life and keeping a tab on your health. These days, digitalization is considered a requirement to survive and prosper in this world. This is true in the world of business, especially for startups or independent entrepreneurs who aim to expand in the most budget-friendly manner possible. On that token, mobile app development has made great strides, progressing to the point that it aids in several facets ranging from scheduling to enhancing employee productivity.

Everything man can do, software does faster and more efficiently. And yet, as time progressed, mobile app development did not stop; it branched out and took a new form, turning itself into a business for business. Now, because of this ‘branch out,’ it’s hard for one to know which application would be an all-rounder for them. When considering requirements, feature sets, and deployability, many apps get lost in translation. This is why, after thorough research and analysis, we have come up with a list of 50 Business apps for 2022 which have the all-rounder mobile app development qualities that an entrepreneur looks for. To help you better find what you may be looking for, we have arranged these apps down into the following categories;

Micro-level Business Administration Apps Project And Management Applications
Payment Apps For Small Business Finance And Accounting Apps
Time Management Apps Free Apps
Job Scheduling Apps Marketing Apps
Customer Relations Management Apps
Inventory management apps.


Micro-Level Administration Apps



The name ConnecTeam itself is a smart choice, giving off a taste of that savvy mobile app development power and programming. Back in 2016, this organization was formed with only a few subscribers. Now, in 2022, it is one of the best administration applications and is trusted by more than twenty thousand businesses worldwide.

One of the plus points of ConnecTeam is that its mobile application development enables its user to have access to fixed monthly paid plans, starting at $29. One can even test it out through their trial period, which includes free plans. Through the payment plans given by ConnecTeam, a small-scale business can easily manage its hurdles and expand with time.

This business application is set to keep a whole business interlinked and connected. The application ranges from fieldwork to the comfort of the indoor office space. Under your finger lies the administration of your staff and operations. This app is a tried-and-true all-rounder with its mobile app development at its peak and features that seal the deal. ConnecTeam promises that once subscribed, efficiency and productivity increase.



SAP Success Factors was founded in 2001 by Lars Dalgaard. Initially, its mobile app development configuration was limited to performance management. It is safe to state that SAP has now expanded its market and features through consistent programming and advancement in its technological aspects.

With its head office in San Mateo, California, the software is now entrusted by millions of users worldwide. SAP is poised with the aim of engaging an enterprise’s entire workforce and keeping a tab on tasks. It aids in the productivity levels of a firm and further collaboratively sends key information to employees. Its mobile app development also programs self-service tools for managers, employees, and HR. The configuration also includes HCM that automates people processes and reduces the time wasted in day-to-day strategic planning. Its yearly plan is considered the optimum investment as it goes as low as eighty-four dollars a year.



With a two-in-one mobile app development program that keeps updating itself as time passes, Chanty is not only a business administration application but also a team chat platform. The organization was created in 2017 and has only prospered ever since.

One of the major perks of this application isn’t only its features but also the pricing plans, going as low as $2 annually due to its recent summer sale. Otherwise, it’s still goes for around $4 a year. Compared to other applications, it is extremely budget-friendly and efficient for startups. The users are also given an option to sign up for free and test it out before switching to the business subscription.

Besides communication, a user through Chanty can also manage projects by converting messages into tasks, and one can also assign those tasks, set deadlines, and also collaboratively see everything on the ‘teambook.’ Chanty is considered one of the best investments when looking for an ultimate communication hub for your business.

4. Workday


Launched in 2006, the name itself gives comfort to many as its features comply with the ‘working days’ that an entrepreneur seeks. The application serves its purpose for human resources and finances that aid in efficient and profitable decision-making. The mobile app development created this software to eliminate an entrepreneur’s sense of ‘guess-working.’

Workday also engages employees, and one of its key features that many find fascinating is that it is customizable at any moment. Through Workday, as a manager, HCM is efficient and effective as it allows you to plan, recruit, and develop talent. The app overall is extremely simplified and user-friendly without any set of complications that could lead to agitation. The pricing is communicated through direct contact, leaving room for more customizable options that may cater to the nature of the business.

5. Xero


Having initially launched in New Zealand, Xero gives its user complete access to monitor their business’s cash flow, aids in sending invoices, creates expense claims, and helps import and categorize all your latest transactions.

Now, the application is well-regarded worldwide amongst independent businesses and integrated with over seven hundred independent applications such as PayPal. The configurations set by the mobile app development team are phenomenal as it holds features that not only aid in control over finances but also temporary statements that could even save a business from financial mishaps.

With a thirty-day free trial, users are also given pricing options ranging from $9 to $60 a month. Many may see the strategy as a downside, but after thorough analysis, it is clear that the monthly options open a realm for users to choose from a variety of features that may be best suitable for their business.

6. EmailAnalytics


With the mobile app development team incorporating features that visualize a team’s email activity, EmailAnalytics enables its users to essentially decipher KPIs through graphs, bars, and pie charts generated by the software. All calculations are already taken under consideration from the emails sent, received, or responded to.

The reports range from daily to weekly as per the user’s need. EmailAnalytics for 2022 is considered one of the best mobile app developments that have successfully shown desired results that aid managers in keeping a tab on their employees’ productivity which also assures the business’s productivity as a whole. The pricing also is a plus point, considering you get a visual representation of quantitative data (the input your team gives). Bulk discounts are also a unique feature going as low as five dollars a month for five users together.

Payment Apps for Small Businesses

7. Wave


Wave makes digital cash liquid by enabling users to track income and expenses. What’s more, it aids in creating and sending invoices from a user’s office desktop to the comfort of their home on their mobile phone. So, in simple words, the mobile app development enables recurring billing and can scan receipts from anywhere. The dashboard is extremely easy to navigate and was specifically built with small business owners and startups in mind. The application is completely free and serves the purpose of financing easier without the requirement of heavy hardware or experience.

8. QuickBooks


Quickbooks is an extremely simple and user-friendly online platform with clearcut features that are easy to find. Its key features include tracking expenses and creating and sending forms such as quotes, invoices, accounting or financial reports, and much more. The plus side of QuickBooks is the mobile app development which promotes an all-rounder which is best for businesses of any side. The name ‘Quickbooks’ itself advocates for the quick services it provides, with pricing plans ranging from $15 a month to $30 dollars, depending on the user’s requirements. Another plus point is that there is a thirty-day free-of-cost trial that can help the user decide whether this is the software for them.

9. Square


Square is widely regarded by users worldwide for its easy drag-and-drop website templates. Now, it also provides a domain for transactional purposes, which is easy to use and efficient with a fast-paced site. The mobile app development also advances toward its user by fully supporting card swipe systems with multiple software and hardware solutions at hand. And to add to all the simple perks, it also only has a transactional fee of  2.6% + $0.10 for every in-person payment you accept.

10. PayPal Here


A huge USP for PayPal is the option of processing credit cards, checks, and invoices, and that, too, all on your phone! The mobile app developers were truly able to outdo many applications with this feature. Compared to Square, which provides other features such as inventory and order management, PayPal Here provides the simplest and easiest way to access payments through your mobile phone and only charges 2.7% per card swipe. As many businessmen prefer PayPal, this is the best alternative to your bank account and is also the possible future, making it a good investment for the long run.

11. Venmo


Although a household name now, Venmo saw its beginnings as early as 2009. With a standard 3% fee, it is considered one of the top apps of 2022, frequently used by the younger generation. With over five million users, it is notably one of the most important mobile app developments that one has come across in the history of technological advancements, with built-in features that are beyond simple to use for entrepreneurs and beginners

Time Management Apps

12. Tsheets


TSheets allows one to not only track time on any device but also aids in streamlining payrolls and invoices. Its core features allow maintenance of time-off requests and receiving real-time reports depending on the user’s needs.

Another plus point to TSheets is that the mobile app development has allowed it to integrate with other small business apps in addition to QuickBooks—including Sage, Xero, Square, and more. This makes it the ultimate app, with millions of users placing their trust in it. TSheets requires a paid subscription that goes as low as $80 a month to $20 a month, depending on the needs and assessment requirements of the user or firm.

13. Gusto


A rather more professional yet budget-friendly option that made it to the 2022 list is Gusto. For a more full-service payroll and HR app, it is the best application out there. The rise and popularity of mobile app development over the years have put Gusto in demand in all enterprises that wish to execute their work efficiently.

Gusto’s platform allows you to manage payroll, benefits, and compliance. And to top all of that, a user can also calculate and file payroll taxes on federal and state levels, track sick days and vacation time, and so much more. All these features are available at a price that goes as low as $6 a month, including its free mobile app.

14. Troggle


With the aim to boost productivity, Troggle is classified as ‘the simplest time tracker to help you get things done. Ideal for teams, freelancers & agencies.’ Troggle allows all its users to achieve one of the best experiences of 2022 with just a click of a button. The mobile app development configuration will quickly break down the quantitatives, making the presented data easy to read and understand. The Toggl Button browser extension efficiently allows users to track time in over 80 online tools. Making it one of the most efficient websites. Pricing starts at $9 a month per user and can double. Another plus point is the option to chat with a Troggle representative about their Enterprise plan.

15. My Minutes


This personalized app not only lets users set a personal genre of goals, like the minimum or maximum amount of time they actually want to put into a task, but also sets days for when the task has to be repeated.

My Minutes will remind users about them and aid employees efficiently towards breaks and completion of tasks. The mechanism and psychology behind this mobile app development configuration are simple, when the ‘streaks’ change to green, employees will simultaneously be more motivated to tackle and complete their tasks again and again. This application is free of cost and tends to aid in efficiency and productivity. Its simplicity is what drives the users to opt for it.

16. TeamDeck


Classified under ‘resource management software,’ TeamDeck allows its users to check team availability, schedule resources, and track working time and days off within one mobile application. The key features also include customizable reports that can be generated within TeamDeck to help managers oversee their team’s performance and track their KPIs of choice. TeamDeck falls under the subscription of a pay-per-user platform with pricing as low as $3.99 per team member per month.

17. HotSchedules


HotSchedules, now a part of Fourth, is available for Android and iOS devices. While being strictly bound to mobile phone applications, it still has key features that attract many entrepreneurs as it can be used to assign and manage employee shifts, time-off requests, and calendars. HotSchedules is particularly very popular amongst restaurants and other food-service businesses apps. This scheduling app is one of the top business applications on the Apple AppStore and can be downloaded for $4.

18. ConnecTeam Time Clock


This online time tracker has all the features one needs. With ConnecTeam Time Clock, users can clock in from their mobile phones anywhere. Through tagged GPS locations and advanced mobile app development, users can stay on top of where their workers are supposed to be while clocked in.

It is relatively time-saving and requires less effort when tracking work hours with accuracy and detail. Instead, ConnecTeam Time Clock does it for you. Another perk is that users can chat with employees from the time clock, ensuring smooth communication.

19. factoTime


Built to help small businesses and startups automate their attendance management and salary calculation, factoTime is now serving more than 10000 organizations around the world. It is an excellent application for managing time as you can monitor employees’ total work hours and attendance punch-in and punch-out.

The app allows your employees to register their attendance using QR codes and punch with selfie to minimize time thefts, increase data accuracy and improve punctuality. For your field or travelling staff, location can also be tracked along with their attendance. You can also develop a company calendar with holidays and schedule shifts as well.

Job Scheduling Apps

20. Schedule Planner


Sometimes, a daily planning device is all you need to boost productivity. In that sense, Schedule Planner is an excellent choice. With it, all of the user’s tasks are organized according to the set of priorities assigned to it. Schedule Planner is extremely easy to use and has a sleek user interface. Users have the ability to create plans from complete scratch, and it also allows one to choose a pre-existing template as well. Their pricing, on the other hand, varies. To get the best software deal possible, it’s best to talk to a customer representative and discuss options.

21. Zoom Shift


Everything users require for job scheduling, like availability and shift swaps, is available on one app; ZoomShift. Through existing templates, a ZoomShift user has the liberty to create a schedule within minutes. Users can also drag and drop shifts on the calendar.

Another huge perk that attracts businesses to ZoomShift is the option to share the schedule template through text messages, emails, and even push notifications. All team members have the ability to view their schedules, set availability preferences, and choose open shifts. This makes it a great replacement for MS Excel. It also has a free plan that also branches out to prices that go as low as paying $2 per user every month.

22. 10to8 Scheduling


10to8 scheduling has grown drastically during the pandemic, thanks to its meeting scheduling software helping remote teams connect and organize meetings. Its core features include daily calls, virtual coffees, cross-department meetings, and so much more. To top it all off, one of the most vital selling points for this app is the mobile app developer’s programming. Through it, the app enables teams spread among many time zones to sync with each other via a timezone management feature available. This way, managers can efficiently plan and schedule meetings on the fly without worrying about scheduling conflicts.

23. ConnecTeam Scheduling


ConnecTeam Scheduling is the one-stop-shop application that makes it extremely viable for managers to plan with ease. Its easy-to-use configuration offers real-time oversight of where the business and its objectives stand. The app’s scheduling features allow users to reduce labor costs. The application gives its user access to create schedules in relevance to weeks, even months, and on the plus side, a user can even communicate with their team directly from the app.

Customer Relations Apps

24. Belly


Belly creates a customized customer loyalty program that adds to a business’s legitimacy as customers feel important. The user has the feasibility to design points of the program based on what customers prefer and also gains the added features of email, social media marketing, and analytics from Belly’s application software.

A user’s Belly account can be managed online or through the mobile app. Pricing, however, starts on the expensive side, at over $100 a month. Despite this, many small businesses consider Belly well worth the price of admission based on how it has established customer relationships with firms, aiding their survival during the pandemic.

25. Spendgo


A Spendgo user has the liberty to create customer loyalty and marketing programs. The options branch out to customers visiting your store, shopping online, or using their mobile phones. Spendgo allows its users to develop a points-based rewards program, push promotions, and even reach customers via text or email. One can find out Spendgo’s pricing plans by directly contacting them.

26. Salesforce


Salesforce is one of the biggest names in CRM platforms. It is used by all sorts of businesses scaling from micro to macro levels all over the globe. The Salesforce platform allows its users to track and manage customer profiles across departments, develop personalized marketing plans, respond to customer issues, and so much more. Their pricing plans go as low as $25 per user per month.

27. Nimble


Nimble is an app that shares functional similarities with Salesforce. The only difference here is its pricing, which can go as low as $19 per month, making it a comparatively budget-friendly option for small businesses.

Inventory Management Apps

28. SOS Inventory


SOS Inventory offers to simplify inventory tracking, order management, and manufacturing. The service integrates with both QuickBooks and Shopify, two platforms that are recognized worldwide. It can be used on desktops, tablets, or mobile. With this app, users can manage inventory in more than one location, track their items according to a number of different attributes, and create tickets and packing slips, among other features. The mobile app is included for free, but the subscription costs around $40 a month.

29. Delivrd


Using Delivrd, users can create product catalogs; they can count, receive, and issue stock; enable stock level alerts, and even have access to transaction history of their inventory. Even though it’s a web-limited service, Delivrd is considered one of the easiest platforms to use to keep track of inventories. Its paid plans enable other key features starting from fifty dollars per user a month.

30. Sortly


The Sortly inventory management app can be used through the web platform as well as on a user’s mobile phone or tablet. With Sortly, users can maintain their catalog with custom notes and tags. Other key features include looking up barcodes and using the built-in scanner. All these are a part of the free version of the software. For greater features and capabilities, a user can elect to purchase either of Sortly’s paid plans, starting at $39 a month.

Project And Management Applications

31. Trello


Trello is one of the most dominant app platforms to date. Its features include project management, a daily/monthly task list, organization, meal prep, blog maintenance, and much more. All of the customizable boards are shareable, and the best part is that it’s free. The premium version only costs $12. It may be a little complex, but the guide services provided it is worth it for businesses who want effective communication

32. Asana


Asana comparatively has a different approach than Trello. Instead of visual cards, Asana uses a completely customizable format, with a specific system to manage tasks. It has a  basic free version with a set of paid plans which give users more options, thus also making Asana well deserving of its spot in this top 50 list.

33. Basecamp


Basecamp‘s features include the functionality to create and assign tasks and set due dates with a to-do list. The app is popular among users in the US and leans toward the expensive side of things. Still, it is considerably easy to use and an all-rounder with a mobile app development procedure that constantly is updating. Users can start with a free 30-day trial and then choose whether the $100 a month package is suitable.

34. Evernote


If a user just wants to keep themselves organized, the best mobile app development is presented through Evernote. The free trial may be limited, but it may be fruitful for many. The business premium Evernote, on the other hand, can be had for only $14 a month.

35. Monday


Monday is a project management app that organizes all tasks and boosts communication. When employees complete tasks, the status is updated so everyone can easily see where a project or task currently stands. The prices range from $20 and go as high as $50.

36. nTask


Users can plan all projects in nTask by adding descriptions, assigning resources, setting a budget, and creating tasks. Users can get started with nTask with the ‘forever free plan.’ The paid premium plan starts for around $2 a month, whereas the business package starts at $8 for a user per month.

37. ProofHub


ProofHub is the management app that gives users access to all projects on the go. It is one place for all projects and team collaboration. With this app, managers can delegate virtually with features like in-app notifications. The Android app is all it takes for anyone to join in the discussions. ProofHub is also supported by iOS and Windows platforms. It is available for around $90 per month for unlimited users.

Finance And Accounting Apps

38. Goodbudget


As a free service, Goodbudget has decent basic functionality. But once subscribed, it allows for unlimited packets and accounts, five years of financial history, and email support. All of this can be had for $6 a month. It is considered best for freelancers or startups.

39. Toshl


Small business owners will enjoy enterprise-related services with Toshl for a fraction of the cost of other budgeting apps. For only $3 a month, users can not only cash in on unlimited financial accounts but also enjoy features like unlimited budgets, planning graphs, repeat expenses, income, and even transfer capabilities and receipt images. With many business-friendly features at such a low price, it’s easy to see why it’s popular among small business owners.

40. Honeydue


Honeydue allows partners to sync bank accounts, credit cards, loans, and investments. And, to add to the features for partnering users, you can choose how much you share with your significant other. The free budget app automatically categorizes expenses, but you can also create custom categories. It has instantly gained popularity due to the shared accounting feature that many websites don’t tend to share.

41. Expensify


Even though Expensify has a more specific purpose, it can play a particularly useful role in organizing a business’s finances. With Expensify, a user can easily scan receipts and process employee expenses. Another perk of the application is that it can integrate with QuickBooks, Xero, and a variety of other small business apps. And the best part of the facilities it provides is that it is completely free of cost, thus, gaining extreme popularity amongst startups.

42. YNAB


YNAB is a budgeting app that allows its users to link their checking and savings accounts, as well as credit cards and loans. The app works on the phone, desktop, iPad, Apple Watch, and Alexa. The payment is free for college students, whereas otherwise, the payment can range from $15 a month to $100 a year, including a free one-month trial. The zero-based budgeting system is very user-friendly and in-depth. It’s perfect for starters and for long-term businesses.

43. EveryDollar


Like YNAB, EveryDollar offers a zero-based budgeting framework that’s simpler and easier to manage than YNAB. In the free version of EveryDollar, the user manually enters their cash flow throughout the month. They can also categorize line items in their budget and set reminders for bill payments. The premium and paid version of EveryDollar, along with the existing feaures, enables one to connect with the user’s bank account. Their transactions are automatically transcribed, and custom reports, along with recommendations, are given based on the habits they have. Another feature is that the user can connect their saving and investing accounts. The premium version is the most expensive app on the list, yet it truly is worth it.

44. Fudget


With its funky name, Fudget has been all over 2022. It has an ultra-easy design that helps you sync your financial accounts and aids in keeping a close tab on them. The best part about Fudget is that it’s budget-friendly for its users, or should we say, it has a fun-budget package. It only requires a one-time payment for users to upgrade to the pro version, that too, for only $4. It is highly recommended for beginners who want to keep track of their business investments and cashflows overall.

Free Apps

45. FreshBooks


FreshBooks’ mobile app is developed for small business owners, and its cloud-based platform proves it. Its features include syncing and viewing all financials, no matter where the user is. Its accessibility is available on desktops and on one’s mobile phone. Client feedback is easy to respond to. Another perk that assists the application’s popularity and efficiency are that a user can take photos of any receipts and immediately add them to their expenses. It also provides great time-tracking capabilities.

46. TripIt


Small business owners that take business trips will testify that TripIt is a lifesaver. The app collects all your travel details and sends an alert about any alteration, such as flight changes. Another unique feature it possesses is that users can view their itinerary offline to avoid losing their tracks in a foreign country. A basic plan onTripIt is free, whereas the pro version costs around $50 per year which is a very decent investment in the long run for traveling entrepreneurs.

47. Wunderlist


The basic version of Wunderlist is free, but there also is a business plan that starts at $5 per user. A key feature of this app is that it lets its user delegate tasks to their employees, make subtasks, and set deadlines and reminders.

48. LastPass


Perfect for a new business owner, LastPass is an easy-to-use app that attaches to your browser and can also be used on Android or iOS. A key feature recently added is that if a user is terrible at creating secure passwords, LastPass generates long, undecipherable passwords for them and keeps them safe. The mobile app development team has stated that they use encryptions to ensure no one can breach users’ information.

Marketing Apps

49. Wix


With Wix, users can easily create websites without the hassle of knowing how to code or hiring a professional. With more than 110 million customers, Wix helps users create customized websites. Wix also offers a free plan that users can start off with. And when they feel the need to enhance their website further and have access to more features, they can upgrade at the price of nearly $13 a month. If you’re looking to configure your Wix site so that it adheres to The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (thereby becoming accessible to users with disabilities) you can explore integrating with third-party solutions to make existing Wix websites ADA compliant by remediating the website’s code.”

50. Buffer


One of the biggest perks one has achieved through this digital era is the social media platforms that make it easier to market businesses of all sorts. Buffer helps schedule and manage all social media posts to make it easier. Creating posts, analyzing the data, and engaging with followers are some of the core features presented by Buffer. One of the perks many mobile app developers fail to incorporate is the accessibility of one or more users, but not Buffer, it allows up to 25 users to one Buffer account. What’s more, admins can also choose who has access or needs permission. The pricing plans also range from a free to $15 a month starter plan.

51. Hootsuite


Hootsuite is an ideal social media management system that helps users track their social network channels. Users have the ability to monitor how the audience engages their brand and also aid in instantly responding. Ranging across various networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, enabling users to post an update or reply directly.

The best quality of the mobile app development of Hootsuite is that users can monitor multiple streams from one place. Currently, it supports Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ Pages, Foursquare, Instagram, WordPress blogs, Vimeo, Tumblr, Evernote, Flickr, Mailchimp, Slideshare, Storify, and more. All these features are accessible through various plans, giving the user variety and the choice to pick the most suitable one for their business. Prices can vary from $500 and go as low as $19. Luckily, for indecisive users, a customer chat representative is always there to help in choosing the best plan.

52. Fyle


Fyle is a spend management tool that lets businesses gain real-time expense management on cards they already have. You can now get notified of spending seconds after your business credit card has been swiped and collect receipts in real-time via text. By gaining access to real-time data feeds, finance teams no longer depend on bank feeds to reconcile card expenses.

And with that, we conclude our list. The top fifty apps truly serve their purpose and effortlessly enhance businesses on a budget. In this digital era, nearly 70% of businesses collapse during their starting years due to the lack of communication, marketing, and customer satisfaction. But now, virtually, with the right software and the perfect mobile app development configuration that suits an entrepreneur’s respective business, one can save their business and expand and conquer.

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Switching From iPhone To Android: All the Steps You Need to Follow Fri, 12 Nov 2021 10:03:45 +0000 It is not an elusive sight to see iPhone users switch to Android but for some the entire process of this transition is exhausting. Switching to an entirely new operating system without new features and functionalities might be a taxing endeavor but if you know the right steps then you can easily get it done. […]

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It is not an elusive sight to see iPhone users switch to Android but for some the entire process of this transition is exhausting. Switching to an entirely new operating system without new features and functionalities might be a taxing endeavor but if you know the right steps then you can easily get it done. The core steps required for this transition are related to transferring digital media such as the photos and videos and most importantly the contacts and messages.

Switching From iPhone To Android Steps

Here we are going to convey what you need to know about this switch and what steps you have to follow to make it happen without losing any of your precious data. If you intend to set up your new Android phone without the hassle then here is what you need to follow before making this leap:

Preparing for the transition

The notion of making a transition from an iPhone to Android cannot be compared to switching from your old iPhone to the latest iPhone XS Max instead it is entirely different. Smartphones do have similar functions and it is true that so does an Android or an iOS phone but people who are new to this idea still find this transition arduous.

The interface, features, and functionalities in every Android phone are different. Supposedly, you own a Samsung but some other person has an LG phone. The user experience and functionalities of both these phones would vary as the Android OS is developed differently for each of them.

Therefore, how would you get over this fact? This transition might be confusing for some but it is certainly not a far off task so you do not need to fret. It might take time to get used to it but the notion of switching your smartphone to an Android phone is extremely simple and here is what you need to know:

No more iMessage

Apple’s messaging app iMessage cannot be integrated with platforms other than the iOS. However, if you are making a transition from iPhone and Android then there is an alternative available to save all of your data and prevent the deletion of any important messages of yours.

This process is simple as all you have to do is go to the settings of your iPhone and then turn off the iMessage feature. Another thing that you should do is to unregister yourself from the iMessage by inputting your phone number and once you receive the confirmation code for it, input the code into the main page.

The need for both of these steps is essential as it lets Apple save your messages and it would prevent your messages from being either lost or deleted. Since if you are using the iMessage for messaging then before you switch to Android, make sure you have followed the above-mentioned steps as it would lead all of your incoming messages to the iMessage and it will not be available on your new phone.

You would lose your mobile apps

It is demoralizing to know that you cannot recover the apps you have paid for on the Apple app store and if you want to use those apps again on your Android phone then you would have to purchase them again. It is true that the apps made for the Google Play Store are different from the ones made for iOS and it is also possible that the apps you were using on your iPhone would not be available on the Google Play Store. However, if you choose to use a subscription service such as Spotify then you can use and avail those services on your Android phone as well.

Transferring contacts

The most basic way of transferring and entering way is to do it manually but it is a time-consuming process. It is easier to opt a more dynamic approach in order to export your contacts to your Android phone. You can log into your iCloud on your personal computer and then select all the contacts that you intend to export or backup. Simply export them via the vCard and add them into your Google Contacts after you log into your Gmail account. You can also install the My Contacts Backup mobile app on your device and then import the contacts you need to your new smartphone.

Backing up your photos

If you intend to use an Android phone then it is likely that you would lose the data on your iPhone. However, the emergence of Google Photos has saved us a lot of trouble. You can now access Google Photos in your Android smartphone or simply install it from the Play Store. Once that is done, the process of transferring your photos is not that confusing either.

Before we proceed to know that, you even store your media by backing them up on your iCloud but using Google Photos is a more feasible option. You can also save them into your iTunes profile and then synchronize them to the drive of your computer.

However, using Google Photos and linking them to your Google account is recommended since you are given the opportunity to avail unlimited storage without any additional charges.

Manufacturer apps and tools

The act of saving your data, files, and media manually or using any software certainly consumes a lot of your time. Smartphone manufacturers have provided us with the option of using tools to copy the files we need from our old phone to our new smartphone.

The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 allows you to use a USB-OTG connector, which you can use to transfer data from your iPhone to your Android phone. There is also the availability of a Smart Switch software that lets you transfer your data and files without the use of an additional plugin.

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Steps For How To Replace Your iPhone Battery Fri, 12 Nov 2021 09:42:49 +0000 It is probable that your current iPhone might be slowing down and the main culprit behind could be your battery. While the solution for this dilemma is an iPhone battery replacement, you should know the relevant steps to follow before you make the decision to replace the battery for good. There is not a single […]

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It is probable that your current iPhone might be slowing down and the main culprit behind could be your battery. While the solution for this dilemma is an iPhone battery replacement, you should know the relevant steps to follow before you make the decision to replace the battery for good. There is not a single yet many ways a battery can be replaced to a brand new one but do not purchase a new battery if you do not know the steps of replacing one.

The methods of battery replacement are a bit costly but definitely worth the expensive cost. In order to make an Apple battery replacement for your iPhone, here are some methods that you can look into and then just choose the one that is the most feasible for you.

Understand the battery performance of your iPhone

Start with going to the Settings app of your iPhone and from there analyze the Battery section carefully. When you tap Maximum Capacity, you will be displayed an interface with different stats and numbers about your battery’s health.

Now before we elaborate battery performance further, know the reason why your Lithium-based iPhone battery reduces in performance and what happens to it gradually. The batteries Apple has used for iPhones are consumable and their performance is bound to reduce. If you own an iPhone then do not think Apple is using cheap batteries but that is just how these consumable batteries work.

When you buy a new iPhone, you usually make sure the battery percentage reaches to 0 and then you charge it. Once your iPhone shuts down, that is when the iPhone begins to charge more efficiently towards getting to 100%. Initially, it will charge your phone too quickly but then the charging speed will reduce as well. When you use your iPhone usually, you never wait until the battery reduces to 0% to charge it.

Battery health and limit depends on many factors and one such factor is time as we have mentioned already. However, it also relies on the overall usage of the iPhone. Every individual would use an iPhone differently. Some would use it often to make important calls while some would only play games or scroll through social media. Every different form of usage can bring an impact on battery performance and life.

Buying and replacing your old iPhone battery

In order to find the befitting replacement for your battery, it is better to stick to Apple iPhone battery replacement directly from the company itself. Do not think of getting one from a third party as you could be easily scammed. For the betterment of your convenience, get your iPhone’s battery replaced by following the steps we have compiled for you.

The approximate cost for the iPhone models ranging from the X to the XR starts from $69 and for the previous iPhone models, a battery replacement is going to cost you $49. If you happen to have an AppleCare+ warranty, you might as well get a free battery replacement. However, just do not rely on a free warranty or returns, as the reliability of getting a new battery directly from Apple is a lot higher.

If you think your current iPhone can be qualified for a free replacement then Apple has got you covered there as well. Just use the relevant eligibility testing tool by Apple and you will know whether your iPhone can get a battery replacement free of cost or not. However, the only requirement is that there should be no external damage done to the battery. If water or any other substance your battery has been exposed to is found, your eligibility for a free replacement will not work then.

If you have any further issues and if you think you cannot find the root cause for the battery issues, you can directly contact the support team at Apple and they will provide you with the relevant guidance. Just answer the questions gradually and you will receive the relevant replacement.

You can also opt for a different approach and that is to go to any Apple Store directly. You will find various authorized Apple product sellers around town or near your premises. Just go to them with your query and they will proceed with the relevant replacement procedures.

If there are not any authorized sellers or stores present then do not go to a third party, just ship the broken battery to the original Apple stores and you will get your replacement in a matter of few days. However, it will take a significant amount of time for you to get back your new battery.

DIY method to replace the battery


This is probably the last resort to finding a method for battery replacement. It might not be widely recommended but it still works if you follow all the steps carefully. Taking out the original battery out from your iPhone’s case and placing a new one is a bit tricky indeed. All the components inside an iPhone are tightly packed together so if you move a specific chip or a component, it could just ruin the overall performance of your iPhone.

Do not opt for this method if you are not confident about picking each piece and aligning it correctly. iPhones are now waterproof but if you open the case and make the adjustments, it could also tamper in your iPhone’s ability to be waterproof. Just be very vigilant while making the replacement or just get a readymade tool kit.

The toolkit will have all the necessary components required for the replacement method. However, these kits are not cheap either and some even exceed the price tag of $20. We cannot give you any guarantee or confidence that your DIY battery replacement method would be successful. But you think the original cost of the battery replacement is not worth the effort and it can be done easily yourself, you can stick to the DIY method for sure.

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How to turn a Website into an iOS App Thu, 15 Oct 2020 13:53:29 +0000 Before we dive deep into the procedure of converting a website into an iOS app, let’s answer some of the basic questions first. Would this conversion be beneficial for you? Would it benefit your customers? Well, converting your website into an iOS would not only help you, but it would help your customers a great […]

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Before we dive deep into the procedure of converting a website into an iOS app, let’s answer some of the basic questions first. Would this conversion be beneficial for you? Would it benefit your customers? Well, converting your website into an iOS would not only help you, but it would help your customers a great deal too. Let’s check out why:

  • Your existing customers, as well as your potential customers, will find your iOS app much quicker than your website if it is developed with precision.
  • iOS apps provide you with fresh and brand-new streams of conversion.
  • iOS apps offer much more enhanced branding opportunities and experience.
  • Launching an iOS app enables you to reap the benefits of smartphone features such as GPS, camera, etc.

How To Convert Your Website Into An IOS or iPhone App?

Now that you’ve identified the importance of converting your website into an iOS app, is there anything left to ponder over? Well, apparently, there is one small yet decisive thing that you need to ensure before you begin with the whole conversion process, which is the need to develop a full-fledged native iOS app.

It might sound challenging right now, but don’t worry! Because throughout this blog, you will see how to go to about developing a native iOS app and learn all the steps involved. So, let’s begin!

1. Project planning

Plan thoroughly so that you can make this project a huge success! Pay special attention to the following things:

Finalize The Requirements of Your IOS App

While converting your website into an iOS application, a handful of additional and attractive features would only make your app stand out. Hire an adept team of business analysts, an IT architect, and a PM (project manager) to finalize the features that will be integrated into the official version of the iOS app.

Zero-In On The Perfect Development Approach

To execute the development project with perfection, first zero-in on an efficient development approach and then perform the following steps:

  • Keep a strict watch on the security of your iOS app.
  • Use controlled cloud services platforms so that the IT infrastructure management doesn’t drag you through the mud.
  • Make sure to develop APIs for your primary features and use the leading third-party APIs for secondary features.

2. Organize your development environment

Now that your plan is finalized, kick-off the proceedings by organizing your development environment.

Look for A MBaaS Platform

Use an MBaaS (Mobile Backend as a Service) to significantly decrease the amount of time spent controlling and creating the app’s backend. It provides several benefits, such as:

  • APIs could be integrated with ease.
  • Various features like push notifications and user management could be implemented effortlessly.


  • This platform offers a great opportunity to scale-up your iOS app.

Sign-Up For A Mobile Device Lab On The Cloud

To make your iOS app compatible with most of the Apple devices, some tests have to be done against a broad range of devices. Avoid the usage of famous open-source test automation frameworks because they are not much of a help!

3. Form a Team

It’s almost impossible to turn your website into a full-fledged iOS app all by yourself. So, to make your project successful and execute your detail-oriented plan, you’ll need a bunch of mates! Don’t worry; you won’t have to hire an entire IT team, just people experienced in the following roles:

  • DevOps engineers
  • Testers
  • Swift developers
  • UI designers

4. Decide on the technology stack

Without a doubt, choosing the right technology can have a significant impact on your app. Because if you end up developing your app with a wrong mix of technologies, it would have some serious lapses!

In order to avoid that, consider using the following technologies:

Swift for Coding

Swift and iOS apps are a match made in heaven. Swift is the perfect programming language for your iOS app. It has several features, such as:

  • It reduces the overall coding effort.
  • It helps in coding permanent iOS applications since it’s exceptionally lightweight.
  • It eliminates the most commonly occurred coding errors.
  • It is easier to read and understand.

5. Design and develop your iOS app

Contrary to popular beliefs, designing the app aesthetically requires ample time. For a successful conversion, the design of the app is equally important. Crafting the perfect icon for your iOS app and choosing the color schemes are some of the tasks that require proper attention. Furthermore, you need to make sure that your app offers a user-friendly UI. How do you achieve that? Well, by simply reading the Human Interface Guidelines for iOS apps.

Use widely known IDEs like Xcode for coding & developing iOS apps. Later on, Integrate your APIs into the code, as well as the 3rd party APIs.

6. Review your code, test your app, and publish it

Now that you have finally designed your app, coded it, and integrated APIs, it’s now time for the “validation and verification.” While you are advised to test your iOS app, know that only testing won’t highlight all the bugs, you need to get a thorough code review as well. And during that review, an individual must check if:

  • The code can provide all the intended features & functionalities.
  • The code follows the proper guidelines and standards.
  • The code has any shortcomings that would heavily impact its performance, scalability, etc.

You could conduct a test on your iOS app using XCTest. And once you’re done, publish it to the Apple App Store.

Visit Retrocube to know everything about the latest sensation in the tech-industry!

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12 tips and tricks for getting even better videos on your iPhone 11 Mon, 21 Sep 2020 16:42:26 +0000 When it comes to recording videos, the iPhone 11 and 11 Pro are two of the best options available right now. In terms of video recording, no other brand can match the iPhone’s prowess. With the iOS 13 updates video recording processes have been further simplified. If you really want to add more to your […]

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When it comes to recording videos, the iPhone 11 and 11 Pro are two of the best options available right now. In terms of video recording, no other brand can match the iPhone’s prowess. With the iOS 13 updates video recording processes have been further simplified. If you really want to add more to your videos, below are some tricks that might help:

Holding your iPhone

While it’s absolutely perfect to shoot your videos whichever way you like, may it be landscape or vertical. But when you are considering posting these videos to one of your social accounts, you need to be thoughtful of the orientation. So for instance, vertical videos go with Instagram the best, whereas with Youtube horizontal videos are preferred. If you are making videos for fun, then you can be as playful as you want but if you want to edit the video clips later, it is best to hold the phone the same way each time. This will make the process easier and you won’t have to worry about the black bars. 

Choosing a resolution

IPhone allows you the option to record videos at 720p, 1080p and 4K, but the 4k resolution offers the best results. If video quality is not a priority and you want to capture more clips, dropping the resolution would then work just fine. iOS 13.2 or anything above would allow you to change the resolution settings quickly. All you have to do is tap the resolution icon in the corner of the camera viewfinder and you can choose an option that works for you the best. You can even change your camera settings from within the Settings app, such as formats, grid overlay and stereo audio. 

Adjusting the frame rate 

With the iPhone, you have the option to shoot 4K videos at 24, 30 or 60fps. While 24fps gives you a cinematic feel; 30fps works just fine for vlogs and YouTube or videos to be posted to other social accounts. Where there is a lot of motion involved, 60fps should be chosen. 60fps, isn’t just great for lighting, it also helps make your video look sharp. After recording at 60fps, you can always slow down the speed while editing to give motion a more  dreamy feel. 

Using Slow motion 

Capturing slow-motion high frame rates requires more light and sadly, artificial lights don’t blend in so nicely.  While the flaws may not be so apparent on a small screen, the bigger ones will expose them. 

Controlling Auto Exposure and Auto Focus

Auto exposure and autofocus are tied together on the iPhone and to fine-tune your exposure, tap the display where you want to focus. A yellow focus/exposure square will appear on the subject, use your fingers to slide up or down to adjust the brightness. 

Explore Zooming options

An iPhone camera has both optical and digital zoom options. Optical zoom allows the camera to shoot at its natural magnification. The iPhone 11’s main camera has 1x magnification and the ultra wide-angle camera has 0.5x magnification. The 11 Pro also has a third “telephoto” camera, enabling 2x magnification. Filming at these magnifications allows you to achieve optical quality. Zooming at 1.9x or 6x magnification, employs digital zooming, which can degrade the image quality, making it look soft and blotchy. That said, digital zoom in good lighting will still produce good results. 

Zoom in and out

You can zoom in and out while recording by tapping the magnification button near the shutter button to change cameras. With the iOS 13, the newly introduced Zoom Dial allows you to use your thumb or finger to zoom in and out in a buttery-smooth motion. Simply tap and hold on the magnification button — 1x, 2x or 0.5x and slide the dial to zoom in or out.

Enable Instagram-style video recording 

In an emergency, you don’t have to manually switch to video mode, all you have to do is press and hold the shutter button to record video. It is similar to Instagram and Snapchat, where the recording stops when you lift your finger. For the shutter button to keep recording video, drag your finger from the shutter button to the lock.  

Discover editing options

This is the first time you won’t have to rely on a third party app to rotate or make basic changes to your videos. iOS 13 lets you apply all the editing tools to your recorded videos. When you enter editing, you can rotate the videos to fix their orientation and adjust other aspects such as exposure, highlights, shadows or contrast. Moreover, you can even choose filters and use the slider to mix how strong you want it to be. 

Trimming your video clips

Apps such as iMovie and LumaFusion can help you bring multiple video clips together, with the option to add music and transitions. However, the beginning and the ending of your clips can be trimmed straight from the camera roll. You simply have to select a video from your camera roll and enter editing mode. Press and hold on the video timeline below the video, while sliding your finger. A yellow outline will appear, which can be used to edit the video. Once done, tap finish. 

Embracing selfie vlogs

The front-facing camera on the iPhone 11 and 11 Pro is pretty impressive; it is as good as the back one. You can record videos in 4k, and the dynamic range it allows is perfect for vlog-style videos. 

Improve audio quality

Your video is as good as the audio, while onboard mics are decent for recording, having the object far from the frame may not affect the video quality, it will not enable good audio. If you are vlogging, use the wired headphones that come with the iPhone as a mic. External microphones can be plugged into the iPhone’s lightning port, such as shotgun mics or cable microphones. 


For more tips and tricks, don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter and if you want to develop iOS app then you may contact us!

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All the iOS 14 features are coming to iPhones that Android had first! Mon, 21 Sep 2020 08:21:27 +0000 Apple revealed a range of iPhone features supported by iOS 14, at WWDC 2020; an annual Worldwide Developers Conference. Most of the features introduced might be new for Apple iPhone users, yet these have been standard features of Android devices for some time. Even though Apple has introduced some changes to the home screen over […]

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Apple revealed a range of iPhone features supported by iOS 14, at WWDC 2020; an annual Worldwide Developers Conference. Most of the features introduced might be new for Apple iPhone users, yet these have been standard features of Android devices for some time. Even though Apple has introduced some changes to the home screen over the years, these have not been very remarkable. To begin with, the original iPhone didn’t even let users move icons around, they were all fixed. It was after the App Store took off, that the ability to organize apps into folders was added; without much changes to overall design and layout.  The standard icon grid, which was the hallmark of the iPhone ever since its release, has finally been adjusted to allow more flexibility to the end user. Compared to this, Android phones offered a range of customization options from the very beginning. Regardless, iOS 14 update has been pretty impressive, it has made everything a lot faster; accessing apps has become quicker, while the overall functionality has definitely been upgraded.

Apple usually allows the most recent update to be supportive of many devices, even with iOS 14, if your iPhone is currently on iOS 13, you will be able to install the new OS, using iPhones released in after fall 2015. This would include iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s touch and original iPhone SE. 

You can find below a summary of the new Apple iOS 14 features that Android already had: 


iOS 14 can support a new Translate app, designed to enable users to carry out conversations in real-time. While Google supports transcription of conversations in eight languages in real-time, iPhone Users would now be able to translate around 11 languages including English, Mandarin, French, German and Korean. Now you can make friends and carry out business transactions in real-time without worrying about the language barrier. 

By downloading a language library, all the translation and transcribing happens on the iPhone. This data remains on the phone and is not uploaded to the cloud; which means users don’t need internet connection to converse with someone. This makes the overall process superfast. 


The new revamped iPhone and iPad versions would come equipped with widgets that will allow automated updates such as weather in your home screen. Prior to this, users could only install apps on the iPhone home screen. Widgets that offer more functionality and more info than app icons have been a mainstay feature of Google’s Android, since it was first launched in 2008. A feature such as this lets you be aware of your surroundings at a glance without putting in any effort. 

App Clips 

The App Clips introduced by Apple recently enable users to preview “small parts” of apps, without having to download them. This feature is compatible with Apple Pay and Sign In with Apple and can be super effective when used for buying takeout or parking. An identical feature “Instant Apps” was introduced by Google, back in 2016. It allows apps to have their own URLs so users can carry out transactions without downloading the entire app. This comes in very handy if consumers want to make one-time transactions such as buying concert tickets. 

App Library

Another highlight of Apple’s redesigned home screen is the App Library that enables grouping and listing of apps. The new iOS 14 also lets users “hide” apps from their main home screen. This is similar to Android’s app drawer that groups features. It would help users organize their apps in a more efficient manner, where finding a particular app would be easier and less time consuming. 

Apple Maps cycling directions

iOS 14 supports the new updated Apple Maps app that allows users to travel in a more eco-friendly way. The app has a dedicated “Cycling” option that helps bikers identify paths when considering elevation and lets you see traffic and stairs you might encounter enroute. Android has had a “cycling” option since 2010, enabling users to access detail by detail directions. While Google Maps doesn’t give you information on stairs, it does provide a look at elevation. Cyclists can really benefit from features, while protecting the environment. 


The new iOS picture-in-picture feature allows users to watch videos while using other apps. The video shrinks and floats on the screen and can even be swiped away; while the video’s audio will keep playing, allowing users to engage with other apps. Android phones already support floating videos over other apps, but without audio. This is a great way to multitask, especially if the video is related to the task you need to perform on a particular app. It also helps save time. 

Wind Down mode

A Wind Down mode has also been introduced to help users get ready for bed. The feature allows users to set a desired bedtime and wake-up time, while putting the phone into Do Not Disturb mode. It also allows users to add shortcuts for meditation or playing relaxing music. Google doesn’t have a separate app to support this feature, however, Google Home app could always be used to set up a bedtime routine. This can really help users organize their time and life, while enabling them to be more efficient with the limited time they have on Earth. 

You can find out more details about these latest iOS developments, at WWDC 2020.

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iOS 13: Changes and Upgrades that Technology, Marketing, and Product Teams Should be Aware Of Tue, 05 Nov 2019 14:01:38 +0000 When it comes to doing business in the world today, there’s no such thing as an isolated ecosystem. Most industries and industrial sectors are connected to each other in some way or another. Among the industries and sectors that seriously overlap with others, the tech sector is most certainly up there. Whether you’re talking about […]

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When it comes to doing business in the world today, there’s no such thing as an isolated ecosystem. Most industries and industrial sectors are connected to each other in some way or another. Among the industries and sectors that seriously overlap with others, the tech sector is most certainly up there. Whether you’re talking about education, medicine, and health, travel, finance, or even manufacture, technology plays a key role.

Why Operating Systems like iOS 13 Matter

If you are someone who is involved in the design, development, and deployment of digital products such as games, applications, programs, and other forms of software, understanding operating systems is important. The reason this is so is that the function of your products is directly related to if or not they are compatible with a given operating system and its features.

Further, understanding the capabilities of any operating system is what allows individuals to optimize the use of the same, making most of the features available. Whether you’re someone developing an enterprise app, a company working to build app or software, or someone involved in marketing over the digital platform, staying updated is crucial. Here are some things you need to know relating to functional changes and features introduced in iOS 13.

Changes in Privacy

As most Apple users (and many Android users) already know, there are two reasons that iOS users remain loyal despite the generally higher costs of apple devices. The first is Apple’s claim of offering users superior technology. This, however, is often disputed by competitors who are constantly reinventing their own technology in an effort to compete.

The second claim, albeit the more consistent one, is Apple’s claim to better device security and privacy. This claim is a little harder to dispute and is backed up by things like Apple’s closed eco-system development style. In any case, one of the areas that Apple has kept in check yet again is user privacy.

When it comes to privacy changes, here’s what marketers, developers, and tech teams need to know.

Changes in Bluetooth Access

The level of Bluetooth access granted by Apple has changed with the introduction of iOS 13. In contrast to what was previously, a free access system, Bluetooth access on iOS 13 devices is now restricted. Where apps and software could once access the devices Bluetooth service, search for and sync with other devices, and exchange information, without any explicit user permission, this is no longer possible.

Any kind of Bluetooth access has to first be authorized by the device user. Furthermore, apps need to seek individual permission for access as trust for one app does not necessarily translate to trust for another.

What are the Implications?

What this means is that when it comes to applications, the use of Bluetooth to perform necessary functions needs to be curved. This also applies to software development kits that apps may use. For those that absolutely must integrate Bluetooth related features in their app designs, it is important to make certain that well timed and adequately worded permission prompts are programmed in. Using Bluetooth features as freely as you once would for apps and programs developed for iOS 13 is not recommended.

Changes in GPS Tracking

GPS tracking

As most of you may remember, GPS services to help apps with location related features used to be accessible depending on a single permission prompt. Once permission was granted to a given app, the app in question proceeded to receive full access to user GPS locations from that point on. This is not the case with iOS 13.

When it comes to location permissions relating to GPS services for iOS 13, app permissions granted are a one-time arrangement. This means that access once given may be automatically revoked and not granted again. Apart from this iOS 13 is also programmed to alert users when location tracking is being used by apps giving them data which includes the times they were being tracked, the exact location, and the number of time such tracking was being undertaken. With the hundred and one privacy concerns as well as the general paranoia associated with unauthorized surveillance today, you can imagine how such updates could serve to rattle users.

What are the Implications?

The first thing this means is that those relying on location tracking to gather important market and customer data, may not be able to blindly rely on the same as they would before. This is because a large number of users are expected to seriously limit the GPS access that is allowed to apps and other programs.

Once again, if location tracking is vital for certain processes, the advisable thing to do would be to carefully word and time a permission seeking notification. Maybe tell users a little bit about why their location data is important and assure them that accumulated information won’t be abused in any way. Apart from this, if your location access requirements are limited to when the app is actively being used, state as much in the notifications you program and time them accordingly.

Apple ID Sign-ins

When it comes to promoting privacy or Apple’s privacy-first eco-system as it is known, Apple’s new sign in feature plays an extremely important role. To make a long story short, as opposed to filling in complicated information forms or going through long drawn registration or verification processes, Apple users need only use their Apple IDs to access various websites, online portals, and services.

What are the Implications?

In case you’re under the impression that this is simply another sign in facilitation service (like those offered by Google, Facebook, or other platforms), you’re mistaken. The sign in with Apple service is actually quite different. What makes Apple’s new sign in feature different is the fact that signing in using an Apple ID protects user information. When it comes to professional marketers, product analysts and designers, and tech organizations, this means that valuable user data will not be openly accessible.

As opposed to offering user information like email addresses and so on, apple offers cover information, ensuring that user information remains invisible.

Silencing Unknown Callers

Personally, from a user perspective, we think this particular feature is absolutely brilliant. The feature allows for the filtering of calls from unknown sources. Basically, calls from any numbers that are not saved in the device and hence not recognized by the OS are automatically blocked and routed to voicemail or get listed as missed calls. No notifications, no alerts, no ringing.

It’s quite obvious why this feature is among the many recent user favorites.

What are the Implications?

The negative implications here are most pertinent for marketers and companies that rely on phone based outreach and communication with clients. Though the OS is meant to provide some flexibility for numbers that may not be saved but are still traceable within user data, the efficiency of such functions is still questionable.

Our advice here would be to look into more efficient alternatives to call-based communication such as more powerful in-app communication tools for instance.

In Conclusion

There are other small changes that have been introduced by Apple to their new iOS 13 that sets its functionality apart from previous iOS versions. That said, then it comes to market professionals, tech companies, and product creators or developers, the changes listed in this blog are the ones that will likely need to be worked around the most!

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iPadOS – iPad’s Latest Features Explained Mon, 21 Oct 2019 14:34:54 +0000 Apple has been pretty busy this year unveiling a series of new tech, including the new iPhone 11 series, the magnificent A13 Bionic chip, and the iOS 13 operating software among others. Among this year’s many releases, the new iPad OS, iPad’s latest operating software, is one that has got iPad users across the world […]

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Apple has been pretty busy this year unveiling a series of new tech, including the new iPhone 11 series, the magnificent A13 Bionic chip, and the iOS 13 operating software among others. Among this year’s many releases, the new iPad OS, iPad’s latest operating software, is one that has got iPad users across the world pretty excited.

Is the New iPadOS Out?

The new iPad OS, also known as iPad OS 13.1 was released a few weeks ago and is currently available to users for download and there are enough iPad users out there for this to be big news. The apple company sold over 43 million iPad units in the previous year according to reports, however, when it comes to global tablet sales, Apple’s market share has fluctuated in the past.

That said, an article published by The Verge online states that revenue earned via iPad sales is higher this year, than it was in 2018 at roughly the same time. So what does the new iPadOS have in store for users? Let’s find out!

What are the Features of The New iPad?

For those of you who may not be aware of this, the new iPad OS is actually the first dedicated operating software designed specifically to be run on iPad devices. Apple has peppered the new operating software with a number of features to help and facilitate users as well as many that impress and entertain.

Here are some of the new features you can expect to have access to when you update to the new iPad OS.


One of the updates of the new iPad OS involves optimization of the built in Safari browser. Safari is now capable of loading full size versions of websites as opposed to condensed ones that can sometimes become inconvenient.

Apart from this, the updated Safari browser allows users to select between regular and desktop views for websites and can also access a download manager making file tracking a lot simpler.

Multitasking Features

If you’re an iPad user, you probably remember the Slide Over feature which would allow app dragging as well as screen placement or floating. The upgraded Slide Over feature allows users to float multiple apps at a time as well as multitask by opening overlapping and twin windows (to run two separate apps).

The Slide Over feature being a lot more flexible than it was previously, allows users to zip through apps maximizing relevant ones as needed. Apart from this, there are other shortcuts and buttons that help make Slide Over navigation simple.

Besides the Slide Over improvements, split screen features are also among those introduced with the new iPad OS. This feature allows users to open and operate numerous windows, even if they belong to the same app and operate them simultaneously.

Home Screen Facelift

The home screen configuration for the iPad has also been altered with the introduction of the new iPad OS. Apart from improved spatial utilization (as the iOS used is no longer generically programmed for iPhones and iPads alike), the new home screen is a lot more customizable than previous versions.

Customizations include the addition of widgets and shortcuts, increased home screen space and a sidebar to help with organization.

Dark Mode

Dark Mode

The dark mode feature is something that many developers including Apple seem to be introducing to their devices and systems this year. The dark mode feature on the new iPad OS can be turned on indefinitely but can also be set to turn on according to the time of the day.

This is great as users need not be bound to use dark mode during the day as the interface auto switches to the same according to user defined settings.


Here’s another fun and exciting new iPad OS feature which is due to impress Mac users in particular. To use this feature you will need access to a Mac which has the macOS Catalina feature downloaded and activated.

This feature allows your iPad to double up as a side or additional display for your Mac, however do remember that this only works if both your Mac and your iPad are registered on the same Apple ID.

Apart from additional screens, this feature also allows iPad owners to use their iPads as drawing tablets for stylus input, with the Mac acting as a main system. A pretty brilliant feature if you ask us!

Text Editing

Text editing has become a lot simpler due to features introduced via iPad OS. Upgraded text editing features include:

  • The ability to use your cursor to pick up words and drag them to wherever on the document they may be needed.
  • Selection of text sections by a simple finger dragging motion.
  • Triple tap quick selection of sentences.
  • Double tap quick selection of words.
  • Quadruple (X4) taps for quick selection of an entire paragraph.

Apart from the actions listed above, the new iPad OS also offers a three finger pinch and un-pinch shortcuts for copying and pasting, three finger undo swiping and quick keyboard features that allow for swipe typing.

Upgraded Files App

The files app is now going to be capable of direct cloud sharing via the introduction of a new cloud folder to supplement the original downloads folder which has also been upgraded. Users will now be able to remotely access files located in other synced devices as well as enjoy the convenience of real-time file syncing.

Font Management

Finally, iPad users will now have access to numerous font options that can be paid for and downloaded via the Apple Store. These can be used in both documentation and graphic designing without the need to physically sync to a desktop computer.


Below are the devices that will be able to access the new iPad OS:

  • 5-inch iPad Pro
  • 11-inch iPad Pro
  • 9-inch iPad Pro
  • 7-inch iPad Pro
  • iPad (5th generation)
  • iPad (6th generation)
  • iPad (7th generation)
  • iPad Air (3rd generation)
  • iPad Air 2
  • iPad mini (5th generation)
  • iPad mini 4

Our Two Cents

As you can see, Apple has yet again delivered on making life simpler and device functions more efficient for iPad users. The new iPad OS will probably be the latest in such operating software until the unveiling of Apple’s new technology next year.

Apart from keeping with their standard of technological excellence, the Apple Company also seems to be making an effort to penetrate the Android market by offering beginner level devices and looking into ways that they can make their software more accessible and hence easier to promote.

Other companies such as Google and Huawei have recently introduced some fine tech of their own to the market which has likely helped to keep Apple on its toes. The new iPad OS is just one example of the efforts the company seems to be making.

In a nutshell, if you’re someone who owns an iPad that is compatible with the new iPad OS, you’re probably going to have a great time getting your head around the new and fun features that have been introduced! Furthermore, if all goes well, accessibility on your device will only get better.

Let’s wait and see what interesting upgrades the Apple Company brings forth next year!

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iPhone 2020 – 2021Rumors – What We Know About iPhone 12 So Far Mon, 21 Oct 2019 14:23:21 +0000 Keeping up with technology in this day and age is kind of like a fulltime job. There is so much happening and so frequently that it sometimes becomes hard to wrap your head around one generation of tech before the next one is deployed! Even so, we techies are a hungry, curious and dare we […]

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Keeping up with technology in this day and age is kind of like a fulltime job. There is so much happening and so frequently that it sometimes becomes hard to wrap your head around one generation of tech before the next one is deployed!

Even so, we techies are a hungry, curious and dare we say insatiable lot. We’re forever in search of upgrades, updates, new features, and industry whispers to give us a preview of what is to come. The global tech market today is estimated to value at USD 3,360 billion and Apple is one of the competing tech giants within the same. According to a Forbes report, the Apple Company manages to rake in a staggering USD 262 billion and stands among the most profitable organizations globally.

This comes as no surprise, given how active Apple has always been when it comes to business, invention and, innovation!

What Has Apple Been Up To?

This year has been a busy one for Apple as other companies such as Google and Huawei have also been working hard to provide customers with better tech. In most cases, a lot of the tech coming from these companies is far more affordable than what Apple has to offer. Even so, this has hardly made a dent in Apple’s loyal market base or annual revenue.

Apple stayed in the game and on top with a series of releases which included the unveiling of the iPhone 11 family, deployment of iOS 13 and iPad OS, and of course, the introduction of the A13 Bionic chip. Still boasting the creation of some of the most advanced tech in the market, the folks at Apple are already busy working on products for the coming year!

So what exactly does Apple have in store for us with the iPhone 2020 – 2021 concept? Let’s go over the iPhone 2020 – 2021 rumors we know about!

Is Apple Coming Out with a new iPhone in 2020 – 2021?

The short and simple answer to that question is yes! Apple will be coming out with a new iPhone in the year 2020 – 2021, rather a new family of phones! According to an update posted on Mac Rumors, the new series of iPhones could possibly be called; the iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max, is due to debut sometime in September the coming year.

For those of you who are already awaiting the new iPhone lineup, we’ve got some information acquired from the grapevine so to speak! Here’s what we know about the upcoming iPhone family so far!

What will the iPhone Look Like in 2020- 2021?

According to sources, the iPhones due to be released in 2020 – 2021 are expected to sport a new look. Some physical iPhone 2020 – 2021 design changes that are anticipated include metal framing similar to that seen in the design of the iPhone 4. Apart from this, revised trenching as well as visible alterations to the phone’s surface segmentation with glass paneling on either side. New phones will be a slight bit bulkier than what is currently being manufactured which depending on personal preference could be either good or bad.

Is the 2020 – 2021 iPhone 5G Ready?

Though 5G technology is still in the process of finding its footing, an article in the wire elaborates on the many phone manufacturers who have already introduced 5G capabilities to their devices. Though the iPhone 11 and others in its family lacked 5G capabilities, the upcoming iPhone 2020 – 2021 is expected to be different.

What we’re expecting to see is the basic iPhone 2020 – 2021 continuing with LTE technology and the iPhone 2020 – 2021 advanced versions being upgraded to 5G. The 5G upgrade will be possible as we’ve heard Apple will be switching back to the use of Qualcomm chips as opposed to the previously used Intel ones as the recent legal battles between Qualcomm and Apple have finally subsided.

What Processor will the iPhone 12 Use?

The A13 processor chip was a groundbreaking piece of tech however this isn’t the processor that the new iPhone 12 series to be released in 2020 – 2021 will be using. The iPhone 2020 – 2021 will be using what is called the A14 processor chip. Categorized as a 5 nanometer chip, the A14 is due to help improve phone function in the following areas:

  • Higher functional efficiency
  • Better speed
  • Improved battery life

All said, the A13 chips also belonged to the 5nm design category.

Other iPhone 12 or 2020 – 2021 News

Apart from the information above, there are other iPhone 2020 – 2021 rumors that you might find interesting. These include whispers about the new iPhone 2020 – 2021 (or 12 series) being available in a number of different sizes.

These include models that are available in 5.4 as well as in 6.7 inches, the latter two being models that categorize as high end. The basic model is said to be 6.1 inches. Apart from size options, here are some more iPhone 2020 – 2021 rumors worth noting.

Camera Improvements

Camera Improvements

After the introduction of the iPhone 11’s deep fusion camera technology, you would think that things can’t get any better but this isn’t so. What we’ve heard is that the upcoming iPhone 2020 – 2021 or 12 series will be offering even more by way of camera function and quality.

What we’ve heard is that Apple might intend to introduce what is being referred to as 3D photography technology. With the use of laser-based distance calculation, iPhone back cameras expected in 2020 – 2021 will likely offer far better image quality, improved depth perception and more accurate object placement.

Unfortunately, we’ve also come to hear that the basic iPhone 2020 – 2021 model will probably not be equipped with this advanced and improved camera tech. Apart from this, the front cameras on all phone models might be reduced in size and won’t possess the same technology as the rear cameras.

Display Specs

We can’t say for certain what Apple has in mind by way of iPhone 2020 – 2021 display specifics however we are expecting changes there too. Apple seems to have been veering towards OLED screens as a preference as opposed to LCDs. Chances are that all of the new iPhone models released in 2020 – 2021 will come equipped with OLED screens. Though the use of LCDs will continue, we’re more likely to see those on Macs and iPads as opposed to iPhones!

The new OLED screens may also mean that screen refresh rates will also be getting better.

Fingerprint Recognition

Finally, we might see a revival of the Apple touch ID feature in the 2020 – 2021 iPhone or iPhone 12 series. Fingerprint recognition will require users to place fingers on the phone screen as with other phones offering the same features.

Wrapping Up

As we said, Apple has always done its bit to bring new and interesting tech to the market and we’re expecting next year to be no different. We’re guessing most of the upgrades and changes we’ve mentioned above will fall through and chances are, the Apple Company has other surprises in store for users next year.

Apple was at the forefront of tech and development as far back as the eighties and have managed to hold their reputation as forerunners in the tech industry. Though their devices are on the pricier end, Apple users swear by them and we’re pretty sure that the 2020 – 2021 iPhones due to be released will thrill users just as much as their predecessors.


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iOS 13.2: What’s On the Cards for Users? Fri, 18 Oct 2019 13:43:28 +0000 You have probably already heard about Apple releasing the second developer beta of iOS 13.2 last week. Today, we’re going to tell you what we know so far about the new iOS 13.2 and what an upgrade would mean for a user by way of device usability and experience. Before that, we’re going to bring […]

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You have probably already heard about Apple releasing the second developer beta of iOS 13.2 last week. Today, we’re going to tell you what we know so far about the new iOS 13.2 and what an upgrade would mean for a user by way of device usability and experience.

Before that, we’re going to bring those of you who may not have been following the events in the world of iOS and tech up to speed regarding what’s been happening. We’re also going to delve into whether or not it is necessary to keep upgrading your iOS for those of you who might not be clear on the matter. If any part of the blog doesn’t apply to you, feel free to scroll down to the portion that does!

The Timeline

Apple debuted its iOS 13 operating software on September 19th this year. The release was followed by the deployment of the first software update iOS 13.1 which according to sources was deployed five days after the original 13. Two more updates, namely iOS 13.1.1 and iOS 13.1.2. were then deployed respectively three and six days following the release of 13.1. That probably sounds like a lot of updates in a short period and it is!

This brings us to the question of why so many updates are needed to begin with. What was wrong with basic iOS 13? Was it not good enough?

Unlucky Old 13

If you’re superstitious, the fact that iOS 13 was problematic right from its beta stage would come as no surprise, after all, it’s the notorious number 13! Practically speaking however, users were discouraged from downloading and installing the beta version of iOS 13 for several reasons. One post on C-NET online states that these include:

  • Missing features
  • Lacking app support
  • An excessive presence of bugs
  • Problems reverting to the previously used iOS
  • Negative impact on battery life.

That said, these problems are the sort one might expect out of the beta version of any operating software. After all, the ‘beta’ does imply that the software is still under development. The real trouble began when problems persisted in the newly deployed iOS 13, that too in a big way.

The iOS 13 Dilemma

As we mentioned earlier, iOS 13 was not exactly a blessing when it came to improving on the beta version. Quite the contrary, the same came with a whole new set of problems. Wired reported that the release of iOS 13 wasn’t a particularly clean one as the operating software was rather bug-ridden.

Forbes published more than one article elaborating on both sync problems as well as call related issues crediting Apple for being upfront about these regardless. Despite Apple’s openness regarding existing bugs were extremely problematic and users were discouraged from installing the new iOS 13.

What Are iOS 13.1, 13.1.1 and 13.1.2 Updates & Problems?

Given the magnitude of the bug problem faced by iOS 13, Apple proceeded to release a series of updates to address the many bugs present in the original version of the operating software. The updates, namely iOS 13.1, 13.1.1 and 13.1.2 did address a number of the originally present bugs. According to an article featured by the Medium, the 13.1.2 update, in particular, was recommended to those who had already installed iOS 13 and following updates.

At the same time, another Forbes report elaborated on how even after the release of iOS 13.1.2, Apple had a long way to go before they could say the new operating software was relatively bug-free.

Enter iOS 13.2

The deployment of the first iOS 13.2 beta version took place earlier this month and was a relief to iOS 13 users the world over.

One of the features that the iOS 13.2 beta 1 bought to the table was activation of the deep fusion technology on the iPhone 11 and 11 Pro, as well as numerous bug fixes. Other upgrades included incoming message announcements from Siri as well as other control features. Apple, however, continued to work on improving user experience which culminated in the release of iOS 13.2 beta 2 for developers.

iOS 13.2 Beta 2 Features

iOS 13.2 Beta 2 Features

iOS 13.2 beta 2 for developers, deployed a few days back, is the latest in iOS 13.2 security point updates. Apart from activation of Air Pod message announcements, are the iOS 13.2 beta 2 emojees! Apple had promised the introduction of an excess of 60 brand-new emojees but was unable to deliver on this during deployment of the iOS 13.2 beta 1 update.

When it comes to iOS 13.2 beta 2, emojees are most certainly a welcome highlight. Apart from these, the iOS 13.2 beta 2 update also offers an option that allows Apple users to clear all Siri related history, a feature that was previously not present.

iOS 13.2 Beta 2 Bug Fixes

There isn’t much information out there relating to pointed bug fixes with the iOS 13.2 beta 2 version as most of the big stuff was addressed in the previous update. That said, we don’t think the iOS 13.2 beta 2 will be the last of the beta-class updates before Apple or the current user base is satisfied.

Is my Device iOS 13.2 Beta 2 Update Compatible?

If you’re one of the users wondering if your device is iOS 13.2 beta 2 compatible, we can help. The iOS 13.2 beta 2 update is compatible with pretty much all the devices that iOS 13 can be applied on. To be more specific, devices you can use iOS 13.2 beta on include:

  1. iPhone 11 Pro
  2. iPhone 11 Pro Max
  3. iPhone 11
  4. iPhone XS
  5. iPhone XS Max
  6. iPhone XR
  7. iPhone X
  8. iPhone 8
  9. iPhone 8 Plus
  10. iPhone 7
  11. iPhone 7 Plus
  12. iPhone 6s
  13. iPhone 6s Plus
  14. iPhone SE
  15. 12.9-inch iPad Pro 3rd generation
  16. 12.9-inch iPad Pro 2nd generation
  17. 12.9-inch iPad Pro 1st generation
  18. 10.5-inch iPad Pro
  19. 9.7-inch iPad Pro
  20. iPad Air 3rd generation
  21. iPad Air 2
  22. iPad 6th generation
  23. iPad 5th generation
  24. iPad mini 5th generation
  25. iPad mini 4
  26. iPod touch 7th generation

If your device model isn’t listed here, chances are you won’t be able to run the new iOS version.

How to get iOS 13.2 Beta 2?

If you’re interested in giving the new iOS 13.2 beta 2 a whirl, there are a lot of guides elaborating on how to go about doing the same. Some of the things you will need are to register with the Apple Beta Software Program so that you can access beta versions of various software releases. The final question is; would it be a good idea to download and install iOS 13.2 Beta 2?

Should I Get iOS 13.2 Beta 2?

The big question for most users is whether or not downloading and installing iOS 13.2 beta 2 is a good idea, to begin with. From what we understand, the going consensus is; if you own an Apple device that isn’t the iPhone 11, 11 Pro or 11 Pro Max and you’ve not already activated iOS 13, it might be best to wait. Even though the latest iOS 13.2 beta 2 update and the 13.2 beta 1 update prior have massively improved the iOS 13 user experience, the company might still be a few steps away from saying their new operating system is bug-free.

On the flipside, if you own the iPhone 11 or 11 Pro, getting the 13.2 beta 2 update might just be a good idea, even if only so you can experience your phones deep fusion technology firsthand! Finally, if you’re someone who has already jumped the iOS 13 bandwagon, getting the latest beta update might be helpful.

Precautions and Conclusion

We understand the iOS 13.2 Beta 2 update is an exciting one however we would advise users to take due precautions before downloading and installing. This warning pertains most, to individual users who lack knowledge of software development. If you are a regular user looking to access new features, backup your data to ensure that if anything does go south, you don’t lose something that can’t be replaced.

In any case, be responsible, and, for those of you who are already looking for ways to download and install the new update, enjoy the new OS!

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iPhone 11 vs. iPhone XS: A Detailed Comparison of Apples Latest Tech Mon, 30 Sep 2019 14:16:48 +0000 It has hardly been a few weeks since the official release of the iPhone 11 and orders are already flooding in for the new and upgraded device. According to sources, the iPhone 11 is selling a lot better than its predecessors pretty much everywhere from the US to China, a phenomenon in part but not entirely due to reasonable […]

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It has hardly been a few weeks since the official release of the iPhone 11 and orders are already flooding in for the new and upgraded device. According to sources, the iPhone 11 is selling a lot better than its predecessors pretty much everywhere from the US to China, a phenomenon in part but not entirely due to reasonable pricing.

Even with all the competition in the market coming from big brands such as Huawei, Google, and Samsung, as well as others, Apple seems to be doing pretty well with its iPhone 11.

What’s On the Menu?

As most of us already know, Apple debuted three mobile phone devices belonging to the 11 family this year. These included the iPhone 11, the iPhone 11 Pro and the iPhone 11 Pro Max. All three phones promised users numerous upgraded features as well as greater functional efficiency.

The Million Dollar Question

Theoretically speaking, the iPhone 11 was preceded by the iPhone XR. The iPhone 11 Pro was preceded by the iPhone XS and the 11 Pro Max by the XS Pro. In a sense, upgrading from one of the aforementioned to its direct successor (e.g., from the iPhone XS to the iPhone 11 Pro) may be an easy decision to take. On the other hand, you might not have the budget to invest in the iPhone 11 Pro Max or even the iPhone 11 Pro. If you’re someone who currently owns an iPhone XS, would it be a good idea to upgrade to an iPhone 11? Let’s find out.

Is Switching from an iPhone XS to an iPhone 11 Really an Upgrade?

In many ways, the iPhone 11 will offer you features that are superior to those offered by the XS. That said, given the fact that the iPhone 11 is Apple’s new entry-level phone, and the XS was an intermediate level device during its time, there are certain areas where the iPhone XS reigns stronger than the 11.

You probably want to know exactly which aspects and features of the iPhone 11 supersede those of the iPhone XS and which ones don’t. To help you do this, we’re going to compare the two devices for you one feature at a time so you can make a more informed decision.

Design and External Aesthetic

Before we start getting into specs and system features, let’s just look at the overall design of the two iPhones we’re comparing. From a design standpoint, it’s really a matter of preference. If you’re someone who prefers a phone that feels lighter and is aesthetically minimal, stick with your iPhone XS. If you’d rather something a little bulkier and heavier (though not by too much), the iPhone 11 is what you want. Furthermore, the iPhone 11 has more distinct bezels as compared to the XS that is almost bezel-free! All said, if you’re not too attentive to detail, these differences are hardly noticeable.

Finally, the iPhone 11 offers you more choice by way of color – six colors as opposed to the previous three to be exact!

Camera Features

Camera Features

Once again, whether or not this aspect of your phone’s function is important to you depends on what you’re priorities are. If you’re a phone-photographer or a photography enthusiast, upgrading from your iPhone XS is probably a good idea. Taking this forward, however, it might help to make sure it’s not the iPhone 11 Pro or Pro Max you want if camera features are that important to you. The reason for this is the latter two offer a three-camera setup with zooming capabilities that the iPhone 11 does not have.

When comparing the iPhone 11 and the iPhone XS, the two are identical as far as one of their dual cameras is concerned. One camera within the dual camera setup of each of these devices is a 12megapixel wide-angle. The second camera in the setup is where the difference is. XS offers a 12megapixel telephoto lens. The 11 offers users a 120-degree ultra-wide lens in the same pixel count.

Telephoto lenses are more about allowing photographers to zoom. However, any phone-photographer knows that phone camera zooms are best avoided in the interest of picture quality. Concerning camera features, we’d go with the iPhone 11 or better yet, the 11 Pro or the 11 Pro Max and we can develop iOS app also.

Smartphone Processor Chip & Battery Life

Smartphone Processor Chip & Battery Life

The iPhone XS is powered by the A12 Bionic, a reasonably powerful processor chip. The iPhone 11, however, is powered by what is currently the most powerful processor chip globally – the A13 Bionic. Without getting into the nitty-gritty regarding specs, what we will tell you is that the A13 is a monster with 18 cores and 8.5 billion transistors. Apart from being 20% more efficient by way of processing than its predecessors, the chip also offers up to 300 minutes of extra battery life!

What this means for iPhone 11 users is that the iPhone 11 will be a lot more efficient when it comes to in-phone editing and will also be a better option by way of battery life.

Display Specs

When it comes to phone display, the iPhone 11 is equipped with a 6.1inch LCD offering users a pixel-resolution of 1,792 X 828. The iPhone XS, on the other hand, comes equipped with a 5.8inch OLED with pixel specs at 2,437 X 1,125. For those of you who do not know this, the OLED screen is a lot richer in terms of color quality offering a higher contrast ratio. Putting it simply – the iPhone XS has better display quality than the iPhone 11 hands down!

Our Two Cents

Keeping in mind the points above, some of you may still be wondering where to or not to put your money down. One argument that many make is that the iPhone 11 is of better value. If ‘value’ is all you’re looking for and you already own an iPhone XS in running condition, investing in the iPhone 11 may not be the best idea.

We feel there are some situations where dishing out the extra few hundred dollars to upgrade from an iPhone XS to an iPhone 11 may be justified. The first is if your iPhone XS isn’t working for whatever reason. The second is if you could really do with an extra few minutes of battery life. The third is if the iPhone XS camera isn’t quite up to what you’d want and you’d rather a set with better camera specs. The fourth is a combination of the situations above.

That said, we still suggest that if it’s just a better camera you’re looking for, maybe save a little and invest in the iPhone 11 Pro or Pro Max. Camera features in these sets beat the XS and other predecessors by a landslide.

Finally, if you’re an iPhone user who is using a device that was released before the X series, upgrading to an iPhone 11 is, without a doubt, a great idea. Even if the iPhone XR is what you were using, we recommend an upgrade if you can afford it. The iPhone XS and the iPhone 11 are closely matched, but that’s not to say that the iPhone 11 isn’t an absolutely brilliant mobile phone device to own!

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10 Good Reasons to Invest in the iPhone 11 Mon, 30 Sep 2019 14:09:47 +0000 We’ve had a lot happening in the area of telecommunication and mobile tech this year. Apart from a few breakthroughs which include the launching of 5G, higher telecom security, and more AI integration, you’ve got phone companies locked in a technology war. Everyone from Huawei and Samsung to Apple and Xiaomi is battling to offer users better […]

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We’ve had a lot happening in the area of telecommunication and mobile tech this year. Apart from a few breakthroughs which include the launching of 5G, higher telecom security, and more AI integration, you’ve got phone companies locked in a technology war.

Everyone from Huawei and Samsung to Apple and Xiaomi is battling to offer users better phones, better features, and enhanced efficiency. One of the top mobile phones released this year was none other than Apple’s iPhone 11. However, many are still wondering what exactly this new range of iPhones brings to the table. Even though Apple has most recently held between 10 and 20% of the overall phone market share, the company has always done enough to hold its position among the world’s leading phone companies.

Introducing the iPhone 11

The iPhone 11 was released on the 20th of September 2019, the iPhone 11, 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max had already been open for order since the 13th of the month. Apart from Apple’s long-awaited iOS 13, this series of phones had created a fair bit of anticipation within the market.

Why Should I buy the iPhone 11?

A question that any sensible mobile user will likely ask themselves is whether or not the iPhone 11 or its sibling phones the 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max are worth the investment. In order to help you decide if you should invest in one of the sets from the iPhone 11 family, we’re going to elaborate on the reasons.

A-13 Bionic chip

The most spectacular pieces of tech that the iPhone 11 is fitted with is the A13 Bionic chip. With 18 cores, 8.5 billion transistors and 20% more processing speed than its predecessor the A12, this chip is quite the monster. For those of you less familiar with tech jargon, let’s just put it this way; the A13 is extremely powerful and will be giving the performance and efficiency of the 11 family iPhones a serious boost. It will also offer capability enhancement by way of language processing as well as the animation of characters in augmented reality apps.

Battery Life Improvement

Thanks in part to the A13 Bionic chip, as well as other internal tweaks, the iPhone 11 as well as the iPhone 11 Pro both, have higher power efficiency hence longer battery life durations. When compared to the previously released iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max, the iPhone 11 allows users a brilliant four to five hours more when it comes to usage time respectively.

High-Key Mono

If you’re someone who enjoys monochromatic photography and portraiture, this feature is bound to appeal to you. The high-key mono feature works by adding a high-contrast monochrome filter to the image. This, in addition to the wide/telephoto lens framing option, gives users a lot more to work with when photographing people!

Night Mode

Night Mode

The night mode feature in the iPhone 11 has been greatly enhanced. Night mode is activated in situations where photo brightening and noise reduction may be required. The activation occurs automatically. Apart from this, users can opt for both automatic as well as manually adjustable light processing. The result is better low-light pictures across the board.

Deep Fusion

Besides an outstanding night mode function, the iPhone 11 also offers something called Deep Fusion to its users. This works by applying machine learning, allowing for the capture of photos under situations where light is within the low and medium range. Apart from this, the camera automatically takes nine photos prior to the user’s final click, which is then superimposed and merged to form one crisp image. Image formulation is conducted via what is known as the neural engine within the iPhone 11.

Quick Take

One of the things many Apple users may have had trouble with in the past is impromptu or spontaneous video capture. Video capture used to require turning on video mode before capturing something which would sometimes result in the moment in question being missed. No more! A new feature allows users to record videos simply by tapping and holding the camera’s shutter button. This is what developers have called the Quick Take feature.

Triple Camera

All three phones from the iPhone 11 family are the first in the line of iPhones to come with the triple camera setup. What’s even better is the tree cameras are set to different specifics, namely:

  • Wide
  • Ultra-wide
  • Telephoto

Apart from this, the new setup also offers the following:

  • 12MP sensors
  • 120-degree field of vision
  • Improved optical image stabilization
  • Better image resolution and detail.

In a nutshell, your photo taking abilities with the new iPhones will probably go up a few notches.

Ultra-Wide Camera

Ultra-Wide Camera

Another photo-friendly feature in the new iPhone 11, as well as the 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max, is the ultra-wide photo capturing feature. Made possible by the three-camera setup, the feature provides a wider frame ideal for landscape pictures as well as for negative-space portraits. Apart from this, the feature also allows users to pull back when in spaces which are restrictive enhancing frame flexibility yet again.

Super-Retina XDR

All iPhones so far have come equipped with an LCD screen. This includes the iPhone 11. That said, both the iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max have this component replaced with an OLED haptic touch Super Retina XDR display. Besides image quality that is superior due to features such as the two-million to one contrast ratio, this display allows for greater power efficiency, hence helping increase battery life.


As you already know, the iPhone 11 offers several video enhancements and improvements. The front camera, in particular, has received certain upgrades which include a widened megapixel sensor as well as landscape-mode rotation capabilities for selfie-taking. It is the 4K video taking abilities as well as the cameras enhanced 30fps dynamic range that makes it possible for users to take slow-motion selfies.

Does the iPhone 11 Support 5G?

No the Apple iPhone 11 does not support 5G. However, this really shouldn’t be a point of deterrence. As one article published by The Verge elaborates, developers and professionals at Apple agree that 5G connections and tech still have a lot of fine-tuning that needs to be done. We agree! It’s a long way before you’ll be able to enjoy uninterrupted and consistent global 5G access. In the meantime, your 4G capabilities should suit you just fine!

Is the iPhone 11 Available in Stores

The iPhone 11 as well as the 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max have all been available in stores and can even be ordered over the internet. Starting price for the 11 is USD699 which is a lot less than its predecessor the iPhone XS was when it launched!

Winding Down

If you’re wondering if the iPhone 11 has enough to warrant an upgrade from your old iPhone, then the answer is yes. This is even so if you invested in the previously released iPhone XS or XS Max. The iPhone 11 has received quite a tech do-over, and if it’s within your range, we say go for it!

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Say Hello to iOS 13.1! Thu, 26 Sep 2019 13:54:25 +0000 The world of technology has been abuzz of late and in a big way. Technology is so much a part of our lives today that we’re now having crossovers between advancement and the general geopolitical climate! You’ve got the current trade ban on Huawei phones within the US as well as a raised awareness about implications surrounding technical advancement. […]

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The world of technology has been abuzz of late and in a big way. Technology is so much a part of our lives today that we’re now having crossovers between advancement and the general geopolitical climate! You’ve got the current trade ban on Huawei phones within the US as well as a raised awareness about implications surrounding technical advancement.

At the same time, you’ve got progress in areas including app and software development, AI, virtual and augmented reality, and more. You have tech changing the way we do business and tech changing the way we live our life. In a way, times couldn’t be more exciting for many of us!

Telecommunication and Mobile Phones

The mobile tech and telecommunication sector has been a very active part of whatever is happening in the larger global tech industry of late. There have been several breakthroughs such as the launching of 5G networks as well as others that have taken place in the telecommunication industry this year. Apart from this we’re all still reeling from the series of upgraded mobile phones introduced by different companies. You’ve got phones like the Apple iPhone 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max, the Samsung Note 10, the Huawei Mate X, and others that have debuted, offering users brilliant and creative new forms of access.

With technological advancement and progress in what one could call full swing, we’re all just left wondering what might come next.

Has iOS 13.1 been released?

Many of us are probably aware to some degree or another of the operating software race that has been taking place between Googles Android and Apple’s iOS. Google has been making progress with its Android 10 operating software. However, Apple isn’t exactly letting them take the lead easily with their iOS 13. Though the two have been locked in battle with each OS offering features that slightly supersede the other.

If we didn’t already have our hands full with the two above, we do now because the folks at Apple decided to speed up the deployment of its iOS 13.1 software update! Previously due to be released on the 30th of September according to sources, Apple debuted its new software on the 24th of September 2019 instead. In short, for all you Apple users; yes, iOS 13.1 is here!

What about iOS 13?

Apple users across the globe have upgraded their devices due to the excitement surrounding the release of the new operating software and features such as dark mode. That said, Apple did confirm the presence of a number of bugs in the iOS 13 software update, and followed on by launching iOS 13.1 with fixes for a number of these.

What we’ve gathered from industry talk is that if you’ve already activated iOS 13, it might be a good idea to either revert to iOS 12 or to get the iOS 13.1 update.

What Devices are Compatible with iOS 13.1?

Like with iOS 13, you need to be sure that your device is compatible with iOS 13.1. Here are some of the devices we know will be compatible with this operating software:

  • iPhone 6s
  • iPhone 6s Plus
  • iPhone SE
  • iPhone 7
  • iPhone 7 Plus
  • iPhone 8
  • iPhone 8 Plus
  • iPhone X
  • iPhone XS
  • iPhone XS Max
  • iPhone XR
  • iPhone 11
  • iPhone 11 Pro
  • iPhone 11 Pro Max

Apart from this, the 7th Gen iPod touch is also among the compatible devices.

What Features does iOS 13.1 Offer?

What Features does iOS 13.1 Offer?

Apart from bug fixes for iOS 13, the iOS 13.1 software update comes with numerous features that will likely keep users engaged. We’re going to go over some of these.

ETA Sharing

We all have that one friend who needs to know exactly when people are planning on showing up. Arguably, we may be that one friend ourselves! In any case, iOS 13.1 addresses this with their ETA sharing feature. This allows users to share their ETA (estimated time of arrival) with those they are meeting. Since the feature is based on Apple Maps, any time a delay is detected by the user’s GPS, it results in automatic message generation to whoever the user has shared their ETA with.

Karaoke Streaming

iOS 13 users are probably already aware of the pretty brilliant audio sharing feature that was recently introduced. The feature that allows users to transmit music from their iPhones to more than one set of headphones – arguably something that should have been released years ago! That said, iOS 13.1 takes the music game a little further with the addition of a karaoke streaming feature. The feature can be easily accessed via the updated lyrics button that can be found on the main Apple Music screen.

AirDrop Updates

Though iOS 13.1 only offers this feature to iPhones from the 11 series, it’s worth mentioning. The AirDrop Update feature makes file sharing a lot easier with other 2019 iPhone users. What’s cooler is all this takes is directing the two devices within range to face each other so that they can sync and begin transferring data.

Smart Shortcuts

One of the most useful new features that iOS 13.1 offers users involves upgrades made to the shortcuts app. The upgrade allows users to set adjustments that are automatically made depending on the time of the day. Users could set their on-screen shortcuts to change to those most relevant when required. One example is quick access shortcuts for Apple Maps, a planning app, and a news app coming to the forefront at the start of every day.

Other Features and Fixes

Apart from those listed above, iOS 13.1 comes with a host of other features as well as fixes and improvements. You have improved privacy, unknown caller silencing, new photo-sharing options, and even battery optimization. Some of the fixes include those for Siri, multilingual typing, edit menus, device vibration, and, Apple ID settings to name a few.

Should I Get iOS 13.1?

Finally, we come to the question of the hour. Should you switch to iOS 13.1? The honest answer is; it’s really your call. Different iOS users seem to have varying opinions with regard to this. Personally, we would recommend that you should make the switch.

The iOS 13.1 update contains fixes for bugs in its predecessor that could be quite problematic. Apart from this, though overall phone speed may not change much with the new update, we do know that iOS 13.1 makes iPhone usage and efficiency even better than what was brought to the table by the iOS 13.

Will there be Many More Updates?

We’re not sure what to say here, but chances are, yes there will be. Apple has already announced a few glitches they are looking forward to addressing. According to one article published by Forbes, will likely be following with, “an iOS 13.1.1 minor point update”. The company also states that this might be the first in a series of such little updates that are due to follow.

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How to install iOS 13 on your iPhone Tue, 24 Sep 2019 14:42:53 +0000 The brand name Apple is synonymous with cutting edge technology today and has been since its inception back in 1976. That said, the company registered Apple Computers Inc. has seen its share of ups and downs according to sources. Suffering financially between 1990 and 1996, many thought Apple Computers Inc. would not make it into the […]

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The brand name Apple is synonymous with cutting edge technology today and has been since its inception back in 1976. That said, the company registered Apple Computers Inc. has seen its share of ups and downs according to sources. Suffering financially between 1990 and 1996, many thought Apple Computers Inc. would not make it into the year 2000. It was around this time that Steve Jobs, co-founder and later CEO of the company took charge, introducing radical changes to the company’s product line as well as internally. It was Job’s extensive revolutionizing of company workings and products that sparked the wave of Apple tech we’re familiar with today.

Whether its iPads, iPhones, desktop computer systems, or wearable tech, Apple has been a leader in the tech industry taking the world by storm with every other new release. In terms of global brand value, the company ranks second according to statistics with an estimated USD 156,634 million. The fact that iPhone sales generated an estimated USD 22.99 billion in the third quarter of 2019 alone testifies to the fact that the iPhone is one of the company’s most lucrative products.

What keeps the iPhone on top?

What is it what makes iPhone and iOS users swear by their brand? Though many feel it’s a status thing (usually non-iOS users), in reality, this isn’t so. The largest factor that comes into play is personal preference. This includes what features one requires out of a phone as well as what kind of user interface they are more comfortable navigating. There are, however, areas where iPhones and iOS standout such as attention to detail, offering a high-quality user experience, and data security.

It is these features as well as its specific market appeal that keeps the iPhone on top.

iOS 13 – The Latest in iTech

Though iOS 13 was officially launched on September 19th, 2019, a test version has been issued to willing users since June 24th as mentioned in an article published by Tech Radar. The article also mentions that the final beta testing version of iOS 13 was issued on September 10th, allowing developers some time to make final improvements.

Business Insider published an article elaborating on the many new features to expect with iOS 13. These included swipe keyboard, mail improvements, map upgrades, and the long-awaited dark mode. Apart from this, other features to look forward to include better tools for photography, videography, and editing as well as more relevant AI (Siri) driven reminders.

You may be someone who is wondering how to install iOS 13 on your iPhone as well as whether or not you should. We’re going to get into just that for you.

Which Devices will get iOS 13?

An article published by Forbes elaborates on how it is important to be sure that iOS is suited to your iPhone type. According to the article, models like the iPhone 5s and 6 aren’t going to be compatible with iOS software. Apart from this, other devices that iOS 13 is incompatible with include the iPad Mini 2, the iPad Mini 3, and the iPad Air.

Here are some of the devices that are iOS 13 compatible.

  • iPod Touch 7th Gen
  • iPhone 11 Pro Max
  • iPhone 11 Pro
  • iPhone 11
  • iPhone XS Max
  • iPhone XS
  • iPhone XR
  • iPhone X
  • iPhone SE
  • iPhone 8S Plus
  • iPhone 8S
  • iPhone 7S Plus
  • iPhone 7S
  • iPhone 6S Plus
  • iPhone 6S

Apart from this, the following iPad devices are also iPadOS 13 compatible:

  • iPad Pro 12.9” (1st + 2nd Gen)
  • iPad Pro 10.5”
  • iPad Pro 9.7”
  • iPad Pro 11”
  • iPad Air 2
  • iPad Air 3
  • iPad 5th Gen
  • iPad 6th Gen
  • iPad 7th Gen
  • iPad Mini 4

If you find your phone in the list of compatible iPhones, we get started on walking you through installation.

How do I get iOS 13?

Before getting into how to install iOS 13 on your iPhone, we’re going to elaborate on the pre-preparation you might want to look after first. When it comes to upgrading or updating your iOS, you may be one of the many users concerned with data loss. Though we’re not suggesting that data loss is something you should expect, it is always best to take necessary precautions. In this case, what you need to do is start by giving your phone storage a little cleanup. Delete apps you don’t need, get rid of old pictures, images or screenshots and make sure the data left on your phone is what you really need. Once you’ve done this, proceed to backup all your data, phone contacts and everything else that is important. Once this is done, you’re ready to install iOS 13 on your phone.

Installing iOS 13 on your iPhone

Installing iOS 13 on your iPhone

The installation process for iOS 13 is really a piece of cake. Having been released on September 9th the software update is now live. This means that you should be able to access the update via your iOS 13 compatible iPhone organically. The way to do this is as follows:

  1. Open SettingsOpen General
  2. Click on Software Update
  3. Check for updates
  4. Click Download and Install

Apart from this, the update can also be accessed via iTunes under Check for Update. You should find this in the tab on your iTunes interface titled Summary.

We recommend that you make sure that you are connected to a strong and consistent Wi-Fi connection. Ensuring your phone’s battery is fully operational and fully charged is also important as updates can take time. Another option is to simply leave your iPhone plugged in while the update is downloading and installing.

Backup Support

There may be some of you who require support backing up your data using the cloud. If this is the case, here is how you should go about it.

  1. Access and connect to a suitable Wi-Fi connection
  2. Open Settings
  3. For iOS 10.2 and those before it; scroll down, click on iCloud and tap Backup.
  4. For iOS 10.3 and those after it; choose your name in settings, go to iCloud Backup and click on the Backup Now option.

Winding Down

Though there will be a series of updates that follow the initial release on the iOS 13 software, we can safely say that this operating software is bound to offer a user experience that will seriously set the bar high. You’ve got some fantastic user features that you can access making device use even more of a pleasure than it once was.

Whether you’re an old-time Apple user or someone making the switch from Android to iOS, you’re probably going to have a nice time exploring what the new operating system offers. Whether it’s the improved user-end experience in the form of enhanced features or optimization that allows iPhones using the software to work more efficiently, Apple has once again outdone themselves and their client base.

You would think this is it for the moment, but it isn’t. According to whispers in the industry, Apple has already started work on the iOS 13.1 software update. However, that’s one for another blog! Till next time folks!

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iOS 13 vs Android 10: Which is more secure? Tue, 24 Sep 2019 14:20:22 +0000 Both iOS 13, officially launched on September 19th and Android 10, officially launched on September 3rd, are making waves in the tech industry. Though both iOS and Android have held a majority of the operating system market since the 4th quarter of 2011, statistics show that Android systems dominate the market by a landslide. Despite this, there is no questioning […]

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Both iOS 13, officially launched on September 19th and Android 10, officially launched on September 3rd, are making waves in the tech industry. Though both iOS and Android have held a majority of the operating system market since the 4th quarter of 2011, statistics show that Android systems dominate the market by a landslide. Despite this, there is no questioning the effectiveness and general technical prowess of the Apple Company and iOS. Despite the fact that Huawei beat Apple in the area of smartphone manufacture and sale earlier this year according to a report published by the Business Insider, it still ranks number 1 on the Forbes list of the 10 largest tech companies globally.

Since both iOS and Android developers know what they are doing, the battle of iOS 13 vs Android 10 is very real. Broadly speaking, the iOS 13 vs Android 10 debate is one that has already been covered. Features offered by the two have been compared and contrasted, and both operating systems seem to have a lot to offer users.

Talking About Security

Security has always been a prime concern for operating software developers and smartphone users alike and is a top priority for over 60% of those asked in a census according to sources. Some of the many security and privacy challenges faced by users include unauthorized geo-tracking, eavesdropping or spying and the existence of malicious apps, just to name a few. The question of security is just as relevant in the iOS 13 vs Android 10 debate. Which of these two operating systems offers stronger and better security features?

It’s Not Really an Umbrella Term

When you talk about smartphone security, it is important to remember that the same is not an umbrella term. There are various areas that security breaches may occur and various aspects of a smartphone and operating system security that need to be taken into account.

We’re going to touch upon each and every aspect of security elaborating on which of the two operating systems offers features that are superior in that particular area. Here’s how iOS 13 matches up against Android 10 when it comes to security.



The first and foremost phone safety measure is ensuring your operating system is updated. Having the latest available version of the operating system whether for Android or iOS keeps your phone well defended against all sorts of malware, viruses, and other malicious programs.

In the area of update security, Apple has always had an airtight production and supply line. This is due to extreme stringency when it comes to their manufacturing chain as well as any carrier network agreements that exist. Apart from this, Apple’s coding also plays a part. The cumulative result is effective and efficient updating. Though customizability regarding certain privacy settings on iOS has been criticized by some users, it is this strict back-end programming that ensures the privacy and safety Apple has always bragged about.

Though Google did elaborate on plans to improve and automate the Android operating software update process, there are still problems that users could face. These include update delays as well as variation in update release times due to franchising of Android system development.

In a nutshell, despite Google’s current efforts to make their update process more secure with Android 10, already in the lead here, iOS 13 is clearly the winner!


Moving forward from the update stage, another area where your mobile data security may be compromised is that of permissions. You’re probably already familiar with the often excessive authorizations that different mobile apps demand upon download and installation before use. These include access to everything from your phone contacts and pictures to your usage data and even your in-phone devices such as your microphone and camera. You can see how all this access could be problematic in the wrong hands!

Where you would think that the strict and stringent apple manufacture and release machine has this taken care of, research seems to suggest otherwise. According to one paper published, when it came to weaknesses and holes by way of security, it was actually iOS apps that were at a greater risk.

Apple is doing its bit to address these app permission related security concerns with the introduction of upgraded security features. One of the changes made to facilitate security is a feature which allows users to log into apps using their Apple ID as opposed to a Facebook account or an email address. Credential verification via the Apple ID prevents hackers and malicious programs from accessing other data.

Though this is great as far as iOS 13 goes, Android 10 isn’t quite done here. Android 10 offers one feature that we feel is pretty cool and extremely useful. Apart from having introduced a privacy section which can be accessed and navigate via Settings, Android 10 allows users to monitor as well as to block any requests for permissions that they feel are unnecessary.

Moving further, Android 10 also offers users what is called the Advanced Section. This is an easy access accumulation of all security-related protocol controls. Everything from lock-screen information to request handling and autofill permissions can be managed from here conveniently.

Though Android 10 has really upped its internal security game, the risk of malware that piggybacks as opposed to types that request permission is still one that needs to be addressed. That said, if its security relating to permissions and permission control, Android 10 takes the cake.

Bluetooth Sniffing

Bluetooth Sniffing

To make things simple, Bluetooth sniffing is the ability of some apps to discreetly connect to parent programs and devices after Wi-Fi has been disconnected. These programs connect without permission and can result in your information or location being leaked.

The good news is that Android 10 as well as its counterpart iOS 13 both offer users the choice to deny various apps permission for Bluetooth sniffing.


In a nutshell, geo-tracking is the word used to describe the process of determining someone’s location using data derived from their devices. One of the biggest sources of geo-tracking is photo and video apps, particularly those designed for social media sharing.

Both iOS 13 and Android 10 come equipped with additional options to help reduce this. iOS 13 allows users to remove all location data before sharing pictures as an option. Android 10, on the other hand, allows for denying permission as well as offering conditional permissions giving users a lot more flexibility by way of what they may opt for. Suffice to say, when it comes to geo-tracking security features, we feel it is fair to say Android 10 is on top.

Additional Features

Where both operating systems seem matched, iOS 13 does offer users one brilliant additional feature. These come in the form of Expanded Homekit Security. This allows you to moderate and control any communication that is occurring between your smart devices or their parent centers. Though the Android 10 Wi-Fi password feature is a great addition, we’re going to have to give this one to iOS 13!

iOS 13 Vs Android 10: What’s the Verdict?

In conclusion, we’ll say that both iOS 13 and Android 10 have a lot of exciting new features to offer users. When it comes to overall security, Apple is still in the lead, but it’s really anybody’s game from here on out. Both operating systems have evolved immensely from where they began, and both have user bases that swear by them and nothing else. Where the two seemed nearly matched, for now, only time will tell which of the two reigns victorious!

Stay tuned for more updates from your favorite industries and the hottest trends in tech.

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The September 2019 Apple Event in a Nutshell Thu, 12 Sep 2019 15:09:48 +0000 The most recent Apple Event held earlier this week offered a number of surprises to users and industry professionals who had been eagerly waiting for the latest updates from the company. Some of the star features of the event included updated information about Apple Arcade and of course, the unveiling of Apple’s three new products. These included […]

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The most recent Apple Event held earlier this week offered a number of surprises to users and industry professionals who had been eagerly waiting for the latest updates from the company. Some of the star features of the event included updated information about Apple Arcade and of course, the unveiling of Apple’s three new products. These included a new starters (entry-level) iPad, the Series5 Apple watch, and the anticipated iPhone 11 Pro as well as its counterpart, the iPhone 11 Pro Max.

Apart from what is mentioned above, Apple gave users globally a pleasant surprise. They provided a live-stream of the entire event on their company website as well as on YouTube. We’re going to elaborate some of the highlights of the event in this blog.

The iPhone 11 Family Updates

Apple officially debuted its iPhone 11 series in this recent event. In fact, it was arguably the biggest highlight of the event that night. Some of the most interesting features introduced were advanced camera functions as well as the addition of a new lens that offered wide-angle photo capabilities. Apart from this, Dolby Atmos sound technology has been used to enhance the audio experience of the device. Finally, the new phones offer Wi-Fi 6 and are driven by the much-acclaimed A13 Bionic processor chip. The A13 Bionic chip is not just faster than its predecessors; it is about 40% more power efficient and contains a GPU (graphics processing unit) that allows users to enjoy hi-res gaming. Starting price for iPhone 11 was quoted at USD699.

Both the Pro and Pro Max versions of the iPhone 11 are equipped with Super-Retina XDR (OLED) screens. Since they offer better visual quality, these screens do consume more power. Despite the added specs and the triple-camera functions, the phone does not fall back by way of speed due to the A13 Bionic processor. A fast charge adapter is also being provided in the box, which is something good since users don’t have to spend extra over the already-expensive phone.

Other features the new line of iPhones boasts include a higher and clearer zoom as well as enhanced image processing capabilities. It is what Apple has coined “Deep Fusion” technology that allows the advanced camera actions on the iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max. Starting prices for the Pro and Pro Max are USD 999 and USD 1099 respectively.

Arcade & TV-Plus Updates

Apple also offered those attending and watching a tutorial on its intentions to launch a service known as Apple TV, which will be available for subscription from the 1st of November this year. This service will be available to approximately one hundred countries globally. Those who are already regular Apple customers are entitled to twelve months of Apple TV on a trial basis without charge.

The Apple Arcade service is meant to run on a monthly subscription basis. Priced at USD 4.99 for a month of unlimited access to games on the server, the service is due to start later this September. A point of interest was the collaboration of old-time game giants Konami and Capcom as two of the developers making games for apple arcade. Games and media were both displayed for demonstration at the event.

Series-5 Watch Updates

Series-5 Watch Updates


The new Apple watch is another attention-worthy piece of tech that debuted at the event. The Apple Series-5 watch is the latest in Apple’s line of wearable tech. What stood out for us more than the titanium and ceramic watch options was their association with health studies. Apple introduced advanced features to track cardiovascular health and hearing. It also introduced features to track the menstrual cycle of female watch owners which is possibly a first.

The watches start at USD 399 and 499 for GPS and cell models respectively.

IPad 2019 Updates

The new 2019 iPad comes with a number of altered specs. These include the 10.2″ size, an improved angle of view, enhanced brightness, and so much more. The new model also features a smart connector as well as what is known as smart-keyboard cover. This is meant to allow users to run the newly released Apple media without any hassle.

Winding Down

The Apple event this September was one of the most anticipated ones of the year 2019. Sadly, according to sources, the release of new products did not generate the same interest everywhere. However, what’s worth mentioning is the leaps Apple has made with both its fitness watch technology and the new A13 Bionic Processor, among other key features like the camera. Readers who are interested can check out the entire streamed event on YouTube. Keep checking our blog section for more information on tech, and updates from several other related industries.

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The New Apple A13 Bionic Chip and its Specifications Thu, 12 Sep 2019 14:42:08 +0000 While there are people claiming that Apple has really outdone itself this time, but then again, there are those who still believe that they could have offered more in their high-end variants of the phone. The new iPhone 11 and iPhone 11pro didn’t quite receive a welcoming response in Asia as per the sources. The online […]

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While there are people claiming that Apple has really outdone itself this time, but then again, there are those who still believe that they could have offered more in their high-end variants of the phone. The new iPhone 11 and iPhone 11pro didn’t quite receive a welcoming response in Asia as per the sources.

The online publication, Tech Radar, elaborates in one of its reviews how the new iPhone 11 Pro, is extremely powerful but doesn’t really offer much flare by way of novelty or innovation. That said, we’re not here to talk about the iPhone 11 series. We’re here to talk about the little piece of silicon that powers the new models of iPhones; one that goes by the name of A13 Bionic.

What Does the Company Say?

According to spokespersons from apple, the Apple A13 Bionic chip boasts an incredibly fast/efficient CPU as well as a GPU with high-end processing speeds. As far as smartphones go, people from the Apple company claim processing capabilities don’t get much better.

You may think this means the tradeoff here would be the battery life taking a hit, but it isn’t. Apple has also stated that the new A13 Bionic is not only the fastest but also the most efficient by way of power usage and saving. They claim an added 240 and 300 extra minutes of battery life for iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max. This quality was attributed to the chip’s ability to mitigate power flow to certain sections without disrupting performance. It is able to do this due to the presence of numerous voltage and clock gates.

Another stunning spec of the Apple a13 bionic chip is the fact that the chip contains 8.5 billion transistors. Let’s jump into what the A13 Bionic is all about.

Apple A13 Bionic Specs and Comparisons

Specs and Comparisons

In comparison with the previously released A12 Bionic chip, the A13 Bionic is an estimated 40% more power efficient while conducting processes at a rate that is faster by 20%. Below are some useful system specs:

  • Number of Cores: 18
  • Number of CPU Cores: 6
  • Number of GPU Cores: 4
  • Number of Neural-Engine Processor Cores: 8
  • 7nm Transistors
  • Number of Transistors: 8.5 Billion

The power efficiency of the A13 Bionic is also in part due to the way in which CPU processes are split. The CPU in the chip contains four low power cores and two high-performance cores. The low power cores take care of simpler processes such as answering calls, browsing online, reading articles, texting, and so on. The high-performance cores, on the other hand, are not activated unless they are required to facilitate processes like advanced gameplay or video editing.

Apart from the specifications above, we also know that the A13 bionic possesses the highest degree of machine learning or ML performance. This is attributed to the eight cores dedicated to the chip’s neural engine. It allows for quicker matrix multiplication and results in an overall operational capability of a staggering trillion operations per second. Though people worry that the new A13 chip will be a little oversold by the company as Apple has done in the past with the predecessors, there is a unanimous agreement with regard to the chip’s capabilities.

Bringing things to a Close

Given some of the features of the new iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Max such as triple camera functions, slow-mo, selfie options, and spatial audio, as well as the phones graphics, it stands to reason that the little A13 Bionic silicon is quite the monster.

It may take a few months following the phone’s release for users to find bugs in even this spectacle of engineering. When it comes to the market currently, Apple seems to be doing well, and professionals from the company seem pretty confident that what they have here is superior to anything else available on the market currently.

If you split the world into dedicated Apple and Android users, the A13 Bionic is a threat to the market of the latter. Chances are unless competitors come up with something to cut into Apple’s current momentum, the new A13 Bionic is the kind of tech that people would urge people to make the switch from Android to Apple regardless of the price.

We’re actually looking forward to seeing what other tech companies come up with in response to the A13 Bionic chip. You’ve got chips such as Huawei’s Kirin 990 5G which may just have what it takes to knock the A13 Bionic off the pedestal, but that’s a comparison to be made on another blog. Till next time folks!

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How To Delete Apps From Your iPhone or iPad easily Thu, 22 Aug 2019 14:21:14 +0000 The ordeal of contemplating whether you should delete an app or not is something every smartphone user has faced. Despite not wanting to delete the app, you would have to clear up space for several reasons. For one, clearing up extra storage in your smartphone can enhance the performance of your mobile device as well. […]

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The ordeal of contemplating whether you should delete an app or not is something every smartphone user has faced. Despite not wanting to delete the app, you would have to clear up space for several reasons. For one, clearing up extra storage in your smartphone can enhance the performance of your mobile device as well.

Now if you are tired of using the same set of apps constantly or you need to save some space to enhance your iPhone or iPad’s performance, you should always begin with deleting apps.

Here are the steps how to uninstall and permanently delete the apps you have on your iPhone or iPad.

How To Delete App on iPhone

Tap to delete apps

The most basic method of deleting apps directly and in a time-saving manner is to tap the app you want to delete and hold it for a few seconds. Now all the app icons on the screen will begin to move and twitch at once. While you see the icons moving, there will be a small cross (X) on the side of each icon. Tap the small cross, and the app will be permanently deleted from your storage.

Re-download paid apps?

However, there is also the possibility for you to delete apps you have paid for. In such a case, you should not fret as the necessary measures to restore your paid apps are available. The apps you have paid for are saved on your Apple ID so whenever you download that particular app again using your Apple ID, you would not have to pay for it again and it will be installed and restored without any issues.

Access the Settings app

The easiest and simplest way is to tap and hold each app to delete them directly from the main screen of your device, but another possible alternative can be used. If you want to read the storage information and other specs of each app in detail, then it is better to delete them before you have viewed the relevant information. At times, we mistakenly delete the apps because we assume they could be causing problems.

Just go to the Settings app > tap General and then from there access the Storage option of your iPhone or iPad device. Once you view the Storage section, all your downloaded apps will be visible there altogether.

Should you offload apps?

Inside the Storage page, your phone will suggest you enable Offload Unused Apps. Using this feature can be a bit tricky if the storage limit of your device exceeds as the apps you do not use often will be cleared without your knowledge or permission.

We mentioned the word ‘cleared’ since an offloaded app is not permanently deleted. Instead, the data of the app is present and will be available once you download it again. Even the icon of an offloaded app is not removed, but it will only have a small cloud icon on top of the main icon of the app.

Now if you think deleting the app permanently is a better option then again go to the Settings app and in the General section, you will find storage. After viewing the details of the apps you intend to delete such as app version and storage occupied by it, just choose to delete it, and all its data and documents will be deleted as well.

Delete apps from the app store

The method of deleting apps directly from the app store is only available for iOS 13 and the later OS versions. Since iOS 13 is relatively recent, this method is new, so most iPhone and iPad users are not aware of this method of app deletion. This is easier and more feasible since you can go to the app update list on the App Store and choose the apps you want to delete without having to repeat various steps of deleting or offloading the apps.

Here is how you can uninstall your apps from the app store directly.

Firstly, access the App Store by tapping on it. Next is to go to your App Store account by tapping your profile picture on the right corner of the interface. This shall take you to your account. Once you have accessed your app store account, you will see a list of apps that you have downloaded along with update options available for each app. Some updates might be pending along with the apps that have been recently updated.

Now that you have viewed the complete list of app, just slide the app you want to delete to the left, and the delete option will be present on the right. Tap delete once you have made up your mind to delete the chosen app.

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Steps for How to Take and Edit a Screenshot On An iPhone Thu, 22 Aug 2019 14:16:19 +0000 The recent iPhone releases do not consist of a Home button, so it was a bit confusing for iPhone users to find the right way to take a screenshot on these newer models. So, no matter if you own an older version of an iPhone or the newest model, you can still struggle to find […]

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The recent iPhone releases do not consist of a Home button, so it was a bit confusing for iPhone users to find the right way to take a screenshot on these newer models. So, no matter if you own an older version of an iPhone or the newest model, you can still struggle to find the right way of taking and editing a screenshot.

To help you out, we have compiled the steps you need to take in order to capture and edit a screenshot despite what iPhone model or version you own.

Taking a screenshot on iPhone 8 or prior models

Whether you own an iPhone 8 or a model earlier than this one, the method of taking a screenshot is extremely simple since these models have a Home button. You just have to press it and the power button simultaneously. It will take you only two seconds to take the screenshot and once done, a flashing light will blink on the screen confirming that the shot has been taken.

Taking a screenshot on iPhone X or latest models

The newer models of iPhones, such as iPhone X do not have a Home button. That means the mechanism of taking a screenshot would have entirely changed and it certainly has. Since there is no Home button to press at once with the power button, you will now have to hold the volume up button along with the power button. This change is extremely minor, and the way to notice if a screenshot has been taken or not is the same as it was in older iPhone models.

Taking a screenshot using Assistive Touch

If you compare an iPhone with an Android phone, you will notice that Android has more alternatives and shortcuts for taking screenshots as compared to iPhones. Another very less known technique of taking screenshots is using Assistive Touch. This feature is available in your iOS device, and here is how it works.

Firstly, go to the Settings app on your iPhone and tap General. Once the page opens, tap Accessibility. In the Accessibility page, you will find an option for Assistive Touch, which needs to be enabled. Once the feature is enabled, the option to take screenshots will be available as a shortcut on the main interface of your iPhone.

If you cannot find the shortcut, then swipe to the left page of your iPhone interface, and you will find it there. Since it will be available in the form of a shortcut, you can place it anywhere on the screen.

Taking screenshot through Siri

It might be surprising to most iPhone users that Siri has been integrated with unique features, but it still cannot execute a task as simple as taking a screenshot. Instead, Siri can provide you with all the details and steps required for taking a screenshot. Simply ask Siri ‘How to take a screenshot’ and the personal iPhone assistant will show you all the steps you can perform to take a screenshot.

Steps to follow to edit screenshot on your iPhone

Once you know how to take a screenshot, the next step is to understand how you can edit it on your smartphone.

Edit screenshot on iOS 10 or older versions

The steps needed to take a screenshot in these models are easier, and so is the procedure edit them.

So if your iPhone is currently running iOS 10 or an earlier version, just tap the Apple Photos app and tap the screenshot you want to edit. Once the image opens, you will see an edit option on the image itself. The edit feature has all the necessary elements for editing. You can crop a picture, resize it, add filters, text, emojis, watermarks, and do a lot more.

Edit screenshot on iOS 11 or latest versions

While the steps needed to take a screenshot on iOS 11 or later versions have entirely changed as the Home button is no more, but the process of editing a screenshot stays similar. The moment you take a screenshot on your iPhone, you will view a small thumbnail of the image you just snapped. The thumbnail will disappear in a second or two, but if you tap on it before it disappears, you will view the options to edit it further. Simply tap the thumbnail and use the tools to edit the screenshot however you want.

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10 Best Apps to Download For Your Apple Watch Tue, 20 Aug 2019 18:26:33 +0000 A few decades ago, it was not possible for you to have an entire computer in the form of a watch on your wrist, but now that mere thought has turned into a reality. It all began with websites and then shifted towards mobile apps. However, with the constant advancements in mobile app technology, smart […]

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A few decades ago, it was not possible for you to have an entire computer in the form of a watch on your wrist, but now that mere thought has turned into a reality. It all began with websites and then shifted towards mobile apps. However, with the constant advancements in mobile app technology, smart watches, and other similar devices such as Apple Watch emerged. Now you can surf the internet, schedule your tasks, and stay updated, all through that wristwatch of yours.

The best way to make the most out of the Apple Watch is to have these following 10 must-have apps for your Apple Watch.


Things is a task manager in the form of an application. For $10, you can download Things, a task manager app from the Apple App Store. While it does sound highly unlikely to pay $10 for such a basic app but it has an extensive list of pros for your smartphone as well as your Apple Watch. You can add items and new tasks into your Apple Watch, which can be simultaneously managed by the Things app.


A transit navigation app, Citymapper is free with no presence of in-app purchases or a premium version. You can use the app by integrating it into your Apple Watch and view different times for trains, buses, and subways at once. Once you know the time or departure and arrival beforehand, it is bound to save you a lot of traveling time. While it is not available for every city, you can still check if yours is available or not.

Night Sky

Every individual has been fascinated by astronomy at some point in his or her life. What if you get a full-fledged astronomy experience in the form an app? Won’t that fascinate you and spark your interests further? Night Sky is an astronomy tool that is currently available for iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch as well. Users can view different planets, constellations, and be notified about the best time to stargaze.


Mobile apps that allow you to track your routine tasks and habits work well with the Apple Watch as compared to your smartphone. Since the Apple Watch itself does not consist of the sleep tracking feature, you can use AutoSleep if you intend to track your sleeping habits on a daily basis. The app only costs $3, and it’s a reasonable price for an app, which gives you an extensive list of features just to help you get a good night’s sleep.


Now if you are a sports enthusiast, you would want to stay updated about the scores of your favorite team in real-time. theScore is an iOS app that allows you to stay updated about the scores, news, and prior updates of your favorite sports teams. The app is free, so even if you think it is just going to consume space on your Apple Watch, then you are mistaken.

Just Press Record

Just Press Record is not your ordinary recording app as for $4.99; it has a lot to offer. The mechanism of the app is very simple since it only lets you press the record button and stop it when you are done. However, let’s dive deeper into the complete set of features this app offers.

The app does not only consume a lot of your mobile space but also allows you to record audio and then translate it in over 30 different languages. The recording quality is immaculate, and that makes it worth its costly price tag.


A free-to-download app with a bundle of in-app purchases, iHeartRadio is a highly simply FM/AM radio app that smoothly works on your iPhone or Apple Watch. Music streaming apps are several, but with iHeartRadio, you can stream music, listen to podcasts and switch between different radio channels through a single app. The app even allows you to listen to various sports stations such as Fox Sports for all the current updates about your favorite team’s match.


While every smartphone user, whether you own an iPhone or an Android phone, has heard about Shazam. The mechanism of Shazam is very simple. If you have heard a song and you cannot recall its name, then Shazam can be used as a music identifier for finding out the song’s name. Initially, it was only available for the iPhone, but now it can be integrated with your Apple Watch as well used to identify songs you listened on Spotify or Apple Music.

Carrot Weather

Your iPhone might already have an in-built weather app, but if you need one for your Apple Watch, Carrot Weather is the one to choose. Ranging from weather forecasts near you to customize how you intend to view the weather reports, all these features can be directly accessed through your Apple Watch. Surprisingly, for only $4.99, the app has a full-fledged augmented reality mode that gives you a visually appealing experience in checking the weather.

PCalc Lite

It surely comes as a surprise to many Apple Watch users that the device does not have a built-in calculator. But do not fret, as PCalc Lite, a free iOS calculator app can be downloaded easily on the Apple Watch. It has a paid version too, which costs $10. It is better to download its free version PCalc Lite since it offers all the commonly required features.

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List Of Best Text-To-Speech Apps For iPhone in 2023 Tue, 20 Aug 2019 17:06:29 +0000 The constant advent of technology has helped evolve speech technology for the visually impaired and hard-of-hearing individuals. Putting speech synthesis into human speech has been around for some time now. Over the years, text-to-speech apps have developed into a basic utility to make things efficient. It has surprisingly prevailed among the masses. Text-to-speech has improved […]

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The constant advent of technology has helped evolve speech technology for the visually impaired and hard-of-hearing individuals. Putting speech synthesis into human speech has been around for some time now.

Over the years, text-to-speech apps have developed into a basic utility to make things efficient. It has surprisingly prevailed among the masses. Text-to-speech has improved literacy and reading skills and other critical skills including listening, speaking, writing, and the ability to differentiate sounds.

Why Is Text to Speech Apps Useful?

TTS works for every digital device that includes computers, phones, smartphones, and gadgets. This helps to read all documents and files to read aloud with various voice qualities. Some voices are autogenerated and some have a human effect. In text-to-speech, you are only listening so you are able to comprehend different paragraphs by containing the playback speed. This type of feature makes it easier for the listener to have a better understanding of everything.

Another great quality of text-to-speech apps is a faster way to learn and communicate in different languages. Listening to speech is a more effective way of learning new languages. Scientists say that listening helps people to learn and leverage imagination and critical thinking.

The year 2023 is promising for Text-to-speech apps and here is why we have shared The Best Text To Speech Apps For iPhone 2023.

Best Text-to-Speech Apps For iPhone, iPad (iOS) for 2023

1.     Speechify

Ratings: 4.5

Pricing: Free, with a three-day trial, and in-app purchases


The app is rated as number #1 in magazines and newspapers. On Speechify, you can listen to Snoop Dogg to Gwyneth Paltrow. The app is scannable and reads out the text loud after the scan. You can select the voice and speed for a better approach to listening to lengthy documents.

The app is integrated with an Inline player that fits impressively into the app and users can play and pause documents and can see how long it takes to finish the audio. Moreover, the app also has the feature of text highlighting that makes it easier for the users to listen along.

Download the App: Speechify

2.     NaturalReader Text To Speech

Ratings: 3.8

Pricing: Free to Use


The name of the app itself gives away its purpose. NaturalReader Text To Speech is a widely known app. It has a web browser integrated into it so you would not have to submit each website page individually into the app. Once you search for the website, NaturalReader will begin reading out each page in a very natural tone. It does not only support websites; instead, you can insert documents, PDFs, and e-books.

Download the App: NaturalReader Text to Speech

3.     Voice Dream Reader

Ratings: 4.6

Pricing: $29.9

Voice Dream Reader

Voice Dream Reader is another great addition to all users of iPhone. It is known to be an all-in-one app that is available with a writer, scanner, and reader, the app operates for all devices whether they are phones or tablets. Users can enjoy the translation of more than 20 languages in more than 100 voices. You can read articles or save them on Dropbox, iCloud, and Evernote.

The app is also integrated with auto-scrolling, full screen, and other compelling features for ease of the user. The app comes with different features and plans for the clients to make them subscribe to the best plans.

Download The App:  Voice Dream Reader for iOS

4.     Apple Translate

Ratings: 3.2

Pricing: Built-In App (Free)

Apple Translate

It is a built-in app that Apple offers for its users. Apple Translate is a part of iOS 14 and has allowed content to translate into different languages. The app can also be used under the offline mode and is not as effective as Google Translate, but with its credibility, it has made a great impact. The app has the feature to convert text into speech so it enables the users to have a convenient text-to-speech option. However, the little drawback is the app cannot be used for the long term.

Download the App: Apple Translate

5.     Speak4Me – Text-to-Speech

Ratings: 4.6

Pricing:  Free


The app says, let your iPhone speak to you! It is created for users who want to convert their text into speech easily.  You can choose from various accents and adjust the voice according to speed so people can understand better.

Speak4me is an amazing app in every term as it converts phrases to audio and allows users to share them with their friends. The phone can be trained to say what you want it to.

Download the App: Speak4me

6.     Google Translate

Ratings: 4.4

Pricing: Free

Google Translate

Google Translate has earned a top spot as the best text-to-speech app for iPhone. The app is highly functional in processing languages and is due to the data set. The Google Translate app is accurate with its ability to enter text and heart it via audio.

Since it offers features that do a lot more than simple text or audio translations. Using the app is simple as its interface is highly user-friendly with all the core features added to the main interface of the app.

Users only have to insert text into the app, and Google Translate will not only translate the text for you in your chosen language but will also read it for you in the correct pronunciation.

Download the App: Google Translate

7.     Text to Speech!

Ratings: Free with In-App Features

Pricing: 4.7

Text to Speech

Text to Speech! Is a simple app that just enters the words you want to hear, and the text will be spoken by the audible bot integrated into the app. The voice used in this application is made to sound natural with an accurate pronunciation of each word.

The app operates in more than 82 languages and other regions. You can also expect native accents for better usability. Users can adjust the pitch and decide how they want to hear it and how fast or low. The app also allows one to export speech, star their texts, and put them into their favorite folders.

Download the App: Text to Speech!

8.     Voice Reader Speech Central

Ratings:  4.5

Pricing: Free with In-app offers

Voice Reader Speech Central

The experts call it more than just a narration app as you can listen to content through Bluetooth. It is helpful for visually challenged individuals to develop their productivity. The app is free with restrictions and gives the chance to upgrade the app.

In this app, you can import an entire website page for Speech Central to read the content from. It works for both the iPhone and iPad. The best part is that it does not limit you to a specific page. Instead, you can keep browsing different pages, and the app will keep reading the content on it.

Download the App: Voice Reader Speech Central

9.     Talk For Me

Ratings: 4.3

Pricing: $1.99

Talk for Me

If you own one of the latest models of the iPhone, then Talk For Me is one of the text-to-speech to install. The app supports Chinese, French, Thai, German, Portuguese (BR, PT), and more. Its newly updated version shows the text as it speaks. Also, the app is integrated with Auto Speech Function and actively uses punctuation.

Surprisingly, the app is free and does not run any ads. If there are some words or phrases that you believe should be read out to you often, then the app gives you the option to store custom phrases.

Download the App: Talk for Me

10. Aloud! Text to Speech Reader

Ratings: 4.1

Pricing: Free, Offers in-app purchases

Aloud! Text-to-speech reader

Aloud! is another name when it comes to text-to-speech software. Works as a natural reader so you would not feel as if an emotionless robot is reading out the text to you. Its working mechanism is the same. Just input the text you desire to hear, and the app will read it out to you. While the app does not support an extensive range of languages, it still understands some of the widely spoken languages across the world.

Download the App: Aloud! Text-to-speech reader


Several useful apps follow the same mechanism but in quite a unique and interesting manner. We surely cannot deem a specific app worthy over the other since each text-to-speech app for iPhone and iPad has its own set of exceptional features and offerings. But with the list, you can choose an app according to your need and what is most suitable.

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Top 5 Framework For Mobile Application Development 2019 Tue, 16 Jul 2019 19:57:46 +0000 The conventional methods of building and running different types of businesses have evolved entirely. Now mobile apps are the impetus to drive traffic and user retention towards online businesses, not websites. Since almost every individual worldwide owns a smartphone so they must have complete access to mobile apps on their smartphones as well. That automatically […]

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The conventional methods of building and running different types of businesses have evolved entirely. Now mobile apps are the impetus to drive traffic and user retention towards online businesses, not websites. Since almost every individual worldwide owns a smartphone so they must have complete access to mobile apps on their smartphones as well. That automatically makes it logical to shift towards mobile apps for running businesses than relying on a website for it.

With the competition increasing so quickly, the app industry is trying to keep up with these constant advancements. Initially, developers used to rely on programming languages but half of the work has been made easier with the emergence of different app development frameworks. Now if you just choose a befitting framework, you will fasten the app development process to an extent.

The two core operating systems for every app out there are iOS and Android so the best frameworks for app development should have complete support for both the operating systems. So for that, you will surely need to have the right framework in mind. We have compiled a list of all the popular and reliable Framework For Mobile Application Development that are trending in 2019.

React Native

Cross-platform app development techniques have gained popularity just recently. This concept did not exist a few decades ago and the app development processes for both the Android and IOS platforms were difficult to execute at once. Now with the emergence of React Native, both app designers and developers can create a particular piece or snippet of code that can be used for the two existing operating systems for apps namely Android and IOS. The best part about React Native is that is it open source so the app developers are not limited to its use and application.


While it cannot be compared with the vast amount of features and tools React Native provides but Ionic also is used on a great scale for app development. Since it does not cost you anything, you can easily use it as a core framework for your app’s creation. The app environment this framework support is native but it comes equipped with different features of HTML, JavaScript as well as CSS3. The framework has been continually upgraded so if you are an app developer who wants to use the latest app technologies then Ionic is the one for you and for your apps.

Adobe PhoneGap

The changes in app development frameworks and operating systems are very frequent so if you want to stay updated with these changes then Adobe PhoneGap can become your utmost choice as a mobile application development framework. Just like React Native, PhoneGap is equipped with all the features that give support to cross-platform app development. However, you can even utilize HTML, CSS, and JavaScript along with all the existing features of cross-platform app development. The app that will be created is going to be a hybrid one. You might not have heard of this framework since React Native has become so famous but it is still a framework as powerful as React Native is.


It surely comes as a surprise to many that Microsoft has designed Xamarin and that too for the development of iOS and Android apps. The only added advantage is that developers can create Microsoft based apps from Xamarin framework as well. The framework is equipped with a codebase for C# which works for both Android and iOS immaculately. Once you have created and compiled the code, you can even share it on your Windows or macOS environment. The option of sharing codes on different platforms is the sole reason why developers prefer it since that is what makes it so fast and time-saving.


Now that we have added an app development framework by Microsoft, so why not just add a framework by Google too. Flutter has been created by Google and the best part is that it is open source and it will not cost you anything to utilize it for app development on different scales. The mobile app development framework is an SDK and it also supports cross-platform app development so you can assume it is a core competitor for React Native. However, it uses Dart language, which is new for most app developers. Flutter is even integrated with support for Skia for the rendering of 2D Objects and code snippets.


Knowing what framework to use is as important as the entire development concept for a plan. Before making a selection, you should do your research and analyze why you are thinking to choose a particular framework over the others. A lot of other reasons matter too but out of all the mobile app development frameworks we have mentioned, the one with cross-platform app development abilities are the ones to choose.

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A Guide To Mobile Application Development. Android VS iOS. Tue, 16 Jul 2019 19:44:34 +0000 With the usage of smartphones increasing profusely, you might no longer see an individual that does not own a smartphone. For that reason, the competition between mobile manufacturing companies has increased too. Since owning a mobile is nothing extraordinary, mobile manufacturing companies have been looking for unique ways to capture user attention. However, along with […]

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With the usage of smartphones increasing profusely, you might no longer see an individual that does not own a smartphone. For that reason, the competition between mobile manufacturing companies has increased too. Since owning a mobile is nothing extraordinary, mobile manufacturing companies have been looking for unique ways to capture user attention.

However, along with the newest models of smartphones are released different types of mobile applications. You might be using social media apps on a frequent basis but there is more to mobile apps than social media alone.

Brief Comparison – Android vs iOS

Businesses have also begun to excel with their business operations through apps. But only two popular mobile operating system competitors exist – Android and iOS. Both these operating systems have their own similarities as well as differences so you cannot deem them alike. The features and development options vary on different levels so if you are eager to develop a mobile app from scratch and you cannot make a firm decision then you have come to the right place today.

Programming Features And Options In Android and iOS

Both operating systems have different levels of popularity in their own domains. Now that means there will also be a difference in the programming features, options and other details in the app development criteria.

Languages for programming

Now if you have chosen Android OS then the main programming language is Java. If you think Java is a difficult choice for you then you have other quality and feasible alternative as well. The best alternative programming language is Kotlin. The language is not only easy to understand but also very easy to execute and code once you get a hang of it.

As for iOS, Objective-C is widely used for app development. It was used initially and ever since it is the most preferred programming language for every iOS app out there. As an alternative to Objective-C, you can use a newer and improved programming language Swift.

Back end development environment

For backend development, you need to select a befitting environment as well as the relevant development tools. Since both iOS and Android are not similar in many ways, you would need to know those differences before barging into app development. First, know about the existing IDEs for app development. For the backend development of Android, you have the option of Android Studio and Eclipse.

If you are developing an iOS app for iPad or iPhone then the first option you have is of Xcode and mainly its latest version, Xcode 8. That is an IDE that does not only lets you code the backend part of the app but also lets you design the user interface accordingly.

Design similarities and changes

After you have clearly understood the differences and similarities in backend development, the next is to know about the design preferences of both these mobile operating systems. UI patterns are a concept that exists in both Android and iOS. When you open an app, what you usually see is the menu, different lists, and buttons that are spread across the interface. Viewing a display is easier than actually coding but with the inclusion of different operating systems and programming dynamics, it has become a lot easier than before.

UX and UI design

Every operating system has a common pattern for UI design and you can find different code snippets and templates online. However, if you want to bring a flair of uniqueness to app design, you can look further into learning the dynamics and coding techniques of UI and UX design.

A list of the most used UI patterns has been accumulated which you can go through for further assistance. The list of patterns is actually designed to provide ease in navigational options for apps. A specific button or bar on the front interface of your app will have a different purpose than the one that is located on the internal pages of your app.

Debugging and testing options

Finally, you would have to test your app after completion. Testing and debugging options are aplenty. You can just use a tool that tests the app and its code for you or you can stick to the existing conventional techniques. However, the testing abilities for each operating system is different in some ways so you first have to be wary of those and then proceed with the testing phase.

Two types of testing tools exist and both are emulators for Android and iOS. Using these emulators, you can know where you have fallen short and where you have not. These simulators exist in different forms and some even perform quite fast. So, it all depends on the type of emulator you have chosen for your app.

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10 Mobile Application Metrics That Are Essential To Know Tue, 16 Jul 2019 19:36:21 +0000 Finding ways to generate traffic on your mobile app becomes a futile move when you do not know the essential metrics that govern an app’s success and performance. These metrics are several but some are the core requisite to the complete assessment of an app’s ranking, success and overall performance on the app store. Number […]

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Finding ways to generate traffic on your mobile app becomes a futile move when you do not know the essential metrics that govern an app’s success and performance. These metrics are several but some are the core requisite to the complete assessment of an app’s ranking, success and overall performance on the app store.

  1. Number of app downloads

The number of times your app has been both downloaded and installed says a lot about the complete accumulation of traffic. Even if you initially get fewer downloads then it will not make a difference in the overall performance of your app. However, if a significant amount of time has passed and yet you notice no change in the download numbers then you would have to change your marketing tactics further. Your app downloads can only be enhanced through marketing. You should know the stats of your app well enough to build specific yet accurate criteria for estimated app downloads.

  1. Accumulation of active users

Another essential metric is not the total number of users or downloads but it is about how many users are currently or mostly active on your app. The app downloads alone cannot give you answers for it. So, you have plenty of options to analyze active users of your app. Firstly, find one more analytics tool and then use such tools to find the correct number of active users in every login session. Notice how many users log out from the app soon and those who do not. Estimate your criteria and final answer according to the numbers you find.

  1. App retention rates

You have to retain your users once they have downloaded the app. There are thousands of apps on the app stores already so there could also be apps similar to yours on the app store as well. Users would download your app like any other app but it is not set in stone for them to retain the app’s use consistently. For that, you have to make sure the average user retention rate does not lower instead it keeps increasing.

  1. User ratings for apps

App downloads are not enough to judge the quality of your app. User rating is the best way to figure an app’s credibility and quality. You will not have to run extensive analysis checks and look into further insights to know where you fall short. Just analyze user ratings and you will quickly know where your app stands amongst your app users.

  1. Reviews by app users

Now ratings are merely a few numbers or insights that tell you how many people loved using your app and the users that did not. It is not a very clear means of analysis, as numbers alone cannot tell you the exact reason why people love an app and the reason to dislike it. The reviews are of course in the textual form so you can differentiate between the positive and negative ones.

  1. The overall ranking of apps

When you release your app in the app stores, you will notice how every app is categorized according to its ranking. Initially, your app ranking will be on the lowest scale but with time, if it grows and gains traffic then it will secure a better and ranking for sure. The way app stores rankings for both Android and Apple work is similar. If any app that has secured higher rankings is bound to be shown on the first page of apps for any category.

  1. Session interval metrics

Another key metric is the session intervals that tell you how many users have used and come back to use your website. Now not all users would have used your app because it engages them or serves a specific purpose to them. Some might have used it for a minute or two and then deleted it. So, the need to look into the details of session intervals matters because it shows for much time the user stayed engaged with the app.

  1. Insights for app churn

While app retention rates are meant to tell you how many users are still using your app but app churn is the exact opposite of it. App churn tells you the total number or a specific percentage of users that no longer use your app. This is essential to know even more than knowing the number of active users for several reasons. Firstly, you will know the exact number of app users that have left and then using those numbers, find how many active users you acquired in turn.

  1. Tracking heatmaps on the screen

Touch heatmaps are a built-in feature of most new mobile apps. It lets you know what option or feature was used or tapped on the most. There is another similar feature called user recordings. The app continuously monitors all the users that interact and engage with your app. That, in turn, allows you to note down all the app options and features that have been used the most.

  1. Event tracking monitors apps

Finally, the last essential metric is of event tracking. This metric first monitor how every user has interacted with each feature of your app. The features include the checkout option in your e-commerce app or the time intervals a specific user logged in to your website and when he logged out. That also includes the overall usage of different sharing options on your app as well.

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Apple Music vs. Spotify: Which service stands as the best? Wed, 10 Jul 2019 14:50:15 +0000 Streaming music was only common on desktop sites or web apps such as YouTube but now the dynamics have changed tremendously. Music streaming apps emerged from SoundCloud and now you have to pay a specific amount to stream unlimited music on your smartphone. The two main candidates are Apple Music and Spotify but if you […]

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Streaming music was only common on desktop sites or web apps such as YouTube but now the dynamics have changed tremendously. Music streaming apps emerged from SoundCloud and now you have to pay a specific amount to stream unlimited music on your smartphone.

The two main candidates are Apple Music and Spotify but if you are an iOS user and you want to make a decision then you will have to be very smart about it. Do not choose a music app just because it is cheaper or if it is offering an extensive music library as compared to the other one. You have to base your decision on several factors and for that, we have compiled a very unbiased comparison that will help you make the decision you are looking for.

Here are some things that you should check in both apps.

Audio and Music Library


Since both are music streaming and sharing apps, the first criterion to judge the two should be related to the music libraries. After careful and thorough research, Spotify has earned an upper position since the app’s music catalog comprises of over 30-million songs that are not a match for Apple Music.

As for Apple’s music streaming services, it does have a library of 45 million songs, which is a lot for its competitor Amazon’s Prime Music platform, but some of it is not free and is only set to be exclusive. So, that makes Apple Music a better selection in terms of an extensive music library.

Radio Feature

Both music streaming apps have the feature of an in-built radio. Spotify has not named this feature the conventional term ‘Radio’ instead you can access such playlists directly through the search options. You will be given recommendations for songs that you want to hear and all of these suggestions will comply with your interests.

Apple Music has also played its part to introduce a radio list in the app. Apple has its very own radio station that mainly focuses on actual radio artists and DJs that have their own live shows on radio. Some of the most popular DJs have visited the platform so it has become renowned among different artists.

Subscription Plans and Costs

Let’s talk about Apple Music first. The initial cost of the standard plan costs $10 and that is a lot alike to Spotify Premium and other similar premium music streaming apps or sites. Amazon’s Music Unlimited costs $10 per month so for the same price you are getting so much from Apple Music. Just like other streaming and subscription platforms, both apps offer different plans as well.

Spotify does not offer a free subscription but only for June 2019, it is having an offer for a free subscription which will consist of ads and is based on Hulu subscription. The original monthly cost of Spotify is $6 per month for its premium package. Apple Music falls in the more expensive side so that is why despite giving lesser music and audio files, Spotify wins the spot in terms of subscription fees and different plans or packages.

Search and Song Discovery

Now that millions of songs exist on both the apps, you have to search very smartly to find the song that you have been looking for. The music library is very extensive and if you want new music, the app should suggest music according to your preferences. Spotify has different features that help you discover and find new music. In the weekly discovery feature, you can view all the trending and latest music. This gives new artists the opportunity to showcase their work as well.

On Apple Music, you are first asked to select the artists you like right after you have made your account there. The app will then find all the relevant songs of your selected artists and display them on the main interface of the app. You can adjust and change your favorite music artists as you please as well. Now once you have updated your list of favorite artists, the app is going to shuffle the artists and show you the content of the artists you have recently added.

Offline Download Options

The option to download and save music has already been released by YouTube but now music streaming apps and sites are also adopting it to an extent. Apple Music has introduced the feature so you can play songs that you have saved in offline mode as well. However, the best part is that you are not assigned a specific limit for offline downloads.

As for Spotify, this feature does exist but it has been introduced with some restrictions. In Apple Music, there is no limit to how many songs or files you can save offline but in Spotify, you cannot save unlimited files but have only 10,000 offline downloads per device.

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How To Get Dark Mode On Whatsapp iPhone Thu, 04 Jul 2019 14:31:40 +0000 With the announcement of a dark mode option in Android Q, it has become a trending topic in the tech world to somehow enable the dark mode for both Android and iPhone smartphones. However, now that it will be available in Android Q, many Android users are quite confident for WhatsApp to have the dark […]

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With the announcement of a dark mode option in Android Q, it has become a trending topic in the tech world to somehow enable the dark mode for both Android and iPhone smartphones. However, now that it will be available in Android Q, many Android users are quite confident for WhatsApp to have the dark mode but nothing official has been announced yet.

Dark Mode On Whatsapp iPhone

As for iPhone, the dark mode feature is not clearly available but there are alternatives available that can be enabled directly through your smartphone’s settings. Before we begin to explain the steps further, we would like to highlight the fact that many other apps such as Facebook and its subsequent app Facebook Messenger have a completely dedicated dark mode for itself. This conveys the current trending popularity of dark mode features in smartphone and app interfaces.

Now that you understand how dark themes are no more than a fad or these themes might stick around for good so we cannot say anything with complete certainty. Not only apps such as Facebook and Twitter are adapting this popular theme but also so are browsers. So let’s see whether or not WhatsApp is going to bring this inclusion of dark theme to its interface or not.

Back to the real deal, if you are too eager to try out the dark mode feature on WhatsApp iPhone app then without further ado, here are all the necessary steps that you have to follow to enable the mode in your smartphone.

Dark Mode On Whatsapp iPhone

We have made sure not to make the steps too confusing or difficult for you to follow that is why we have even added the relevant images for easy and quick understanding.

Inverting Colors on WhatsApp

You cannot exactly call this feature the already so popular ‘Dark Mode’ but in iPhones, it has been listed as a ‘Smart Invert’ feature. As per the name of this mode in iPhone, it conveys that it could possibly be only changing and updating the interface to one with inverted colors. Reversing colors, it is a unique feature and many Android smartphones do not have one yet so it surely is an upgrade by Apple. However, it is not the conventional dark mode that you had been hoping for but at least it is something.

Since we had already mentioned that it is not an actual Dark Mode On Whatsapp iPhone but simply the colors are inverted to darken the background, the basic steps are as follows.

  • First, go to the Settings app on your iPhone and the rest shall follow later on.

Inverting Colors on WhatsApp

  • The next step is to tap on General and a different page called Accessibility will be opened. In the Accessibility option, you will clearly see each step for enabling the Smart Invert feature for your iPhone’s interface.

iPhones interface

  • Now once the Accessibility Window is open, you will see the Display Accommodations right underneath Magnifier. These display settings are already enabled but you have to make some slight changes to it. Now tap Invert Colors and see the magic unfold in front of your eyes.

  • Under the Invert Colors options, you will notice Smart Invert. Tap on it and the system will enable it itself in a matter of seconds. Once enabled, you will notice your entire iPhone change into a blackened yet color inverted mode.

The Verdict

Note that this is not the original dark mode as this feature is yet to come to the latest iPhone update. Many iPhone users and avid fans have deemed it as a dark mode but in actuality, it is not a dark mode. It is simply a mode where you invert the colors of your iPhone’s interface. That, in turn, changes the UI of the WhatsApp app as well. If you clearly notice, you will see how the background turns into a jet black color but the colors are merely inverted.

Especially if you observe the emoji, the color of all the emoji turns into a negative film and is colored as a sharp navy blue and white. This just suggests that the actual dark mode, if Apple brings it to the iPhone, is going to be a lot different than simply inverting the colors. Apple users are avidly waiting for the company to introduce this feature in both iPhones and iPad but let’s see how they go about with the release of a dark mode for IOS.

Additionally, iPad has the same options for enabling the invert colors so you can just go to the Settings app of your iPad and repeat the same steps as we have mentioned for the iPhone.

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Apple Maps In iOS 13: Updated Features and Major Changes Mon, 10 Jun 2019 14:46:05 +0000 With the iOS 13 release, there have been significant changes in the Apple Maps app. These changes might look trivial but hold great value in the future usability of the iOS Maps app. Apple already had a Map app of its own but it could not encompass the popular features of Google Maps, however, the […]

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With the iOS 13 release, there have been significant changes in the Apple Maps app. These changes might look trivial but hold great value in the future usability of the iOS Maps app. Apple already had a Map app of its own but it could not encompass the popular features of Google Maps, however, the update of Maps app in iOS 13 has somewhat brought similar features to the Apple OS.

Now looking into the update’s features, one major change is in the ‘Look Around’ feature, which has been introduced in the iOS 13 update. If you compare this new feature to Google Maps then you will notice some similarities with the Street View feature by Google. In Apple Maps iOS 13 Look Around function, you can view different alleys, streets, and pathways in a similar manner.

Apple Maps iOS 13 New And Updated Features

Here are the latest features and updates in the iOS 13 update for Apple Maps app in iOS 13.

Enhanced visual results and details

The prior versions of Apple Map did not have much visual detail but the iOS 13 version does. Professionals and iOS users have noticed the changes and have advocated how Apple has improved the location searches and navigation options to an extent. Accurate locations and findings were not possible to view in the previous versions but the iOS 13 update has entirely enhanced the visualization of minor features and details.

Live updates and transit scheduling

Before it was not possible to make and transit schedules especially for buses and trains but now users can avail and view this feature while using public transportation. Maps app in iOS 13 is equipped with the option to not only schedule your transit but to also view the arrival time, the number of stops and everything that you need to be updated out in real time.

Place cards on the screen

As for viewing information of your current location or any other location, the Apple Maps has been upgraded to give the users an easier view using place cards and similar display screens. You do not have to wait for data to update as now the app uses a dynamic approach for updating the current location, events, amusement parks and several nearby restaurants and theatres in the most relevant and updated manner that you can think of.

Favorites section for saving locations

This was not possible before but now in the main screen of your iOS device, you can add the most visited or favorite locations for traveling altogether. This option has been added in the iOS 13 update for Apple Maps only to make the app easier and quicker to use. Once you have created your own personalized section of favorite locations, you can add that to the launch screen. After you select the location from your favorites section, the estimated time of arrival, traffic state, and all the relevant details will be shown at once on the screen.

ETA and sharing options

The feature of sharing current location or ETA is also available in other navigation apps so Apple thought of including the feature in the newest iOS 13 beta release as well. Wherever you are located, you can easily share your current or estimated location to your friends and family members so no signs of miscommunication remain in arriving at a specific location. If the condition of traffic keeps changing then your ETA will change according to it as well.

Organize your collections

Other than the Favorites section, the Maps app in iOS 13 also comes with the feature to customize groups of different or favorite locations in single or multiple collections. The collections are created in the form of folders, which are also sharable amongst friends, family and even co-workers.

Directions by Siri

Spoken directions by Siri have always been a part of Apple Maps but in iOS 13, this feature has also significantly improved. Now you can get audible directions that are no longer as vague as they used to be before. The directions by Siri are going to be a lot more direct and clearer than the prior versions so if you are thinking of resorting to Apple Maps, here is one of the major reasons why you can make it a substitute for Google Maps.

Flight info and travel status

While that is not the final major change in the Apple Maps but it still a worthy mention. Now if you were traveling specifically via air, you would not have to worry about the Maps app not showing your current flight status or info. The terminals, probable locations, gateways and the time of flight departure are all available through the app itself.

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macOS 10.14 Mojave Release Date, Features and How to Download Thu, 16 May 2019 15:24:57 +0000 Apple has finally brought macOS Mojave to Macs and some significant and popular iOS apps such as Stocks and News are now a part of the macOS as well. So, you can surely consider this notion as a great advancement that is equipped with new and innovational features which includes a system-wide Dark Mode as […]

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Apple has finally brought macOS Mojave to Macs and some significant and popular iOS apps such as Stocks and News are now a part of the macOS as well. So, you can surely consider this notion as a great advancement that is equipped with new and innovational features which includes a system-wide Dark Mode as well.

Prior to the macOS 10.14 Mojave release, iOS apps were not compatible with Macs but now they are so it is certainly a great step ahead for Apple. It is still a rumor for now that Apple is going to give support and access to developers for shifting iPad apps to macOS but let’s see how true it is with future updates and release.

It has been not more than six months since macOS Mojave was brought to Macs and this shift has certainly solved many issues Mac users were facing. Apple has done its utmost best to address and resolve issues in its operating systems and devices and the company has been successful so far. Now that a newer version of the macOS Mojave has been out, Mac users or Apple fan, in general, should know each and every single intricate detail about it.

What is macOS Mojave?

macOS Mojave is nothing more than a newer and updated edition of Mac’s operating system macOS but Mojave was introduced in 2018 so it is relatively recent and happens to be equipped with new features and updates. macOS 10.14 is free to download but before you install it, here is some crucial information about it.

macOS 10.14 Mojave Release Date

macOS Mojave is a new addition to the list of operating systems of Apple Devices but it has surely gradually improved and now it contains innovational and worthwhile features. The public beta for macOS Mojave was launched in July 2018 and then in the September of the same year, its full version was launched for macOS.

With the newest macOS 10.14.4 update, Apple has introduced Dark Mode for its Safari app and some new additions to the Apple News+ app. However, that was not the final update for macOS as soon after the 10.14.4 version, Apple released a macOS 10.14.5 update that also proved to be a major update for Macs with a firm focus on OS stability and other features.

macOS 10.14 Mojave Download and Install

Now that you know macOS 10.14 Mojave has been released for Macs and MacBooks, you would be wondering about how to download and install it on your Mac devices. The process is simple as the update can be directly downloaded from the App Store.

For the steps of macOS 10.14 Mojave download and install, just go to your device’s App Store and then search for the latest version of macOS. When you search, macOS Mojave update will be displayed to you. Just go to the download option to begin with the installation and once it is done, you will have the latest macOS Mojave version on your Mac device.

macOS 10.14 Mojave Features

Surely macOS Mojave is no longer something that is recent but the newest macOS 10.14 update is equipped with some of the finest and latest features for Macs. Mac users had complained about security issues in the prior OS releases but macOS 10.14 Mojave has made sure to address and fix each issue by enhancing it further with new features.

Some essential macOS 10.14 Mojave features are the following.

Group FaceTime

The macOS 10.14.1 update already had the feature of Group FaceTime but now macOS Mojave has it too. Using this feature, you can use the FaceTime feature to start a conversation with more than 32 people at once. Apple devices of other users do not have to support macOS as it is integrated with support for iOS as well.

A FaceTime group chat can be started using the iMessage app too. You just have to create a thread on iMessage and the FaceTime chat will be automatically created. Now that the Group FaceTime chat has been made, those who are currently speaking and active will be displayed in the center while the others would view or hear them speak.

Dark Mode

Now the system-wide Dark Mode Apple had addressed earlier is a part of macOS Mojave. There have also been changes made to XCode and now it has a black interface when you are programming or adding code components. It is not sure when Apple is going to integrate this option but third-party apps and programs on Mac devices are going to support the Dark Mode feature as well.

Security Options

Every individual should stay wary of security and privacy thefts but Apple has done its best to reduce such infiltrations and thefts by gradually improving the operating systems of its devices with each update. Now whenever you want to take pictures or access an app, macOS Mojave is going to ask for your permission before it allows any such action. That is a new and useful inclusion to macOS as it was duly needed for a better and safer environment.

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A Comprehensive List of Best iPhone To Do List App 2020 – 2021 Thu, 16 May 2019 15:22:17 +0000 People have been creating to do lists and daily planners in traditional and conventional ways but with the event of everything becoming digitalized, this notion has also transformed to an extent. Now mobile solutions have encompassed every single need of ours and that even includes the management of our daily chores and tasks. For that […]

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People have been creating to do lists and daily planners in traditional and conventional ways but with the event of everything becoming digitalized, this notion has also transformed to an extent. Now mobile solutions have encompassed every single need of ours and that even includes the management of our daily chores and tasks. For that reason, to do list apps exist which have helped individuals and businesses to manage and optimize their workload in various ways.

A Look at Some of the Best iPhone To Do List App 2020 – 2021

It might be a hassle for you to find the best iPhone to do list app 2020 – 2021 so we have compiled an extensive list of iPhone reminder, productivity and to do list apps of 2020 – 2021 for you.


Mobile apps have already begun to acquire the concepts of gamification but Habitica is one such to do list iPhone app that gamifies your user experience. You can easily manage your daily tasks in the form of a list.

The list will not only comprise of your daily tasks but it is also going to contain your habits (either good or bad), daily tasks and routine tasks not in textual form but transformed into an RPG game.

In the game, you will be able to get rewards every time you complete something from your list but if you do not then it will be negative marking for you.


Whether you are currently a student or a professional organizer, WeDo has everything related to organizing and managing work operations in a single app. The interface is designed to look more like a school planner but its usability should not only be limited to it. You can import your work or school schedule into the app and customize it as you want.

From your coursework to the syllabus, everything related to school planning can be added to the WeDo app. The app is a simplistic interface with duo-tone colors and that makes the task of creating lists easier and quicker.

Apple Reminders

Apple users must know about this app since it is not only free but it has been installed as a default app in Apple devices. Avid Apple users have deemed the app as the best iPhone reminder app free to use and that makes it a worthy mention in the list.

It might not have interesting options of gamification such as Habitica but if you are looking for a free alternative then just use Apple Reminders for adding daily tasks and lists. You can keep track of the reminders you add and adjust a befitting priority to each reminder or task you add into the app.

Guaranteed to function as an all-in-one organizer, does not fall short on your expectations. From creating to do lists to managing your schedules, the app is an organizational planner that lets you do so much for free.

It does have a premium version with additional features, which you can unlock, but you want to keep your experience simple and quick then its free version has every feature you need as well.

Your iOS reminders can be integrated into and it also lets you connect your Google, Outlook or Facebook account to the app for sharing and collaboration.


If you believe you have a serious issue of procrastinating at odd and important times then the app Due is a perfect choice to resolve it. You are asked to add tasks and lists that you deem essential. Do not add random tasks or routine chores as it is going to ruin the performance and results Due is going to formulate for you.

Only add things that are crucial and those that you should not forget or overlook. Each one of us faces several hindrances while doing something important or at times, we have drifted away in procrastinating. Due has every such solution you need to get your tasks done at the right time and day.


For those who give value and importance to their time, TickTick has a lot to offer. It is based on the foundation of to do list management and methods with features you can rely on for free or it has a subscription-based version with more unique features but you can suffice with a free version too. Simply add your desired tasks and sync them for all your available devices.

When you are adding tasks, you even have the option to set the priority of each task such as low, medium or high. You can keep track of your daily tasks, chores and routine work without any hindrances.


While the interface of 2Do is a bit confusing to grasp at first as the screen is bloated with text but once you get a hand out of it, you will understand why it has been included in the list of the best iPhone productivity apps 2020 – 2021. If you were looking to get things done in a short time span and with little exertion of efforts, you would have to align and organize everything beforehand.

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Apple Releases First iOS 12.4 Beta – Release Date, Features and Much More Thu, 16 May 2019 15:18:26 +0000 Apple has just released the first beta version of the latest iOS 12.4 update. It was just recently that the iOS 12.3 beta was out but since it did not bring much, professionals and developers were expecting a new update and it was the iOS 12.4 beta. While the iOS 12.3 release only brought some […]

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Apple has just released the first beta version of the latest iOS 12.4 update. It was just recently that the iOS 12.3 beta was out but since it did not bring much, professionals and developers were expecting a new update and it was the iOS 12.4 beta. While the iOS 12.3 release only brought some significant changes such as the newer version of the Apple TV app but let’s see what this new update has got for iPhone users.

iOS 12.4 Beta Download

In order to install the iOS 12.4 beta in your iPhone, you have to be a registered developer at Apple’s Developer Center as only the developers can acquire the first beta for now. While this beta is not the official release as Apple will be bringing some changes to it but if it comes to the Beta Software Program then those with an Apple ID can gain access to the first iOS 12.4 beta.

Users can get the update directly from the Settings app > General then go to the Software Update to begin with the installation process on your iPhone or iPad.

Looking into the details of iOS 12.4 update

This beta version turned out to be compatible with all the iPhone devices that support iOS 12 and that includes iPhone 5s as well as the newer iPhone generations. However, if you are looking to download and install the iOS 12.4 developer beta then be sure to face any probable risks.

The software update is still in a beta form and beta updates tend to contain potential risks of bugs and issues. Once these issues start to show, your iPhone’s performance could be affected and that includes the battery life, speed and everything related to its performance.

Fixes for iOS 12.4 bugs can be addressed in the next beta releases such as an iOS 12.4.1 update but we do not know when Apple will be announcing it so for now once should stay cautious of all sorts of risks. The current beta is the first version of the iOS 12.4 update and surely the final release for public use will be out anytime soon in 2019.

iOS 12.4 Release Date

While there have not been any official announcement for the iOS 12.4 release date or day, experts have estimated a possible and befitting timeline for its final release. The iOS 13 release is going to happen in fall 2019 so the iOS 12.4 update is likely to arrive this summer.

With the release of Apple Card just around the corner in summer, it is also a possibility for iOS 12.4 to be released with it or in case of any delays, the final launch period could be in August.

Another notion that could delay the release of iOS 13 is the fact that right after the iOS 12.4 release; Apple has planned to launch new iPhone devices so there surely needs to a difference in launch dates for both the updates.

However, for now, Apple has also released iOS 12.4 developer beta and if they want to launch an updated version of it in a tighter schedule then a public beta might be released along with the developer’s beta version.

Other than the iOS 12.4 beta 1, watchOS 5.3 beta 1, macOS Mojave 10.14.6 beta 1 and tvOS 12.4 beta 1 can also be downloaded from Apple’s developer portal.

What’s New in iOS 12.4 Update

As for iOS 12.4 features, Apple users were certain that it will address more issues and bug fixes and it certainly did. Individuals and experts are expecting that the iOS 12.4 update is surely going to have support for the Apple Card, which is basically a credit card for Apple’s Wallet app. So, the inclusion of iOS 12.4 new features is going to be more about Apple Card support and everything new about it.

If you view the release notes for iOS 12.4 update, you will not notice many new and core changes but this update is still a useful one since it is compatible with support for Apple Card. The Apple Card feature is a credit card service that was only mentioned in a keynote and is yet to be released however; iOS 12.4 beta has addressed this major service. The Apple Card launch date itself is going to be later this summer along with newer beta updates of iOS 12.4 but for the release of iOS 12.3, you would have to wait until fall.

What Are We Expecting?

The iOS 12.4 update might not be one of the major updates yet but it still has raised the expectations of Apple users regarding the upcoming products, services and features in Apple Devices. After the release of this update, the next update is going to be iOS 13 so we are eager to see how the operating system for iPhones and iPads will transform further.






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iOS 12.3 Beta Release, Update Features and How to Update iOS 12.3 Wed, 15 May 2019 16:11:31 +0000 Apple had already addressed and introduced some new changes and updates in the iOS 12.2 update. The main changes and inclusion of new services included Apple News+ but not so long after the release of iOS 12.2, Apple released the first beta version of iOS 12.3. While this new update has a lot more to […]

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Apple had already addressed and introduced some new changes and updates in the iOS 12.2 update. The main changes and inclusion of new services included Apple News+ but not so long after the release of iOS 12.2, Apple released the first beta version of iOS 12.3. While this new update has a lot more to offer but a major part of this update includes the new Apple TV app. As for the iOS 12.3 release date, the beta has been released on May 13 so you can test it out on your iPhone now or anytime soon.

How to update to iOS 12.3

As for getting the update on your iPhone, simply go to the Settings app and tap General. From there, you will find the Software Update. iPhones tend to be updated by default and if your phone’s already updated then it will be displayed under the Software Update tab. In case you still do not have it, click on the update option and it will begin to download. Not every region gets the update at once so if the option still does not show for you then do not fret, as it will be soon available.

Everything new in iOS 12.3 Update Release

Here are all the new features the latest iOS 12.3 update has brought.

Apple TV app

While you must have heard of the Apple TV app and an extensive list of channels it contains but iOS 12.3 has updated the TV app further. This app has support for 4K devices as well as the tvOS 12.3 update. However, the TV app already contains a wide range of channels that you can subscribe and view but the newer version of Apple TV is going to be available in a broader spectrum of regions and countries, which the old app did not provide to Apple users.

AirPlay 2 Support for smart TVs

You must have already tried out the latest HomeKit and AirPlay 2 by Apple but now both these services are coming to smart TVs. The TVs that are going to have support for AirPlay 2 include Sony, Samsung, and LG. The new changes addressed and brought in ios 12.3 were meant to enhance the scope and usage of AirPlay 2. The feature of Siri suggesting you movies has also been updated; as you will be getting all the suggestions on the device you have accessed AirPlay.

Interface changes and upgrades

The only two significant updates in iOS 12.3 are the support of AirPlay 2 for smart TVs and further enhancements in the Apple TV app. These might be the major changes but some notable and visible changes have been observed to the interface once your iPhone updates to iOS 12.3. The display and design of some apps have been changed a bit and that is why that is not a major change to notice in the update.

Looking Further into Apple iOS 12.3 Release Notes

Now that you know how to update your iPhone to iOS 12.3, you must know that your app should also be updated to make the most out of the new iOS update. For a basic overview once again, the release of the iOS 12.2 SDK brought support options and features to develop iOS apps for iPhone and iPad devices that currently support iOS 12.3. If you want to develop an iOS app then you would need to look into the SDK that comes with the Xcode 10.2.1 version. As for accessibility features, one major issue in the accessibility options has been resolved. The Events switched has been removed for good since it is not applicable and supported as of now.

iOS 12.3 Update Features and Upgrades

Now that you know Apple has been very fast in releasing new iOS 12.3 update so you should stay updated about both the previous and newest changes. Therefore, we have compiled all the necessary information we deemed worthy about the previous iOS 12.1.4 update.

iOS 12.1.4

This update was released before Apple decided to shift to the 12.3 update. iPhone users had complained about not receiving audio or video output while using the FaceTime app. The iOS 12.1.4 is a notable mention since it addressed this issue and even fixed it for good. Avid Apple fans were somewhat disappointed to find such an issue but Apple was very quick to resolve this issue with the iOS 12.1.4 update.

Outlook on the Future

The iOS 12.3 beta version was out on May 13 but experts are expecting that since it did not bring anything major, Apple might release a 12.4 update anytime soon. The next update could be called anything but we are eager to see what it is going to bring next. However, if it is going to be an upgraded version of the current iOS 12.3 beta then it will surely highlight some of the left out changes and features.


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A Look at Some of the Best Free iPhone Apps of 2019 Wed, 15 May 2019 15:46:45 +0000 Both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store for Android have crossed over a million apps. Therefore, one might simply get lost in the pile of unique mobile apps on both the app stores but that makes the search for finding app befitting to your liking and needs difficult to find. For that […]

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Both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store for Android have crossed over a million apps. Therefore, one might simply get lost in the pile of unique mobile apps on both the app stores but that makes the search for finding app befitting to your liking and needs difficult to find. For that reason, one needs to search thoroughly and only download apps that they believe are beneficial to them.

You should not be worried to begin with your search as we have compiled a list of useful and Top Free iOS Apps 2019 along with their descriptions for your ease. The apps belong to different categories, as our intention was to highlight the usability and each of access for iPhone users for top free iPhone apps 2019.

List of the Best Free iPhone apps of 2019

Here are some of the latest and best iPhone apps 2019 free.

Motion Stills

A live photo capturing app, Motion Skills lets you customize and capture live photos on your iPhone along with some other unique features. If you are using the default Photos app on your Apple Device then it has options of customization, adjusting images, animation and a lot more but this app by Google has more to offer. From the creation of animated GIFs to collages, you can turn your Live Photos into numerous forms of visual content. All it takes is to select photos from your device and add them to the app, which in turn transforms it into different media types.


A design app, Vectornator contains a lot more than simply drawing and making illustrations on your iPhone. The app itself contains default images but you can also start with an empty drawing canvas. Once you have chosen your canvas or template, Vectornator is going to display drawing and editing tools. In actuality, it is based on vector artwork and doodling so the file formats are saved in vector form. While it does not have integration with the Apple Pencil, the app still manages to help you create appealing drawings in a smooth and sleek manner.


A font-identifying app on the Apple Store, you cannot easily find apps like WhatTheFont for free. Using this app, fonts of every sort and style are identified with ease. Its interface is simplistic and the app itself is not so difficult to use. All you have to do is, capture a picture or upload it from your iPhone into the app. Now select the font and tap on it to let the app identify what font type and style it is. If the font is recognized, WhatTheFont is going to display relevant and matching fonts name on a new screen.


An app that guarantees to provide infinite filters, just as the name suggests Infltr has a vast and diverse collection of filters and effects that you can choose and add to pictures effortlessly. It is not your usual filter-editing app as Infltr lets you create your own filters and when you have to apply it, just drag the filter on the screen and the filter will be applied directly to it. For the very reason, this app has been deemed quick and smart in the notion of applying special effects and filters.


An app not made for direct movie streaming but JustWatch is a guide for finding movies, streaming websites and places to find shows. If you find yourself in a dilemma of finding something new to watch then JustWatch has an extensive directory of over 35+ streaming platforms including Hulu and Netflix, where you can find TV shows and movies that befit to your liking. This app completely removes the notion of television viewing as it contains everything related to entertainment in a single mobile app. From reviews to episode count, JustWatch has almost everything covered.

Smiling Mind

For those who seek meditation online should not look for paid platforms or consultants as the Smiling Mind is a full-fledged meditation app with detailed exercises, mindfulness lessons and simple programs for all ages. The meditation programs at Smiling Mind are offered to a wide range of audiences that ranges from children to adults. This app is also a befitting choice for teachers who want to highlight mental wellbeing, mindfulness and concepts of mental exercises to their students. The app contains numerous different types of programs along with the option of tracking your progress.


Beatwave is a music app solely meant for the creation, mixing and edit of music. It has an interesting interface that contains a grid with different notes on it. You just have to tap each grid and the different forms of sound and music are created simultaneously. Of course, it gives you the choice to customize the sound along with the option to add different musical instruments, which you can arrange and mix further. Once you have found the perfect sound for yourself, simply save the sounds you just produced.

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Google IO 2019 Keynote and Predictions Mon, 06 May 2019 18:28:55 +0000 With the Google IO 2019 being held on May 7, now is the perfect time to discuss the new releases and Google IO 2019 predictions and product rumors that Google will soon have to offer to us. There has been nothing official out yet as the authentic resources and news will be out only when the […]

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With the Google IO 2019 being held on May 7, now is the perfect time to discuss the new releases and Google IO 2019 predictions and product rumors that Google will soon have to offer to us. There has been nothing official out yet as the authentic resources and news will be out only when the conference is held but we have compiled everything that is predicted and rumored as for now.

The Google IO conference is basically an annually held developer conference but now this conference is being used for releasing news regarding the latest product and software releases. So, let’s see what this year’s conference is going to bring to the Android realm.

The beta 3 for Android Q is still not out yet, nor has there been any official announcement for it but its release is expected to be mentioned in Google IO conference. As for the Google devices, we still do not know how the Pixel 3a and Pixel 3a XL are going to look like so we might be getting a first look for both these phones at the conference.

When and where will be Google IO 2019 Keynote Conference held?

The Google IO 2019 Keynote developer’s conference is going to be held on May 7 and will run until May 9. It will be taking place at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, California. That is one place where the campus of Google is. As for the event’s time, it is going to commence at 10 am on the first day and after the opening of the conference, sessions and presentations will be held through the span of 3 days. If you are not able to make it to the event then do not worry since the company will be live streaming the entire event on both its YouTube channel and website.

Release of the Android Q

With no probable news for the Android Q beta 3, it is likely that it will be out at Google IO Keynote. Some rumored features this update will bring along with it are a dark mode and Face ID screen authentication that the iOS already has. While professionals believe, there is no probability for the full name of Android Q to be announced at Google IO.

Some other main features that the Q Beta 2 has already brought are chat bubbles and complete OS support for foldable phones such as the latest Samsung Galaxy Fold smartphones. Avid Android users are mainly anticipating the inclusion of a Dark Mode in phone interfaces but features and functionalities such as Deep Press, Face-ID authentication and desktop mods are some unique and interesting features to look forward to as well.

Outlook on latest Google Pixel smartphones

After the release of the Google Pixel 3a, two entirely new phones, Pixel 3a, and the Pixel 3a XL are likely to be unveiled at the event. The display and exterior specifications are all rumored for now and only Google will confirm such rumors at the conference. Android users are eager to know if the two new Pixel smartphones will have the same camera quality as Pixel 3a or it will be far better and improved than their predecessor.

The price of both the phones is also rumored to be $399 for Pixel 3a (5.6-inch version) and $479 for Pixel 3a XL (6-inch version). The quoted price tags are not so costly and if both the smartphones are equipped with better quality cameras then it will even increase their worth amidst the audience.

More information regarding Google Stadia

Google already has released detailed information about its newest gaming service named Google Stadia. However, individuals are eager to learn more about the offerings of this latest service for gamers and game developers. The release of Stadia was mentioned in the GDC gaming conference but more details should be given to answer some relevant questions.

The best part about Google Stadia is that its main focus is not only on professional and expert game developers. Even if you are a novice at the domain of game development, you can still make the most out of this gaming service.

What else to expect from Google IO Conference?

Google has already released information about the newest product and software launches for the year 2019 but it is likely for Google to mention and highlight new concepts and releases for the latter half of 2019. We are truly eager to learn what else Google has to offer, as there can never be any lesser advancements and upgrades in the tech and IT industry. We know all of you have held your expectations high for the event so let’s see what new and innovational features and updates Google will state in the Google IO conference.


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How to put an App on the Apple Store Mon, 06 May 2019 15:02:53 +0000 With the release of the iOS 12, developers have also been given the opportunity to create iOS apps for the latest Apple devices in a far more innovative, quick and responsive manner. If you intend to make the most out of the recent iOS update, here is how you can submit your app to the […]

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With the release of the iOS 12, developers have also been given the opportunity to create iOS apps for the latest Apple devices in a far more innovative, quick and responsive manner. If you intend to make the most out of the recent iOS update, here is how you can submit your app to the Apple app store.

Submit Your App To The Apple App Store

Submit Your App To The Apple App Store

After you have developed your iOS app, now is the time to publish it on the app store to gain global recognition. In this brief yet detailed guide, we elaborate on how developers can now prepare for the submission and launch of their apps on the Apple App Store smoothly.

Develop apps using iOS 12.2 SDK

Develop apps using iOS 12.2 SDK

From March 27, 2019, Apple introduced the iOS 12.2 SDK that was available after updating to Xcode 10.2. This update has set a limitation to app publication as apps built using the iOS 12.1 SDK or its later versions can only be submitted to the apple app store.

Optimize for the latest features

The latest iOS 12 update has also brought some new features. Developers can now integrate Siri as a shortcut in the apps they create. This notion is expected to bring ease to the usability and user experience of apps for the users. If you want to incorporate augmented reality functionalities to your app then ARKit 2 is a befitting choice for it.

Make Sure To Test Your App Before Submission

Now that you believe you are ready to submit your app, you should make sure that you have properly tested it out. Your app will not proceed from the review phase if it still contains erroneous functionalities.

Perform A Beta Testing

For iOS apps, developers have the option of best testing using TestFlight. The app might be functioning perfectly for you but ultimately, it is meant for your users. Before submitting it for a review, you can always get user feedback through beta testing. Once you have published your app on the Apple App Store Connect, TestFlight can be used to test out the app on the Apple device of your choice. Other testers can even collaborate with you in the app testing phase.

Keep The App Page Updated

The main page your potential users would see is the product page. This page should be updated at all times or else, users would not prefer to use your app. The product page includes the app’s name, description, and its logo, explanation of features and preview images of the app’s interface. All of these elements need to be updated in case of any addition of new features, bug fixes or updates to the app.

Upload App To Apple App Store Connect

Submitting iOS Apps to the App Store

Now that you would have already updated your app to the latest iOS 12 update, your app is ready for submission and final publication. However, the steps needed to follow the submission process are the following.

Be A Member Of Apple’s Developer Program

Before you proceed to submit your app to the Apple App Store, you have to be a part of Apple’s Developer Program. This can be done so by simply registering on the platform. This program is not only used for solely publishing apps but it also provides developers with tools that can be utilized for app testing. However, this platform is not free and developers have to renew the membership for $99/year. In the case of having a team of developers, one can opt for the team members for $299/year.

Have An iTunes Connect Account For App Management

An iTunes Connect account is a befitting option for managing your apps. The management of such apps will not be only limited to iPhone instead you can also manage your iPad, Mac as well as we Apple Watch and Apple TV apps. The content you upload on iTunes Store can also be managed and updated using your Connect account.

Uploading App After Adding A Product Page

After you have fully updated and configured the product page of your app, now is the time to upload your app. You have to add all the relevant details to your iTunes Connect account and from there you can upload your app using an application publisher such as Xcode. Now you will be shown the current status of your app, which will be “Prepare for submission” initially. If your app does not have any issues then it will be sent directly to Apple’s app servers and from there, it will be approved for its final publication.

Final Release Of Your App On The Apple App Store

Finally, the step you had been waiting for. After a thorough review of your app, it is now ready for a stable release on the Apple App Store. This can be done so in two different approaches. Either you can choose to do the app release manually or it can be launched automatically, once completely approved by Apple.

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Apple To Host Annual Worldwide Developers Conference WWDC June 2019 Fri, 26 Apr 2019 13:08:11 +0000 On March 14, 2019, Apple has announced the details for the Worldwide Developers Conference 2019 (WWDC) and have settled to hold the conference in San Jose from June 3 to June 7. As for its venue, it was revealed to be at the McEnery Convention Center. Avid Apple fans have shown their excitement as it […]

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On March 14, 2019, Apple has announced the details for the Worldwide Developers Conference 2019 (WWDC) and have settled to hold the conference in San Jose from June 3 to June 7. As for its venue, it was revealed to be at the McEnery Convention Center.

Avid Apple fans have shown their excitement as it is going to be Apple’s biggest convention for the year 2019. People are anticipated to know what new announcements and product releases will be revealed at the event but Apple has already released statements regarding a number of new releases and updates.

What makes this event a special day for Apple is that it has been 30 years since the company built its foundation. While the core focus of this conference is regarding the introduction of the latest software upgrades for iPhone, iPads, Macs, Apple Watch, as well as the Apple TV, this conference, has a lot more to convey to us. Apple has even stated that it would provide developers with further insights regarding the technologies, frameworks, and tools Apple devices and hardware products will have.

Apple’s Annual Developer Conference WWDC

While the users of Apple products are eager to be a part of this conference, developers should be too since it is going to display and highlight the advancements developers have made possible for the company’s software and numerous other products. The focus of this domain is most likely to be on the innovations in augmented reality, machine learning and even the notion of healthcare benefits that have been made possible by passionate and talented developers.

Another addition to this event is technical sittings and short sessions that will consist of guest speakers and proficient ios developers who will provide the developers in the community with valuable and useful insights.

Apple’s Annual Developer Conference WWDC is Apple’s biggest event of the year. It brings thousands of the most creative and dedicated developers from around the world together with over a thousand Apple engineers to learn about our latest platform innovations and to connect as a community,” stated by Phil Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing.

This statement alone conveys the fact that the WWDC event will once again bring together creative experts, enthusiastic developers, and intellectual strategists together on a single platform. This is a great step since it would enhance the development community further.

Software and iOS 13 Release

Few sources and media outlets have stated that Apple is probably going to release an official statement about iOS 13 for iPhones and iPads. While the iOS 12 update has been out just recently, it is still possible for Apple to announce a completely new update in the Apple WWDC Conference 2019 event. There have also been rumors about the new Apple OS such as the inclusion of a Dark Mode and new improvements in Siri.

How to Be a Part of WWDC

The Apple Developer Community comprises of several talented individuals but students are also a core part of the community. The previous WWDC event had students and young developers from over 41 countries and that is surely not a small number. Apple has even announced over 250 scholarships, which will provide students and young individuals with the opportunity to become a part of the upcoming conference without any charges. If you intend to be a part of WWDC then developers can easily acquire the tickets from the WWDC website.



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iOS 13 Release Date and Features Plus Rumors Thu, 25 Apr 2019 13:17:16 +0000 It has been quite some time since the last time Apple released a new iOS update. Avid Apple fans, iPhone and iPad users are eagerly waiting for the iOS 13 launch but nobody is too sure about its launch. The next update, iOS 13, is expected to bring great and innovational changes in Apple devices. […]

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It has been quite some time since the last time Apple released a new iOS update. Avid Apple fans, iPhone and iPad users are eagerly waiting for the iOS 13 launch but nobody is too sure about its launch.

The next update, iOS 13, is expected to bring great and innovational changes in Apple devices. While no confirmed date is released by Apple for its launch, the company has said to unveil it anytime soon in the next two months. So, it could be autumn or it could be out earlier than the expected time and to your surprise, the rumors about what this update will have are already out in the market.

Therefore, we have compiled everything we could find about the release date and rumors of the iOS 13 in this single article. The internal specifications will certainly change but the long-promised Dark Mode for Apple devices could also be a part of this update. The only sad thing to know is that this OS update might not support a few of the iPhones that iOS 12 could support such as the iPad Mini 4 and iPhone 6S.

Here we have gathered everything that is rumored about the iOS 13 Release Date and Features.

iOS 13 Release Date

The launch date of iOS 13 is no longer a rumor and has been confirmed by Apple. It is probable that in the WWDC conferences, Apple will highlight a few other major changes along with the launch date of iOS 13. The conference itself is on 3rd June so let’s see how true this news would be. Apple will most likely showcase the features and new specifications of the update in the conference as well.

The schedule for the final release of iOS 13 is not confirmed and it might take the final version to launch in 2020 but as for now, the complete schedule for iOS 13.0 is said to be available to the public in September 2019. The reason why most people believe this update could be dragged to 2020 is that the company tends to release timely and frequent security updates and various other patches.

iOS 13 Upcoming Features

All the avid Apple users have held their hopes high for this update and are hoping it will prove to be lucky for them. Some features the iOS 12 update was supposed to have are going to be added to iOS 13 and released altogether. This did not affect the performance of the Apple devices in any way. Here are some of the upcoming and expected features present in the iOS 13 update.

Snooze Your Notifications

Both the Android and iOS updates have addressed and fixed some of the most taxing qualities of device notifications. In iOS 13, users will be given the option to snooze their phone notifications. Apple has not confirmed this feature so we cannot say if it will be present for sure but it would please the iPhone and iPad users if it actually exists.

Dark Mode

Finally, iPhone users should rejoice since there will be an inclusion of Dark Mode in the newest OS update for both the iPhone and iPad devices. This mode can be easily accessed through the Settings app and one can also enable it directly from there. However, it will not be anything new as the macOS already has a similar feature made for Macs.

Upgrades in Siri

While Apple has already brought some significant changes and updates in Siri, the company believes that there is still some more room for improvement. Siri shortcuts were added in the iOS 12 so we do not know what other upgrades will be made in the Siri app.

The only possible upgrade is the option to personalize your responses and answers to Siri but the users do not know how this change is going to take place in their smartphones. Another possibility is related to phone calls. You do not have to reject your call by yourself instead the Apple device will provide you with automatic options for doing so.

Add More Accounts

The previous OS versions for iPhones did not have many options for multiple user accounts. However, this feature of personalization is not available on iPads. You cannot keep and make secondary accounts on your iPad and share with those who are close to you. Apple users have wanted this feature for quite a while so maybe Apple will finally include it to the next iOS update.

More Message Features

Lastly, the iOS 13 update might bring some new and advanced changes in messaging. You can connect to users easily on your Apple Device but the company intends to enhance the design and usability of messaging further. What Apple has considered is that it intends to bring all the messages and interactions between two people or a group of contacts to one window on the phone’s interface. We do not know if it will be available only for iMessage or for further messaging apps as well.


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How to watch TV and movies on Apple TV using the TV app Thu, 04 Apr 2019 17:37:38 +0000 Setting up your Apple TV to watch your favorite movie or TV has never been so easier. You might think you are stuck in a muddle and you do not know how to gain access to the content that could be viewed on Apple TV but you should not fret. In this comprehensive yet simplistic […]

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Setting up your Apple TV to watch your favorite movie or TV has never been so easier. You might think you are stuck in a muddle and you do not know how to gain access to the content that could be viewed on Apple TV but you should not fret. In this comprehensive yet simplistic guide, we have compiled the main steps you need to follow in order to view and watch movies on your Apple TV.

It could be iTunes or Netflix, any video playing app or service can be set up using the TV app on your device. Here are all the possible ways to use the TV app on Apple TV and you can also develop tv app from retrocube.

Watching TV shows and Movies on Apple TV

The content on Apple TV can be viewed in two different possible ways.

View on the TV app

If you have chosen this option then select the TV app on the Apple TV and then proceed with the following steps.

  1. On the search bar, look for the TV shows or movies you are looking to watch.
  2. Once it’s selected, some options relating to the movie or show will be displayed on the screen. Most of it includes details regarding the specific movie or details on whether it is available on Netflix or not.
  3. Select the option of your preference accordingly.
  4. After you have made the selection, choose the app to view your chosen movie. The option to watch videos directly on the TV app unavailable for now.

View on other video apps

If you have decided to view videos on individual apps so here is what you should do.

  1. Select the App Store directly from Apple TV.
  2. Now, you have to download video sharing and playing apps such as Netflix, My5 or the iPlayer.
  3. If the chosen app has the register/login option then insert your details.
  4. Select the show of your preference and watch it on the app.

The use of the TV app for Apple TV

The TV app, as for now, does not have the feature to play TV shows or movies directly on the app. However, Apple has promised to change this and update the app with the said feature in May 2019. The TV app is more of a movie directory or library that can be accessed through other video playing apps such as iPlayer and iTunes.

What makes it so useful is its feature of allowing you to make feasible decisions while watching video content. Free content can be viewed on other video apps without having to pay for it as Netflix does. If you do not have a 4K quality Apple TV then you would need to download and install the TV app, otherwise, there is no need to.

Reports have suggested it is official that Apple is finally bringing the updated version of the TV app to Apple TV somewhere around May 2019. In the mid of 2019 or in the fall, Apple has decided to add original content to the TV app so let’s see how that goes.

Using the TV app on Apple TV

The app only allows you to view and search for the video content of your preference. However, it is essential to know how to use the app on the Apple TV.

  1. Select the TV app from the app directory in the Apple TV.
  2. You can now browse and find the movie or TV show you look to watch.
  3. The digital content is classified in categories so you can filter out the ones you prefer.
  4. After you have applied the filters, choose the TV show or movie you like and select it through the Apple TV remote.
  5. The selection is done so by clicking on the front image of the TV program. From there you will be redirected to the main page of your selection and then you can play it.

How to watch content on Apple TV

After making your decision on what you prefer to watch, just select the image of your chosen show or movie and be redirected to its respective page.

  1. Once you are on its page, you will have to select on what app you want to view the show (i.e. My5, iPlayer, iTunes)
  2. It is possible that the program you have selected is unavailable on the chosen app so you would have to make a selection again.
  3. After the show has been selected and it is available on your preferred app, click on “Open In” and select any app from the list.
  4. Now your chosen TV show or movie will be opened in the app you chose and you can then view it on the Apple TV.


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How to watch TV and movies on the iPhone and iPad with the TV app Thu, 04 Apr 2019 17:35:49 +0000 With the launch of Apple TV, the company has now made the option of watching video content on both the iPhone and the iPad available. The TV app was released earlier in 2017 in the US and since then it has earned great acknowledgment from avid Apple fans. The concept of introducing this app was […]

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With the launch of Apple TV, the company has now made the option of watching video content on both the iPhone and the iPad available. The TV app was released earlier in 2017 in the US and since then it has earned great acknowledgment from avid Apple fans.

The concept of introducing this app was to remove the dilemma of finding films and TV shows. However, Netflix and Amazon already have introduced such video streaming services; the TV app is also has become an effective contributor to this notion.

Using the TV app on your iPhone and iPad

After you have selected the TV app, the first thing you will view is the “Watch Now” option on the interface. The app contains a number of features such as the section of “Up Next” that shows content similar to what you have watched on the app before. The “What to Watch” option contains some of the content that Apple might be promoting on the app itself.

That is not everything as the app even contains sections for the latest iTunes releases and content that young viewers and children would enjoy watching. You can even browse content by the available categories and search for the content you want according to the genre it has.

How to watch movies on the TV app

Accessing and using the TV app is simple. Whenever you want to watch a movie, you simply have to scroll through the screen until you select what you are looking to watch. The interface is not similar to Netflix but it contains similar options such as the “Watch Now” and “Films We Love” pages and if you want to create app like netflix so contact us.

Otherwise, you can select the “See All” tab to view all the movies and films that are available on the app. It even gives you the option of recommending movies that are based on the current season or festivities. The “Trending Films” section is right on the Search screen and from there you can easily gain access to movies that everyone has been watching.

Lastly, the TV app allows you to search for content by going to the “Cast & Crew” visuals of movies where certain actors have worked in. You could just go to their profile and select any movie you prefer to watch.

How to watch TV shows on the TV app

The steps required for finding TV shows on the TV app are similar to finding movies and films to watch. You just have to select the show and tap on it to view it further. Most of the shows are already added to the “Watch Now” screen so you can choose them from there.

What you just have to do is to click on the main visual of your chosen TV show. From there you are redirected to the main screen of the show and you can view every detail before you decide to watch it. The chosen TV show could also be present on the iPlayer or My5 so you can either select any other app or choose to stick to the TV app. This can be done so by clicking on the “Open in iPlayer” option and the rest of the steps are pretty self-explanatory.

Once you have chosen the app or choose the selection of adding the TV show to “Add to Up Next”. However, in order to follow all these steps, you would need to download the app you want to these shows on. The app could be iPlayer or My5 but you have to select one or more to proceed further.

After you have selected the app of your choice from the apps that are compatible with the TV app, you are good to go. Upon selecting any of the aforementioned apps, you are shown a message that specifies your information would be sent to Apple. Simply click on the “Continue” option and the TV show of your preference will be played on the app.

Customization options for the TV app in iTunes Videos

If you have chosen to use the TV app on iTunes then you should know about the customization settings. You can easily view the shows and movies you have purchased on iTunes so here is how it can be done in the Settings options.

Go to the Settings app and from there select the TV app. Once you are in the settings of TV, select iTunes Videos.

After selecting iTunes, toggle the cellular data from the Use Cellular Data for Playback option. Then choose Wi-Fi to select and adjust the quality of video content on your iTunes app. This can be done so by tapping on to Cellular if connected to a cellular connection. In the Purchase and Rentals option, simply choose the video quality, could be either HD or Standard.

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Apple Arcade Release Date, Price Point & Features Tue, 26 Mar 2019 19:16:34 +0000 A brand new mobile gaming subscription service, Apple Arcade has a lot to offer to iPhone, iPad and Mac users. Recently announced by Apple at the spring press event, this service is expected to come with a monthly subscription-based fee and has a lot more to offer. The recent product and service announcements include the […]

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A brand new mobile gaming subscription service, Apple Arcade has a lot to offer to iPhone, iPad and Mac users. Recently announced by Apple at the spring press event, this service is expected to come with a monthly subscription-based fee and has a lot more to offer.

The recent product and service announcements include the News+ premium service and Apple’s TV+ video services, however, Apple Arcade is an entirely new and innovative addition to Apple’s services as it specifically targets gamers and Apple’s gaming community. As for the game library, the collection is said to include games selected by professionals and top creators in the game development community.

A lot of questions have arisen and some have been answered by Apple, while some have stayed as rumors for now. In this article, we have compiled everything that is expected to be a part of Apple Arcade and all the rumors that have surfaced regarding this latest gaming service.

What is Apple Arcade – gaming subscription service?

Although this service includes the tv OS and macOS game, the prime focus of Apple Arcade is to be an app solely for iOS. You can deem it a subscription-based service similar to Netflix but it is for games, not digital content. It is possible to ask for a monthly subscription fee with the inclusion of over 100 games, as what the rumors have stated. Anyway, you need the latest version of MacOS to be sure everything works properly. In case you have macOS update issues or any other troubles – you’ll have to solve them and then enjoy your play.

However, one thing needs to be clear and it is that Apple Arcade might not contain every game that is on the Apple Store. The directory is going to be smaller and limited (approximate 100 games) and then Apple might further extend the library.

Apple has guaranteed to provide users with high standard, premium games that will not be flooded with in-app adverts or purchases. The collection of games will be premium and you will be charged a one-time fee. That is why you should not fret as Apple Arcade will not have any adverts nor will it ask you to make extra payments.

The best part about this service is that it’s not based on a cloud environment instead it will let you download games that you can play offline as well. Another significant addition to Apple Arcade is that, supposedly, you are playing a certain game on your iPhone and you want to access it on your iPad from the progress saved in your iPhone then yes, it is possible with this gaming service. This is expected to be done so using the iCloud account or any other information-sharing tool.

Some Main Features

The Apple Arcade is expected to include the following set of features:

  • A directory of over 100 games that will be exclusively available on Apple Arcade.
  • Subscription service with no ads and additional purchase
  • Family Sharing options that are similar to Apple News+
  • Availability on iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple TV along with the option to switch devices.
  • A private and secure environment for the users and their data.
  • Includes indie games such as Where Cards Fall and Sonic the Hedgehog.

Apple Arcade Release Date

While no specific date has been announced yet, however, Apple Arcade’s launch is rumored to be in autumn 2019. This service is probably to be launched across 150 countries yet but no signs of a definite date is heard from authentic sources or Apple itself.

Apple Arcade Price Point

As for the price of Apple Arcade, the company has not stated any apparent pricing details. However, Apple has released the price tag and all the relevant details about the News+ so we are assuming the subscription fee this gaming service will be out anytime soon.

The revenue generation plan by Apple, as per the reports, suggests the company intends to acquire monthly renewal charges of the subscription service from the users and then divide the revenue earned between Apple and the game creators.

What is the need for Apple Arcade?

Most of you might be wondering that since the Apple App Store already exists then why have the need for this service. Apple has never aimed to turn iOS into a widely used platform for gaming but it somehow became possible. For that reason, Apple has decided to make the most out of iOS game apps and pay heed to quality apps for OS users. This service aims to remove the launches of substandard apps by ensuring quality at all times in game apps.

You can view this notion as a great change and we are sure avid Apple fans are looking forward to seeing what Apple Arcade is going to unveil for them. Developers and game creators would be easily able to put forward their work to the masses and at the same time, find a potential niche market for the games they create.

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Apple News Plus Release Date, Price And Features Tue, 26 Mar 2019 19:03:46 +0000 Apple has just announced a new paid service for the iOS called News Plus. This service is said to provide users with access to an extensive list of magazines and articles. In this article, we have compiled every bit of information related to this new service, ranging from its release date and price to all […]

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Apple has just announced a new paid service for the iOS called News Plus. This service is said to provide users with access to an extensive list of magazines and articles. In this article, we have compiled every bit of information related to this new service, ranging from its release date and price to all of the apple news plus core features.

What is Apple News Plus?

Apple already has the app News that allows you to view articles from specific publication programs and has newspapers or magazines that you can read for free. However, News Plus is a bit different as it a premium-based service offering similar features.

Apple News Plus is said to give iOS users access to an approximate of 300 digital magazines and newspapers that includes The Wall Street Journal as well as The LA Times. This feature will be introduced in the iOS 12.2 update and is confirmed to come with a one-time monthly fee to get access to premium digital content. The iOS 12.2 update is not only bringing News Plus instead Apple Arcade and an Apple Credit Card feature are likely to come up with the update itself.

Magazine and publications list

While there has been no official announcement from Apple, regarding an official magazine list, still there are a few outlets and publications are that probable to be a part of the News Plus app.

  • ELLE
  • Entertainment Weekly
  • Vogue
  • TIME
  • People
  • National Geographic
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • The Lost Angeles Times
  • theSkimm

The following magazines, newspapers and online publications can be counted as a glimpse to what this app is going to offer to iOS users and the potential it holds.

Apple News Plus Release Date

If you happen to be in North America then you might have already received the iOS 12.2 update. For the US and Canadian iOS users, they can update your device to the latest update and proceed to set up your News Plus account.

However, as for the UK and Australia, this paid-service is expected to arrive in the fall of 2019. Apple has guaranteed that this service is meant to elevate the experience of mobile magazines and media outlets so let’s observe how it works out.

Apple News Plus Price

iOS users should not be mistaken, as the 300 magazines do not have any individual cost as Apple News Plus comes with a price tag of $9.99/month. Its flat-fee subscription and the Family Sharing option is available in this standard price so a single individual can share his or her subscription with over six other individuals.

As for Canadian iOS users, the monthly subscription is going to cost $12.99. No updates are out regarding its price in the UK but it rumored to be £10/month. You do not have to purchase the subscription at once as News Plus also offers a one-month free trial but you would have to input your payment details for the further access to this paid subscription and its renewal.

Supported Devices

Apple News Plus is likely to support iPad and iPhone devices that are able to run the iOS 12.2 update. As for Mac, this feature is available in the macOS 10.14.4 update.

Does News Plus have any visible benefits Features?

Keeping the publishing industry into consideration, you must be wondering how this premium app is going to bring any potential benefits or not. If the execution of this app’s features and services are done right then Apple will not only be able to earn money but it will also enhance the influence of editorial and publishing mediums.

The free News app is already present in Apple devices so people are already used to using it. For that reason, it will not be difficult to shift loyal users of the app to its premium version. However, the chances of bringing any visible difference in the domain of journalism are pretty doubtful for now so nothing can be said for sure as of now.

The Apple community is made up of individuals belonging to a large spectrum of smartphone users and for sure, they would prefer to opt for a service that asks for only $9.99/month to get a diverse range of unique and interesting content. If you subscribed to each of those publications individually then it would be far more costly than what Apple is offering to you.

How to get the iOS 12.2 update?

Counting as one of the most extensive updates for the iOS 12, the iOS 12.2 update has been released in the US and Canada. Apple has not made the updates too frequent and the last update before this one was the iOS 12.1.4. However, as of March 25, 2019, Apple has decided to unveil all of its latest offerings in the form of this current update.

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Apple Maps Vs Google Maps 2023, Which Is Better to Find Your Way? Mon, 18 Feb 2019 18:40:49 +0000 The advancement of Android app devices had already brought to us Google Maps and it was also used by Apple users but after the iOS 16.3 update and Android 14, they have updated many changes to their operating system. The purpose of this article is to compare the two and analyze how Apple Maps are moving towards […]

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The advancement of Android app devices had already brought to us Google Maps and it was also used by Apple users but after the iOS 16.3 update and Android 14, they have updated many changes to their operating system.

The purpose of this article is to compare the two and analyze how Apple Maps are moving towards the level of Google Maps and what sort of features, usability options, and functionalities separate the two.

A Brief Difference Between Apple Maps and Google Maps

Online maps provide great suggestions for its users to discover new places. You can look out for traffic jams, and find suitable transportation to reach the destination. The comparison between the two is to find the popularity between the two.

Both the navigation systems work well at their end, but awarding one app perfectly cannot be deemed right. They can be compared according to their nature and the features they offer. But it is tough to make a comparison between the two.

Apple Maps were launched in 2012, but it did not make it to the headlines. Over the years, they have managed to overcome and make improvements to Apple Maps and features like pedestrians were added to the Maps.

However, both of them have become competitive and have become challenging. So. Let’s take a deeper look into an overview of both Apple Maps Vs Google Maps 2023 offerings and features.


Apple Maps

Google Maps


Apple offers a 3D version feature.  

Google Maps comes with a voice search.


It has a neat and clean navigation screen.


Users can receive real-time updates during navigation.
Users can check air quality and temperature. You can look into places of interest.


Apple Maps Vs Google Maps: The Cost of The Two

Both the Google and Apple Maps apps are free and do not come with any additional cost or hidden charges. The Apple Maps app is already built-in iOS devices but Google Maps can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. Since the Apple Apps is already integrated into iPhones and iPads, every iOS update comes with different upgrades and changes for the Apple Maps app.

A Simple Navigation and Finding Location Feature

Usually, Map apps have navigation options and so do both of these apps. These apps include features and options for navigation, finding routes, walking tracks, and public transport availability as well as the option to integrate it with apps such as Uber.

The search options for Google are simplistic. If you add the term,  ‘Hospital’ to the search bar then the map will find the nearest routes, locations, and areas in the app’s interface. You can even add filters to the search bar and the map will show detailed information, routes, and directions to you.

Apple Maps Vs Google Maps

As for Apple Maps, it tends to display a simplistic view of your desired search results. The display of information in Google Maps is in a more detailed manner while it is different for Apple Maps as it is more clear.

Turn-By-Turn and Navigation Feature

One such feature that makes both Google Maps and Apple Maps so unique is the turn-by-turn navigation options. You do not have to view the complete map as these apps let you find easy directions, routes, and even audio options to tell you where are headed to.

Apple Apps consists of a 3D view feature that is integrated with its turn-by-turn navigation option that makes the view of the map and directions easier to view and navigate. While the user interface and design of Apple Maps are simpler than Google’s it still does not mean that both these apps are prevalent over the other.

Apple Maps Vs Google Maps

Both apps also entertain their users with an estimated arrival time and with the measured distance you will cover. They keep updating the time depending on traffic changes. They also report road blockages, closed routes, and bumps.

Apple and Google both offer voice-integrated assistant that helps in giving instructions while driving. Both of the apps perform excellent assistance because of the built-in assistant Siri and Google Assistant.

Coming to public transportation Apple and Google have been the best in their ways. Upon searching for a location, they show time travel and other vehicles. You can also have a look at how crowded the place is at the given moment. On the other side. Apple Maps will only the location through transportation.

Google Wins Over Some Features

Google has more advanced features in catering to their clients by adding multiple drop-offs. They also allow their users to add stops before setting off to the destination. You may want to use Google Maps here because of the multiple stops to the itinerary. While Apple does not come with the feature to travel from location A to location B. Lastly, they also have alternate and shorter routes to help you reach in time and save fuel.

So, here Google Maps are a better option for users by having a mixture of crowdsourced data and estimated time.

Accuracy with Locations

The first question arises, which app is more accurate Apple Maps or Google Maps?

Apple Maps Vs Google Maps

The release of Apple Maps was not accurate as it consisted of several bugs and issues. Some bugs included an incorrect depiction of data, temperature, and location while some were related to the display of wrong addresses on the map. However, Apple worked on this issue and soon fixed it to bring an accurate and more reliable user experience to its users.

The location detection technology used by Google is a high-quality and resolution satellite and that is why its predictions and location observations are not inaccurate. Apple has worked on its app and responded to and updated any errors found.

Secondly, if there is an ongoing construction or any changes in the local business time or location, Google is quick to update it with their crowd-sourced data in real-time. Whereas, Apple does not use crowdsource data so there are more guesses than accuracy.

On the flip side, both apps are prone to missing information with incomplete data. But both apps can provide the basic required information, so here it depends on the users what apps they prefer.

Accuracy To Find Errors

When Google Maps was launched, it also had issues in accurately finding locations and areas but the constant updates in this have improved Google Maps to a greater extent.

Apple Maps is now able to accurately display streets, the areas where small, and unknown businesses are located. This information is highly intricate and cannot be easily targeted but Apple Maps now possesses the feature to find such details and locations for you to view.

As for Google Maps, you can view streets and directions more thoroughly and visually intricately than with Apple Maps. This does not mean that Apple Maps has higher changes of error and less accuracy; instead, both these platforms have their pros.

Other Additional Features in Apple Maps Vs Google Maps 2023

Some additional features between the two are somewhat similar while some are entirely different. Apple Maps contains many fun and entertaining tricks such as the Flyover tour that you can use to view the location of your area on a global spectrum. This option is also integrated with its 3D maps option and it can be used to let you view different sights without actually traveling to a particular location.

Design and Interface

The app’s design somewhat sets so many bars on their compatibility. In terms of design, Apple has a minimalistic style with the search bar at the bottom of the app. While Google pops up with various icons, features, and sets of intriguing colors.

Both apps are set at different bars, as people expect different ways to search and find answers. At one Google believes in providing its users with as much as information available, while Apple answers with only needed information.

Apple and Google app designs translate themselves and work in their best versions. Google Maps also have some irrelevant and unauthentic reviews from the people exploring locations. Apple Maps have a gateway to information and provide information as you move further.

Places Of Interest

Now navigation helps more in exploring, and Google and Apple are integrated with interested places suggestions. If you search for a hotel, the nearby locations will show you nearby places you might be interested in.

Privacy And Security

The two integral tentpoles in Google Maps Vs Apple Maps is a topic to discuss. Both apps use data but have different methods to calm their privacy. Apple uses only necessary data with anonymity. They have a robust system to keep data safe.

Any kind of data being used whether it is crowdsourced, reviews, comments, or other patterns is not used for advertising or sold to data brokers. The sets of collected data are separated into parts and converted into random noise, which cannot distinguish the data owner. So, whatever data Apple collects is chopped off and not violated by Apple or anyone.

Apple Maps Vs Google Maps 2023: Which One Is Better?

Google Maps has different features and one such feature is Google Street View. This feature lets you get a view of areas and places as if you are in reality walking down those streets. This complete realistic view of the map enables you to find directions and paths without any sort of hassle and hence we can identify both Apple Maps Vs Google Maps 2023 more easily.

In coming to deciding between choosing Google Maps or Apple Maps it is a personal preference what ecosystem you want to be a part of. What plays an important role is to see what practices suit you or your business the best.

Well, considering this Apple is a more secure option, but Google has by far more features. While Google Maps is spread through the globe, Apple Maps is also getting out of the UK and USA region. When it comes to mapping both are putting in their best efforts in their respective ways. With the new updates they look forward to integrating augmented reality and making more immersive options. So, between Google Maps and Apple Maps, it is a tie.

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How to speed up a slow iPad – Steps Define Mon, 18 Feb 2019 18:26:51 +0000 If you are using the older models of the iPad would surely experience some lag and a slowed down user interface as Apple tends to change and update the specs, performance, and features of the iOS quite often. The older models of the iPad include iPad Air 1 & 2 and iPad Mini 3. Therefore, […]

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If you are using the older models of the iPad would surely experience some lag and a slowed down user interface as Apple tends to change and update the specs, performance, and features of the iOS quite often. The older models of the iPad include iPad Air 1 & 2 and iPad Mini 3. Therefore, if you happen to have any of these devices then your device is most likely to have slowed down performance.

How To Speed up a slow iPad Steps

This thought puts many iPad users into a dilemma as they believe that this cannot be fixed but every concern of yours related to Apple devices has a potential fix and so does a sluggish iPad. If you have an iPad with performance and speed issues then here are some of the authentic and effective tips that you can follow.

Restart your device

The easiest and universal fix is to restart your device. If restarting does not work then you can try removing apps that you do not use but you should always begin with the simplest and less risky option.

Restart your device so that your iPad is able to refresh its memory and remove the files that are causes lag in performance. Restarting an iPad can be done by pressing the sleep button for a few seconds until you see the option to power off your device but that is for the older versions.

For the latest iPad version, you need to press the power and volume down or up buttons simultaneously to view the power off and restart options.

Delete unused apps from your iPad

If the simplistic step of restarting your device does not make a difference then you are left with the option to remove unused apps. Removing extra apps and files improves software performance and reduces the lag and crashes you seem to be facing.

Most apps are updated to the latest iOS versions and that makes them occupy extra space. The solution is to remove anything you find to be extra and keep the ones that are purposeful for you.

The removal of apps is not related to clearing app cache or closing the apps working in the background. You have to uninstall extra apps for good if you want extra space for better performance.

Upgrade your iPad to the latest iOS

Sometimes apps tend to cause lag because they do not support older iOS versions. If your issue is concerned with speed then you should consider upgrading your iPad device to the latest iOS. However, you have to make sure if your current iPad has the potential to support any of the current iOS releases.

The option to upgrade always comes with risks as new operating system releases tend to have improved functionalities and features that some older devices cannot support. The latest iOS update is the iOS 12 and if you upgrade an old device to this OS version then it will not adversely affect its performance and speed.

Refresh your device and clear background apps

If the option of removing extra apps and making space has improved the performance but it is still causing lag and slowed down performance then you would have to resort to turning off extra features.

These extra features are of apps that you do not use all the time. Stop any background activity occurring through your iPad’s apps and refresh the device. You can do this by going to the Background App Refresh option from the Settings and then turning it off.

Social media apps tend to consume a lot of background power so if you are not using these apps then it is better to go to your iPad’s settings and turn these off for good.

Disable app notifications

It is not only taxing to get notifications from every single app installed on your device but it also slows down performance. Alerts from some apps such as the Message and Mail app are essential but some alerts do not have a purpose so it is better to turn them off.

You might be a frequent Facebook user but why let its notifications affect your iPad’s speed and performance? Apps working in the background slow down performance and so do apps that constantly check for notifications. In order to disable it, got to Settings>tap Notifications and turn it off for every app individually.

Turn off your location

Some apps such as Uber and Maps need to get access to your location but some do not. If your Location Services are constantly turned on then it will reduce performance, cause lag and drain battery.

If you want to disable Location Services then go to Settings>Privacy>Location Services and turn it off.

Clear browser cache

The default browser of Apple devices is Safari and even if you are not using it, it is still consuming space in the form of cache. If you want to clear the cache of your Safari browser then do the following.

Go to Settings>Tap General>Clear History. Doing so will remove additional space, cache files, and history from Safari and clean up a lot of occupied space for your browser. Not only it makes space in the storage but it will also improve the browsing and loading speed of your Safari app.

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iPad Mini 5 Expected Release Date, Expected Price, Rumors 2019 & Tech Specs Mon, 18 Feb 2019 18:15:08 +0000 After the iPad Mini 4 release, no news or update has been out for another iPad Mini release but rumor has it that Apple has begun working on a completely new and revamped version of its mini iPad. However, since Apple has made no official statement and announcement yet so all of these expectations and […]

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After the iPad Mini 4 release, no news or update has been out for another iPad Mini release but rumor has it that Apple has begun working on a completely new and revamped version of its mini iPad. However, since Apple has made no official statement and announcement yet so all of these expectations and rumored news are not based on a solid ground of facts.

Some fear for the discontinuation of the iPad Mini but Apple users should not fret as numerous sources have stated that Apple is currently working on this mini tablet. We have compiled every piece of information that is currently available about the iPad Mini 5 Expected Release Date, Price, and its rumors 2019 features.

iPad Mini 5 expected release date: When will it be launched?

The first ever iPad Mini was expected released in 2012 and since then only four of these tablets have been launched, September 2015 is the last one. Avid Apple fans are looking forward to the launch of a completely revamped version of the iPad Mini but some have lost hope and they believe that Apple might be intending to discontinue it, however, the rumors say otherwise.

Apple users were not expecting the release of three new iPhone models and two iPad Pro tablets and this notion but in 2018 an exemplary year for Apple products. However, while there is no official statement out yet for an iPad Mini launch but it has been three years since its last release so the company might be working on something new for us.

According to The China Times, Apple is working on the manufacturing of an iPad Mini and it is expected release is to be out in the first half of 2019 but that remains to be a rumor for now. The fact that the iPad Pro models have been revamped gives us hope for a new iPad Mini launch but nobody knows when we will get the news.

iPad Mini 5 Expected Price: What will be its price?

The price update for the iPad Pro has now made its starting price $329 for 32GB storage but the iPad Mini still costs $399 for 128GB storage but the difference is in the functionality, performance, and features of the two. The iPad Pro has better performance as for now and this fact does not make iPad Mini the cheapest Apple iPad product.

If the rumored release of a new iPad Mini were true then Apple would surely make its price tag lower than the iPad Pro devices. However, the 9.7-inch iPad Pro itself costs $329 so the company cannot possibly lower the price of an iPad Mini and keep it under $300.

iPad Mini 5: What is the rumors 2019 display and design like?

The design and external structure of the iPad Mini 4 is still highly similar to the first-ever release of an iPad Mini. Therefore, as of now, there is nothing confirmed for Apple to change its design. The iPad Mini 4 was out in 2015 and since then, Apple has changed the design and layout of its devices progressively.

Nobody is sure if the iPad Mini 5 will be completely revamped from scratch but the fundamental design speculations that give iPad Mini its trademarked look will probably stay untouched as the rumors 2019. However, all of the prior iPad Mini products have a Home Button and Touch ID feature and Apple has removed both these features from its recent products and devices. That is why we can expect Apple to add the Face ID feature to its mini iPad.

iPad Mini 5: What tech specs is it expected to have?

While no official statement has been made by Apple but predictions do not seem to end about iPad Mini 5’s tech specs. It is for sure that it will have an upgraded process and that is rumored to be the exact A10 chip as the latest iPad Pro or it could be an upgraded version.

The three years old iPad Mini 4 has an A8 processor and Apple will not use the same CPU for a new iPad Mini. However, the possibility of using the A11 chip also exists but it is only present in the iPhone 8 and iPhone X for now. No iPad has the A11 chip but the iPad Mini 5 could have it for better performance.

iPad Mini 5: Will it have support for Apple Pencil?

The latest iPad Pro already has support for Apple Pencil but what about iPad Mini? It is certainly a possibility that the new iPad Mini could have support for the Apple Pencil as the 9.7-inch iPad Pro is equipped it.

However, rumor has it that the mini iPad would not support 2nd generation Apple Pencil but the reasoning for it has not been cleared yet. If an iPad Mini gets this feature integration and comes with a cheaper price tag then it will simply outweigh the popularity of the current iPad.

The display and screen size of the current iPhones is somewhat similar to iPad Mini and some people believe that is the reason why Apple has stopped releasing new models for its mini iPad. However, none of the iPhones has support for Apple Pencil and if an iPad Mini does then it will gain worldwide popularity.


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How To Take A Screenshot On iPhone Or iPad Mon, 18 Feb 2019 17:55:05 +0000 Taking a screenshot has never been so simpler in a mobile device. However, the new changes and upgrades in the iPhone models have changed some of these features. The process itself of taking screenshots is not difficult instead once you have taken your screenshot; you can make changes to it by editing it or sharing […]

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Taking a screenshot has never been so simpler in a mobile device. However, the new changes and upgrades in the iPhone models have changed some of these features. The process itself of taking screenshots is not difficult instead once you have taken your screenshot; you can make changes to it by editing it or sharing the screenshot with others.

If you intend to take a screenshot on your iPad and iPhone devices then here are the following ways and methods that you can use.

How to Take a Screenshot On iPad and iPhone

For taking a screenshot on both the iPhone and iPad, you have to follow two different methods. That is the case as after the release of the iPhone X, XR, XS, and the XS Max, Apple has removed the Home Button from iPhone’s interface so you need to follow two different ways to take a screenshot.

The 2018 iPad Pro releases do not have a Home Button either but we will commence the steps in a procedural manner and begin with the prior iPhone and iPad generations.

iPhone and iPad models with Home Button

Step 1: Open the image, document or whatever you want to screenshot on your iPhone or iPad.

Step 2: Press the power button that is present on the side of your iPhone.

Step 3: Simultaneously, press the Home Button that is on the center of your mobile device.

Step 4: Do not hold the button for more than 3-4 seconds as it activates Siri.

Devices with no Home Button

The launch of the iPhone X and later model releases do not contain a Home Button. For that reason, Apple has updated the method of taking screenshots. The process itself is not complex to understand or remember as many Android devices are already following it.

Step 1: Open the screen you intend to take the screenshot of.

Step 2: Press the power and the volume up buttons simultaneously.

Step 3: Once the screenshot is taken, you can edit or share it as you please.

Where are the screenshots saved?

After you have taken your screenshot, you would surely want to edit it further or share it with others. To share it, you first need to find where it has been saved. All of your taken screenshots are saved in your iPhone’s photo gallery app. Here is how you can find them.

Step 1: To view your screenshot, click on the Photos app.

Step 2: Once you are in the Photos app, go to the Albums option to view all your photo albums.

Step 3: You will find all of your screenshots in the Camera Roll albums or you can simply scroll down and select Screenshots from the Media Types option.

Taking Screenshots using Assistive Touch

Another option that you can use for taking screenshots is through the Assistive Touch feature in your iPhone or iPad. You can opt for this method if the Home Button of your device has stopped working. To access this feature do the following.

Step 1: Go to the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad

Step 2: Tap on General

Step 3: Now click the Accessibility option

Step 4: Go to Assistive Touch and slide to turn it on

Once you are done, you will see a small circle on the display of your device. Tap Device>More>Go to Screenshot and then click it to take your screenshot.

Editing your screenshot

For the iOS 11 and its later versions, Apple has introduced a thumbnail feature that is present on the bottom left of your device’s screen. If you want to edit your screenshot further then you can click the thumbnail to view the available editing options.

These editing tools include different sets of pens and pencils along with a number of other editing options. The highlight option is useful for highlighting important details. These are built-in features in the iPhone and iPad so you do not have to rely on an external app for it.

Here is everything you can do to edit your screenshot.

  1. Crop any particular detail in the screenshot
  2. Add a signature to your image
  3. Magnifier to highlight text or image parts
  4. Undo option to remove any changes made

Sharing your screenshots

After you have saved and edited your screenshot, the last option is to share it. The method of sharing your screenshot can be done through messaging or uploading on social media but you have to know how to share it.

Step 1: Go to your device’s photo gallery

Step 2: Select the image you want to share from the Screenshots album

Step 3: Click on the sharing button (found on the bottom left corner of the screen)

Step 4: Select the platform or app you want to share your screenshot on (Message, Mail or Facebook)

Step 5: Open your chosen app and then simply share it


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How to use Reachability on iPhone XS Max – Steps Define Wed, 09 Jan 2019 14:22:39 +0000 iPhones have earned the position among the world’s most high-tech and innovational smartphones. With continuous updates in the features and functionalities, Apple once again brought to us three entirely new iPhones known as the XR, XS and the Max. While there are visible external differences in the design of these phones, most users do not […]

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iPhones have earned the position among the world’s most high-tech and innovational smartphones. With continuous updates in the features and functionalities, Apple once again brought to us three entirely new iPhones known as the XR, XS and the Max. While there are visible external differences in the design of these phones, most users do not know that Apple has updated the gesture controls and features of these three iPhones as well. Each control has a different functionality equipped to it but the “Reachability” mode that has existed in prior iPhones is present in these mobile devices as well.

However, the dilemma is that not every iPhone users know how to access or use it. There is no rocket science involved in this notion and with the guidance of a few steps, you can easily use reachability on your new iPhone XS Max. Therefore, before this gesture control stays undiscovered, here is what we have compiled for you.

Why the need for Reachability?

The XS Max has the biggest display screen to date that is 6.5-inch in total, not even approximate. The reachability feature was presented after Apple introduced the iPhone 6 Plus with a screen size of 5.5-inch. Users could not access the icons using one hand so Apple considered that the reachability option would not negatively hinder in the user experience of iPhones. However, with larger screen size than the iPhone 6 Plus, how would you reach towards the icons on the XS Max?

The Double-Tap gesture

The list of gestures for iPhones is pretty comprehensive but the double tap gesture is the most common out of them all. In the prior iPhones, when you tapped twice on the Home Button the reachability feature is enabled and it swaps the position of the app icons in a more reachable manner. However, users should know that double tapping the display screen does not do anything.

Again, this mode worked the best for iPhone 6 Plus users that could not reach to the icons on the corner using one hand. Apple had certainly fixed this problem by adding the double-tap option to the Home Button. However, what about the latest iPhones that do not have the Home Button?

How to enable this feature

By default, this option is disabled in the new iPhones so you have to make a few tweaks in the Settings App to enable Reachability. The required steps are to first go to the Settings app on your iPhone and select General.

Once you are there, tap on the Accessibility option to proceed further. The next step is to enable the Reachability option and you are good to go. This gesture mode has been enabled and now all you need to know is how to access and use it.

Accessing the Reachability option

A popular option on the older versions of the iPhones existed solely because of the Home button but since that has been removed by Apple in the X-series iPhones such as the XS Max, what would be the alternative now that the phone size has increased as well.

If you look closely on your XS Max, you will find a tiny bar on the bottom of your phone’s display screen. You simply have to swipe it down to active the reachability mode. It might look a bit difficult to get a hang of but regularly swiping it down can get you used to it.

If you want your screen to go back to its previous state then simply swipe the bar up or tap the screen once and the icons will move to their prior position. If you do not remember how to then in a total of 10 seconds, the screen will return to its original state.

Disabling Reachability

Disabling this feature is relatively easy as well. You have to go to the Settings app and then again to the General option. Select it and then tap Accessibility. Once you are there, you will be shown the Reachability option. Disable this feature by turning off the switch you enabled before. These steps are similar to when you had to enable Reachability and easier to remember as well.

The popularity of iPhones is unceasing and every avid Apple fan is anticipating to know what the company has planned for its audience for the year 2019. It could be a new series of next-generation iPhones or it could be an entirely new product chain similar to the HomePod or any other innovational product. Nobody could imagine that Apple would change the display technology and gesture features at such a rapid pace but Apple turned it into a possibility.

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